Jesus Christ asked God for his cup to be removed to not have to die to not have to suffer to not have to leave the the ones He loved.
I believe His prayer in the garden may have been answered , read it, it talks about how much concern he has for his friends and followers. I do not believe jesus christ knew all what the future was as far as penticost and then the gentiles being allowed into Gods fold. Remember the bible has always stated the return of christ would be soon and every single generation has believed it would be in their lifetime...
His death accomplished nothing chwester many have died in the name of faith and God, it was the fact he went to speak to the devils and told them he was still alive that told satan he was the messiah of the world that fullfilled Gods purpose of the second Adam . The first adam invited death the second told it no.
The story of redemption has little to do with death of a man , men die every single day and will continue to do so till the enemy is burned..
The fact of the story to me is we now have a choice to believe what jesus accomplished. He didnt accomplish "death", He accomplished our ability to live forever without believing on His Lordship over the church which God calls out from humanity . A movie that protrays our Lord as a beaten down bloody victim does NOT send the message of a Saviour of mankind , it says to me god is a brute who willingly kills the only one who ever obeyed His will perfectly . Not the story I believe in.
Jesus needed to die to destroy all of our sinfull natures which included death itself.. Yet it is a story of VICTORY over death not the murder itself that glorifys what HE did by hearing and obeying Gods commandments. He knew the comforter would come He knew God would be able to have His people once again in harmony with His will, He didnt want to die or leave his friends ,His prayer in the garden is most beautiful about His genuine Love and concern for us. He was the "middle man" to God for His followers , if he could meet death and tell them it was all over He knew God could then send a holy spirit back to the people without the lawful conditions placed on them in the law. It was a choice of life or death, who would not chose LIfe????
the movie sounds like he chose to die because He so loved us NO ! He did not He chose to LIVE and make it possible for all of Gods children to LIVE! Jesus is no fool , he was beaten and murdered by Gods own people not an enemy , this is a message of loving one another and God in the face of death which still happens today. the choice is life or death, He chose LIFE over death it is the same choice we as christians can accomplish through the Holy Spirit God granted us on penticost. Jesus christ didnt die for us He LIVES for us!!!!
The way I see it, "Catholic traditionalism" which is among other things a rejection Vatican II, is akin to an offshoot of the Flat Earth Society, declaring that the FES has betrayed its principles somehow.
It is ignorance within igorance, the blind rejecting the blind, leaving those blind to lead themselves into their own blindness.
What is the attraction cults hold for us? When I think of my own former allegiance to The Way, it was contingent upon results, upon knowing God, and when God seemed to dwell outside of The Way's framework, it remained for a time a social gathering of mostly younger, reasonably educated, "like-minded" people. It just became a part of life, for a while.
While The Way was certainly a cult, it was a mild case compared with many others, some of which have achieved "acceptablity" as denominations.
God save the rest from His "chosen."
[This message was edited by QamiQazi on August 10, 2003 at 13:19.]
The Bible teaches he was the lamb of God, unblemished. The perfect sacrifice.
His death atoned for our sins. This is the reason he laid down his life. He died to pay for our sins. We were justified by his blood. By his stripes we were healed.
This is a very basic teaching in the Bible.
I could list many verses, but one of my favorites is in Hebrews: "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God".
Many have died for their stand on God's Word, but none of them were the "Son of God". Big difference. None of the others "became sin" for us. None of the others bore our sins. They could not because they were not sinless, like Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:10--For if when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him THROUGH THE DEATH OF HIS SON....
Romans 4:25--he was delivered over to death for our sins.
Ephesians 1:7-- In him we have redemption THROUGH HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins..
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
Ephesians 2:16--And in this one body to reconcile both of them(Jews and Gentiles) to God THROUGH THE CROSS,by which he put to death their hostility.
Col.1:20...and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven,by making peace THROUGH HIS BLOOD, SHED ON THE CROSS.
