Yeah, I have to agree with what you guys said - and add I think a lot of why I come here is to enjoy the cyber-fellowship of people with a common bond - the TWI experience. Sometimes I see it like we've all survived a big train wreck - an event that has changed our lives in so many different ways - it's hard to fathom. Sometimes what helps me unravel my weird convoluted mental and emotional baggage is listening to another person's viewpoint.
Well Roy, you certainly make coming here a more pleasant experience, that is for sure.
My motives are many and change with the day, my mood, and the topics of conversation taking place. Mostly I come to converse with friends and to converse with people who have opinions that differ from mine, in the hope that we can exchange information and both walk away with more information and perhaps even as better people.
eah, I have to agree with what you guys said - and add I think a lot of why I come here is to enjoy the cyber-fellowship of people with a common bond - the TWI experience. Sometimes I see it like we've all survived a big train wreck - an event that has changed our lives in so many different ways - it's hard to fathom. Sometimes what helps me unravel my weird convoluted mental and emotional baggage is listening to another person's viewpoint.
My motives are many and change with the day, my mood, and the topics of conversation taking place. Mostly I come to converse with friends and to converse with people who have opinions that differ from mine, in the hope that we can exchange information and both walk away with more information and perhaps even as better people.
I would have to agree that one's motive could easily change from day to day. One day to bless another who needs a little compassion; another day to be on the recieving end. Either way, I guess we all come to get blessed, or we wouldn't be here. I'm back after a few years off. I spent several hours last night reading the posts of dear ones who are awaiting the return. I was saddened to learn that Joe Guarini, that incredibly loving man who got me into PFAL was included on that list. My heartfelt love and prayers go out to Ruthie and the kids. A few of the others very dear to my heart - Coramae Peters, Aunt Naomi, Phil Skapura, Peter Qualtieri, Milford Bowen, and of course Mrs. W., brought to mind the reason I have to look back on my 20+ years with a certain amount of joy. Were it not for TWI, I would never have met these and countless other wonderful believers who deeply touched my life for the better. As DEW used to say, "hold fast to the good." Sometimes there wasn't much good to hold on to, but in retrospect, I'm thankful. And now I'm thankful to have moved on, but I have returned to reconnect to some of the most wonderful people in the world. OK - sounds pretty sappy, but I really mean it!
Thanks for the kind words. I do feel welcome, and although I doubt I will become one of the more prolific posters (I'd have some MAJOR catching up to do!), I expect I will become more of a regular here at the cafe. I've switched to decaf, but no cream or sugar, please.
My original motive to be here was reaching out for friendship, and to try to heal from a broken marriage. I was already way over the way stuff...and realized how many people were not by coming here. So in that, I exposed myself..the good, the bad and the ugly...and realized that we are all just people...all trying to cope with whatever hand we have been currently dealt with, and that naturally some people are much more suspicious and hurt than others. I have tried to be a source of healing toward that, although my own hurts were different, and there have been several people in here that have helped me through mine.
My motives now are different...they are to show the more HEALED me in action, and to be able to connect with people who can see the light. I am not perfect...and neither are they, but hey, its still one body and we are still commanded to love one another and to forgive one another, and move onward. I am enjoying reading your posts, am thinking about a few that I want to post myself, and have actually made a couple of really good friends in here.
Beyond that,
I have a whole new opinion of this site, as of late.
When I was very young my parents divorced. I lived with my mother and siblings of course. Throughout the years I heard nothing but bad about my father from my mother and nothing but good about my father from my grandmother. Lo and behold I was a problem child and often heard the phrase you're just like your father. Not really knowing him it was like a piece of the puzzle was missing for me. As I grew and became involved in the ministry I was taught one side just as with my mother. But just as with my mother I also saw bad that was explained away. Now I'm on my own and am hearing about the other side which explains a lot of the bad that wasn't understandable before. So now in other words it's like sitting at my grandmas feet and hearing things but in the reversal. I hope this makes sense.
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roy my reason to be here is to meet beautiful people like you and old friends
it is is healing
peace bro
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God first
Beloved coolchef
God loves you my dear friend
You are beautiful too the light shines out of you my dear friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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My quote from Paw, at the bottom of my posts, says it all. :)
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God first
Beloved D Miller
Yes God loves us dearly my friend
I love that quote
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Yeah, I have to agree with what you guys said - and add I think a lot of why I come here is to enjoy the cyber-fellowship of people with a common bond - the TWI experience. Sometimes I see it like we've all survived a big train wreck - an event that has changed our lives in so many different ways - it's hard to fathom. Sometimes what helps me unravel my weird convoluted mental and emotional baggage is listening to another person's viewpoint.
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Well Roy, you certainly make coming here a more pleasant experience, that is for sure.
My motives are many and change with the day, my mood, and the topics of conversation taking place. Mostly I come to converse with friends and to converse with people who have opinions that differ from mine, in the hope that we can exchange information and both walk away with more information and perhaps even as better people.
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God first
Beloved T-Bone
God loves you and all the people who travel on that train with you
Great words
eah, I have to agree with what you guys said - and add I think a lot of why I come here is to enjoy the cyber-fellowship of people with a common bond - the TWI experience. Sometimes I see it like we've all survived a big train wreck - an event that has changed our lives in so many different ways - it's hard to fathom. Sometimes what helps me unravel my weird convoluted mental and emotional baggage is listening to another person's viewpoint.
I love the great big train wreck story
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Abigail
God loves you my dear dear friend
You wrote (Well Roy, you certainly make coming here a more pleasant experience, that is for sure.) thank you
another great quote
My motives are many and change with the day, my mood, and the topics of conversation taking place. Mostly I come to converse with friends and to converse with people who have opinions that differ from mine, in the hope that we can exchange information and both walk away with more information and perhaps even as better people.
