Amazed again ......those who live by the past die by the past...........this stuff is so old and useless, since when did God say lets talk about the past until it makes people vomit and clouds their perception of the present and points their direction of the future? I could understand if the old fart were alive or If Craig was still an influence but for real folks ...its like dragging that old man around the same old mountain and crying about how much it hurts! I hope for the best for you all that keep this endless worthless babel going...... as for me I can't see the profit and I'll say Good bye and good luck because on this track your gonna need it. :wave: :
I don't think it's useless. If it weren't discussed here, people will believe what twi tells them.
Hey there Annam (is that manna backwards???)
Bolshevik is right, to a certain extent, and so are you. (imo)
Certainly some of the topics here are drivel, or *dragging the old man around the mountain*.
Generalizations that have been spoken of before, and really need not be brought up again.
That I can agree with, and wholeheartedly at that! (Who wants to sound like a gossip, eh??)
But some (or rather many) topics here are on a MUCH MORE personal level,
that exponentially tell of the *DO as we SAY, and NOT as we DO* mentality that permeated twi.
First hand accounts of abuse by *leadership* abound here by the folks that post here at GSC.
First hand accounts, and not some 2nd hand *so and so told me so* reports.
Bolshevik is 100% correct on this one (as pertains to folks dismissing common sense in favor of *the org*,
but you are also correct that there are topics that are merely *worthless babel*.
May I suggest that you look at more of the posts (over-all), than those just in this thread. :)
We really do have a *Story To Tell To The Nations*, and it isn't a pretty one ---when it concerns twi.
Of course you might be gone for good (from GSC) by now, and I'm typing pointlessly in answer.
But if you're still around, check out the My Story forum (if no other),
and get a ring-side seat to what some of us have gone through, and what we have to talk about,
and why it seems important (these many years later) to finally say something.
I hope for the best for you all that keep this endless worthless babel going...... as for me I can't see the profit and I'll say Good bye and good luck because on this track your gonna need it. :
uh oh was that babel comment something i should worry about spiritually ?
ps. as for me, i've given up worrying up "what's / where's the profit ?" a long time ago ;)
Amazed again ......those who live by the past die by the past...........this stuff is so old and useless, since when did God say lets talk about the past until it makes people vomit and clouds their perception of the present and points their direction of the future? I could understand if the old fart were alive or If Craig was still an influence but for real folks ...its like dragging that old man around the same old mountain and crying about how much it hurts! I hope for the best for you all that keep this endless worthless babel going...... as for me I can't see the profit and I'll say Good bye and good luck because on this track your gonna need it. :wave: :
What's amazing is that you would dig up a thread that was started a year ago and hadn't been posted on for 7 weeks and bring it to the top...If it's so "old and useless" why go to the trouble of bringing it all back up again?
"those who live by the past die by the past"...Hmmm, and I always thought that the appropriate saying in this context was "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"...
but I suppose if you can't see the "profit" (a term that's straight from the waybrain handbook)...then perhaps we are not the only ones that need luck...
What's amazing is that you would dig up a thread that was started a year ago and hadn't been posted on for 7 weeks and bring it to the top...If it's so "old and useless" why go to the trouble of bringing it all back up again?
"those who live by the past die by the past"...Hmmm, and I always thought that the appropriate saying in this context was "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"...
but I suppose if you can't see the "profit" (a term that's straight from the waybrain handbook)...then perhaps we are not the only ones that need luck...
