I tried Excie. I originally left a message telling the department director if she could interview me Friday or Wednesday. She is doing interviews Tuesday. She said she has a panel who is performing the interviews and that was the only day they could all be there..... I even explained to her that I wanted to come home a day early so I could make an interview, but I couldn't afford to pay $600 to change my plane tickets. She just apologized that she couldn't make an exceptions.....
They had the darn job posted for 2 months before they even started the process of calling people to interview......
Since when does it cost $600 to change plane tickets? That number is way too high.
Even if they're non-refundable you can cancel and apply them towards your next ticket purchase.
It's looks like it's just one of those things, go to the interview and reschedule with Grandma... if you reschedule Grandma two or three weeks out you should be able to get a good discount.
Do you really want a job with an organization like that? There has to be something better waiting for you...
Send them a thank you card for the opportunity and state how disappointed you are to miss the one day due to an out of state family gathering. It's possible, if the candidates aren't that strong, you may get an interview on the next line up.
Do you really want a job with an organization like that? There has to be something better waiting for you...
I don't understand... is there something that's not here on this thread about the organization that I don't know? From what's on this thread about the organization, I don't see anything that makes them "bad" necessarily. They're looking for a candidate, they want a panel interview, this is the time they can do it. If you want the position, or to be considered for it, that's when you need to be there.
Is there some reason you can't reschedule with the grandma?
I guess you're right... I was thinking it would be a reasonable assumption to expect people would have vacations planned in the summer and make allowances for that. My last company set up panel interviews over a three day period in the afternoon...but that was a non-profit.
Is there a way to buy *reverse* tickets, and give them to her --
so she can come to you instead?? ;)
The purpose of my trip was to visit my husband's biological grandmother who is 96 to get the scoop on how he became adopted. His biological mother passed away, and he never got to talk to her about it. Grandma still has great memory, but she is getting up there. We want to be sure we get to talk to her because she is the only one we trust to tell us what really happened.
(Personally --- I hate to travel by air ---
so my question might seem a bit facetious to those of you who do so).
But a 96 year old? Is she able to travel?
Can she get around, as well as remember things?
Could she come to your place instead??
If she's not in a nursing home, or under strict medical care --->>
$600 to change flights comes from $100 to make the change and an additional $250 for each to change the return flight. I'm not kidding on this. I called to see what it would cost to come back a day earlier. This is on United Airlines. We got the flight hella cheap about 6 weeks ago for $138 RT each. They are now over $310 RT. If someone knows of a way to get around this, I'd appreciate hearing your knowledge.
I think it is a little unfair and unflexible for them to only do interviews one day. She even mentioned she had only one interview left and another person to schedule. So did that mean if the last person to call didn't call in time, they wouldn't get an interview? That doesn't seem right to say they only have 7 interview spots but 10 people to interview does it? I do interviewing in my department. We are a little more flexible with people and spread interviews over a time frame to get everyone who responds in for an interview even if it takes 3 days. Heck, I've been waiting 2 months for them to call me for the dang thing.
I guess we could reschedule the trip to go later. We've been trying to get together with the Grandma 3 times over the past year. She lives 450 miles from us but she is actually visiting her kids in Denver right now. We are meeting up with all of them. It's a way for us to visit more family in one trip. We don't get the opportunity to see them much. If you know adopted kids, you may understand all of this with adoptive families vs. biological families and in-laws. You can't visit everyone whenever you want to.
Yes, there are choices. I feel keeping our itinerary is the priority. I feel like God is tugging me to keep it. Like I said, I would feel worse if I paid the $600 to come back a day earlier and didn't end up getting the job. I would feel worse if Grandma passes away and hubby never gets to hear her side of the story. She is turning 97 in October. I don't want to take her being here for granted.
It's disappointing. I just thought I would hear some other options that I may not have given thought. If it were meant to be, it would happen whether I believe or not. Maybe God has other plans for me. I'm sure I'll find out.
believe God for the 'best' to come about (whichever option you choose.) If the 'tug' is to go see Granma, go ! And believe God to take 'care' of the rest... He will !
WN, have you met this grandmother before? Is there a bond between you and she? Are you going just for hubby's sake?