The fact that Jesus died that day made all the rumors of him being a fraud and a liar the truth.
his own people were hiding for fear they would be next in line to a death for a man with a fake ministry who claimed to take over and set up a new kingdom . HE freaking DIED!!! everyone witnessed his death and they set guards at the tomb so no one would steal the body ...
They were filled with FEAR!!!
that is you idea of glory chwester???
how little you understand what you read... it appears.
His blood was one of obedience as the first adam was one of disobedience. also his bloodline literly his family genes were needed to accomplish what Jesus did which was to defy death in the chains and tell them He will reign supreme .
well he isnt today is he now?? no the kingdom is in the future isnt it? uuumm yes primary bible there chwester! What He did was believe and Obey God and told death it was His kingdom to come back to someday. Then the miricle happened which was penticost.. which allows all to become a partaker of that kingdom who believes what Jesus did. We now have the same blood and can be called sons and daughter NOT servants of the most high God...before holy spirit was available by Jesus being raised as a Saviour NO ONE WAS A CHILD OF GOD.
Before penticost God had no sons and daughters with blood Jesus invited us into a family that God created on that day.
The big deal isnt the fact he died it is the fact He claimed death and held a victory over it as a Son of God yes at that point the ONLY SON of God because it was not yet available to be a son of God till the new birth was set on penticost...
for some one who claim alot you spew out bible verses with little understanding of them chwester.
well.... I don't know about all of these things... and you boys are just going to have to learn to 'play nice'...
All I want ol' Mel to do is release two versions: one without subtitles, and one with subtitles... I'm sure it'll be a beyooteefool movie without the subtitles but I'm more sure that the subtitles will add to my understanding... there can be no understanding without subtitles...
SeestorEx: nice picture of Mel and the two Jesus'! That would explain how he was able to go to India and later to see the Mormons...
Jim Cavaziel -- He has an amazing movie, "Frequency," which a radio ham especially will enjoy because of the accuracy with which ham radio is dealt with. (Fred is a ham.)
Cavaziel is also Catholic.
One nice thing I like about Catholics is that their religion is generally speaking part of their lifestyle. I.e., a Catholic is more likely to let his life be his sermon. Much of the schools, hospitals, and social service programs have been begun and are staffed today by Catholics.
:)-->," God
[This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 06, 2003 at 23:20.]
I can't wait to see this movie! I've been following the critics and the supporters and will go and watch, subtitles or not. I'd rather not have them, actually.
Mel Gibson is a brilliant actor, IMO, as well as director, producer and writer. Not even to mention seemingly a pretty nice guy.
The name of the movie is "Frequency." Fascinating film. Dennis Quaid plays his father. It's a terrific twist on the time travel genre.
An unusual occurrence of the aurora borealis opens up a communication via ham radio between a NYC cop (Cazaviel) in 1999 and his father (Quaid), a NYC firefighter in 1969. Junior must decide whether (and how) to warn his father about dad's impending, preventable death. And dad has to decide whether to believe a voice on the other end of the radio who claims to be his grown up son. One major key: they're both Mets fans.
Excellent, excellent movie. Well acted, nicely scripted, and fun.
P.S. We have made a commitment to Mel Gibson (through one of his associates -- look for that article soon) that Elijah List readers and their friends will continually lift he and his family up in prayer before the Lord, and will also pray for the successful release of His film. He is grateful and has expressed that. Please pray that a great GREAT harvest of souls will occur because of the making of this film.
Hollywood is about to become HOLY-Wood.
In the Spirit, I sensed the same angels who could have been called to rescue Jesus at His crucifixion were now being given permission to attend it.. in theaters!
I saw angels of healing descending upon theaters to minister to people's spirit, soul and body. As the flesh was being ripped out of Jesus' back, confirmation would come to many that "by His stripes we were being healed!"
There were ministering angels unaware who had gotten their tickets long before there was a movie who would be seated strategically in certain places in theaters beside certain people whose hearts were so hardened. Their presence would influence these hardened hearts with the power of the Spirit flowing through the seats to such a degree, many began to feel and check for blood on their hands!
Open Heavens Over Theatres!
