Found it... the third and final evil is PHAULOS that's right, "Unproductive Evil"
Interestly, there are only four occurances of this word in the NT. None in the church epistles. Not a lot to build such a strong case against people. How ironic, bore people to tears and then kick them to the curb for not showing enough enthusiasm.
Also of note, there are 26 different word forms in the Greek rendered "evil" in the KJV. That's 23 more catagories of foot left to kick!
The first time I ever heard that teaching was in 1973 ... by Walter Cummins. When he taught it, the SNS Teaching Tape was called "Your Critical Christian Decision." He covered the three aspects of evil, those three words used for it, then ended with the comment (which I remember because I typed those particular notes up and have kept them all these years) that our critical Christian decision is whether or not we will choose to overcome evil with good....Good teaching. As most teachings of the "early years," it was twisted and subject to the private interpretation of LCM and his wannabes to put people into religious bondage.
I think lcm taught it to keep WC from allowing people to just come to twig and hang out. Everybody needed to be working toward the goal, getting more single women for lcm to do the deed with.
stands for "whatever is evil in character, base," in distinction (wherever the distinction is observable)
from poneros (see No. 2), which indicates "what is evil in influence and effect, malignant."
Kakos is the wider term and often covers the meaning of poneros. Kakos is antithetic to kalos,
"fair, advisable, good in character," and to agathos, "beneficial, useful, good in act;"
hence it denotes what is useless, incapable, bad; poneros is essentially antithetic to chrestos,
"kind, gracious, serviceable;" hence it denotes what is destructive, injurious, evil.
As evidence that poneros and kakos have much in common, though still not interchangeable, each is used of thoughts, cp. Matt. 15:19 with Mark 7:21; of speech, Matt. 5:11 with 1 Pet. 3:10;
of actions, 2 Tim. 4:18 with 1 Thess. 5:15; of man, Matt. 18:32 with Matt. 24:48.
The use of kakos may be broadly divided as follows: (a) of what is morally or ethically "evil,"
whether of persons, e.g., Matt. 21:41; 24:48; Phil. 3:2; Rev. 2:2, or qualities, emotions, passions, deeds,
e.g., Mark 7:21; John 18:23,30; Rom. 1:30; 3:8; 7:19,21; 13:4; 14:20; 16:19; 1 Cor. 13:5; 2 Cor. 13:7;
1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Tim. 6:10; 2 Tim. 4:14; 1 Pet. 3:9,12; (b) of what is injurious, destructive, baneful, pernicious, e.g., Luke 16:25; Acts 16:28; 28:5; Titus 1:12; Jas. 3:8; Rev. 16:2,
where kakos and poneros come in that order, "noisome and grievous."
akin to ponos, "labor, toil," denotes "evil that causes labor, pain, sorrow, malignant evil";
it is used (a) with the meaning bad, worthless, in the physical sense, Matt. 7:17,18;
in the moral or ethical sense, "evil," wicked; of persons, e.g., Matt. 7:11; Luke 6:45; Acts 17:5; 2 Thess. 3:2; 2 Tim. 3:13;
of "evil" spirits, e.g., Matt. 12:45; Luke 7:21; Acts 19:12,13,15,16;
of a generation, Matt. 12:39,45; 16:4; Luke 11:29;
of things, e.g., Matt. 5:11; 6:23; 20:15; Mark 7:22; Luke 11:34; John 3:19; 7:7; Acts 18:14; Gal. 1:4; Col. 1:21; 1 Tim. 6:4; 2 Tim. 4:18; Heb. 3:12; 10:22; Jas. 2:4; 4:16; 1 John 3:12; 2 John 1:11; 3 John 1:10;
(b) with the meaning toilsome, painful, Eph. 5:16; 6:13; Rev. 16:2. Cp. poneria, "iniquity, wickedness."
primarily denotes "slight, trivial, blown about by every wind;" then, "mean, common, bad," in the sense of being worthless, paltry or contemptible, belonging to a low order of things;
in John 5:29, those who have practiced "evil" things, RV, "ill" (phaula),
are set in contrast to those who have done good things (agatha);
the same contrast is presented in Rom. 9:11; 2 Cor. 5:10, in each of which the most authentic mss. have phaulos for kakos;
he who practices "evil" things (RV, "ill") hates the light, John 3:20; jealousy and strife are accompanied by "every vile deed,"
I remember some other good ones like the one where if the Man Of od is challenged by someone with scripture that he has broken , then the instant defense was to be " how will you ever suffer that for the Man Of God then , for his glory is to high , and you must suffer for his name's sake these things , he might have to "break some eggs to make the omlet" , but he will never suffer evil for it , he is a glory too high"
Or the on about believers not being able to get HIV , so they went out with whoever and had sex, and # 1
had no doubt that speaking in tongues was all it took if they were unbelief, and if a believer then that was just "blessing a friend",( we were just friends, meant sex but no attachments), so there was absolutely no sin in that. Or by doin it , teaching some way woman to be shared with leadership, or traded for the night;
or #2 that someone could be out having group sex or enforced swapping the night before, or i guess even gay sex, and serve communion the next day.
Or all the revelations to "see visions , and hear voices, and you dern well better speak in tongues to the
blessing of it as your prayer , and their will be done"
There is a list of things like this that goes on for days.
I'd tell you about it all but it's going to be hard enought to suffer this for them.
