The following info was published in the Journal of the American Association, the most widely circulated medical publication in the entire world?
12,000 by unnecessary surgery
7,000 medication errors in hospitals
20,000 other errors in hospitals
80,000 infections in hospitals
Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the United States.
250,000 deaths per year are caused by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy.
When compared to 12 other countries, the United States ranks at the bottom for 16 different health indicators.
13th for low birth weight percentages.
13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall.
11th for postneonatal mortalilty.
11th for life expectancy for females at 1 year.
12th for life expectancy for males at 1 year.
10th for life expectancy for females at 15 yrs.
12th for life expectancy for males at 15 yrs.
10th for life expectancy for females at 40 yrs.
9th for life expectancy for males at 40 yrs.
The poor performance of the U.S. was confirmed by the World Health Organization which ranked the United States as 15th among 25 industrialized nations.
Taking the "whole herb" is always much safer than taking one isolated chemical from the herb.
"Mother Nature" put all those chemicals together for a reason. Certain ones balance out the effects of the others.
What horsedang! Take rhubarb stalks, make them into a tasty pie. Eat the leaves too, die of alkaloid poisoning.
But, hey, if you think grazing on the daisies will cure a burst appendix, be my guest. Or should surgeons only use "natural" hand-chipped stone knives to try to remove it first?
Those same Chinese who guzzle ephedra are the same idiots who believe powdered rhino horn is an aphrodisiac. Their protein-deficient diet is one of the main reasons they tend to be shorter than the global average, so their knowledge of human nutritional needs is not 100% encyclopedic.
You're living in a fantasy world. Hope you survive the trip...
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
The larger percentage of research validating herbal medicine has been conducted abroad, particularly in Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, France, and Russia, with the German Commission E(the German equivalent of our FDA)Monographs being the single most powerful collection of herbal research. As a result, we are now able to identify and understand some of the specific properties and interactions of specific botanical constituents, as well as to better understand why herbs are effective against specific conditions.
In spite of the small amount of skepticism that exists in the United States, 85 percent of the people of the world rely on herbal medicine to relieve chronic health problems.
The life expectancy tables do not justify chwester's claims. That's a classic example of a "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacious argument.
I could use the same tables to claim that the Japanese live longest because of their advanced industrialization, or that the French live longer solely because they're bigger a$$holes than those lower on the list.
This is exactly the kind of flim-flam you'd expect from conspiracy theorists. Wake up, folks. I know you want to believe that drugs are bad and plants are good, but neither extreme is correct. Anyone who pushes that much propaganda is only trying to sell you something. -->
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
Sigh. You've made this arrogant presumption that somehow I'm not healthy because I don't eat whatever weed is in vogue at the moment. Yet, my blood pressure was 117/78, my cholesterol was 170, my coronary arteries aren't occluded, blood glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, all right in the green. So, apparently, however "evil" modern medicine is supposed to be, it's working for someone.
As for "Dr. Weil", remember that other "Dr. W"'s book? It sounded very convincing, very well-researched, very logical too. As long as you didn't look too closely, that is. Way too many ex-TWI people have just swapped one flavor of the lunatic fringe for another.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
If you prefer to medicate yourself(when you need to) with pharmaceuticals, go for it. It's your life and you have the right to use whatever medication you choose. You are the only one who can take responsiblity for your health.
I promote the use of natural medicine because I want to help people and I know it works. I also know the failure of modern medicine to help overcome chronic disease. However when it comes to emergency first aid-modern medicine cant be beat. When I broke my leg last year I was grateful for modern medicine(although it was herbal medicine that caused the doctors to be amazed at how fast and to what extent my bone healed).
I manage a health food store that consists of mostly supplements. So, yeah, I do have something to sell. But thats not why I have chosen this field. I chose this field because of my natural interest in it and because of the help I am able to offer thousands of people year after year. It is very satisfying to help customers overcome their health problems and/or get off drugs.
chwester,,,,do you now a herbal pain releiver for a pinched
psychiatic nerve?
Ginger...I'll see what I can do...they just this past week began tearing the club house down,,,building a new one, supposed to ready in 2005 I think. I really prefer the infield, less formal attire is required, refreshments and porta cans are closer too. Pehaps I'll hit the lottery between now and then and we can sit on Millionaires Row, you don't have to swallow the mint leaves up there.
One of the best pain relievers I know of is "MSM". I take the powder everyday-about 5 grams twice a day. It stands for methyl-sulfonil-methane. It tastes horrible, but works for most pain. Also comes in tablets.
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The following info was published in the Journal of the American Association, the most widely circulated medical publication in the entire world?
12,000 by unnecessary surgery
7,000 medication errors in hospitals
20,000 other errors in hospitals
80,000 infections in hospitals
Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the United States.
250,000 deaths per year are caused by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy.
When compared to 12 other countries, the United States ranks at the bottom for 16 different health indicators.
13th for low birth weight percentages.
13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall.
11th for postneonatal mortalilty.
11th for life expectancy for females at 1 year.
12th for life expectancy for males at 1 year.
10th for life expectancy for females at 15 yrs.
12th for life expectancy for males at 15 yrs.
10th for life expectancy for females at 40 yrs.
9th for life expectancy for males at 40 yrs.
The poor performance of the U.S. was confirmed by the World Health Organization which ranked the United States as 15th among 25 industrialized nations.
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Obviously pharmceuticals and the current medical paradigm is not working at all. It is broken and in desperate need of repair.