you must be checking up on your old stuff pretty regular.......... Waybrain hmmmm funny how your philosophy about the past doesn't even come close to forgetting and pressing on......I was in the Way too, but fortunately when Craig took over and began to use the F word regularly when teaching and a few other choice disturbing events I left ..... It was The Healing Word and a serious searching for a real relationship with Jesus and some very timely help from people out side of the Waybrain......Many years of Way stuff can't hold a candle to the strength of God and his promise to deliver us.... It just seems that so much scab picking is going on here and lots of commiserating , and to those who don't think I get the reason people come here , I do.... we want to be validated, we want everyone to know that we have been hurt and we have a damn good reason for our bitterness and resentment and possibly good reasons to sin and disobey God. I am sorry that I offended some of you , Thats not my intention , nor is it my intention to judge anyone here for being here. I have looked around and for the most part what stands out is what I have commented on the underlying current seems to be angry and gossipy , both of which we are commanded to not carry. And really what is amazing grouchy is that something you posted a year ago could be mistaken for what is being posted currently. A Last note before I go........The Way was a disaster its true, and people got hurt that can't be denied( I was one of them) Took all the classes did all the way things wow, corp stuff....but I remember walking into a twig fellowship of my own free will because it sparked my interest in studying the Bible(Thank God for that part), and I walked out the same way free.........The only bondage was that which I surrendered , so it makes sense that my true lasting deliverance has come from surrendering to Christ , which is more than words , its actually doing as he says , it is a process and it takes time, many of those here may not have been out of the Way for more that 20 years Like I have ,and I apologize for my insensitivity but please don't let the hurt from the past affect you one more minute.....What so ever is pure lovely and of a good report if there be any virtue ......think on these things..... Phil 4:8 This is Gods word for you all not just a little suggestion .....Look up what he tells you to think and talk about ..... I doubt anyone can find a reason for this kind of continuous forum... I can see this site is exclusive and those with my opinion are not welcome here, how is that unlike how we were in the way? Not much......
it would sure as hell make anything you might have to say a heckuva lot easier for the rest of us to decipher if you could use them
thank you.
and to those who don't think I get the reason people come here , I do....we want to be validated, we want everyone to know that we have been hurt and we have a damn good reason for our bitterness and resentment
Maybe you know the reason that you come here, but thats about it. If those are your reasons then fine, if you have other reasons then fine too, but I do have some news for you--there is no manifestation of mind reading,(unless you have some vastly different bible than me) and your projections and guesses as to others intents are grossly over generalized.
nor is it my intention to judge anyone here for being here
It seems to certainly be your intention, since you just took it upon yourself to categorize and judge everyone here on near first glance.
How long have you actually been here observing ? Years? Weeks?
How many of these people do you actually know? One? Two? 500? Zero?
How broad can your understanding of all these posters be that you can lop everyone here into a few sentences in your very short time here?
"What so ever is pure lovely and of a good report if there be any virtue ......think on these things..."
....which is more than words , its actually doing as he says
I guess in your world none of that applies to your thinking about the posters here....
Tell us another one about doing 'what he says" either that or just do what he says instead of being everyones god and judge
you must be checking up on your old stuff pretty regular.......... Waybrain hmmmm funny how your philosophy about the past doesn't even come close to forgetting and pressing on......I was in the Way too, but fortunately when Craig took over and began to use the F word regularly when teaching and a few other choice disturbing events I left .....
It was The Healing Word and a serious searching for a real relationship with Jesus and some very timely help from people out side of the Waybrain......Many years of Way stuff can't hold a candle to the strength of God and his promise to deliver us.... It just seems that so much scab picking is going on here and lots of commiserating , and to those who don't think I get the reason people come here , I do.... we want to be validated, we want everyone to know that we have been hurt and we have a damn good reason for our bitterness and resentment and possibly good reasons to sin and disobey God.
I am sorry that I offended some of you , Thats not my intention , nor is it my intention to judge anyone here for being here. I have looked around and for the most part what stands out is what I have commented on the underlying current seems to be angry and gossipy , both of which we are commanded to not carry. And really what is amazing grouchy is that something you posted a year ago could be mistaken for what is being posted currently.
A Last note before I go........The Way was a disaster its true, and people got hurt that can't be denied( I was one of them) Took all the classes did all the way things wow, corp stuff....but I remember walking into a twig fellowship of my own free will because it sparked my interest in studying the Bible(Thank God for that part), and I walked out the same way free.........
