I was in a car accident a few years ago and had problems with my neck ever since. I went to the regular doctor and to a chiropractor. Had to stop going to the chiropractor because of my job and insurance issues. So, I put up with my neck--and not being able to turn it right or left very far without pain and discomfort. I avoided backing up the car at all costs and did other things to cope.
Relatively soon after leaving twi, I was at a church that had a healing service. I felt rather stupid and scared, but actually went up for prayer. Anyway, the prayer helped me get more peaceful and I felt a warm sensation all around my neck and shoulder areas. That following morning I noticed I could turn my head while backing out of the driveway. I wasn't expecting any deliverance but I got some--it helped me see that God works in places other than twi.
Hubby got prayed for at a CFF fellowship a couple of months ago and his hip went back into place. Go figure--all those years of communion and "ministering" and it is after we leave twi that our health gets better!
I don't think that healing is something that one can corece from God or the universe or the goddess or whatever. It's not something that can be invoked by formulaic praying or meditating or imbibing the correct nutrients.
It's part and parcel of the cycle of life and death and renewal.
I don't think that healing is something that one can corece from God or the universe or the goddess or whatever. It's not something that can be invoked by formulaic praying or meditating or imbibing the correct nutrients.
Well --- I can agree with that!
I'll refrain from telling you about me, one time, several years ago.
None of the above were in evidence -- but ------- awww. Nemmermind.
You would discount it, regardless of what I said.
I respect your opinion. I hold a different one. :)
I'll refrain from telling you about me, one time, several years ago.
None of the above were in evidence -- but ------- awww. Nemmermind.
You would discount it, regardless of what I said.
I respect your opinion. I hold a different one. :)
And I think I said at the beginning of this thread, as I laid out the "rules of play", that all were welcome to post here reguardless of their beliefs, etc. I think this subject could be very helpful for people who are entangled in some sort of repressive belief system, so I will do everything I can to see that it doesn't turn ugly. I have no problem with posters disagreeing with each other, if they can do it WITHOUT crossing the fine line of it turning into a personal attack. I believe we have disagreed on some points, Mr. Miller, but I never attacked you - I do have respect for you - I just simply did not agree, which you are also welcome to disagree with me... as long as you don't attack. I respect that. Besides, it's the interesting and diverse dialogue that keeps me coming back here - but ....ing contests have the opposite effect!
So, back to the thread -
There's been some great input here. Year2027's post is very touching - thank you for sharing that! I have also received a lot of healing from the forums over the years. It's been very helpful. I think I got the most out of doing the GS Radio interview - it was therapeutic in an odd way.
Golly gee Chas....good questions. I usually avoid posting in doctrinal, but want to chime in here.
I have spent my entire adult life striving for healing and wellness. It has come full circle for me after almost 3 decades. I still have some chronic symptoms, but will not give up hope that those too will subside. Funny, most people get on medications as they age; I got off medications as I have aged. LOL
I definitely took action in order to receive the healings God has granted. Actions were different at different times and sometimes all mixed together: prayer, bibliotherapy, talk therapy, conventional medicine, alternative medicine, etc. HOPE was always a factor that helped and continues to help. It is never wrong to hope.
Another key factor for me has been/is support from professionals, family, and friends..folks who don't judge me yet believe that healing can happen. I would interview any docs before getting into the depth of treatment. I had to trust the docs I worked with, know they listened and respected what I intuitively might understand about my own body.
A huge factor for me was/is journaling. As I've stated in other posts, journaling opened doors I never expected to happen. After I began journaling my life began to change profoundly but not immediately. I think journaling has helped me identify causes...at least it got me to thinking "out loud" on paper. I not only journaled the deep valleys and desperate cries for healing; but, I also journaled my dreams and hopes. Slowly, those dreams and hopes have taken concretion. I don't think I will ever stop journaling. Journaling helped open my eyes to the detrimental doctrines and practices of TWI...journaling was a safe place where I could start thinking for myself.
Healing and wellness have different connotations to me. More often I think in terms of wellness. Wellness doesn't necessarily mean symptom free, but the ability to love oneself and have empathy for oneself...then to reach out and spread that empathy to others. My dad was a quadriplegic the last 12 years of his life (tears). He never walked again, but he lived a full life of laughter as a quad. He spread cheer and hope to all those around him. In my mind, he lived wellness, though he never was able to manifest full physical healing.
