I'm looking forward to the pear juice but I *DO* have an etiquette question. Should the pear juice be drunk from Mason jars? Or from a Wendy's frostie cup? I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of everybody .
I hate to miss a "do" in my home state, but my sweetie and I won't have the time off this weekend. We are planning a gem mining trip to Franklin, NC in late September if anyone's in that area at that time. Have some pear squeezin's on me!
I won`t be able to attend. I am just sick. Y`all have fun...I trust you all to carry on in the finest tradition of weinie roasts past and have a wonderfull time loving and enjoying one anothers company.
Don't worry.. I won't do much cutting up with Ms. Suda around. I'll be behaving myself. After I leave the ofice today, I'll be off to the store picking up stew ingredients and odds and ends we'll probably need. Ummm.. I haven't made this stew in a while and I'm looking forward to it. The whole house smells so good as its slow cooking. And say... does anybody know what kind of wine goes with a hearty beef stew ??
You must think I'm pretty stupid that I would fall for that. MD2020.. Thunderbird. Really. I do have some class and good upbringing I'll have you know. I'm just not an expert. Actually, I was thinking of a good vintage year of say, Boone's Farm or maybe Ripple.
Strawberry Hill goes good with anything as I recall, not too bad coming back up either....I hear.
Bum Wine suggests Cisco. I've never heard of that. I might have to splurge and by myself a bottle to compare with MD 20/20, Boone's Farm and Night Train. ^_^
Maybe so and maybe not but I can tell you THIS fer sure... my house smells like better-than-sex stew at the moment. Also.. unless Oenophile weighs in here shortly.. folks at the roast are going to get a piñot noir to drink. I picked it up this afternoon on the advice of the barely legal kid working in the liquor store. Like he's a real wine expert.
I wonder how gourmet beef stew goes with pear juice???
The Suds family has returned. We were the first to leave. Some are staying until tomorrow, others leaving late this afternoon. When we left the crew was headed out to the boat for a cruise up to the first damn built in Kentucky (circa 1920), swimming off the boat, skiing, fishing, and enjoying fun in the overcast skies. Was so nice to be where it was cool with a nice breeze blowing and no mosquitos!
Sudo, Suds, Jr. and I arrived about 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. The next wave arrived around 9:30 p.m. that night, and the final wave about 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Much fun was had by all, and we have pictures to prove it! They will be on display at next year's weenie roast, if not before.
Friday night we enjoyed Sudo's famous "better than sex" stew. Saturday night was Littlehawk's "unlimited orgasms" venison soup. Tonight will be Kansas City steaks over the grill. Yes, the food was fabulous, but not nearly as good as the company!
Gwinn Island was a perfect setting. Nice island, comfortable and simple cabins, nice campfire settings, and no park rangers to inhibit our fun. Yes, Sudo did dance with a tree, and he had company! But, what happens at the weenie roast, stays at the weenie roast, so I am not at liberty to discuss the hilarity!
We are thinking about next year's weenie roast already. August seems good as most kids have not started school yet (especially the first weekend). Gwinn Island, or maybe Land Between the Lakes, seems like a good centralized location (private, not public, so no monitoring by officials). Hope many more Greasespotters can join the fun. Maybe we could plan to arrive Thursday night, and make a long weekend of it.
Hope you all had a nice weekend at the cafe. We missed you and wish you could have been with us!
Am waiting for the pictures as they will tell the stories without words (or with just a few, anyway!). Don't know how to download the memory stick to the computer. And Sudo, well, he's still feeling a bit under the campfire.
Well, a funny thing happened on our way back home from the roast.
After our boat ride with the Hawk fellers, which was a treat beyond words in itself, the Hawk fellers headed home. Since it was just Coolwaters, the princess and myself, we decided not to stay that extra night at the park. It just wasn't the same without the other weenies there. So we figured we'd head home, stop halfway at a hotel with a pool and play some more. We had a 12-hour drive ahead of us.
When we got to Louisville, I had a brilliant idea - at least we thought so. Since Rascal had a wreck that prevented her from attending the roast, and the princess was so good about the lack of kids her age to play with (the big boys were very kind to her and she had a blast with them), I called the Rascal home and found out she was at work and expected home around 9 pm. What luck! We could expect to arrive at their place about 9 or 9:30!!! If Rascal couldn't get to the roast, we could at least get some of it to her!
The Hawks and Rascals were weenies from the start - they'd made the roast each year til now.
So, I'm posting from Rascal's computer. The princess is in the creek with the younger Rascal girls. Aaron has my camera and is entertaining me as only he can and their middle boy is firing up the grill so we can eat the steaks we didn't get around to eating at the roast, as there was so much good food and so few people to consume it. Darn the bad luck!
