By now, the wood at the chalet must be entirely dried out. It is difficult to maintain because the logs tend to split in dry extremes. Ohio can be very humid for days and then get as dry as Kansas. The logs must be very ripe. It's a good thing they don't allow smoking any more.
It would turn to ashes in minutes. The Way GB Firemen wouldn't have time to get their boots and coats on.
Just NEVER say that word, Harve, around me. It was and always shall be HARVEY, our BOT of the 9th.
Buddy Curry was a great guy, except when you had to sit at the same table at HQ for lunch. Well, not so much HIM in particular, but ANY Way Plumbers. They were food incinerators. And they never looked right for Corps night or Sunday night services, with the coat & tie. Why, I wouldn't have those guys build me a 2 by 4...
".........and then tried to teach them the manifestation of tongues and gifts of feelings,....."
"Buddy Curries bitch...."
I was several people's bitch on my interin year in WB, couple years before you I think. It was fun, though, because it was so pathetic. Cheap beer was my friend that year.
Sorry igotout, but what does this mean about being someone's bitch? I have only heard this phrase used in a certain cirmstance and I don't think your phrase has the same meaning... <_<
Sorry igotout, but what does this mean about being someone's bitch? I have only heard this phrase used in a certain cirmstance and I don't think your phrase has the same meaning... <_<
Could also be a derogatory way of expressing the biblical concept of doulos.
Always wondered why this was called "the WC Chalet" since no WC except LCM & Donna ever stayed there. Did a tour in residence, nice place, but a bit like walking on eggs (don't want to step the wrong way...) As for being invited to stay over - :unsure:
My last year in residence, VP called us all into the chapel and gave us a slide show of the building of this Corps Chalet. He told us that it was being built FOR THE WAY CORPS, and that he and Dotsie would live in the bottom floor after retirement, while the rest of the Chalet was FOR THE WAY CORPS. Specifically, it was for Corps travelling through the area who needed to overnight, or for Corps meetings, get togethers, etc. Specifically for WAY CORPS USE.
The next year, Ambassador One flew a bunch of us from Illinois out for a weekend at the CORPS CHALET. Imagine my surprise, when I found that not only did VP and Dotsie NOT live in the bottom floor. That was occupied by houselhold help for the Martindales, who were living in the upstairs rooms.
I was totally confused as to why it suddenly turned into the "President's Home." I did later hear the explanation that VP had changed his mind and not wanted to live in the thing. Fine, then keep it open for just THE WAY CORPS as originally intended. Instead, he handed it over to the Martindales. BunchaBullshirt.
Skip,Oldiesman,...since John was quoting me,maybe I should explain my 'usage' of the word...It really is not meant to be anything derogatory toward the way, the concept of a 'doulos' or the guys whose 'bitches' I ended up being....Think of an apprentice working with a tradesman,or craftsman...The best way for an apprentice to learn anything is to keep his ears open and his mouth shut...I know we use the 'bitch' term in construction all the time....Of course,we also don't call a spade a spade,we call it a !@#$#@! shovel...
I apprenticed(or 'bitched' :blink: ) for three different people on my interum year at hq,and remained close friends with each of them for as long as I was involved with the way....One of these guys was a non-corpse staff member named Larry...For various reasons,when I first arrived at hq,we just flat out didn't like eachother...Then a couple of months went by,the snow fell and way builders started having playful snowball fights...Larry got me pretty good with a snowball,and then we spent weeks...hiding under cars,on top of roofs,in the back of pickup trucks...kinda like the Pink Panther and Kato,just waiting for the other to come walking unsuspectingly out of a doorway so we could pelt him with a snowball...Somehow or other,we were able to pack our dislike for one another into those snowballs,and we became buddies....
I worked for Larry for a couple of months shortly after that...He taught me construction skills....I ran and got his thermos of coffee out of the truck....But he made sure he brought enough for me,'cuz he knew I was a broke-foot interum corps living on $75 a month...We discussed a lot of issues that are even still discussed here;way heirarchy,...the direction of the ministry,etc. etc. ...And while we increasingly enjoyed working together,on the job there was no question as to who was 'the man' and who was the 'stooge'....