Underlying all the actions, I believed/believe that God designed healing into the fabric of life. One day, in the new heavens and earth, there will be no more sickness nor pain. That too brings comfort to my soul.
I think in some ways, what is even more important to have healthy is not our body--but our mind and "heart".
I like the example of your dad, bagpipes. You can have physical health and be absolutely miserable. Or you can have some physical problems but spread cheer, hope and be thankful. This body is going to give out sometime.
Greasespot and other forums are helping me figure things out again.
Well, I tend to be the obnoxious, abrasive one about certain topics (this one in particular) so I will try to exercise some restraint.
But, I tend to see "healing" pretty much the way Oak spelled it out.
Looky, when you're ill or injured SOMETHING is going to happen to you. You'll get better, or worse, or maybe stay about the same. But ONE of those outcomes in absolutely in your future.
So if we make some sort of supplication to God or gods, or take some therapeutic herb and we get worse or show no change, what usually is the response? Generally, if my experience is anywhere near norm, the person wants to "make a positive confession" and doesn't want to dwell on the negatives so, what do they say? "I'm doing great" or much better, or whatever.
So those who aren't directly involved, seldom get anything but good, or at worst, ambiguous information.
And then, if we actually DO recover, well obviously the gods, or herb or whatever it was that we tried must have WORKED! OBVIOUSLY! So our information tends to get edited rather severely as it relates to healing. The good we hear about (usually MANY times), but the contrary seldom gets any airtime.
Sorry, but that's not evidence of much of anything.
And then, when someone DOES really recover, well, then Hallelujah! I've been HEALED!
Well, yeah, maybe...
It's funny that, try as they might, the "miraculous healing" crowd can never produce any evidence in a carefully controlled environment. That alone, speaks volumes to my ears. Again, you have to have faith to believe in it. Sorry, that's just not enough for me (or you either, if you really need healing)...
At one time i had an attitude about this kind of thinking that most illness and injuries can just be "walked off" you know get over it and you will be ok.
That is easy to say in your prime of life and twenty years old able to sleep 4 hours a night and go to work and function..
Raising a family affords little time for self much less care. and instead of being "healthy" your just neglected.
It is an illusion.
then middle age happens and we all take a perspective , I got healed alright of the fact i can no longer neglect what i should have attended to for many years .. my own self.
How i got here was a journy as pipes says.. but once this wisdom hits I for one cant go back to the abuse of the only thing i have to carry me through a day.
YOU can demand your mind to think in a certain manner... then your body demands right back at a point of time and says I matter and IM tired.
So it is about a wholeness and a realization for me I am just flesh and blood living on .
I believe we all will be "healed" of various mechanical failures one day but untill then I seek peace and comfort in a day by day type of life style.. make plans for the furture sure life is rich and full but along the path LIsten to what may need to change to have the system keep on ticking.
God made us HUMAN.. I think with frailities and issues mental or physical .. to realize we are just that. NO need of His consel if we all had perfect thought and bodies that never malfunctioned.
I have taken a time out, my feet being a mess waiting for surgery and i have decided to enjoy the time, and know i will be thankful when i can resume a busy life style.
My healing has been mental [regardless of what you all think of my posts - ] and in relationships. Both have been an on-going process since I left TWI...
I respect your opinion. I hold a different one. :)
I rarely discount someone's personal experience. What I question on occassion is the source or the reason.
Someone was sick yesterday, today they're not. Kind of hard to argue with that. What you'll hear me disputing is that it was prayer or chanting or energy work or Penta water that necessarily did it.
It is my observation that folks will credit whatever their "higher power" is for the good things in their lives. Christians credit God, reiki practicioners credit reiki, Wiccans credit the goddess, Art Bell credits aliens! Often the results are indistinguishable from each other or from random chance.
After 8 months and thousands of dollars in bills and carry hurt and pain of my daughter being diagnosed with Juvenile Rhuemitoid Arthritis,and going blind,... it took a believer to say to me,"Are you God's kid, my life turned from hell to her being in Remission (diagnosis, CHildrens Hospital-CHicago, 1995)...
sometimes its just a matter of time..
somedays I forget to pray..but I will not forget this.
I thank God for my Savior, The Lord JC...everyday.
Pond- you brought a tear to my eyes....you guys are brilliant..
My wife is really into figuring this out because she and my daughter are both legally blind because of a birth defect that medicine can't fix so a miraculous healing is the only answer. She's been wrestling with this issue since she first got into TWI in 1974.