The only bondage was that which I surrendered , so it makes sense that my true lasting deliverance has come from surrendering to Christ , which is more than words , its actually doing as he says , it is a process and it takes time, many of those here may not have been out of the Way for more that 20 years Like I have ,and I apologize for my insensitivity but please don't let the hurt from the past affect you one more minute.....
What so ever is pure lovely and of a good report if there be any virtue ......think on these things..... Phil 4:8 This is Gods word for you all not just a little suggestion .....Look up what he tells you to think and talk about ..... I doubt anyone can find a reason for this kind of continuous forum... I can see this site is exclusive and those with my opinion are not welcome here, how is that unlike how we were in the way? Not much......
I just HAD TO break that up into paragraphs! :)
I only bolded one statement, that I'd like to comment on.
Many of us here HAVE been out for 20 plus years.
Granted there are folks who experienced the *gay 90's*,
and then there's some here who left just recently.
Even though we still discuss that part of our common past,
MUCH is being shared about how we live our lives today --
and sharing the joy, laughter, and freedom we now experience from daily life.
So stick around and have some fun, or go somewhere else and have some fun there.
If you really think people only come here to rehash the past and hold onto bitterness,
then I suggest you take a closer look.
Shop around a little.
There're games, music, doctrinal discussions, silly jokes, movie trivia, etc.
Why do we talk about the past?
Well, partly because that's the common thread that is woven through the fabric of our lives.
annam...if you think I was harsh in my post...go see what I said about Jerry Falwell!
I see you have a tender heart and want to follow the Lord...there are many others here who feel the same...I honestly don't mean to offend you, I'm just calling them like I see em'...I'm being as honest as I know how to be.
I know I'm a bit caustic at times...that's what I do, that's why I'm here...but if I offend you, don't paint everybody here with the same brush...there are some great folks here...
annam...if you think I was harsh in my post...go see what I said about Jerry Falwell!
I see you have a tender heart and want to follow the Lord...there are many others here who feel the same...I honestly don't mean to offend you, I'm just calling them like I see em'...I'm being as honest as I know how to be.
I know I'm a bit caustic at times...that's what I do, that's why I'm here...but if I offend you, don't paint everybody here with the same brush...there are some great folks here...
It doesn't surprise me at all , the back lash is almost comical ... caustic is so endearing , and I love the writing criticism , not a one of you has any defense for your offense.... rock on with your mean selves. I gather that you don't count yourself in with the "great folks here"?
have you ever heard of paragraphs?
it would sure as hell make anything you might have to say a heckuva lot easier for the rest of us to decipher if you could use them
thank you.
Maybe you know the reason that you come here, but thats about it. If those are your reasons then fine, if you have other reasons then fine too, but I do have some news for you--there is no manifestation of mind reading,(unless you have some vastly different bible than me) and your projections and guesses as to others intents are grossly over generalized.
It seems to certainly be your intention, since you just took it upon yourself to categorize and judge everyone here on near first glance.
How long have you actually been here observing ? Years? Weeks?
How many of these people do you actually know? One? Two? 500? Zero?
How broad can your understanding of all these posters be that you can lop everyone here into a few sentences in your very short time here?
I guess in your world none of that applies to your thinking about the posters here....
Tell us another one about doing 'what he says" either that or just do what he says instead of being everyones god and judge
English lesson
Do you really think
you all are any different
than the hundreds of up in some stuff yourself.
human nature is pretty much across the board the same.
I did not really understand the essense of your most recent post.
Could you expand on what you mean by having a defence for the offense?
People have been commenting on the fallout that ensued due to Wierwille's appointment of Martindale. (for the sake of brevity, we often resort to abbreviations such as VPW for Wierwille or LCM for Martindale or WOW for Word Over The World Ambassadors.) It's too labor intensive to keep using full names and terms when so many understand the meaning.)
