Seester... Edison Field is where the Angels play (how appropriate)... near Disneyland and (if I remember correctly) pretty close to 'The Pond' where the Ducks play...
excie--I used to live in hell, also known as soCal. I have lived back up in NoCal, my native land for 4 years now. edison field is not visited by life-long Giants fans such as myself, after last fall's debacle and melt-down. Sorry--maybe mike could head over and check it out....or whyteduv, she's not far away....
[This message was edited by alfakat on August 08, 2003 at 16:11.]
Exie that's an interesting article on "The Passion" I can't help but being reminded of "The Apostle" with Robert Duvall. It took him years to get that movie out, after putting up 4 million dollars of his own money, but WHAT an excellent movie.
In fact my little signature above my rottie angel is from that movie (it's a song) it was so inspiring.
I think my favorite line from that movie though is after he bashes that youth pastor with the baseball bat (for breaking up his family)he tells his friend "I think I just sent him on the road to Glaw-ry" Classic!
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
[This message was edited by RottieGrrrl on August 08, 2003 at 16:23.]
HEY, HEY HEY Alfakat Watch your mouth about so. ca. I happen to like it in hell er I mean so. calli. and yes I only live about 40 minutes from Anaheim Stadium.....Yea Angels, Double yea DODGERS.....BBBooooooo the hated giants lol
All kidding aside I heard about the harvest crusade a couple of weeks ago and thought about going, but forgot until I saw it in here. I hear its a really big thing and they do it every year I think. I also heard it was alot of we used to have at the rock a long long time ago!!!!!
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
That's like a non-Italian speaker reading an untranslated script of La Boheme and saying, "Beautiful, huh?"
The beauty is in the music and the performances, not merely in the language.
The Passion seeks to transcend our inability to understand the words being spoken, communicating its message through powerful images and a story with which we are all familiar.
You strike me as the kind of guy who would b-and moan about the script to a silent movie.
Good Lord but how does one speak that language? I mean I recognize the letters at least but it looks like such goobly gock. I would love to hear them speak Aramaic.
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
That's like a non-Italian speaker reading an untranslated script of La Boheme and saying, "Beautiful, huh?"
The beauty is in the music and the performances, not merely in the language.
The Passion seeks to transcend our inability to understand the words being spoken, communicating its message through powerful images and a story with which we are all familiar.
Now, you strike me as the kind of guy who would b-and moan about the script to a silent movie.
Fascinating, huh?
Your analogy is incorrect. You are comparing apples to horses of a different color, pal.
The point, Rafael, is that dialog adds something. I like the idea of the Aramaic, and I might like to see it first without subtitles. But I would also like to know what is being said. Words without meaning are very much like meaningless words, Rafael. You should know that, being a journalist, sort of.
You strike me as the kind of guy who would call somebody else the kind of guy who would b- and moan, without the faintest understanding of what he is TALKING ABOUT!
And thanks for the lecture on beauty. I'll file it under "P" for profound thoughts to ponder, when I run out of my own.
The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." -Thomas Jefferson
Of course dialogue adds something. But when the artist makes a decision to pull dialogue from the understanding of the audience, it doesn't mean something's been taken away. It means he's appealing to other faculties of your mind.
Your mind does have other faculties, doesn't it? Or do you need everything spelled out for you?
Hey, I don't think those guys with the hammers and nails are terribly fond of that Y'shua character.
i'm leery about seeing it because i think it's going to be very graphic and sad.... and it might make me feel guilty for what happened to jesus
i just want to say, i did not do anything to him, i wasn't there, i did not mean for anything bad to happen to him, so if mr. gibson wants me to feel like crap, then i don't like that. if it helps people, fine..... that remains to be seen......
see, i know about these catholics and their guilt trips.... ;)-->
plus if anyone is to blame, it's God.... he set the whoooooooooole thing up, did he not ?
I believe it is the sins of mankind(that includes us)that put the stripes on his back. In other words,if mankind had not sinned, Jesus would not have had to be crucified. But remember, He did not have to do it. He chose to do it--because He loved us.
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Tom Strange
It is:
Where is the bathroom.
Two beers please.
Give me a kiss.
... big hitter, the lama...
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Which should be:
Donde' esta el ban~o?
Dos cervezas, por favor, and
Darme un beso.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
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okay can we have that in latin and aramaic to keep mel happy
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and i read there will be a four minute clip of the movie tomorrow in california at something called the harvest summerfest at edison field
i don't know where that is, alfie, is that near you, could you preview and report back ?
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Edison Field is where the Anaheim Angels play.