I kind of always thought of that as the way an apprenticeship should be....So,when I say I was his 'bitch',I apologize if it sounds offensive,but I think if Larry were here,and knew who I was, he would take it as one of the highest of compliments....
Kinda like when we were Steve Armxxstroxx's bitches on those workdays when we were WOW's.
We hear that phrase a lot here in the deep South. Depends on the trades you work in I guess. It may or may not be derogatory. I find it very appropriate at times.
(Correction: I, too, made $75 a month back then, not $30 as I previously posted. Just about enough for cigarettes, a little beer, a little fun and a few necessities, bitches that we were.)
Yeah,John,I seem to remember having an all-day workday on that beach house they were renting on Lake Erie...Trouble was,I don't think we could count it toward our eight daily hours of "doing the work of the ministry"....I'm sure we all went witnessing afterwards....
Now come on guys. Can you really imagine LCM and Donna resident in a tiny room in Founders Hall? (Or a couple of rooms, given they had kids?) (in a whole wing or at least one floor, perhaps!)
I remember when it was almost done, the 7th corps were in-residence, we all had to meet with VP there in the evening up in this big room and then have a slumber party. I hated slumber parties. Anyway, he went on and on about his heart, it was for the corps, for us to use, blah, blah, blah.
That's why I was so surprised when it later went to the LCM & family and it was off grounds for us. Can you spell liar boys and girls?
Too right twinkey...... Everybody else lived in those dorms and trailers WITH their children! However ...seeing the trailers weren`t GOOD enough for their royal selves <_< then twi damned well should have taken some of their millions of dollars and BUILT a place worthey of the prestige of the president of twi....rather than steal the building that was built and hyped up under the auspices of being FOR the way corpes.
So.....wierwille tried it out, he and mrs. lived in the corps chalet for awhile. And, my good friends -- a 7th corps couple stayed downstairs in that side bedroom to assist the wierwilles.
After several months passed......wierwille didn't like living there. He wanted to return to his house by the BRC....and the familiarity of all that. BUT......he outed the way corps when he handed it over to lcm, donna and one child.
Wierwille did it. Wierwille lied. And again, no board guy stood against him.
Lcm and donna simply accepted what wierwille offered. After all, they were stepping into a position at the height of twi notoriety.
Imo, wierwille sold the way corps down the river.....and the corps became little more than slave labor.
Besides, the ministry was about WIERWILLE.....not the corps (and others) who helped build it.
That's what I now look back on and find strange in TWI. No explanation. As if we had no right to know and we dared not ask. Did they think we were stupid? I guess we were for a while. All they had to do was be honest and perhaps APOLOGIZE. Ha! Never saw happen that in my decades of involvement.
Reminds me of that book by Al Franken of the title: "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."
Thank God the Internet came along allowing freedom of expression. Had these technologies been around then I am sure things would have been different. In fact I feel that VPW would have feared its power over his own.
That's what I now look back on and find strange in TWI. No explanation. As if we had no right to know and we dared not ask. Did they think we were stupid?
True, Igo. Can't count the number of times that things suddenly changed direction and no explanation was offerred. We had no right to know anything except what THEY felt we had a right to know. It was our job simply to "hop to," not question.
Maybe this question was answered somewhere in this thread, but......
From last I heard, after LCM left HQ in disgrace, Donna and the kids remained in it.
Now that Leah is a college grad, Tim must be in college, and D.G. probably in middle or
high school, does Donna still live there?
If so, that to me is the epitome of eliteism and arrogance . The fact that, IF
she was honestly the innocent, ignorant victim (HAHAHA), she has to be the dumbest"spiritual"
person alive! How he could live such a double life that she had NO clue??? (yeah, she knew,but
they'll never admit it). She didn't lose her job, her Corps status, even her lofty castle...
Oh, not sure if you were aware, but regarding "visiting" or "passing by" Corps, I heard LCM rag to the staff about some Corps who were visiting or vacationing in the 250 range, and didn't stop by HQ, and give a 1/2 day of work. Where was their hearts? So unspiritual they were.....
Maybe this question was answered somewhere in this thread, but......
From last I heard, after LCM left HQ in disgrace, Donna and the kids remained in it.
Now that Leah is a college grad, Tim must be in college, and D.G. probably in middle or
high school, does Donna still live there?