Your opinion on how this event affected The Way International(TWI) is just as much welcomed here as anyone elses. That doesn't mean, of course, that all will agree or disagree with you.
So, with that in mind, how do you feel about the above mentioned event?
Amazed again ......those who live by the past die by the past...........this stuff is so old and useless, since when did God say lets talk about the past until it makes people vomit and clouds their perception of the present and points their direction of the future? I could understand if the old fart were alive or If Craig was still an influence but for real folks ...its like dragging that old man around the same old mountain and crying about how much it hurts! I hope for the best for you all that keep this endless worthless babel going...... as for me I can't see the profit and I'll say Good bye and good luck because on this track your gonna need it. :wave: :
twi is still around and hurting and using people.
One example.
Last year I witnessed (via the phone) as a dying man was witnessed too by an innie. As he lay dying, the innie, with leadership support of one or two states, drilled the Law of Believing to him. The man died and all the innie says is "Well, you can tell people The Word but you can't make them believe."
The poor man needed a friend. Instead twi made him an object to be "witnessed too".
It doesn't surprise me at all , the back lash is almost comical ... caustic is so endearing , and I love the writing criticism , not a one of you has any defense for your offense.... rock on with your mean selves. I gather that you don't count yourself in with the "great folks here"?
We're not saying Wierwille thought we were the only ones with any of the truth, we're saying that Wierwille declared TWI to be the MOST accurate.
From Elena W's book, not an exact quote (hey, it's been 20 years, maybe someone has the book and can look it up):
Said Wierwille, "Putting it all together, and making it fit, that was the unique* part."
Trouble was, Wierwille was missing the most important part, the I Cor. 13 part. It was the Mary and Martha story all over again. Fretting over details, looking real godly, but missing the bigger picture.
Very narcissistic to substitute the gnat, so he wouldn't have to face the camel.
-- Shaz
* I know that word is wrong, but the idea was something like that....
Strangely enough, not only did he miss the I Cor. 13 part, but much of the doctrine wasn't even right. If he was going to steal, he could have at least stolen from people that could back up their doctrine with more Scripture. I have heard it suggested that VP picked and chose the doctrines that would shake up the organized churches the most. He happened to get in right (IMO) about the trinity and the dead being dead, but the dispensationalism that took us away from knowing the teachings of our Lord did more damage than perhaps either of those wrong doctrines. I thought I had gotten to know God through TWI, too, but now I'm not so sure I did. And the lack of I Cor. 13 style love was only one of the missing factors.
On another note, does anyone else remember hearing it said that LCM was not really VP's first choice? I can't remember where I heard it (POP, perhaps?) but it was implied that the other trustees and top leaders were pushing for LCM, but VP wasn't sure he was the best choice. Yet he supposedly went along with it because he was old and tired and didn't think the leadership heeded his advice anymore anyway. Anybody else remember hearing anything like that?
On another note, does anyone else remember hearing it said that LCM was not really VP's first choice? I can't remember where I heard it (POP, perhaps?) but it was implied that the other trustees and top leaders were pushing for LCM, but VP wasn't sure he was the best choice. Yet he supposedly went along with it because he was old and tired and didn't think the leadership heeded his advice anymore anyway. Anybody else remember hearing anything like that?
Sounds like a classic case of rationalization by a Wierwille sympathiser.
It doesn't surprise me at all , the back lash is almost comical ... caustic is so endearing , and I love the writing criticism , not a one of you has any defense for your offense.... rock on with your mean selves. I gather that you don't count yourself in with the "great folks here"?
almost comical?...C'mon IS comical. and I'm glad that you actually think that my caustic posts are endearing...that touches me...really.
any didn't you know that offense needs no only needs a target. Mean selves?...Yeah, I can be mean as hell when I decide to be...when I think that being mean serves a purpose...
...and actually, I DO count myself in with the other great folks here...I was only trying to be humble.