I saw the heavens open over theaters and dreams and visions were being poured out without measure that would change lives, families and generations forever!
Sleep would escape many, being replaced by visitations of conviction, angels and Jesus Himself appearing to confirm His resurrection.
The scripture, "And if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me." was being activated, as every person in every theater was being given in the Spirit a "front row seat!" Every one would have a "front row seat" at the very foot of the cross - where the ground is all level!
Many would declare before leaving the theater. "Surely, this was the Son of God!"
2. Order your tickets in advance now which will help it to get into your local theatre! You should order them right away (before Feb 10) in order to receive them in time for the opening of the movie. (it takes up to two weeks to receive them and the movie opens Feb 25)
Our Promise Keepers newsletter had a nice spread about the movie and gives their official endorsement.
(Promise Keepers even let me, a woman, join. I've never been marked and avoided or otherwise ridiculed and insulted by Promise Keepers or any Christian group except twi.)
And Elijahlist today had a nice article that Mel Gibson's response to the prayers offered on behalf of The Passion was, "Thanks," and "It's working."
I saw it Saturday. It was very sombering. I bought popcorn before the movie, but I sure couldnt' eat it. That was nice the manager at your cinema passed out kleenex. I sure needed it.
A very powerful movie. When it was over my friend and I sat still through most of the credits. When most of the audience had left, we got up and headed toward the exit. There's a hallway that leads from the front of the theater to the exit, which is in the back of the theater. Halfway through that hallway I stopped and sobbed like an infant. I don't know if I'll ever have a movie experience quite like that again.
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Jesus Christ asked God for his cup to be removed to not have to die to not have to suffer to not have to leave the the ones He loved.
I believe His prayer in the garden may have been answered , read it, it talks about how much concern he has for his friends and followers. I do not believe jesus christ knew all what the future was as far as penticost and then the gentiles being allowed into Gods fold. Remember the bible has always stated the return of christ would be soon and every single generation has believed it would be in their lifetime...
His death accomplished nothing chwester many have died in the name of faith and God, it was the fact he went to speak to the devils and told them he was still alive that told satan he was the messiah of the world that fullfilled Gods purpose of the second Adam . The first adam invited death the second told it no.
The story of redemption has little to do with death of a man , men die every single day and will continue to do so till the enemy is burned..
The fact of the story to me is we now have a choice to believe what jesus accomplished. He didnt accomplish "death", He accomplished our ability to live forever without believing on His Lordship over the church which God calls out from humanity . A movie that protrays our Lord as a beaten down bloody victim does NOT send the message of a Saviour of mankind , it says to me god is a brute who willingly kills the only one who ever obeyed His will perfectly . Not the story I believe in.
Jesus needed to die to destroy all of our sinfull natures which included death itself.. Yet it is a story of VICTORY over death not the murder itself that glorifys what HE did by hearing and obeying Gods commandments. He knew the comforter would come He knew God would be able to have His people once again in harmony with His will, He didnt want to die or leave his friends ,His prayer in the garden is most beautiful about His genuine Love and concern for us. He was the "middle man" to God for His followers , if he could meet death and tell them it was all over He knew God could then send a holy spirit back to the people without the lawful conditions placed on them in the law. It was a choice of life or death, who would not chose LIfe????
the movie sounds like he chose to die because He so loved us NO ! He did not He chose to LIVE and make it possible for all of Gods children to LIVE! Jesus is no fool , he was beaten and murdered by Gods own people not an enemy , this is a message of loving one another and God in the face of death which still happens today. the choice is life or death, He chose LIFE over death it is the same choice we as christians can accomplish through the Holy Spirit God granted us on penticost. Jesus christ didnt die for us He LIVES for us!!!!
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The way I see it, "Catholic traditionalism" which is among other things a rejection Vatican II, is akin to an offshoot of the Flat Earth Society, declaring that the FES has betrayed its principles somehow.
It is ignorance within igorance, the blind rejecting the blind, leaving those blind to lead themselves into their own blindness.