This was mine and the princess' third roast and it was as sweet as the others we'd been to. The Suds family is, um, well, has to be seen to be fully appreciated. If you've spoken with Sudo, you'd recognize Sud Jr. in any crowd. That boy can dance!!! Oh man, what a fine, fine dancer! I sort of expected Sudo to tone it down a bit, since his lovely bride was nearby, but you have not lived until you've seen those two together. They put the awe in awesome! When you see the pictures of them tree dancing, you'll see why they had to be together!
Coolwaters was the belle of the ball. She was dancing with this one and dancing with that one! It was fabulous!
I heard there was some moonshine and some wine, and a good time was had by all.
Roy - I was hoping to see you there. I thought you were the most likely to show up. Maybe next year...
I'm sending my pics to Sudo for him to edit and he will be posting them. I apologize that we probably won't be home til Tuesday, so I don't expect to be able to send them today. Trust me, they're worth the wait!
We did say that we felt like only posting pics and then saying hey folks, come on and join us next year, but that was only because we really wished more could have made it.
All I can say is better luck next year! Hope to see you there!
Littlehawk Jr. is still as capable and helpful as ever, but now old enough to drive! He captained the boat under the watchful eye of Littlehawk his own self. As usual, the kindness and love for his fellow man just oozed out of Hawk.
As it turned out, we weren't going to make it to Rascal's last night so we stopped at a motel and came on down today. Weenie Roast 2006 Part II, I guess. Oh man, does it ever feel good to be HERE again!
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I'm looking forward to the pear juice but I *DO* have an etiquette question. Should the pear juice be drunk from Mason jars? Or from a Wendy's frostie cup? I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of everybody
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I hate to miss a "do" in my home state, but my sweetie and I won't have the time off this weekend. We are planning a gem mining trip to Franklin, NC in late September if anyone's in that area at that time. Have some pear squeezin's on me!
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Sigh...I totalled my little car tonight :(
I won`t be able to attend. I am just sick. Y`all have fun...I trust you all to carry on in the finest tradition of weinie roasts past and have a wonderfull time loving and enjoying one anothers company.
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Rascal, are you and yours all right?
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
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Thanks for asking kev, I was alone. I just boogered up one hand and wrists a bit...I will ask the ortho doc in the am to check them.
The other driver and I walked away from our completely detroyed vehicles with nothing more than bruises, thank you God.
on the down side, I only had liability on my vehicle...my insurance company will by him a new one... I have to eat the loss.
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So glad you are okay, Rascal! Cars are replaceable, you are not!
Looking forward to meeting you and your crew another time, hope sooner rather than later.
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Tom Strange
bummer RasCathy!
everyone else... have fun!
Suda, please try to keep your husband in line (if not, there's a bail bondsman near).
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Don't worry.. I won't do much cutting up with Ms. Suda around. I'll be behaving myself. After I leave the ofice today, I'll be off to the store picking up stew ingredients and odds and ends we'll probably need. Ummm.. I haven't made this stew in a while and I'm looking forward to it. The whole house smells so good as its slow cooking. And say... does anybody know what kind of wine goes with a hearty beef stew
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Tom Strange
you should probably PM Oenofile for that... I always heard MD2020 goes with anything!
...either that or Thunderbird!
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You must think I'm pretty stupid that I would fall for that. MD2020.. Thunderbird. Really. I do have some class and good upbringing I'll have you know. I'm just not an expert. Actually, I was thinking of a good vintage year of say, Boone's Farm or maybe Ripple.
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Tom Strange
you're on to me aren't ya?
OK... I'll give it to you straight: Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill
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Night Train Express might be even better!
Strawberry Hill goes good with anything as I recall, not too bad coming back up either....I hear.
Bum Wine suggests Cisco. I've never heard of that. I might have to splurge and by myself a bottle to compare with MD 20/20, Boone's Farm and Night Train. ^_^
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Tom Strange
you hear??? uh huh, sure...
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Re:"you hear??? uh huh, sure..."
Maybe so and maybe not but I can tell you THIS fer sure... my house smells like better-than-sex stew at the moment. Also.. unless Oenophile weighs in here shortly.. folks at the roast are going to get a piñot noir to drink. I picked it up this afternoon on the advice of the barely legal kid working in the liquor store. Like he's a real wine expert.
I wonder how gourmet beef stew goes with pear juice???
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rascal that sucks but i am so glad you are all right
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Sudo...just bring ya camera....an ya can post sme pic's of good wine,,,it'lldrink wif any kind of eats!
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God first
Beloved All
God loves you all my dear friends
I am sorry I missed the Weenie Roast 2006
I got caught up with things around here that needed to be done
I will try to make the Weenie Roast 2007
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
PS Littlehawk I will make it up to your hang out place one of these days my friend
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I do hope you all are having a blast.
Hubby and I just returned home from a WHOLE day of live music. We loved it. And it was free. The food vendors have great food.
The weather was absolutey gorgeous today. The park setting has so much shade and being on the river, there was a wonderful breeze all day.