...So what is it annam, should we all "renew our minds" until we gain your approval?
On another note, does anyone else remember hearing it said that LCM was not really VP's first choice? I can't remember where I heard it (POP, perhaps?) but it was implied that the other trustees and top leaders were pushing for LCM, but VP wasn't sure he was the best choice. Yet he supposedly went along with it because he was old and tired and didn't think the leadership heeded his advice anymore anyway. Anybody else remember hearing anything like that?
I've read the opposite here-
that those asked pointed to Walter or someone else, and never lcm,
but that vpw picked him over everyone's objections.
BTW, back then, there was some SERIOUS disinformation going around.
I had been told lcm had been chosen the same way Matthias was chosen-
by prayer and a vote, and not by vpw's fiat. Over time, I started hearing
contradictory information on that...and top innies, even, said vpw chose lcm.
The supposed reason vpw picked lcm was that he thought the corps would follow
where the former corps director led. It's also been reported that someone asked
vpw, and he said lcm never questioned him, but did whatever vpw required of him.
If that's true, then the POP comment about vpw considering lcm and cg his top men
makes more sense, since they were the 2 men most likely to follow vpw off a cliff.
If you are talking specifically about why the "About The Way" forum continues to revist topics on a regular basis, then here is a possible answer.
Most of the people here at GSC suffered abuse of some sort or another at the hands of TWI or are still suffering.
You don't find many people who would tell a fifty year old woman that she should "get over" being repeatedly raped by her father for 10 years. It is accepted that this event leaves life long residue in her life. Some of that residue is easier for her to put in perspective than others, but that life event will always influence at some level decisions she makes in certain areas of her life.
For some of us healing comes when we find we are not alone in our sufferings. for some of us healing comes when we find a place where we can vent as much and as often as we want. For some of us healing comes when we are able to comprehend the why behind the abusers actions. For some of us healing comes when we can help others who are in the place now we once were. For some of us healing comes when we find out that rather than being "crazy" we are actually on of many with the same experience and reactions. For many healing is a combination of some or all of the above and others I haven't mentioned or thought of.
All of us, because we are individuals, are more prone to being hurt by certain behaviors than by others. All of us, because we are individuals, react differently to a given situation. This means that some people experience deep scars from an incident where another may be able to brush off the same incident with little difficulty. Some of us tend to "take the bull by the horns" when dealing with life's problems, some of us tend to retreat.
It is highly presumptuous for anyone to decide that another has had "long enough" to "get over it". This does not mean that we as friends are not allowed to point out methods by which help may be found in the "moving on" Process. This does not mean that we as friends cannot say "you need to get a handle on this and move forward, you are in a pit". What it does mean is that we as friends and fellow voyagers in this life have a responsibility to approach the scarred with compassion and empathy as well as "tough love" where needed.
GSC was established first and foremost, as a place where the goings on of TWI both bad and good could be examined and discussed. This site brings answers and healing to many. As long as I feel a need for my participation, as long as I see that there are still people wresting with what happened in their lives, as long as I feel my interaction with my fellow posters may help them heal or understand, I will continue to post here.
If any poster feels that this site or the "About The Way" forum in particular is of no use thay have the right to state such or avoid it all together. What they do not have a right to do, IMO, is denegrate other posters who wish to participate for whatever reasons
almost comical?...C'mon IS comical. and I'm glad that you actually think that my caustic posts are endearing...that touches me...really.
any didn't you know that offense needs no only needs a target. Mean selves?...Yeah, I can be mean as hell when I decide to be...when I think that being mean serves a purpose...
...and actually, I DO count myself in with the other great folks here...I was only trying to be humble.
...So what is it annam, should we all "renew our minds" until we gain your approval?
you are all very fascinating to be sure, I'm sure also that humble, well lets say I assume , humble is the least of your endearing attributes. Mean and Hell sound like a very good description , (in your own words). Glad I could touch you as well. as for "renewing your mind", that would gain God's approval.... according to the scriptures. ( obey , hide in your heart , etc.) Not my idea at all, but a good one.