What is the attraction cults hold for us? When I think of my own former allegiance to The Way, it was contingent upon results, upon knowing God, and when God seemed to dwell outside of The Way's framework, it remained for a time a social gathering of mostly younger, reasonably educated, "like-minded" people. It just became a part of life, for a while.
While The Way was certainly a cult, it was a mild case compared with many others, some of which have achieved "acceptablity" as denominations.
God save the rest from His "chosen."
[This message was edited by QamiQazi on August 10, 2003 at 13:19.]
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His death accomplished nothing?
The Bible teaches he was the lamb of God, unblemished. The perfect sacrifice.
His death atoned for our sins. This is the reason he laid down his life. He died to pay for our sins. We were justified by his blood. By his stripes we were healed.
This is a very basic teaching in the Bible.
I could list many verses, but one of my favorites is in Hebrews: "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God".
Many have died for their stand on God's Word, but none of them were the "Son of God". Big difference. None of the others "became sin" for us. None of the others bore our sins. They could not because they were not sinless, like Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:10--For if when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him THROUGH THE DEATH OF HIS SON....
Romans 4:25--he was delivered over to death for our sins.
Ephesians 1:7-- In him we have redemption THROUGH HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins..
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
Ephesians 2:16--And in this one body to reconcile both of them(Jews and Gentiles) to God THROUGH THE CROSS,by which he put to death their hostility.
Col.1:20...and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven,by making peace THROUGH HIS BLOOD, SHED ON THE CROSS.
Proud to be an American
[This message was edited by chwester on August 10, 2003 at 19:02.]
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The fact that Jesus died that day made all the rumors of him being a fraud and a liar the truth.
his own people were hiding for fear they would be next in line to a death for a man with a fake ministry who claimed to take over and set up a new kingdom . HE freaking DIED!!! everyone witnessed his death and they set guards at the tomb so no one would steal the body ...
They were filled with FEAR!!!
that is you idea of glory chwester???
how little you understand what you read... it appears.
His blood was one of obedience as the first adam was one of disobedience. also his bloodline literly his family genes were needed to accomplish what Jesus did which was to defy death in the chains and tell them He will reign supreme .
well he isnt today is he now?? no the kingdom is in the future isnt it? uuumm yes primary bible there chwester! What He did was believe and Obey God and told death it was His kingdom to come back to someday. Then the miricle happened which was penticost.. which allows all to become a partaker of that kingdom who believes what Jesus did. We now have the same blood and can be called sons and daughter NOT servants of the most high God...before holy spirit was available by Jesus being raised as a Saviour NO ONE WAS A CHILD OF GOD.
Before penticost God had no sons and daughters with blood Jesus invited us into a family that God created on that day.
The big deal isnt the fact he died it is the fact He claimed death and held a victory over it as a Son of God yes at that point the ONLY SON of God because it was not yet available to be a son of God till the new birth was set on penticost...
for some one who claim alot you spew out bible verses with little understanding of them chwester.
not a good sign for a King to be dead and
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All I can say is read the verses in my last post. If you dont want to beleive them, it's up to you. They speak for themselves.
Without Christ's death we would still be in our sins.
Proud to be an American
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Tom Strange
well.... I don't know about all of these things... and you boys are just going to have to learn to 'play nice'...
All I want ol' Mel to do is release two versions: one without subtitles, and one with subtitles... I'm sure it'll be a beyooteefool movie without the subtitles but I'm more sure that the subtitles will add to my understanding... there can be no understanding without subtitles...
SeestorEx: nice picture of Mel and the two Jesus'! That would explain how he was able to go to India and later to see the Mormons...
so... I vote for subtitles...
... big hitter, the lama...
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Kit Sober
Jim Cavaziel -- He has an amazing movie, "Frequency," which a radio ham especially will enjoy because of the accuracy with which ham radio is dealt with. (Fred is a ham.)
Cavaziel is also Catholic.
One nice thing I like about Catholics is that their religion is generally speaking part of their lifestyle. I.e., a Catholic is more likely to let his life be his sermon. Much of the schools, hospitals, and social service programs have been begun and are staffed today by Catholics.