Anyway, maybe another year, we can do it here.
The music goes on till about 10 tonite, but we were getting tired!!!
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Suds family has returned. We were the first to leave. Some are staying until tomorrow, others leaving late this afternoon. When we left the crew was headed out to the boat for a cruise up to the first damn built in Kentucky (circa 1920), swimming off the boat, skiing, fishing, and enjoying fun in the overcast skies. Was so nice to be where it was cool with a nice breeze blowing and no mosquitos!
Sudo, Suds, Jr. and I arrived about 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. The next wave arrived around 9:30 p.m. that night, and the final wave about 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Much fun was had by all, and we have pictures to prove it! They will be on display at next year's weenie roast, if not before.
Friday night we enjoyed Sudo's famous "better than sex" stew. Saturday night was Littlehawk's "unlimited orgasms" venison soup. Tonight will be Kansas City steaks over the grill. Yes, the food was fabulous, but not nearly as good as the company!
Gwinn Island was a perfect setting. Nice island, comfortable and simple cabins, nice campfire settings, and no park rangers to inhibit our fun. Yes, Sudo did dance with a tree, and he had company! But, what happens at the weenie roast, stays at the weenie roast, so I am not at liberty to discuss the hilarity!
We are thinking about next year's weenie roast already. August seems good as most kids have not started school yet (especially the first weekend). Gwinn Island, or maybe Land Between the Lakes, seems like a good centralized location (private, not public, so no monitoring by officials). Hope many more Greasespotters can join the fun. Maybe we could plan to arrive Thursday night, and make a long weekend of it.
Hope you all had a nice weekend at the cafe. We missed you and wish you could have been with us!
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Glad you're home
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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Am waiting for the pictures as they will tell the stories without words (or with just a few, anyway!). Don't know how to download the memory stick to the computer. And Sudo, well, he's still feeling a bit under the campfire.
More the come
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Thank you :)
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Well, a funny thing happened on our way back home from the roast.
After our boat ride with the Hawk fellers, which was a treat beyond words in itself, the Hawk fellers headed home. Since it was just Coolwaters, the princess and myself, we decided not to stay that extra night at the park. It just wasn't the same without the other weenies there. So we figured we'd head home, stop halfway at a hotel with a pool and play some more. We had a 12-hour drive ahead of us.
When we got to Louisville, I had a brilliant idea - at least we thought so. Since Rascal had a wreck that prevented her from attending the roast, and the princess was so good about the lack of kids her age to play with (the big boys were very kind to her and she had a blast with them), I called the Rascal home and found out she was at work and expected home around 9 pm. What luck! We could expect to arrive at their place about 9 or 9:30!!! If Rascal couldn't get to the roast, we could at least get some of it to her!
The Hawks and Rascals were weenies from the start - they'd made the roast each year til now.
So, I'm posting from Rascal's computer. The princess is in the creek with the younger Rascal girls. Aaron has my camera and is entertaining me as only he can and their middle boy is firing up the grill so we can eat the steaks we didn't get around to eating at the roast, as there was so much good food and so few people to consume it. Darn the bad luck!
This was mine and the princess' third roast and it was as sweet as the others we'd been to. The Suds family is, um, well, has to be seen to be fully appreciated. If you've spoken with Sudo, you'd recognize Sud Jr. in any crowd. That boy can dance!!! Oh man, what a fine, fine dancer! I sort of expected Sudo to tone it down a bit, since his lovely bride was nearby, but you have not lived until you've seen those two together. They put the awe in awesome! When you see the pictures of them tree dancing, you'll see why they had to be together!
Coolwaters was the belle of the ball. She was dancing with this one and dancing with that one! It was fabulous!
I heard there was some moonshine and some wine, and a good time was had by all.
Roy - I was hoping to see you there. I thought you were the most likely to show up. Maybe next year...
I'm sending my pics to Sudo for him to edit and he will be posting them. I apologize that we probably won't be home til Tuesday, so I don't expect to be able to send them today. Trust me, they're worth the wait!
We did say that we felt like only posting pics and then saying hey folks, come on and join us next year, but that was only because we really wished more could have made it.
All I can say is better luck next year! Hope to see you there!
Littlehawk Jr. is still as capable and helpful as ever, but now old enough to drive! He captained the boat under the watchful eye of Littlehawk his own self. As usual, the kindness and love for his fellow man just oozed out of Hawk.
As it turned out, we weren't going to make it to Rascal's last night so we stopped at a motel and came on down today. Weenie Roast 2006 Part II, I guess. Oh man, does it ever feel good to be HERE again!
Edited by bowtwiLink to comment
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God first
Beloved bowtwi
God loves you my dear friend
Yes I had plan to come but I let the cares of this world stop me
I had got a hair cut and other things
but then it came time I let other things get in the way
it would of only been about a 2 hour trip for me maybe next year
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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