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Tom Strange
Seester... Edison Field is where the Angels play (how appropriate)... near Disneyland and (if I remember correctly) pretty close to 'The Pond' where the Ducks play...
... big hitter, the lama...
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excie--I used to live in hell, also known as soCal. I have lived back up in NoCal, my native land for 4 years now. edison field is not visited by life-long Giants fans such as myself, after last fall's debacle and melt-down. Sorry--maybe mike could head over and check it out....or whyteduv, she's not far away....
[This message was edited by alfakat on August 08, 2003 at 16:11.]
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Rafael pucker up Tom want's a kiss.
Exie that's an interesting article on "The Passion" I can't help but being reminded of "The Apostle" with Robert Duvall. It took him years to get that movie out, after putting up 4 million dollars of his own money, but WHAT an excellent movie.
In fact my little signature above my rottie angel is from that movie (it's a song) it was so inspiring.
I think my favorite line from that movie though is after he bashes that youth pastor with the baseball bat (for breaking up his family)he tells his friend "I think I just sent him on the road to Glaw-ry" Classic!
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
[This message was edited by RottieGrrrl on August 08, 2003 at 16:23.]
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hey thanks all for the replies
i just got distracted by QQ's thread on love in the way ministry and i lost my mind for a minute....
fine now
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Here is an example of Aramaic, transliterated for your reading enjoyment:
wplmlw dbeml axysm ewsy nrm yr?d nylya nyhlk le alypwat wa tbtk aymdq abtk 1
a?dwqd axwrb abgd nylya axyl?l nwna awh dqpd rtb nm qltsa hbd wh amwyl amde 2
ahlad atwklm le rmaw nwhl awh azxtm dk nyebra nymwyb ataygs atwtab ?xd rtb nm yx dk h?pn nwhl ywx pad nwnh 3
ynm nwtem?d wh abad hydww?l nwwqnd ala nwqrpn al ml?rwa nmd nwna dqp amxl nwhme lka dkw 4
aaygs atmwy rtb al a?dwqd axwrb nwdmet nwtnaw aymb dmea nnxwyd 5
lyrsyal atwklm tna anpm anbz anhb na nrm hl nyrmaw yhwla? ny?ynk dk nyd nwnh 6
h?pnd anjlw?b nwna ms abad nylya anbz wa anbz edml adh nwklyd twh al wh nwhl rma 7
aerad hypwsl amdew ayrm? tyb paw dwhy hlkbw ml?rwab adhs yl nwwhtw alyx nwlbqt nwkyle a?dwqd axwr atat dk ala 8
nwhynye nm ysktaw htlbq annew qltsa hl nyzx dk rma nylh dkw 9
arwx a?wblb nwhtwl nymyq nyrbg nyrt wxkt?a awh lza wh dk aym?b wwh nyryx dkw 10
ankh aym?l nwknm qltsad ew?y anh aym?b nyryxw nwtna nymyq anm aylylg arbg nwhl nyrmaw 11
aym?l qlsd yhynwtyzxd am kya atan
nwdjsa aeb? kya hnm qyrpw ml?rwa bng le yhwtyad atyz tybd arqtmd arwj nm ml?rwal nwhl wkph nkrtb nmw 12
amwatw swpylypw swardnaw bwqeyw nnxwyw swrjp hb wwh nywhd yh atylel nwhl wqls wled rtb nmw 13
bwqey rb adwhyw annj nwem?w yplx rb bwqeyw ymlwt-rbw ytmw
yhwxa mew ew?yd hma myrm mew a?n me ?pn adxb atwlsb wwh nynyma adxka nwhlk nylh 14
rmaw nyrsew aam kya a?nad a?nk nmt nyd awh tya adymlt tesm apak nwem? mq nwnh atmwyb nwhbw 15
nwnhl anrbdm awhd wh adwhy le dywdd hmwpb a?dwqd axwr rma mdqd anya abtk almtnd awh qdz nyxa arbg 16
ew?yl wdxad
adh at?m?tb asp hl awh tyaw nme awh anmd ljm 17
hywg hlk d?ataw htesm nm trptaw aera le yhwpa le lpnw atyjxd arga nm atyrq hl anqd wnh 18
md tyrwq hmgrwt yhwtyad amd lqx artad hn?lb yh atyrq tyrqta ankhw ml?rwab nyrmed nwhlkl tedyta adh yhw 19
nyrxa bsn ht?m?tw hb awhn al rwmew abrx awht hrydd arwmzmd arpsb ryg bytk 20
ew?y nrm nyle qpnw le hbd hlk anbz anhb nme wwhd arbg nylh nm dxl lykh yh aylw 21
htmyqd adhs nme awhn whd ntwl nm qltsad amwyl amde nnxwyd htydwmem nm pqad 22
aytmlw swjswy ymt?ad ab?rb arqtmd pswyl nyrt wmyqaw 23
nwhyrt nylh nm tna abgd anya dx awx lkd atwblbd edy ayrm tna wrma wyls dkw 24
hrtal hl lzand adwhy qrp hnmd atwxyl?w at?m?td asp lbqn whd 25
axyl? rsedx me ynmtaw aytml tqlsw asp wymraw 26
The numbers at the end of each line are verse numbers. This is Acts, chapter one. Pretty exciting, huh?