Healing.. Only thing I can think of is how great and wonderful our God truly is..
I can't say I've ever had anything really really bad as far as health. But the things that I have had, God has taken care of.
I trust God to take care of me no matter what and when and where.. Doesn't mean instant healing comes. But I believe if we continue to trust in Him, He'll take care of us. Doesn't mean to wait on Him to heal either..
Curious as to what y'alls thoughts are though on this subject..
A Messianic Jew once read part of their writings (not the Talmud), but it talked about Praising God and tempting God.. But it brought in healing as an example to tempting God.. Something to the effect of if you have an ailment, and just sit around waiting for God to heal you, then you are tempting God.. I never thought of it like that before, but umm ok..
How have you received healing in some form in your life in either an unexpected area of your life or by an unexpected way that it happened?
Yes, about a year and a half ago I had some mental healing that was unexpected, though very welcome.
A year or more before that happened, I lost a beloved pet and blamed my husband for allowing that to happen. I was very angry with him and held my anger by shutting him out of my life in several ways. I do not recall asking God to help me with this situation, except that I had acknowledged to God that I knew I needed to be kinder to my husband.
The healing experience happened in the middle of the night one night while I was half asleep. All of a sudden I felt a sensation of just letting all the anger go and a peacefulness taking its place. I really don't believe that I had taken any sustained action (such as prayer or "believing") to cause this. The anger never returned. I do believe this event was God working in my life, just in an unexpected and unrequested way.
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I was in a car accident a few years ago and had problems with my neck ever since. I went to the regular doctor and to a chiropractor. Had to stop going to the chiropractor because of my job and insurance issues. So, I put up with my neck--and not being able to turn it right or left very far without pain and discomfort. I avoided backing up the car at all costs and did other things to cope.
Relatively soon after leaving twi, I was at a church that had a healing service. I felt rather stupid and scared, but actually went up for prayer. Anyway, the prayer helped me get more peaceful and I felt a warm sensation all around my neck and shoulder areas. That following morning I noticed I could turn my head while backing out of the driveway. I wasn't expecting any deliverance but I got some--it helped me see that God works in places other than twi.
Hubby got prayed for at a CFF fellowship a couple of months ago and his hip went back into place. Go figure--all those years of communion and "ministering" and it is after we leave twi that our health gets better!
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I don't think that healing is something that one can corece from God or the universe or the goddess or whatever. It's not something that can be invoked by formulaic praying or meditating or imbibing the correct nutrients.
It's part and parcel of the cycle of life and death and renewal.
Be glad when you get it, chill out when you don't
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Well --- I can agree with that!
I'll refrain from telling you about me, one time, several years ago.
None of the above were in evidence -- but ------- awww. Nemmermind.
You would discount it, regardless of what I said.
I respect your opinion. I hold a different one. :)
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allan w.
I ended up with a serious blood disorder. Prayer, accepting healing, (and a course of olive leaf extract)
voila...healed !
One can also access CFF guest book and read some recent minor and major healings that have happened recently, one especially in Bristol, England.
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God first
Beloved ChasUFarley
God loves you my dear friend
I seen small healing when I was in the Way Ministry by taking believing action
But after I came here I needed big healing from fears and lack of thinking good of myself
today I am not afaraid of life and I think of my self as a good person
This was done by telling my story and just sharing my life with all of you
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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And I think I said at the beginning of this thread, as I laid out the "rules of play", that all were welcome to post here reguardless of their beliefs, etc. I think this subject could be very helpful for people who are entangled in some sort of repressive belief system, so I will do everything I can to see that it doesn't turn ugly. I have no problem with posters disagreeing with each other, if they can do it WITHOUT crossing the fine line of it turning into a personal attack. I believe we have disagreed on some points, Mr. Miller, but I never attacked you - I do have respect for you - I just simply did not agree, which you are also welcome to disagree with me... as long as you don't attack. I respect that. Besides, it's the interesting and diverse dialogue that keeps me coming back here - but ....ing contests have the opposite effect!
So, back to the thread -
There's been some great input here. Year2027's post is very touching - thank you for sharing that! I have also received a lot of healing from the forums over the years. It's been very helpful. I think I got the most out of doing the GS Radio interview - it was therapeutic in an odd way.
Post on....