[This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 06, 2003 at 23:20.]
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I can't wait to see this movie! I've been following the critics and the supporters and will go and watch, subtitles or not. I'd rather not have them, actually.
Mel Gibson is a brilliant actor, IMO, as well as director, producer and writer. Not even to mention seemingly a pretty nice guy.
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The name of the movie is "Frequency." Fascinating film. Dennis Quaid plays his father. It's a terrific twist on the time travel genre.
An unusual occurrence of the aurora borealis opens up a communication via ham radio between a NYC cop (Cazaviel) in 1999 and his father (Quaid), a NYC firefighter in 1969. Junior must decide whether (and how) to warn his father about dad's impending, preventable death. And dad has to decide whether to believe a voice on the other end of the radio who claims to be his grown up son. One major key: they're both Mets fans.
Excellent, excellent movie. Well acted, nicely scripted, and fun.
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Kit Sober
Rafael. Thanks for setting the title straight.
Those pictures of the aurora borealis is probably the closest I'll ever get to see it.
Fred liked it because it used real concepts to make it.
I liked it because of the father/son communication.
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Kit Sober
Well the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights seems to love the movie: "The Catalyst" newspaper article about "The Passion" (no pictures)
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BraveHeart to The Passion and all inbetween... Love Mad Max...
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on September 17, 2003 at 18:32.]
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Kit Sober
There is a website for information on release and option to sign support list.
The Passion website
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Here's an interesting account my daughter received from one of her Nashville friends...
>Subject: Mel Gibson's Movie
> Please pass this along to your friends and help get the word out
>this movie!
> This is an email from artist Christy Nockles:
> Hello friends and family,
> Nathan and I wanted to share with you that we were able to attend a
> private screening of the new Mel Gibson film titled "The Passion Of
>The Christ" this past Monday night. We unexpectedly got on the list to
> and view it at First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, TN. Neither of
> were really prepared for what we viewed. It's really hard to find
> words to tell you how life-changing this film was for both of us.
>First of all, Nathan and I felt completely out of place. We got in
> through Don Donahue (thank you, Don) but most of the crowd was the
>Country Music Industry...artists, radio and press. Ricky Scaggs sort
> the event. This movie changed our lives forever. The room was full
> the sound of weeping and loud sobbing, including our own. I told
> Nathan on the way home that I only wish that I would have seen it as
> teen. It is so fitting that the whole movie begins with a black
> with the text of Isaiah 53:5, "But He was wounded for our
> transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities , the chastisement
> for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed". I've
> attached an e-mail below from Lisa Bevill who attended the viewing
>well. She
> very beautifully describes the experience of viewing the film and
> getting to have a question and answer time with Mel Gibson himself.
> (PLEASE take time to read it because she goes into great detail
> the Q & A time that we had with was so cool.) The room was
> silent as the movie ended and even as Mel walked down the isle of
>chapel people remained completely stunned by the film. After he was
> formally introduced, everyone stood and applauded him loudly. He so
> graciously answered each question, and was very candid with us. It
> very apparent, though there was a huge absence of "christian lingo"
> coming from his mouth (breath of fresh air...thank you) that he has
> deep relationship with God, he believes that Jesus is the Messiah,
> that he's coming back to get his people. Mel and his small band of
> believers around him are asking the church to take on a "grass
> approach to this film. They are asking us to tell everyone we know
>about it... They are wanting artists to show the DVD trailer at
> do pre-sales on tickets through churches and FOR EVERYONE TO GO SEE
> OPENING WEEK! It really does matter that you go the first 2 weeks of
> opening which is FEB.25TH. It is so important!! THIS MOVIE IS
> THIS MOVIE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I fell in love with Jesus on
> night. Either for the first time, or all over again. It is so
> that the same King who endured that cross and was broken for me,
> inside of me! I am in Him and He is in me. I cannot wait until Noah
>and Elliana are young teens so that we can let them view this movie.