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowiny your way Roy
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Tom Strange
motive? we have to have a motive? it required? ...where can I get one?
(I come here because "they" make me come here)
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God first
Beloved Tom Strange
God loves you my dear friend
I guess you do not have to have one but if you want one
Ask Diller if you can use his I sure he will share his
We will continue to tell the other side of the story,
and have some fun while doing it." Pawtucket
because he is sharng Pawtucket motive
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I come here to understand my past. Maybe by unfolding my past, I can change my future.
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When I first found Greasespot I was looking for old friends and curious about what happened at TWI after I left in 79.
The reason I stay is that ya'll are a fun bunch most of the time and we do all share a common bond in what we believed once.
I still remember the early fellowships and the fun and teaching. I remember being greeted with a kiss from some HOT babes.
I grew up got smart and got out. BUT there were some great people who were there.
Hey some of ya'll are OK. That is except the people from New York and New Jersey. Everybody hates them Right.
That was a joke so please dont hunt me down and flame me.
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God first
Beloved MCarroll
God loves you my dear friend
I like that and I hope you can change your future
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved ex70'shouston
God loves you my dear friend
I glad we are a fun bunch and yes we share a common bond in what we believed once.
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I would have to agree that one's motive could easily change from day to day. One day to bless another who needs a little compassion; another day to be on the recieving end. Either way, I guess we all come to get blessed, or we wouldn't be here. I'm back after a few years off. I spent several hours last night reading the posts of dear ones who are awaiting the return. I was saddened to learn that Joe Guarini, that incredibly loving man who got me into PFAL was included on that list. My heartfelt love and prayers go out to Ruthie and the kids. A few of the others very dear to my heart - Coramae Peters, Aunt Naomi, Phil Skapura, Peter Qualtieri, Milford Bowen, and of course Mrs. W., brought to mind the reason I have to look back on my 20+ years with a certain amount of joy. Were it not for TWI, I would never have met these and countless other wonderful believers who deeply touched my life for the better. As DEW used to say, "hold fast to the good." Sometimes there wasn't much good to hold on to, but in retrospect, I'm thankful. And now I'm thankful to have moved on, but I have returned to reconnect to some of the most wonderful people in the world. OK - sounds pretty sappy, but I really mean it!
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God first
Beloved goodseed
God loves you my dear dear friend
We are glad you came back to fellowship with us
and yes we come to blessed and loved by each other
I enjoy reading your words
welcome back
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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dear 2027,
Thanks for the kind words. I do feel welcome, and although I doubt I will become one of the more prolific posters (I'd have some MAJOR catching up to do!), I expect I will become more of a regular here at the cafe. I've switched to decaf, but no cream or sugar, please.
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GS has been a great source of healing for me...I've met some wonderful brothers & sisters here....
Can't wait to see y'all face to face though...maybe today huh?
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God first
Beloved goodseed and oilfieldmedic
God loves you two my dear friends
yes in the air face to face
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your ways Roy
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My motives to be here are new, all over again.
My original motive to be here was reaching out for friendship, and to try to heal from a broken marriage. I was already way over the way stuff...and realized how many people were not by coming here. So in that, I exposed myself..the good, the bad and the ugly...and realized that we are all just people...all trying to cope with whatever hand we have been currently dealt with, and that naturally some people are much more suspicious and hurt than others. I have tried to be a source of healing toward that, although my own hurts were different, and there have been several people in here that have helped me through mine.
My motives now are different...they are to show the more HEALED me in action, and to be able to connect with people who can see the light. I am not perfect...and neither are they, but hey, its still one body and we are still commanded to love one another and to forgive one another, and move onward. I am enjoying reading your posts, am thinking about a few that I want to post myself, and have actually made a couple of really good friends in here.
Beyond that,
I have a whole new opinion of this site, as of late.
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God first
Beloved prayingfordaylight
God loves you my dear friend
great words (to show the more HEALED me in action, and to be able to connect with people who can see the light. I am not perfect.)
I see the light of love in you my dear friend
I hope you do write them treads my dear friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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When I was very young my parents divorced. I lived with my mother and siblings of course. Throughout the years I heard nothing but bad about my father from my mother and nothing but good about my father from my grandmother. Lo and behold I was a problem child and often heard the phrase you're just like your father. Not really knowing him it was like a piece of the puzzle was missing for me. As I grew and became involved in the ministry I was taught one side just as with my mother. But just as with my mother I also saw bad that was explained away. Now I'm on my own and am hearing about the other side which explains a lot of the bad that wasn't understandable before. So now in other words it's like sitting at my grandmas feet and hearing things but in the reversal. I hope this makes sense.
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God first
Beloved grand-daughter
God loves you my dear friend
yes that made a lot of sense my friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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god is good and god is great
i believe that with all my heart
and i was told that my parents
i also was shown in a matter of moments that god
was a name to be called on when i felt fear, doubt, or
after the intro that was given from a person who was called a leader
my feet went walkin with my body in tow
girlfriend ended up buying into the hype.....that's the result
the conclusion is simple, she dumped me for "the leader"
my motive for being here?????????????
find out why the love of my life left, left me for someone who didn't & doesn.t
care...............i'm sure he had plenty of holy kisses
not a rag on your moniker, but it is a source of pain in my soul
i may not find the answers i seek here at this place, but i know that in the long run
the answers will come. from there i will move on
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best of luck watersedge and sorry
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1 john 3:1
Good question? :blink:
I'm a newbie.
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