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way corps scum


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I wasn't scum when I went in. I don't THINK I was scum when I left. I'll ask some folks if they think I'm scum now.......

And Excie - you never were and never could be scum.......MMMWWAHHHHH

Edited by doojable
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Way Corps scum? That's a new one. I guess then, I was both Way Corps scum, and Bookstore scum-- that is, according to Auntie Em. There are very few of us around here with that monniker... so I guess that makes Sunesis and I still rather elite...

:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh: :P :lol: :beer::dance:

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I wanted to go Corps so I could TELL people to go witnessing and tell them HOW to do it, but not have to do one whit of the b.s. selling myself. :biglaugh:

But the thought of jumping out of my career for two to four years didn't sit very well with me. I also knew I'd get kicked out rather quickly for being obstinate and disobedient. .... Hmmmmm.... maybe I should have gone corps. <_<

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I'm with Ex... I joined for good reasons.

Was I scum? Not when I went in; just weak.

Was I scum? When I came out; yes probably... definately was part of carrying things out I deeply regret to this day.

Am I still scum? I sure try not to be. I've apologized to folks, given them my friendship, my kindness, my business, my genuine interest. I try to "do good" whenever it is within my power and be of benefit as much as I can, and feel that I do far more good today than I ever did as a corpse, for sure!!

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scum? that's pretty harsh, innit?

scum Slang. One, such as a person or an element of society, that is regarded as despicable or worthless.

most of the corps i knew--myself included--were good people with good hearts and good intentions. a few--mostly those in big positions--were a**holes. VERY few were what i would call scum.

maybe you knew different folks than i did. or maybe you're referring more to the latter-day corps, the ones i've only read about on GSC!

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Catcup - LOL! It was an honor to serve with you as one of the "scum of the crik" elite in Auntie Em's dysfunctional bookstore that year.

As being WC scum, well, I know you sure weren't. You and KL kept my sanity together that year. I have often wondered if that wasn't our sign to walk, then and there - I know I almost did.

My theme song for that year is Elton John's "I'm Still Standing" - everytime I heard that, I'd think, I'm still here you M**F***er (meaning Aunti Em). They used to play it alot at H.Q. that summer. Even now when I hear it on the radio, that's the first thought I think, it takes me back.

As for WC being scum - yes, some truly were and are, but the vast majority were just young kids who wanted to learn to be their best for God.

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During my time in twi, I tried hard to become scum...

The Way Tree progression of achievments: (1 being the start and 10 being the highest achievment)


2-spit sucker

3- pup tent dweller


5-bottom feeder

6-foot biter

7-koolaid drinker



10-motorcoach dweller

...I'm afraid that I never got any higher than bottom feeder... :(

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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I never considered myself as scum....but there were times I was an axxhole.

I was usually so busy making fun of stupid things and side stepping the rules that I had little time to consider myself an axxhole.

But, I think in looking back, I think I was an axxhole because I always had an agenda. In fact, I am now at a place for the first time in my life (50 yrs old) where I don't have an agenda. I have started a partnership with a security venture that is not targeted to individuals, but companies.

For the first time in my life, I can go to a Wal Mart or mall without looking for someone to join my team. It feels odd.

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  Sunesis said:
Catcup - LOL! It was an honor to serve with you as one of the "scum of the crik" elite in Auntie Em's dysfunctional bookstore that year.

As being WC scum, well, I know you sure weren't. You and KL kept my sanity together that year. I have often wondered if that wasn't our sign to walk, then and there - I know I almost did.

Same here, dear! If it hadn't been for our little lunches and workouts together, I'd have really lost my mind. And yes, I do believe we missed our cue... we shoulda walked back then.

  Sunesis said:
My theme song for that year is Elton John's "I'm Still Standing" - everytime I heard that, I'd think, I'm still here you M**F***er (meaning Aunti Em).

After I confronted Auntie Em, Donna, and Bill Winegarner, my theme song was "Every Breath You Take."

Still is... :spy:

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