There were numerous terms for actions against members ," like the up the ladder , down the ladder",
when and issue went up the ladder of the higherarchy, and you still did'nt want to submit to them, then you could just by your own action suffer going down the other side of the ladder till you were destroyed low enought to give in to them ; or the old manning ; the latter state worse than the first ; three day deathing of the Dr. . The whole thing comes back to a twisted mind / minds who were very sucessfull as a secret society for years and years. Free home , free sex, some free food , church to make you feel better, and
"like-minded believers"; thats why they program so much, and play you so much. It's a pit , and a criminal
CONNERRON...Welcome to Greasespot. Sounds like you seen a few "things" in twi...welcome to the Mickey Mouse club where we all take turns slapping Goofy around a bit...
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Let's see there was KAKOS or "Destructive Evil"
Then there was PONEROS or "Harrassing Evil"
Then finally there was

...what where am I? :unsure:
Sorry dozed off. I can't remember the last one. Guess I'm unproductive too.
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I got out in '80 and don't recall such a concept.
OTOH, I find it very interesting from a logical standpoint that you can start with a *nothing* and turn it into an evil.
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Unproductive evil
Number one clue
not getting new people to fellowship and then getting them to take THE CLASS
other signs of unproductively, not willing to jump at the slightest suggestion of a request from leadership
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You mean there is such a thing as "productive evil"?
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Yeah, that's me. Unproductive evil. That's why they kicked me out.
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Found it... the third and final evil is PHAULOS that's right, "Unproductive Evil"
Interestly, there are only four occurances of this word in the NT. None in the church epistles. Not a lot to build such a strong case against people. How ironic, bore people to tears and then kick them to the curb for not showing enough enthusiasm.
Also of note, there are 26 different word forms in the Greek rendered "evil" in the KJV. That's 23 more catagories of foot left to kick!
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The first time I ever heard that teaching was in 1973 ... by Walter Cummins. When he taught it, the SNS Teaching Tape was called "Your Critical Christian Decision." He covered the three aspects of evil, those three words used for it, then ended with the comment (which I remember because I typed those particular notes up and have kept them all these years) that our critical Christian decision is whether or not we will choose to overcome evil with good....Good teaching. As most teachings of the "early years," it was twisted and subject to the private interpretation of LCM and his wannabes to put people into religious bondage.
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I think lcm taught it to keep WC from allowing people to just come to twig and hang out. Everybody needed to be working toward the goal, getting more single women for lcm to do the deed with.
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Yeah, Walter's still pretty cool from what I've heard.
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Hey Johniam ... who knew??? So you were kicked out for this unthinkable atribute!
As to the word "phalous" - WOW! Where does that word come from???
If it was about getting peeps into the class - well the leadership that I knew should have all been kicked out for this kind of evil!
But I too could have been classified as such, although I wasn't kicked out for it. Not too many people were following behind me into the class!!!
Clam I Am - aka Phalouisious
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And twi managed to twist that there down to just *Unproductive Evil*. How convinient!
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Unproductive evil – you didn’t do the stubid things they wanted you to do.
Harassing evil – you questioned them about the stubid things they wanted you to do.
Destructive evil – you expressed your uncertainty about the stubid things they wanted you to do to someone else.
The idea was to kick you out before you get to Destructive evil.
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Perfect! Sure would be nice to see that on a billboard in Ohio.
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Twi has always had the knack of twisting scripture and various words to achieve their own self serving interest.
Wanna get blessed?
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Hi Clam
Glad you still have a sense of humor about it all!
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I'm laughing because this is SOOOOOOO true!!!!
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I remember some other good ones like the one where if the Man Of od is challenged by someone with scripture that he has broken , then the instant defense was to be " how will you ever suffer that for the Man Of God then , for his glory is to high , and you must suffer for his name's sake these things , he might have to "break some eggs to make the omlet" , but he will never suffer evil for it , he is a glory too high"
Or the on about believers not being able to get HIV , so they went out with whoever and had sex, and # 1
had no doubt that speaking in tongues was all it took if they were unbelief, and if a believer then that was just "blessing a friend",( we were just friends, meant sex but no attachments), so there was absolutely no sin in that. Or by doin it , teaching some way woman to be shared with leadership, or traded for the night;
or #2 that someone could be out having group sex or enforced swapping the night before, or i guess even gay sex, and serve communion the next day.
Or all the revelations to "see visions , and hear voices, and you dern well better speak in tongues to the
blessing of it as your prayer , and their will be done"
There is a list of things like this that goes on for days.
I'd tell you about it all but it's going to be hard enought to suffer this for them.
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sounds like you have a lot of stuff bottled UP!!!
This is where you can get it off your chest. Where did you come from? Did you just find GS?
I find your posts full of the VERY bad that went on behind the scenes, and I am sorry you had to go through that.
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There were numerous terms for actions against members ," like the up the ladder , down the ladder",
when and issue went up the ladder of the higherarchy, and you still did'nt want to submit to them, then you could just by your own action suffer going down the other side of the ladder till you were destroyed low enought to give in to them ; or the old manning ; the latter state worse than the first ; three day deathing of the Dr. . The whole thing comes back to a twisted mind / minds who were very sucessfull as a secret society for years and years. Free home , free sex, some free food , church to make you feel better, and
"like-minded believers"; thats why they program so much, and play you so much. It's a pit , and a criminal
game, and they know what they are doing.
Thanks for your time,
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CONNERRON...Welcome to Greasespot. Sounds like you seen a few "things" in twi...welcome to the Mickey Mouse club where we all take turns slapping Goofy around a bit...
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