Didn't someone post a couple months ago.....that another staff couple is living with Donna in the Corps Chalet. Someone posted that.
Regarding the martindale kids.....I dunno. Le@h must be about 27 or 28 years old...and can't imagine her choosing to live there. I heard that Tim dropped out of college (he's 21 or 22).....and D.G. must be about 16 (a freshman or soph) in hs. So, yeah....that last child is still there.
If so, that to me is the epitome of eliteism and arrogance . The fact that, IF
she was honestly the innocent, ignorant victim (HAHAHA), she has to be the dumbest"spiritual"
person alive! How he could live such a double life that she had NO clue??? (yeah, she knew,but
they'll never admit it). She didn't lose her job, her Corps status, even her lofty castle...
Yeah, Patriot......what you said.
Time and time again, corps were confronted on their MARRIAGE, their SPOUSE'S behavior/problems/etc. Many corps were drop-kicked into next week for being clueless on their spouse. Yet, donna knew the adulterous activities of her husband. She wasn't dumb or innocent. Could it be that she was growing tired of the hypocrisy, the shadow of her husband......and desired to see him knocked off his high horse??
Maybe donna cunningly distanced herself from her husband knowing what was to befall him. It was really only a matter of time....and she had time on her side. And, rosalie.
Why didn't donna lose her status, her lofty castle?? In one word.......Rosa-lie, that's why.
Time and time again, corps were confronted on their MARRIAGE, their SPOUSE'S behavior/problems/etc. Many corps were drop-kicked into next week for being clueless on their spouse. Yet, donna knew the adulterous activities of her husband. She wasn't dumb or innocent. Could it be that she was growing tired of the hypocrisy, the shadow of her husband......and desired to see him knocked off his high horse??
Maybe donna cunningly distanced herself from her husband knowing what was to befall him. It was really only a matter of time....and she had time on her side. And, rosalie.
Why didn't donna lose her status, her lofty castle?? In one word.......Rosa-lie, that's why.
For Donna to have "distanced herself" from her husband,
there would have had to have been a connection in the first place.
Someone said this about Donna, who knew her personally.
"My time with Donna was during the time period of 1978-80.
At that time she was an arrogant, mean-spirited b*tch in her
late twenties. She coveted after power....she explained to a
bunch of us once that when she was 'husband-hunting', she had
dated numerous top twi leaders, dropping names of 1st and
2nd corps guys. She said that when she got to craiggers,
she knew he was the one. Why? Because she knew that he
was going to 'the top' as she put it. She somehow knew that
she was destined to be on the top rung of the twi ladder and
she got herself there. It's almost like the story of MacBeth-
ambition, power, money. She was willing to put up with lcm's
adultery in order to maintain her position as 'first lady of
twi'- it was a simple tradeoff. Her disgust with her husband
was only exceeded by her own lust for power and position.
Today, she probably feels like she 'earned' the right to live in
the corps chalet for all the years of putting up with bozo.
Of course, with her sexual orientation being in question,
perhaps she is still 'earning' her position as
'first lady of twi'?"
Someone else replied to that
"That's exactly what she told ME once in a conversation.
She told me (this was late '70s) that she had decided years
before she would do Whatever It Takes to 'get to the top'.
She was totally committed to being a top hot dog
(as they used to say.) She was very calculating. Although,
back when she was young, to look at her, you never would
have thunk it because at one time, she was a wonderful,
compassionate person who truly did have a heart for people.
In fact, I think it was that quality that helped get her to the
'top.' She is where she is now by deliberate, scheming
And here's what lcm himself said in his book...
"LCM finally decided he needed to get married. He goes to Dr
and lets him know his thoughts and seeking advice. Dr promised
he'd look out for a good woman for him.
Later, LCM decided to marry Donna and immediately told Dr.
Dr said 'She's a good woman' and then rode off quickly
on his motorbike. LCM found out later that he had gone at once
to call Donna and talk to her to let her know and understand fully
what she was getting into with LCM. He was going to be a great
leader in the ministry and she had to be prepared to handle
herself accordingly, etc."
(For those curious, I pulled those quotes up before,
to include in the "vp and me in wonderland" thread,
Many corps were drop-kicked into next week for being clueless on their spouse. Yet, donna knew the adulterous activities of her husband. She wasn't dumb or innocent.
