I'd say how wonderful life is now that you finally got your lesbian lover to go with you to the witches coven and do a tarot card reading. Just don't ever mention that you once voted for a democrat.
(Sorry - I know it was a serious question, I just couldn't resist)
Mocha Tree - I am not sure how to search for it in the archives but this exact topic was posted here a year or so back. There were some awesome responses.
You could also consider calling them or visiting them in person.
Sadly, some will just briefly look at a letter such as yours and throw it away. Or they might do like my old and dear friend, Rev. Bill Green, did and return it unopened. Rev. Bob Moynihan did the same thing.
Some friends they turned out to be! I would never have done that when I was in the Corps in TWI. I was not as mean and stubborn as that.
Don't mention TWI at all. Just be loving, kind and positive (but not sickly so).
If they ask questions answer them enthusiastically, but be careful about getting too excited and bombarding them with too much.
Sometimes my spouse will question a teaching or something that has been on the mind and if I jump on the "see, another category they are so off on" or if I'm too enthusiastic about the new found error it will shut down the conversation and it will be weeks or months before anything else found contradictory to TWI doctrine is brought up. It's a very delicate balance and I'm not always balanced. :D-->
Perhaps you are better at agreeing without alarming. Hopefully so! Please let us know how it goes.
If you have memorable experiences with this person, that is always a good way to present yourself again.
I always enjoy when someone remembers something fun we shared together.
I have an innie friend who I went hiking with. We did this about 6 years ago, and we still talk about that one killer day we hiked for 14 miles and talked about men. We had a blast! :D-->
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
Thank you all for your great suggestions! I think no mention of TWI really will probably be best - just want to let them know that they made a difference in my life that has not been forgotten.
I am still laughing about that lesbian lover opening line!!!
RUN DON'T WALK AND GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE YOU WASTE ANYMORE OF YOUR LIFE. I wasted 24 years and can never get it back, don't want to waste another 24 in a stale and stagnant "religion".
TWI= time..wasted..international
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Would love to hear from you some time. I miss your face. Here's a recent picture of me with my: new BMW / new house / family / hubby / kids / dog / Greasespot t-shirt on / Greasespot t-shirt off / homies / attendants / guards / mullah / pimp / exorcist / crack house buddies...
Wish you were here.
God bless,
[This message was edited by QamiQazi on July 17, 2003 at 17:30.]
How about a picture of you and your family made into a post card, like folks do at christmas, oops I mean happy house hold holidays, ughh. I'm so glad I'm free to say Christmas now. :)-->
Okay seriously, a happy picture of you and the family smiling on a post card. With only a few words on back saying something like were all doing fine, we miss you, and love you.
See, this way they have to see it, they won't be able to return it un-opened!
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I'd say how wonderful life is now that you finally got your lesbian lover to go with you to the witches coven and do a tarot card reading. Just don't ever mention that you once voted for a democrat.
(Sorry - I know it was a serious question, I just couldn't resist)
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Mocha Tree - I am not sure how to search for it in the archives but this exact topic was posted here a year or so back. There were some awesome responses.
You could also consider calling them or visiting them in person.
Sadly, some will just briefly look at a letter such as yours and throw it away. Or they might do like my old and dear friend, Rev. Bill Green, did and return it unopened. Rev. Bob Moynihan did the same thing.
Some friends they turned out to be! I would never have done that when I was in the Corps in TWI. I was not as mean and stubborn as that.
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
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[This message was edited by Shellon on May 30, 2003 at 2:59.]
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I won't address subject matter to much.
I WILL recommend:
A) be brief, clear and straightforward.
If you get complicated, they're likely to just
chuck the letter. Ditto a 20-pager.
B) be loving. As an outie, you're supposed to be
incapable of it.
C) Be positive. Again, as an outie, you're
supposed to be inferior and suffering now by
comparison, if not a full-blown "greasespot by
D) Be open to reestablishing SOME form of
communication. They could use some space and
time to think things over, and someone to think
them over with.
E) Present things and give them time and room to
come to their own conclusions on them. Otherwise
they may just be trading blind obedience to the
bod for blind obedience to you.
As to subject matter, that depends on the
specifics. I'll leave that to you and God.
CLFOBS Ministries. Join NOW!
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Kit Sober
My letters / communications to innies have been without success -- returned mail with scathing words.
(I say this not to discourage you, but if you receive a similar response, know you're not alone!)
It appears to me that only Holy Spirit can break the blindness and bondage of cult membership.
It took two years of wandering around as ex-twi to find WayDale and this here cafe for spiritual nurture and growth.
(Pawtucket, did I say thankyouverymuch recently?)
ps. WORDWOLF: what is CLFOBS Ministries?
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(In deference to an idea that travelled well
on another thread, I decided against forming
my own religion, but chose to set up my own
It stands for "Certain Lewd Fellows of the
Baser Sort". Someone came up with that name
on the old GSC, and I thought it was one of
the funniest things I've ever seen.)
CLFOBS Ministries. Join NOW!
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These are very good suggestions.
Don't mention TWI at all. Just be loving, kind and positive (but not sickly so).
If they ask questions answer them enthusiastically, but be careful about getting too excited and bombarding them with too much.
Sometimes my spouse will question a teaching or something that has been on the mind and if I jump on the "see, another category they are so off on" or if I'm too enthusiastic about the new found error it will shut down the conversation and it will be weeks or months before anything else found contradictory to TWI doctrine is brought up. It's a very delicate balance and I'm not always balanced.
Perhaps you are better at agreeing without alarming. Hopefully so! Please let us know how it goes.
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If you have memorable experiences with this person, that is always a good way to present yourself again.
I always enjoy when someone remembers something fun we shared together.
I have an innie friend who I went hiking with. We did this about 6 years ago, and we still talk about that one killer day we hiked for 14 miles and talked about men. We had a blast!
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
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Mocha Tree Girl
Thank you all for your great suggestions! I think no mention of TWI really will probably be best - just want to let them know that they made a difference in my life that has not been forgotten.
I am still laughing about that lesbian lover opening line!!!
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G-E-T O-U-To
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Dot Matrix
I am laughing my a## off!
Dot Matrix
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RUN DON'T WALK AND GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE YOU WASTE ANYMORE OF YOUR LIFE. I wasted 24 years and can never get it back, don't want to waste another 24 in a stale and stagnant "religion".
TWI= time..wasted..international
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Dear ____
Would love to hear from you some time. I miss your face. Here's a recent picture of me with my: new BMW / new house / family / hubby / kids / dog / Greasespot t-shirt on / Greasespot t-shirt off / homies / attendants / guards / mullah / pimp / exorcist / crack house buddies...
Wish you were here.
God bless,
[This message was edited by QamiQazi on July 17, 2003 at 17:30.]
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Just be loving.
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How about a picture of you and your family made into a post card, like folks do at christmas, oops I mean happy house hold holidays, ughh. I'm so glad I'm free to say Christmas now.
Okay seriously, a happy picture of you and the family smiling on a post card. With only a few words on back saying something like were all doing fine, we miss you, and love you.
See, this way they have to see it, they won't be able to return it un-opened!
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A la prochaine
R U N F O R Y O U R L I F E !!!!!!!
QQ ~ You vely fun man! (said in chinese accent)
'til the next time...
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outin88- that is a very good idea!!!
Hello ala haven't seen you lately, good to see ya!!!
QQ- that is funny..
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Crack house buddies-LOL
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George Aar
How about "wake up and smell the decade"?
Blind obeisance to a cult is so passe...
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