Drugs, surgery, and hospitals are rarely the answer to chronic health problems.
Encouraging the body's natural healing ability through natural medicine, improving the diet, exercise, and lifestyle change are key.
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What horsedang! Take rhubarb stalks, make them into a tasty pie. Eat the leaves too, die of alkaloid poisoning.
But, hey, if you think grazing on the daisies will cure a burst appendix, be my guest. Or should surgeons only use "natural" hand-chipped stone knives to try to remove it first?
Those same Chinese who guzzle ephedra are the same idiots who believe powdered rhino horn is an aphrodisiac. Their protein-deficient diet is one of the main reasons they tend to be shorter than the global average, so their knowledge of human nutritional needs is not 100% encyclopedic.
You're living in a fantasy world. Hope you survive the trip...
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
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Dot Matrix
the same thing happened to me with Allegra.
Really ....ed me off.
Dot Matrix
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Yeah, right.
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The larger percentage of research validating herbal medicine has been conducted abroad, particularly in Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, France, and Russia, with the German Commission E(the German equivalent of our FDA)Monographs being the single most powerful collection of herbal research. As a result, we are now able to identify and understand some of the specific properties and interactions of specific botanical constituents, as well as to better understand why herbs are effective against specific conditions.
In spite of the small amount of skepticism that exists in the United States, 85 percent of the people of the world rely on herbal medicine to relieve chronic health problems.
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I had my doubts about chwester's expectancy statistics so I checked out the WHO's Healthy Life Expectancy table, downloaded it and sorted it.
He's right.
For all reporting WHO countries the US ranks twenty-ninth in number of years of a healthy life.
Healthy life expectancy in (HALE)
Total population
Member State At birth 2000
Japan 73.5
Switzerland 72.5
San Marino 72.1
Sweden 71.6
Australia 71.4
Iceland 71.3
France 71.1
Italy 70.9
Monaco 70.8
Andorra 70.8
Spain 70.7
Austria 70.7
Norway 70.7
Greece 70.4
Luxembourg 70.3
New Zealand 70.1
Germany 70.1
Finland 69.9
Denmark 69.8
Netherlands 69.7
Canada 69.7
Belgium 69.6
Israel 69.4
United Kingdom 69.2
Malta 69.2
Ireland 68.9
Singapore 68.5
Slovenia 67.5
USA 67.4
South Korea 67.2
Portugal 66.8
Cuba 66.6
World Health Organization Healthy Life Expectancy Table
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The life expectancy tables do not justify chwester's claims. That's a classic example of a "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacious argument.
I could use the same tables to claim that the Japanese live longest because of their advanced industrialization, or that the French live longer solely because they're bigger a$$holes than those lower on the list.
This is exactly the kind of flim-flam you'd expect from conspiracy theorists. Wake up, folks. I know you want to believe that drugs are bad and plants are good, but neither extreme is correct. Anyone who pushes that much propaganda is only trying to sell you something.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
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I published the table to show that the statistical claim was correct.
I was surprised to see where the US ranked.
I wasn't advancing any argument.
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Sigh. You've made this arrogant presumption that somehow I'm not healthy because I don't eat whatever weed is in vogue at the moment. Yet, my blood pressure was 117/78, my cholesterol was 170, my coronary arteries aren't occluded, blood glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, all right in the green. So, apparently, however "evil" modern medicine is supposed to be, it's working for someone.
As for "Dr. Weil", remember that other "Dr. W"'s book? It sounded very convincing, very well-researched, very logical too. As long as you didn't look too closely, that is. Way too many ex-TWI people have just swapped one flavor of the lunatic fringe for another.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
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Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be your "main man of what does not suck"!
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If you prefer to medicate yourself(when you need to) with pharmaceuticals, go for it. It's your life and you have the right to use whatever medication you choose. You are the only one who can take responsiblity for your health.
I promote the use of natural medicine because I want to help people and I know it works. I also know the failure of modern medicine to help overcome chronic disease. However when it comes to emergency first aid-modern medicine cant be beat. When I broke my leg last year I was grateful for modern medicine(although it was herbal medicine that caused the doctors to be amazed at how fast and to what extent my bone healed).
I manage a health food store that consists of mostly supplements. So, yeah, I do have something to sell. But thats not why I have chosen this field. I chose this field because of my natural interest in it and because of the help I am able to offer thousands of people year after year. It is very satisfying to help customers overcome their health problems and/or get off drugs.
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George Aar
Oooh, and how about some caster bean seeds to garnish your salad? ALL NATURAL! ORGANIC!
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Take two "kava-Kava" and call me in the morning.
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chwester,,,,do you now a herbal pain releiver for a pinched
psychiatic nerve?
Ginger...I'll see what I can do...they just this past week began tearing the club house down,,,building a new one, supposed to ready in 2005 I think. I really prefer the infield, less formal attire is required, refreshments and porta cans are closer too. Pehaps I'll hit the lottery between now and then and we can sit on Millionaires Row, you don't have to swallow the mint leaves up there.
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One of the best pain relievers I know of is "MSM". I take the powder everyday-about 5 grams twice a day. It stands for methyl-sulfonil-methane. It tastes horrible, but works for most pain. Also comes in tablets.
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Well arent you the little herbalist. - LOL
Some companies have a devils claw/Yucca blend that works well also. Like Ginger said, it's good for inflamation.
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