Last year I witnessed (via the phone) as a dying man was witnessed too by an innie. As he lay dying, the innie, with leadership support of one or two states, drilled the Law of Believing to him. The man died and all the innie says is "Well, you can tell people The Word but you can't make them believe."
The poor man needed a friend. Instead twi made him an object to be "witnessed too".
I meant no offense to you in my earlier post.
I understand your point , my ex was a way corp kid, dyed in the wool, wishes the old days were back guy who when my brother died after 3 horrible days in ICU his explanation was that my father did not believe enough for him to be healed.
I can tell you all, that was the beginning of the end for me, and as for those who are still in the way, like I said, they have to walk out of it on their own..... so far not one person that I know of personally, has been deprogrammed successfully by anyone of us. It takes love and prayer and reaching out no matter how long and brutal it may seem. If you talk trash you get trash, its reaping and sowing and God makes no allowance for it even if the way is still around. Please realize that the way didn't start sin, and neither did it start God or the bible or believing.( I can hear the reply s now) DUH
My point from the beginning .(if anyone has bothered to listen), has been this.........God gave his word so we could have instruction in everything...right? what is spoken of here is mostly against Gods the book kids..
One thing I can take from this is how much prayer we all need..
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Hey there Annam (is that manna backwards???)
Bolshevik is right, to a certain extent, and so are you. (imo)
Certainly some of the topics here are drivel, or *dragging the old man around the mountain*.
Generalizations that have been spoken of before, and really need not be brought up again.
That I can agree with, and wholeheartedly at that! (Who wants to sound like a gossip, eh??)
But some (or rather many) topics here are on a MUCH MORE personal level,
that exponentially tell of the *DO as we SAY, and NOT as we DO* mentality that permeated twi.
First hand accounts of abuse by *leadership* abound here by the folks that post here at GSC.
First hand accounts, and not some 2nd hand *so and so told me so* reports.
Bolshevik is 100% correct on this one (as pertains to folks dismissing common sense in favor of *the org*,
but you are also correct that there are topics that are merely *worthless babel*.
May I suggest that you look at more of the posts (over-all), than those just in this thread. :)
We really do have a *Story To Tell To The Nations*, and it isn't a pretty one ---when it concerns twi.
Of course you might be gone for good (from GSC) by now, and I'm typing pointlessly in answer.
But if you're still around, check out the My Story forum (if no other),
and get a ring-side seat to what some of us have gone through, and what we have to talk about,
and why it seems important (these many years later) to finally say something.
Here --- I LOOKED UP THE MY STORY LINK FOR YOU, so all you have to do is click it, and start reading. :)
for what it's worth -- (imo) you'll find cockiness, bitterness, questions, and truth on this site.
It's up to you (should you chose to do so), to discern between them all.
But if you need to leave -- that's understandable too. :)
God bless.
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and some of them are, "let's drag the old man up from underneath the fountain"..
sorry.. coudn't help myself..
but really.. if that is what it takes for the living here to find some closure..
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uh oh was that babel comment something i should worry about spiritually ?
ps. as for me, i've given up worrying up "what's / where's the profit ?" a long time ago ;)
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What's amazing is that you would dig up a thread that was started a year ago and hadn't been posted on for 7 weeks and bring it to the top...If it's so "old and useless" why go to the trouble of bringing it all back up again?
"those who live by the past die by the past"...Hmmm, and I always thought that the appropriate saying in this context was "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"...
but I suppose if you can't see the "profit" (a term that's straight from the waybrain handbook)...then perhaps we are not the only ones that need luck...