I dropped everything to meet my biological family. Drug my whole family from CA to KS, too. Did it just before the end of the school year, too, so I interrupted my daughter's schooling.
It was not worth it, in the end. Sure, I got all of my questions answered. Sure, I met 4 people before they died. Sure I learned a whole lot about my 'roots'.
But in the end, the cost to my family, to me, to my daughter's schooling, to my emotional and mental well-being...these costs were too high...in the end.
I could have done 90% of this 'meeting' and 'getting the whole story' via telephone and letters. Now, the internet would allow me to have done 90% of it all via email, IM and web cam.
My point here is that you have other options for connecting with this grandmother.
Do you have other options on your job? Is this a 'last chance' for a promotion? Is your employer so staunch because there is a hiring time frame/interview process required by some ordinance or code or law? Or is your employer being so staunch because this is your employer's way of weeding out those not seriously pursuing advancement? Or is there something that makes you not as qualified or desirable (experience, longevity at the job, etc.) for the position, so your employer does not feel that changing the time for the interview is validated?
Most of the time we feel the tug of God primarily because that's what we want to do...and our hearts pull so hard on us that it feels like God.
Is there going to be a financial burden if you don't get the promotion?
Think about after this exciting thing of meeting the grandmother and getting the whole story. If you lose an opportunity, will it have been worth this thing?
Just a thought, but there are ways to attend a meeting without actually "being" there. I just did a phone, computer conference last week and the technology out there is pretty cool. You would probably just do it on the phone. Of course, these people want to meet you, but perhaps they would allow this type of interview in these circumstances. Perhaps you have already explained the importance of your trip, but I would think a company worth advancing in would appreciate the circumstances of your itinerary.
Grandma is special to us. We like spending time with hubby's biological family. We just don't get the opportunity to do since they all live distances away from us. We are pulled with our visitations because all of our family lives a distance except for hubby's adoptive parents. We've spent time with Grannda previously, but it has never been in a scenario which allowed us to talk to her at length about the past. Hubby's biological mother passed away almost 10 years ago. He never got to talk to her aobut it. It was actually me who was pushing for us to see Grandma. I feel it is God letting me know it's important.
I don't regret my decision to stick with our plans, I was just disappointed that I couldn't do both. I will gain about $8,000 a year in salary with the new position if I get it. I am not hurting now because I did get a promotion. The new job I wanted the interview with is another department within the county. HR said we could do a phone interview, but the department head said they don't prefer to do that. It's their choice. They are the inflexible ones. I'm chalking it up to the fact that the timing is not right for me to change jobs right now, or it would have worked out.
I've had disappointments in the past, and now I understand and see that God was protecting me. But it took a few years for me to actually see it. I'm sure I will see more about this situation in the future.
I would deeply regret not talking to Grandma and then losing her. She's really the last resort on hubby's history. He needs to know what happened and how he got adopted out. I don't want to take that away from him.
I was really hoping that someone with some experience with the airlines would show me a way to work the system so I didn't have to pay so much extra to change my flight. That is all hind-site now.
Wayfernot, I think you've made the best decision. Job opportunities come and go, but a 96-year-old grandmother is to be cherished while you're fortunate enough to still have her in your lives.
If the people running that dept. are that inflexible, perhaps that's a big clue to how that dept. would be to work in.
I was really hoping that someone with some experience with the airlines would show me a way to work the system so I didn't have to pay so much extra to change my flight. That is all hind-site now.
So there ya go! You've made your decision and it is OK with you. Have fun and be sure to let us know how it went and if you found what you were looking for, please. :)
that's been my experience... you cancel, you don't get a refund but you have credit towards a later flight...
at worst they won't let you use the credit within a certain time window and you have to purchase other tickets, then use the credits on later flights...
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drop the "important person" (find out) a note and explain why you couldn't be there. ask for reconsideration
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I tried Excie. I originally left a message telling the department director if she could interview me Friday or Wednesday. She is doing interviews Tuesday. She said she has a panel who is performing the interviews and that was the only day they could all be there.....
I even explained to her that I wanted to come home a day early so I could make an interview, but I couldn't afford to pay $600 to change my plane tickets. She just apologized that she couldn't make an exceptions..... 