I remember LCM sharing one time that there were times Donna would go to him and warn him about something that was going on that he should know about - things that were happening to him or concerning him. (In a way, that's an admission that he *didn't* know it all, just once in a while.) I think he held it up as an example of how a married couple should work together and take care of each other.
Well we saw that in the fog years, didn't we.
And we saw that with all the adulterous stuff.
Anybody remember that article she wrote in the Way Mag about The Art of Followship?
So are we to infer that wives should all permit their husband to have adulterous affairs?
Have we burned all Donna's writings as well as LCM's?
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By now, the wood at the chalet must be entirely dried out. It is difficult to maintain because the logs tend to split in dry extremes. Ohio can be very humid for days and then get as dry as Kansas. The logs must be very ripe. It's a good thing they don't allow smoking any more.
It would turn to ashes in minutes. The Way GB Firemen wouldn't have time to get their boots and coats on.
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Just NEVER say that word, Harve, around me. It was and always shall be HARVEY, our BOT of the 9th.
Buddy Curry was a great guy, except when you had to sit at the same table at HQ for lunch. Well, not so much HIM in particular, but ANY Way Plumbers. They were food incinerators. And they never looked right for Corps night or Sunday night services, with the coat & tie. Why, I wouldn't have those guys build me a 2 by 4...
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Sorry igotout, but what does this mean about being someone's bitch? I have only heard this phrase used in a certain cirmstance and I don't think your phrase has the same meaning... <_<
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I believe Hegotout meant the same thing that's meant by
"trained monkey-boy"
or "lackey".
Someone at the beck and call of another, who is given all the
boring, time-consuming stuff of another.
Like "fetching me a cup of coffee",
or things like that.
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Could also be a derogatory way of expressing the biblical concept of doulos.
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Always wondered why this was called "the WC Chalet" since no WC except LCM & Donna ever stayed there. Did a tour in residence, nice place, but a bit like walking on eggs (don't want to step the wrong way...) As for being invited to stay over - :unsure:
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My last year in residence, VP called us all into the chapel and gave us a slide show of the building of this Corps Chalet. He told us that it was being built FOR THE WAY CORPS, and that he and Dotsie would live in the bottom floor after retirement, while the rest of the Chalet was FOR THE WAY CORPS. Specifically, it was for Corps travelling through the area who needed to overnight, or for Corps meetings, get togethers, etc. Specifically for WAY CORPS USE.
The next year, Ambassador One flew a bunch of us from Illinois out for a weekend at the CORPS CHALET. Imagine my surprise, when I found that not only did VP and Dotsie NOT live in the bottom floor. That was occupied by houselhold help for the Martindales, who were living in the upstairs rooms.
I was totally confused as to why it suddenly turned into the "President's Home." I did later hear the explanation that VP had changed his mind and not wanted to live in the thing. Fine, then keep it open for just THE WAY CORPS as originally intended. Instead, he handed it over to the Martindales. BunchaBullshirt.
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Skip,Oldiesman,...since John was quoting me,maybe I should explain my 'usage' of the word...It really is not meant to be anything derogatory toward the way, the concept of a 'doulos' or the guys whose 'bitches' I ended up being....Think of an apprentice working with a tradesman,or craftsman...The best way for an apprentice to learn anything is to keep his ears open and his mouth shut...I know we use the 'bitch' term in construction all the time....Of course,we also don't call a spade a spade,we call it a !@#$#@! shovel...
I apprenticed(or 'bitched' :blink: ) for three different people on my interum year at hq,and remained close friends with each of them for as long as I was involved with the way....One of these guys was a non-corpse staff member named Larry...For various reasons,when I first arrived at hq,we just flat out didn't like eachother...Then a couple of months went by,the snow fell and way builders started having playful snowball fights...Larry got me pretty good with a snowball,and then we spent weeks...hiding under cars,on top of roofs,in the back of pickup trucks...kinda like the Pink Panther and Kato,just waiting for the other to come walking unsuspectingly out of a doorway so we could pelt him with a snowball...Somehow or other,we were able to pack our dislike for one another into those snowballs,and we became buddies....