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you must be checking up on your old stuff pretty regular.......... Waybrain hmmmm funny how your philosophy about the past doesn't even come close to forgetting and pressing on......I was in the Way too, but fortunately when Craig took over and began to use the F word regularly when teaching and a few other choice disturbing events I left ..... It was The Healing Word and a serious searching for a real relationship with Jesus and some very timely help from people out side of the Waybrain......Many years of Way stuff can't hold a candle to the strength of God and his promise to deliver us.... It just seems that so much scab picking is going on here and lots of commiserating , and to those who don't think I get the reason people come here , I do.... we want to be validated, we want everyone to know that we have been hurt and we have a damn good reason for our bitterness and resentment and possibly good reasons to sin and disobey God. I am sorry that I offended some of you , Thats not my intention , nor is it my intention to judge anyone here for being here. I have looked around and for the most part what stands out is what I have commented on the underlying current seems to be angry and gossipy , both of which we are commanded to not carry. And really what is amazing grouchy is that something you posted a year ago could be mistaken for what is being posted currently. A Last note before I go........The Way was a disaster its true, and people got hurt that can't be denied( I was one of them) Took all the classes did all the way things wow, corp stuff....but I remember walking into a twig fellowship of my own free will because it sparked my interest in studying the Bible(Thank God for that part), and I walked out the same way free.........The only bondage was that which I surrendered , so it makes sense that my true lasting deliverance has come from surrendering to Christ , which is more than words , its actually doing as he says , it is a process and it takes time, many of those here may not have been out of the Way for more that 20 years Like I have ,and I apologize for my insensitivity but please don't let the hurt from the past affect you one more minute.....What so ever is pure lovely and of a good report if there be any virtue ......think on these things..... Phil 4:8 This is Gods word for you all not just a little suggestion .....Look up what he tells you to think and talk about ..... I doubt anyone can find a reason for this kind of continuous forum... I can see this site is exclusive and those with my opinion are not welcome here, how is that unlike how we were in the way? Not much......
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have you ever heard of paragraphs?
it would sure as hell make anything you might have to say a heckuva lot easier for the rest of us to decipher if you could use them
thank you.
Maybe you know the reason that you come here, but thats about it. If those are your reasons then fine, if you have other reasons then fine too, but I do have some news for you--there is no manifestation of mind reading,(unless you have some vastly different bible than me) and your projections and guesses as to others intents are grossly over generalized.
Hello!It seems to certainly be your intention, since you just took it upon yourself to categorize and judge everyone here on near first glance.
How long have you actually been here observing ? Years? Weeks?
How many of these people do you actually know? One? Two? 500? Zero?
How broad can your understanding of all these posters be that you can lop everyone here into a few sentences in your very short time here?
I guess in your world none of that applies to your thinking about the posters here....
Tell us another one about doing 'what he says"
either that or just do what he says instead of being everyones god and judge
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If you really think people only come here to rehash the past and hold onto bitterness, then I suggest you take a closer look.
Shop around a little.
There're games, music, doctrinal discussions, silly jokes, movie trivia, etc.
Why do we talk about the past? Well, partly because that's the common thread that is woven through the fabric of our lives.
You are correct in saying there is sometimes bitterness here.
That's how life is, a mixed bag of bitter and sweet.
The great thing about The Cafe is that you can come and go as you please.
Glad you stopped in. Hope you'll come back and visit again.
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I just HAD TO break that up into paragraphs! :)
I only bolded one statement, that I'd like to comment on.
Many of us here HAVE been out for 20 plus years.
Granted there are folks who experienced the *gay 90's*,
and then there's some here who left just recently.
Even though we still discuss that part of our common past,
MUCH is being shared about how we live our lives today --
and sharing the joy, laughter, and freedom we now experience from daily life.
So stick around and have some fun, or go somewhere else and have some fun there.
Personally -- I'm not here to *pick scabs*.
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annam...if you think I was harsh in my post...go see what I said about Jerry Falwell!
I see you have a tender heart and want to follow the Lord...there are many others here who feel the same...I honestly don't mean to offend you, I'm just calling them like I see em'...I'm being as honest as I know how to be.
