Maybe it was because I was probably in charge of the coffe during your time there? Not that you knew who was screwing it up, but I know that to coffee drinkers there can be little else that matters...especially if a non drinker is running the show.
HHHHHHmmmmm Lets see, its been 23 years since WOW and uh then went in the corpse F9, the year after WOW. Can I add those years up or are they separate lol. The best year was 1995 when we left twi.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
yea, Hope--it's starting to fade after all these years. I would say we made it good in spite of all the petty aspects of the "training". The first year was fun mostly because there were so few yahoos around to constantly reprove and correct. Of course, we did pay the price our last year--I can almost hear the music from the "Wizard of Oz" when they're marching into the wicked witchs' castle--and the gates SHUT with a clang! How one guy could manage to project his unhappiness on everyone--nice work, Gerald!!
...but Rome City was the Emerald City and all was goodness and light...I wish Evan was around so he could tell us what it was like to go from Heaven to hell! What a shock the other half had...
whitey dovey--yeppers, you can't imagine how COOL it was with Del and Nancy...great food, tons of it, treat you like an adult, the list goes on and on... course, it was too good to last. the duncans were among the first "top leaders" to just give up--nothing was gonna change and nothin did, cept to get worse...
we boyze included the bronx king of the 6tpphhtt kork, one A.Keller, who done taught me all dat I know and all I need ta know about talkin right, right? we had fun--J.Strom, D.Burt, and A. and I formed the self-appointed Exec Committee for the interim kork staff that year(76-77). we volunteered the 6ckkpthh kork for all kinds of special duty that year--and the 4 of us ran all the stuff. A**holes, were'nt we??? :D--> ;)--> :P--> -->
ps duh--we wuz foinacha boyze...not real bright, great lumpers tho...
Wow - I didn't realize it was that long! All I can say is, what a long strange trip its been. So, I guess us 7th corpse will be celebrating(?) next year. Glad we've recovered and are moving on with life. Its good to be free!
Too funny Hills and Alfakat.....the tejas farm "moon shot" was enroute on the bus....I saw it live through the rear view mirror while trying to drive the broken down old bus we were in . Evan probably should show up with more incite on that.
And yes congratulations! I learned many things from you elder sixth Corps. Jon Mahoney taught me ten different ways to prepare chikken and wash it down wif Budweiser. Thanks for the memories and I wish you all much happiness and success in the next twenty five years.
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It will 25 years since I went WOW and I may see one of my WOW brothers soon.
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Lifted Up what was it about those Emporia months of that last know...the ones you had to spend with.....
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Lifted Up
Maybe it was because I was probably in charge of the coffe during your time there? Not that you knew who was screwing it up, but I know that to coffee drinkers there can be little else that matters...especially if a non drinker is running the show.
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HHHHHHmmmmm Lets see, its been 23 years since WOW and uh then went in the corpse F9, the year after WOW. Can I add those years up or are they separate lol. The best year was 1995 when we left twi.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Hope, congratulations on both counts!!! I sponsored a wonderful lady from Louisville, KY, in the sicksth corp all 3 years, Evon Priddy.
Do you remember her? She had a great sense of humor and a true love of God.
def, I was a wow in Cumberland MD 1977-1978. Where were you a wow that year?
Hard to believe it has been 25 years.
Dovey and Hope, you are right... the best year is the year I left twi....1994.
The decisions we make today form our future.
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yea, Hope--it's starting to fade after all these years. I would say we made it good in spite of all the petty aspects of the "training". The first year was fun mostly because there were so few yahoos around to constantly reprove and correct. Of course, we did pay the price our last year--I can almost hear the music from the "Wizard of Oz" when they're marching into the wicked witchs' castle--and the gates SHUT with a clang! How one guy could manage to project his unhappiness on everyone--nice work, Gerald!!
...but Rome City was the Emerald City and all was goodness and light...I wish Evan was around so he could tell us what it was like to go from Heaven to hell! What a shock the other half had...
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Congrats to you sicth corps cyber friends and comrades!!
I'd love to be able to throw a marguarita pool party for all you wild and crazy guys and gals.
Love to you all.
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I was in charlotte NC, Dave T. was my Limb leader and Randy Anderson my Region leader.
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Rome City, the emerald city? Ha not in my lifetime!!!!!
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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whitey dovey--yeppers, you can't imagine how COOL it was with Del and Nancy...great food, tons of it, treat you like an adult, the list goes on and on... course, it was too good to last. the duncans were among the first "top leaders" to just give up--nothing was gonna change and nothin did, cept to get worse...
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yuppers people can make or break a campus or a... whatever.... ya know alfie ?
the upside down sixth corps graduated 22 years ago july 14 and then had a mass wedding around the pond "yesterday"
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"mass pond wedding" sitings--sounds like sumpn from "Ghostbusters"....another first for the TOTALLY Sickpphhtthhh Kork!! tuhh-duhhhh!!
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really ? yous were the first ?
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weuns da foista gradjyiate from ks--5th kork coulda but they were askeert ta, I guess...left-over debbils and all, doncha know!!
foist mass kork weddings minus pond, after 4th kork grad when lcm and donna and 14 other couples said "I duz"....
ps at HQ,in Aug. 76, after raca, right after I started my interim year on staff as one of "Harry's boyze"....
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"Harry's boyze"....
a foinacha man or a fynanshal man ?
sorry i'm from around here but i can't do it as good as you
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we boyze included the bronx king of the 6tpphhtt kork, one A.Keller, who done taught me all dat I know and all I need ta know about talkin right, right? we had fun--J.Strom, D.Burt, and A. and I formed the self-appointed Exec Committee for the interim kork staff that year(76-77). we volunteered the 6ckkpthh kork for all kinds of special duty that year--and the 4 of us ran all the stuff. A**holes, were'nt we???
ps duh--we wuz foinacha boyze...not real bright, great lumpers tho...
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Hills Bro
Way Corps 6 in training...
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that was the tejas farm training, HB....
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Hills Bro
6th Corps sticking to their two drink limit
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if you will note one item, you will know this shot cannot be 6ckkthpptt kork in the photo...
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Wow - I didn't realize it was that long! All I can say is, what a long strange trip its been. So, I guess us 7th corpse will be celebrating(?) next year. Glad we've recovered and are moving on with life. Its good to be free!
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Too funny Hills and Alfakat.....the tejas farm "moon shot" was enroute on the bus....I saw it live through the rear view mirror while trying to drive the broken down old bus we were in . Evan probably should show up with more incite on that.
And yes congratulations! I learned many things from you elder sixth Corps. Jon Mahoney taught me ten different ways to prepare chikken and wash it down wif Budweiser. Thanks for the memories and I wish you all much happiness and success in the next twenty five years.
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