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I Love Bagpipes
Golly gee Chas....good questions. I usually avoid posting in doctrinal, but want to chime in here.
I have spent my entire adult life striving for healing and wellness. It has come full circle for me after almost 3 decades. I still have some chronic symptoms, but will not give up hope that those too will subside. Funny, most people get on medications as they age; I got off medications as I have aged. LOL
I definitely took action in order to receive the healings God has granted. Actions were different at different times and sometimes all mixed together: prayer, bibliotherapy, talk therapy, conventional medicine, alternative medicine, etc. HOPE was always a factor that helped and continues to help. It is never wrong to hope.
Another key factor for me has been/is support from professionals, family, and friends..folks who don't judge me yet believe that healing can happen. I would interview any docs before getting into the depth of treatment. I had to trust the docs I worked with, know they listened and respected what I intuitively might understand about my own body.
A huge factor for me was/is journaling. As I've stated in other posts, journaling opened doors I never expected to happen. After I began journaling my life began to change profoundly but not immediately. I think journaling has helped me identify causes...at least it got me to thinking "out loud" on paper. I not only journaled the deep valleys and desperate cries for healing; but, I also journaled my dreams and hopes. Slowly, those dreams and hopes have taken concretion. I don't think I will ever stop journaling. Journaling helped open my eyes to the detrimental doctrines and practices of TWI...journaling was a safe place where I could start thinking for myself.
Healing and wellness have different connotations to me. More often I think in terms of wellness. Wellness doesn't necessarily mean symptom free, but the ability to love oneself and have empathy for oneself...then to reach out and spread that empathy to others. My dad was a quadriplegic the last 12 years of his life (tears). He never walked again, but he lived a full life of laughter as a quad. He spread cheer and hope to all those around him. In my mind, he lived wellness, though he never was able to manifest full physical healing.
Underlying all the actions, I believed/believe that God designed healing into the fabric of life. One day, in the new heavens and earth, there will be no more sickness nor pain. That too brings comfort to my soul.
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I think in some ways, what is even more important to have healthy is not our body--but our mind and "heart".
I like the example of your dad, bagpipes. You can have physical health and be absolutely miserable. Or you can have some physical problems but spread cheer, hope and be thankful. This body is going to give out sometime.
Greasespot and other forums are helping me figure things out again.
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George Aar
Well, I tend to be the obnoxious, abrasive one about certain topics (this one in particular) so I will try to exercise some restraint.
But, I tend to see "healing" pretty much the way Oak spelled it out.
Looky, when you're ill or injured SOMETHING is going to happen to you. You'll get better, or worse, or maybe stay about the same. But ONE of those outcomes in absolutely in your future.
So if we make some sort of supplication to God or gods, or take some therapeutic herb and we get worse or show no change, what usually is the response? Generally, if my experience is anywhere near norm, the person wants to "make a positive confession" and doesn't want to dwell on the negatives so, what do they say? "I'm doing great" or much better, or whatever.
So those who aren't directly involved, seldom get anything but good, or at worst, ambiguous information.
And then, if we actually DO recover, well obviously the gods, or herb or whatever it was that we tried must have WORKED! OBVIOUSLY! So our information tends to get edited rather severely as it relates to healing. The good we hear about (usually MANY times), but the contrary seldom gets any airtime.
Sorry, but that's not evidence of much of anything.
And then, when someone DOES really recover, well, then Hallelujah! I've been HEALED!
Well, yeah, maybe...
It's funny that, try as they might, the "miraculous healing" crowd can never produce any evidence in a carefully controlled environment. That alone, speaks volumes to my ears. Again, you have to have faith to believe in it. Sorry, that's just not enough for me (or you either, if you really need healing)...
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Healing.. interesting topic for me right now.
At one time i had an attitude about this kind of thinking that most illness and injuries can just be "walked off" you know get over it and you will be ok.
That is easy to say in your prime of life and twenty years old able to sleep 4 hours a night and go to work and function..
Raising a family affords little time for self much less care. and instead of being "healthy" your just neglected.
It is an illusion.
then middle age happens and we all take a perspective , I got healed alright of the fact i can no longer neglect what i should have attended to for many years .. my own self.
How i got here was a journy as pipes says.. but once this wisdom hits I for one cant go back to the abuse of the only thing i have to carry me through a day.
YOU can demand your mind to think in a certain manner... then your body demands right back at a point of time and says I matter and IM tired.