I worked for Larry for a couple of months shortly after that...He taught me construction skills....I ran and got his thermos of coffee out of the truck....But he made sure he brought enough for me,'cuz he knew I was a broke-foot interum corps living on $75 a month...We discussed a lot of issues that are even still discussed here;way heirarchy,...the direction of the ministry,etc. etc. ...And while we increasingly enjoyed working together,on the job there was no question as to who was 'the man' and who was the 'stooge'....
I kind of always thought of that as the way an apprenticeship should be....So,when I say I was his 'bitch',I apologize if it sounds offensive,but I think if Larry were here,and knew who I was, he would take it as one of the highest of compliments....
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His bitch in other words.
Kinda like when we were Steve Armxxstroxx's bitches on those workdays when we were WOW's.
We hear that phrase a lot here in the deep South. Depends on the trades you work in I guess. It may or may not be derogatory. I find it very appropriate at times.
(Correction: I, too, made $75 a month back then, not $30 as I previously posted. Just about enough for cigarettes, a little beer, a little fun and a few necessities, bitches that we were.)
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Yeah,John,I seem to remember having an all-day workday on that beach house they were renting on Lake Erie...Trouble was,I don't think we could count it toward our eight daily hours of "doing the work of the ministry"....I'm sure we all went witnessing afterwards....
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Now come on guys. Can you really imagine LCM and Donna resident in a tiny room in Founders Hall? (Or a couple of rooms, given they had kids?) (in a whole wing or at least one floor, perhaps!)
Or in one of the trailers in the trailer park?
If you can't imagine it - why not? :blink:
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I remember when it was almost done, the 7th corps were in-residence, we all had to meet with VP there in the evening up in this big room and then have a slumber party. I hated slumber parties. Anyway, he went on and on about his heart, it was for the corps, for us to use, blah, blah, blah.
That's why I was so surprised when it later went to the LCM & family and it was off grounds for us. Can you spell liar boys and girls?
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Too right twinkey...... Everybody else lived in those dorms and trailers WITH their children! However ...seeing the trailers weren`t GOOD enough for their royal selves <_< then twi damned well should have taken some of their millions of dollars and BUILT a place worthey of the prestige of the president of twi....rather than steal the building that was built and hyped up under the auspices of being FOR the way corpes.
Damned liars.
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So.....wierwille tried it out, he and mrs. lived in the corps chalet for awhile. And, my good friends -- a 7th corps couple stayed downstairs in that side bedroom to assist the wierwilles.
After several months passed......wierwille didn't like living there. He wanted to return to his house by the BRC....and the familiarity of all that. BUT......he outed the way corps when he handed it over to lcm, donna and one child.
Wierwille did it. Wierwille lied. And again, no board guy stood against him.
Lcm and donna simply accepted what wierwille offered. After all, they were stepping into a position at the height of twi notoriety.
Imo, wierwille sold the way corps down the river.....and the corps became little more than slave labor.
Besides, the ministry was about WIERWILLE.....not the corps (and others) who helped build it.
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That's what I now look back on and find strange in TWI. No explanation. As if we had no right to know and we dared not ask. Did they think we were stupid? I guess we were for a while. All they had to do was be honest and perhaps APOLOGIZE. Ha! Never saw happen that in my decades of involvement.
Reminds me of that book by Al Franken of the title: "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."
Thank God the Internet came along allowing freedom of expression. Had these technologies been around then I am sure things would have been different. In fact I feel that VPW would have feared its power over his own.
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True, Igo. Can't count the number of times that things suddenly changed direction and no explanation was offerred. We had no right to know anything except what THEY felt we had a right to know. It was our job simply to "hop to," not question.
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From last I heard, after LCM left HQ in disgrace, Donna and the kids remained in it.
Now that Leah is a college grad, Tim must be in college, and D.G. probably in middle or
high school, does Donna still live there?
If so, that to me is the epitome of eliteism and arrogance
. The fact that, IF
she was honestly the innocent, ignorant victim (HAHAHA), she has to be the dumbest"spiritual"
person alive! How he could live such a double life that she had NO clue??? (yeah, she knew,but
they'll never admit it). She didn't lose her job, her Corps status, even her lofty castle...
Oh, not sure if you were aware, but regarding "visiting" or "passing by" Corps, I heard LCM rag to the staff about some Corps who were visiting or vacationing in the 250 range, and didn't stop by HQ, and give a 1/2 day of work. Where was their hearts? So unspiritual they were.....