They had the darn job posted for 2 months before they even started the process of calling people to interview......
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Tom Strange
Since when does it cost $600 to change plane tickets? That number is way too high.
Even if they're non-refundable you can cancel and apply them towards your next ticket purchase.
It's looks like it's just one of those things, go to the interview and reschedule with Grandma... if you reschedule Grandma two or three weeks out you should be able to get a good discount.
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Do you really want a job with an organization like that? There has to be something better waiting for you...
Send them a thank you card for the opportunity and state how disappointed you are to miss the one day due to an out of state family gathering. It's possible, if the candidates aren't that strong, you may get an interview on the next line up.
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Tom Strange
I don't understand... is there something that's not here on this thread about the organization that I don't know? From what's on this thread about the organization, I don't see anything that makes them "bad" necessarily. They're looking for a candidate, they want a panel interview, this is the time they can do it. If you want the position, or to be considered for it, that's when you need to be there.
Is there some reason you can't reschedule with the grandma?
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I guess you're right... I was thinking it would be a reasonable assumption to expect people would have vacations planned in the summer and make allowances for that. My last company set up panel interviews over a three day period in the afternoon...but that was a non-profit.
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Is there a way to buy *reverse* tickets, and give them to her --
so she can come to you instead?? ;)
(Personally --- I hate to travel by air ---
so my question might seem a bit facetious to those of you who do so).
But a 96 year old? Is she able to travel?
Can she get around, as well as remember things?
Could she come to your place instead??
If she's not in a nursing home, or under strict medical care --->>
she might enjoy the *adventure*. ;)
Just a thot.
Meebe not a valid one, but a thot none-the-less.
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allan w.
Believe God ?
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Good answer Allan ---->>>
Uhhhh --- which question to believe God for? :unsure:
Or is is it *Believe* in an intangible category??
Believe God for what ----->>>
For a job interview?,
Grandma Interview?
Both at the same time?
For one side to back down?
and give precedence to the other ---
and if so -- which one backs down?
Methinks Tom Strange has more (practical) advice, than the rest of us here.
(Just my IMO).
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$600 to change flights comes from $100 to make the change and an additional $250 for each to change the return flight. I'm not kidding on this. I called to see what it would cost to come back a day earlier. This is on United Airlines. We got the flight hella cheap about 6 weeks ago for $138 RT each. They are now over $310 RT. If someone knows of a way to get around this, I'd appreciate hearing your knowledge.
I think it is a little unfair and unflexible for them to only do interviews one day. She even mentioned she had only one interview left and another person to schedule. So did that mean if the last person to call didn't call in time, they wouldn't get an interview? That doesn't seem right to say they only have 7 interview spots but 10 people to interview does it? I do interviewing in my department. We are a little more flexible with people and spread interviews over a time frame to get everyone who responds in for an interview even if it takes 3 days. Heck, I've been waiting 2 months for them to call me for the dang thing.
I guess we could reschedule the trip to go later. We've been trying to get together with the Grandma 3 times over the past year. She lives 450 miles from us but she is actually visiting her kids in Denver right now. We are meeting up with all of them. It's a way for us to visit more family in one trip. We don't get the opportunity to see them much. If you know adopted kids, you may understand all of this with adoptive families vs. biological families and in-laws. You can't visit everyone whenever you want to.
Yes, there are choices. I feel keeping our itinerary is the priority. I feel like God is tugging me to keep it. Like I said, I would feel worse if I paid the $600 to come back a day earlier and didn't end up getting the job. I would feel worse if Grandma passes away and hubby never gets to hear her side of the story. She is turning 97 in October. I don't want to take her being here for granted.
It's disappointing. I just thought I would hear some other options that I may not have given thought. If it were meant to be, it would happen whether I believe or not. Maybe God has other plans for me. I'm sure I'll find out.
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allan w.
believe God for the 'best' to come about (whichever option you choose.) If the 'tug' is to go see Granma, go ! And believe God to take 'care' of the rest... He will !
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Send your husband ahead on the trip (which after all, does concern his "roots'), while you stay behind and
do the interview.