So it is about a wholeness and a realization for me I am just flesh and blood living on .
I believe we all will be "healed" of various mechanical failures one day but untill then I seek peace and comfort in a day by day type of life style.. make plans for the furture sure life is rich and full but along the path LIsten to what may need to change to have the system keep on ticking.
God made us HUMAN.. I think with frailities and issues mental or physical .. to realize we are just that. NO need of His consel if we all had perfect thought and bodies that never malfunctioned.
I have taken a time out, my feet being a mess waiting for surgery and i have decided to enjoy the time, and know i will be thankful when i can resume a busy life style.
bloom where you are planted.
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My healing has been mental [regardless of what you all think of my posts -
] and in relationships. Both have been an on-going process since I left TWI...
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Someone was sick yesterday, today they're not. Kind of hard to argue with that. What you'll hear me disputing is that it was prayer or chanting or energy work or Penta water that necessarily did it.
It is my observation that folks will credit whatever their "higher power" is for the good things in their lives. Christians credit God, reiki practicioners credit reiki, Wiccans credit the goddess, Art Bell credits aliens! Often the results are indistinguishable from each other or from random chance.
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After 8 months and thousands of dollars in bills and carry hurt and pain of my daughter being diagnosed with Juvenile Rhuemitoid Arthritis,and going blind,... it took a believer to say to me,"Are you God's kid, my life turned from hell to her being in Remission (diagnosis, CHildrens Hospital-CHicago, 1995)...
sometimes its just a matter of time..
somedays I forget to pray..but I will not forget this.
I thank God for my Savior, The Lord JC...everyday.
Pond- you brought a tear to my eyes....you guys are brilliant..
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my opinion on healing of body, healing of soul, healing of mind, healing of spirit, healing of relationships....
yes, seek healing
wherever, whenever, however you choose
choose to live
choose to heal
choose to be well
choose to find answers and solutions to what ails you
it is your right...biblically, spiritually, rationally...whatever
and dont let anyone talk you out of it
and there are a gazillion ways to tend to the wounds of simply being human
just as there are a gazillion ways to be wounded
good food
good relationships
good activity
good information
good friends
good habits
good science
good religion
good self-exploration
good meditative life
good prayerful life
good thoughts
good emotions
good justice
good feelings
good humor
good journal writing
good communication
these are all modes of medicine for something valid in our life
and they work best when they work together as one
and yes...they can and do and often-times will pay off
but also, the effects of genuine and authentic healing events can be reversed
like when we believe the words of folks who have lost most all hope in healing
and this is true regardless of what actually caused the healing
i mean, should the sick and dying really always have to know exactly why something worked or not for them to except the fact that they are better?
i hope not
btw..sorry for not providing any specific stories right now, chas
i love how you started this thread
and will come back to it when i get a chance
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My wife is really into figuring this out because she and my daughter are both legally blind because of a birth defect that medicine can't fix so a miraculous healing is the only answer. She's been wrestling with this issue since she first got into TWI in 1974.
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Healing.. Only thing I can think of is how great and wonderful our God truly is..
I can't say I've ever had anything really really bad as far as health. But the things that I have had, God has taken care of.
I trust God to take care of me no matter what and when and where.. Doesn't mean instant healing comes. But I believe if we continue to trust in Him, He'll take care of us. Doesn't mean to wait on Him to heal either..
Curious as to what y'alls thoughts are though on this subject..
A Messianic Jew once read part of their writings (not the Talmud), but it talked about Praising God and tempting God.. But it brought in healing as an example to tempting God.. Something to the effect of if you have an ailment, and just sit around waiting for God to heal you, then you are tempting God.. I never thought of it like that before, but umm ok..
What do y'all think? How could it be, how not?
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Yes, about a year and a half ago I had some mental healing that was unexpected, though very welcome.
A year or more before that happened, I lost a beloved pet and blamed my husband for allowing that to happen. I was very angry with him and held my anger by shutting him out of my life in several ways. I do not recall asking God to help me with this situation, except that I had acknowledged to God that I knew I needed to be kinder to my husband.
The healing experience happened in the middle of the night one night while I was half asleep. All of a sudden I felt a sensation of just letting all the anger go and a peacefulness taking its place. I really don't believe that I had taken any sustained action (such as prayer or "believing") to cause this. The anger never returned. I do believe this event was God working in my life, just in an unexpected and unrequested way.
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