Edited by PatriotLink to comment
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Didn't someone post a couple months ago.....that another staff couple is living with Donna in the Corps Chalet. Someone posted that.
Regarding the martindale kids.....I dunno. Le@h must be about 27 or 28 years old...and can't imagine her choosing to live there. I heard that Tim dropped out of college (he's 21 or 22).....and D.G. must be about 16 (a freshman or soph) in hs. So, yeah....that last child is still there.
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Yeah, Patriot......what you said.
Time and time again, corps were confronted on their MARRIAGE, their SPOUSE'S behavior/problems/etc. Many corps were drop-kicked into next week for being clueless on their spouse. Yet, donna knew the adulterous activities of her husband. She wasn't dumb or innocent. Could it be that she was growing tired of the hypocrisy, the shadow of her husband......and desired to see him knocked off his high horse??
Maybe donna cunningly distanced herself from her husband knowing what was to befall him. It was really only a matter of time....and she had time on her side. And, rosalie.
Why didn't donna lose her status, her lofty castle?? In one word.......Rosa-lie, that's why.
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Methinks Donna cuntingly distanced herself from her husband via Rosielie.
--Gasp!--- Did I say that out loud? I been sooooooo baaaaaaaaad............. :o

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skyrider said it so much better than I did.
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For Donna to have "distanced herself" from her husband,
there would have had to have been a connection in the first place.
Someone said this about Donna, who knew her personally.
"My time with Donna was during the time period of 1978-80.
At that time she was an arrogant, mean-spirited b*tch in her
late twenties. She coveted after power....she explained to a
bunch of us once that when she was 'husband-hunting', she had
dated numerous top twi leaders, dropping names of 1st and
2nd corps guys. She said that when she got to craiggers,
she knew he was the one. Why? Because she knew that he
was going to 'the top' as she put it. She somehow knew that
she was destined to be on the top rung of the twi ladder and
she got herself there. It's almost like the story of MacBeth-
ambition, power, money. She was willing to put up with lcm's
adultery in order to maintain her position as 'first lady of
twi'- it was a simple tradeoff. Her disgust with her husband
was only exceeded by her own lust for power and position.
Today, she probably feels like she 'earned' the right to live in
the corps chalet for all the years of putting up with bozo.
Of course, with her sexual orientation being in question,
perhaps she is still 'earning' her position as
'first lady of twi'?"
Someone else replied to that
"That's exactly what she told ME once in a conversation.
She told me (this was late '70s) that she had decided years
before she would do Whatever It Takes to 'get to the top'.
She was totally committed to being a top hot dog
(as they used to say.) She was very calculating. Although,
back when she was young, to look at her, you never would
have thunk it because at one time, she was a wonderful,
compassionate person who truly did have a heart for people.
In fact, I think it was that quality that helped get her to the
'top.' She is where she is now by deliberate, scheming
And here's what lcm himself said in his book...
"LCM finally decided he needed to get married. He goes to Dr
and lets him know his thoughts and seeking advice. Dr promised
he'd look out for a good woman for him.
Later, LCM decided to marry Donna and immediately told Dr.
Dr said 'She's a good woman' and then rode off quickly
on his motorbike. LCM found out later that he had gone at once
to call Donna and talk to her to let her know and understand fully
what she was getting into with LCM. He was going to be a great
leader in the ministry and she had to be prepared to handle
herself accordingly, etc."
(For those curious, I pulled those quotes up before,
to include in the "vp and me in wonderland" thread, )
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I remember LCM sharing one time that there were times Donna would go to him and warn him about something that was going on that he should know about - things that were happening to him or concerning him. (In a way, that's an admission that he *didn't* know it all, just once in a while.) I think he held it up as an example of how a married couple should work together and take care of each other.
Well we saw that in the fog years, didn't we.
And we saw that with all the adulterous stuff.
Anybody remember that article she wrote in the Way Mag about The Art of Followship?
So are we to infer that wives should all permit their husband to have adulterous affairs?
Have we burned all Donna's writings as well as LCM's?
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Tom Strange
Catcup!!! ...I'm shocked! ...are you saying that Donna M was a cunning... ?
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