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WN, have you met this grandmother before? Is there a bond between you and she? Are you going just for hubby's sake?
I dropped everything to meet my biological family. Drug my whole family from CA to KS, too. Did it just before the end of the school year, too, so I interrupted my daughter's schooling.
It was not worth it, in the end. Sure, I got all of my questions answered. Sure, I met 4 people before they died. Sure I learned a whole lot about my 'roots'.
But in the end, the cost to my family, to me, to my daughter's schooling, to my emotional and mental well-being...these costs were too high...in the end.
I could have done 90% of this 'meeting' and 'getting the whole story' via telephone and letters. Now, the internet would allow me to have done 90% of it all via email, IM and web cam.
My point here is that you have other options for connecting with this grandmother.
Do you have other options on your job? Is this a 'last chance' for a promotion? Is your employer so staunch because there is a hiring time frame/interview process required by some ordinance or code or law? Or is your employer being so staunch because this is your employer's way of weeding out those not seriously pursuing advancement? Or is there something that makes you not as qualified or desirable (experience, longevity at the job, etc.) for the position, so your employer does not feel that changing the time for the interview is validated?
Most of the time we feel the tug of God primarily because that's what we want to do...and our hearts pull so hard on us that it feels like God.
Is there going to be a financial burden if you don't get the promotion?
Think about after this exciting thing of meeting the grandmother and getting the whole story. If you lose an opportunity, will it have been worth this thing?
Only you can decide.
Good luck!
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Just a thought, but there are ways to attend a meeting without actually "being" there. I just did a phone, computer conference last week and the technology out there is pretty cool. You would probably just do it on the phone. Of course, these people want to meet you, but perhaps they would allow this type of interview in these circumstances. Perhaps you have already explained the importance of your trip, but I would think a company worth advancing in would appreciate the circumstances of your itinerary.
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Grandma is special to us. We like spending time with hubby's biological family. We just don't get the opportunity to do since they all live distances away from us. We are pulled with our visitations because all of our family lives a distance except for hubby's adoptive parents. We've spent time with Grannda previously, but it has never been in a scenario which allowed us to talk to her at length about the past. Hubby's biological mother passed away almost 10 years ago. He never got to talk to her aobut it. It was actually me who was pushing for us to see Grandma. I feel it is God letting me know it's important.
I don't regret my decision to stick with our plans, I was just disappointed that I couldn't do both. I will gain about $8,000 a year in salary with the new position if I get it. I am not hurting now because I did get a promotion. The new job I wanted the interview with is another department within the county. HR said we could do a phone interview, but the department head said they don't prefer to do that. It's their choice. They are the inflexible ones. I'm chalking it up to the fact that the timing is not right for me to change jobs right now, or it would have worked out.
I've had disappointments in the past, and now I understand and see that God was protecting me. But it took a few years for me to actually see it. I'm sure I will see more about this situation in the future.
I would deeply regret not talking to Grandma and then losing her. She's really the last resort on hubby's history. He needs to know what happened and how he got adopted out. I don't want to take that away from him.
I was really hoping that someone with some experience with the airlines would show me a way to work the system so I didn't have to pay so much extra to change my flight. That is all hind-site now.
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Linda Z
Wayfernot, I think you've made the best decision. Job opportunities come and go, but a 96-year-old grandmother is to be cherished while you're fortunate enough to still have her in your lives.
If the people running that dept. are that inflexible, perhaps that's a big clue to how that dept. would be to work in.
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So there ya go! You've made your decision and it is OK with you. Have fun and be sure to let us know how it went and if you found what you were looking for, please. :)
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Tom Strange
cool WN, have fun and enjoy your time...
in the future, one way to get around the "change" charges is to cancel the tickets and you'll have the purchase price credit there to use later...
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Thanks Tom. Does that mean you ger your full credit of what you paid without any penalties??
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Tom Strange
that's been my experience... you cancel, you don't get a refund but you have credit towards a later flight...
at worst they won't let you use the credit within a certain time window and you have to purchase other tickets, then use the credits on later flights...
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Its probably not the right job......not to sound wayish...but in my life I still go where the flow is with me not against me.
I think you answered your own question tho'....and I try not to live with regret either
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