> Please pray for Mel Gibson. Pray for protection for him and his
> Pray that God would pour back on him 100 fold what he spent on this
> movie so that MORE MOVIES LIKE THIS CAN BE MADE! He spoke about the
> major warfare that has been going on over this movie. He also told
> about several miracles and conversions that happened throughout the
> making of this film. (Lisa tells about these in the letter below) So
> Anyway, we just wanted you to know about this so that you can have a
> huge part in the success of this film! Lisa gives out the website
> as well below. You can put a link to it on your website and you can
>also request promotional materials from their website as well.
Blessings to
> all of you in the name of our Lord! Christy and Nathan Nockels
> from Lisa is below)
> -------------------------------------------
> Hey friends and family,
> Last night I attended a private screening of Mel Gibson's movie
> ...12/8/2003, at Ricky Skaggs' church in Hendersonville. I attended
> with Bonnie and Brent King. There were about 200 people in
> Well,....let me just say that I am speechless, moved beyond words
> sobered by what I saw last night. I'm sure many of you will be
>receiving emails from some of your friends who were there as
> probably be bombarded with their own personal stories.. There were
>many country artists as well as Christian artists there, along side
> radio and press folks. The movie was in a rough cut version...but
> I thought a very finished state,...special effects had not been
> yet, nor was the music complete....still it brought uncontrollable
> weeping from everyone.. I couldn't stop crying through the whole
>movie. And when the movie was over, there was complete silence in the
> I wanted the story to go on and on...for another two hours.... I
> the movie was about 2 hours long. It got started late, like around
>7:30, and the next time I looked at my watch it was 10:30... so I
> don't even remember. There was a question and answer time with Mel
> Gibson himself, so who cared what time it was. Every moment of the
>movie was captivating,..breathtaking....still there are no words. The
>beating and suffering of Christ was almost unbearable to watch. The
>with flashbacks of Jesus when he was a little boy and a scene of his
> running to comfort him and then cradling him in her arms after he
> fallen down about the age of 4 or 5.....was interlaced with scenes
> him falling to the ground carrying his own cross, so bloody and
> unrecognizable...and then her holding him in her arms after he had
>been taken down from the cross. Her face then stared into the camera
> she was holding him...and you could just imagine the things she was
> thinking. Every parent who was seated near me .. fell apart. The
> being hammered into his hands was the most real thing I had ever
> One scene of Jesus and the interaction with his mother...just
> me of every 20-year old man/child and mom relationship. Where she's
> trying to get him to come to eat...and has to remind him to wash his
> hands before eating...she brings water to wash his hands..and after
> washing, he gently splashes water on his mother..but then wraps his
>arms around her and kisses her on the cheek....and takes off running
to the
> food.. I don't just reminded me of something my 15 year old
> Cody would do to me..... And the thought of one of my boys going
>through that, just made me want to die inside... Anyway... I could go
> on....but I truly have no you can tell by the book i'm
> writing here....haha. There was a question and answer period last
> with Mel himself. We had heard rumors that he's been showing up to
> these screenings. I got brave enough to put my hand up and ask a
> about the miracles that we had heard about, on the set. And he began
> to talk about so many I couldn't really keep track. I remember
> about one of the actors being hit by lightning twice yet walking
> from it..with only smoking fingertips, healings , conversions on the
> set,..but I especially remember him talking about a Two-year old
> child's, hearing and sight being restored...and he know
> can't fake that when you're two. So we know it was real.
> He was asked about Spiritual warfare on the set...and he just
>laughingly said..."Oh yeah..just being in Italy alone was enough
>warfare,..but he
> said it was intense. He said that the bad press surrounding the
> just a few small pressure groups that are causing all the
> noise. But seem to have the loudest mouths. And that became the
> for having these small private to get the word out
>to start a grass roots campaign into a swell. WOW....that sounds
> We all get the chance to be Christ's disciples all over again, in a
> fresh new way...