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HEY, HEY HEY Alfakat Watch your mouth about so. ca. I happen to like it in hell er I mean so. calli. and yes I only live about 40 minutes from Anaheim Stadium.....Yea Angels, Double yea DODGERS.....BBBooooooo the hated giants lol
All kidding aside I heard about the harvest crusade a couple of weeks ago and thought about going, but forgot until I saw it in here. I hear its a really big thing and they do it every year I think. I also heard it was alot of we used to have at the rock a long long time ago!!!!!
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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That's like a non-Italian speaker reading an untranslated script of La Boheme and saying, "Beautiful, huh?"
The beauty is in the music and the performances, not merely in the language.
The Passion seeks to transcend our inability to understand the words being spoken, communicating its message through powerful images and a story with which we are all familiar.
You strike me as the kind of guy who would b-and moan about the script to a silent movie.
Fascinating, huh?
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Good Lord but how does one speak that language? I mean I recognize the letters at least but it looks like such goobly gock. I would love to hear them speak Aramaic.
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
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Your analogy is incorrect. You are comparing apples to horses of a different color, pal.
The point, Rafael, is that dialog adds something. I like the idea of the Aramaic, and I might like to see it first without subtitles. But I would also like to know what is being said. Words without meaning are very much like meaningless words, Rafael. You should know that, being a journalist, sort of.
You strike me as the kind of guy who would call somebody else the kind of guy who would b- and moan, without the faintest understanding of what he is TALKING ABOUT!
And thanks for the lecture on beauty. I'll file it under "P" for profound thoughts to ponder, when I run out of my own.
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Ron G.
Where'd you get that?
EVERYONE knows "qltsad" is spelled "qltsOd"!
You need a better source.
We have four boxes used to guarantee our liberty:
The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." -Thomas Jefferson
Ron G.
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Yo' Mama!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Of course dialogue adds something. But when the artist makes a decision to pull dialogue from the understanding of the audience, it doesn't mean something's been taken away. It means he's appealing to other faculties of your mind.
Your mind does have other faculties, doesn't it? Or do you need everything spelled out for you?
Hey, I don't think those guys with the hammers and nails are terribly fond of that Y'shua character.
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First, the fact that you don't know the meaning of certain words does not make those words meaningless. It makes you unaware of their meaning.
Second, what's with the personal attack, dummy?
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It's "dame un beso"
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now i haven't seen the movie "the passion"
i posted the one pic i could find
i'm leery about seeing it because i think it's going to be very graphic and sad.... and it might make me feel guilty for what happened to jesus
i just want to say, i did not do anything to him, i wasn't there, i did not mean for anything bad to happen to him, so if mr. gibson wants me to feel like crap, then i don't like that. if it helps people, fine..... that remains to be seen......
see, i know about these catholics and their guilt trips....
plus if anyone is to blame, it's God.... he set the whoooooooooole thing up, did he not ?
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Don't worry, Excy, it wasn't you that killed Jesus.
It was the fear in the heart and life of his mother.
Oops. Sorry. Wrong kid.
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Funny Raf
I believe it is the sins of mankind(that includes us)that put the stripes on his back. In other words,if mankind had not sinned, Jesus would not have had to be crucified. But remember, He did not have to do it. He chose to do it--because He loved us.
Proud to be an American
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now let me tell you something, my friend chwester, i was foreordained to sin...... that is not a choice
however, i believe in jesus christ as my lord and savior....
and another thing..... i am so tired of the guilt thing...
you know what ? you talk to God and i'll talk to God..... let HIM decide
but i don't need a movie to make me feel like sheet
someone (not directed at anyone) tell ME the difference between being MOVED by something and being made to feel the BLAME about something
okay ?
and i'm not laying any blame on mel gibson... not yet anyway, in fact, his heart might be in the right place (wayword wayword boing boing boing)
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yeah he chose to do it because he loved us
but i don't get the choice I HAD in the matter
think about it.........
mwah from a faith type person
ps. what the heck are "the sins of mankind(that includes us)that put the stripes on his back" ?
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