> Ricky Skaggs asked the final question of the night to Mel.....about
>how we can pray for him, help him, spread the word etc. He said that
>"prayer was the most powerful thing. And not to pray for all our
enemies to
>have warts grow on their faces, (laughter), but to pray for our
> angels to fight against satan's angels, because the people don't
> any better, they are clueless...and they are just being used by
> It was mentioned to everyone in the crowd who were artists, press
>folks, radio..and such..anyone who had a get on a mailing
>and sign up. That they would be sending links, so that everyone could
>it on their websites,...there would be movie trailers that artists
> take on tour with them, show at concerts....any type of promo
> on product tables etc. They passed out a poster flyer last night as
> left...and the official website address is:
> This is the address they have on all promo materials for the movie.
> It was a little easier to see the trailer on this it was
> equipped for all computers video capabilities. You can go to this
> website and register to find out more info on how to help. This
> site that is listed will just give you more info on press stuff and
>more press on the miracles that happened.
> (fan site)
> The movie comes out February 25, 2004.. Ash theaters
> nationwide. And the movie's official title is The Passion of the
> Mel said that he spent 35 million of his own money to make this
> Mel,.. I have to say is a man of the word! He knows the Bible..and
>a sold-out believer. He said that this movie has been his passion for
>the past 12 years....just 3 years ago did the Lord begin to give him
> landmark signs that now was the time to start filming the movie. He
> mentioned some of them...but one that stuck in my mind, was him
> that some random little old lady in France I think...came up to him
>and said something to him that nobody could've known, I don't know
>she said to him..but he said the signs to get started on it, were
> unmistakable. Ok....well...I know that I am changed...and I pray
> what I saw will be etched on my brain forever...and Lord, help me to
> never forget the price you paid for us all. Whenever I begin to
> or complain....shut my mouth Lord. And help us all to remember,...we
>are not home yet...that heaven awaits all of us who believe in
> that we all have a part to play, a heart to share, a burden to
> carry...and a story of love and hope to spread.... Thank you for the
> cross LORD! Make it a point to take your entire family to this
> I love you all....and have a blessed Christmas holiday if I don't
>or talk to any of you before then... Lisa B.
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Kit Sober
Received from a prophetic email list (I am getting excited to see this movie):
You can support this film in two huge ways:1. Pray
2. Order your tickets in advance now which will help it to get into your local theatre! You should order them right away (before Feb 10) in order to receive them in time for the opening of the movie. (it takes up to two weeks to receive them and the movie opens Feb 25)
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Kit Sober
Our Promise Keepers newsletter had a nice spread about the movie and gives their official endorsement.
(Promise Keepers even let me, a woman, join. I've never been marked and avoided or otherwise ridiculed and insulted by Promise Keepers or any Christian group except twi.)
And Elijahlist today had a nice article that Mel Gibson's response to the prayers offered on behalf of The Passion was, "Thanks," and "It's working."
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The strangest trip to the theater I ever had.
The Manager of the theater came into the room and passed out boxes of tissues before the movie started....
No one... I mean No one... left to get popcorn.
2 hours and not one cell phone call or pager was heard.
Not a soul spoke on the way out. No ONE!! I still havent spoken.
The most intense 2 hours I have ever spent, and I have had some pretty intense 2-hour-periods in my day.
no previews not a sound fron the kids in the back rows no mumbling nothing
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hi wasway, yeah there is a thread on it, in open perhaps?
did ya like the movie?
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thanks Shellon
It was a very moving experience and while it wasn't the kind of thing that I'd want my 12 year old to see, It really makes you think.
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I saw it Saturday. It was very sombering. I bought popcorn before the movie, but I sure couldnt' eat it. That was nice the manager at your cinema passed out kleenex. I sure needed it.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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A very powerful movie. When it was over my friend and I sat still through most of the credits. When most of the audience had left, we got up and headed toward the exit. There's a hallway that leads from the front of the theater to the exit, which is in the back of the theater. Halfway through that hallway I stopped and sobbed like an infant. I don't know if I'll ever have a movie experience quite like that again.
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