I know I'm a bit caustic at times...that's what I do, that's why I'm here...but if I offend you, don't paint everybody here with the same brush...there are some great folks here...
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wow i liked what mstar said
you should think loving thoughts about all the bitter crazy people here :)
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It doesn't surprise me at all , the back lash is almost comical ... caustic is so endearing , and I love the writing criticism , not a one of you has any defense for your offense.... rock on with your mean selves. I gather that you don't count yourself in with the "great folks here"?
English lesson
Do you really think
you all are any different
than the hundreds of up in some stuff yourself.
human nature is pretty much across the board the same.
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I did not really understand the essense of your most recent post.
Could you expand on what you mean by having a defence for the offense?
People have been commenting on the fallout that ensued due to Wierwille's appointment of Martindale. (for the sake of brevity, we often resort to abbreviations such as VPW for Wierwille or LCM for Martindale or WOW for Word Over The World Ambassadors.) It's too labor intensive to keep using full names and terms when so many understand the meaning.)
Your opinion on how this event affected The Way International(TWI) is just as much welcomed here as anyone elses. That doesn't mean, of course, that all will agree or disagree with you.
So, with that in mind, how do you feel about the above mentioned event?
Not a Mistake?
Don't care either way?
None of the above.
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I dunno.. I kinda thought calling them vic, or vp, loy.. all small letters, was appropriate.
small letters are fitting for small men..
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I'm sorry I thought you had a real concern.
twi is still around and hurting and using people.
One example.
Last year I witnessed (via the phone) as a dying man was witnessed too by an innie. As he lay dying, the innie, with leadership support of one or two states, drilled the Law of Believing to him. The man died and all the innie says is "Well, you can tell people The Word but you can't make them believe."
The poor man needed a friend. Instead twi made him an object to be "witnessed too".
I meant no offense to you in my earlier post.
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Mark Clarke
Strangely enough, not only did he miss the I Cor. 13 part, but much of the doctrine wasn't even right. If he was going to steal, he could have at least stolen from people that could back up their doctrine with more Scripture. I have heard it suggested that VP picked and chose the doctrines that would shake up the organized churches the most. He happened to get in right (IMO) about the trinity and the dead being dead, but the dispensationalism that took us away from knowing the teachings of our Lord did more damage than perhaps either of those wrong doctrines. I thought I had gotten to know God through TWI, too, but now I'm not so sure I did. And the lack of I Cor. 13 style love was only one of the missing factors.
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What I wonder.. did he simply "finger" stuff that no one else would bother fighting over?
That didn't work with lifted music (old blue sinkalonkda vey). Seems the copyright holders called him on it..
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Mark Clarke
On another note, does anyone else remember hearing it said that LCM was not really VP's first choice? I can't remember where I heard it (POP, perhaps?) but it was implied that the other trustees and top leaders were pushing for LCM, but VP wasn't sure he was the best choice. Yet he supposedly went along with it because he was old and tired and didn't think the leadership heeded his advice anymore anyway. Anybody else remember hearing anything like that?
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Too much smoke and too much coke thatll kill ya Lynerd skynerd.
Talking about service when he himself served noone.
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Sounds like a classic case of rationalization by a Wierwille sympathiser.
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almost comical?...C'mon IS comical. and I'm glad that you actually think that my caustic posts are endearing...that touches me...really.
any didn't you know that offense needs no only needs a target. Mean selves?...Yeah, I can be mean as hell when I decide to be...when I think that being mean serves a purpose...
...and actually, I DO count myself in with the other great folks here...I was only trying to be humble.
...So what is it annam, should we all "renew our minds" until we gain your approval?
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I've read the opposite here-
that those asked pointed to Walter or someone else, and never lcm,
but that vpw picked him over everyone's objections.
BTW, back then, there was some SERIOUS disinformation going around.
I had been told lcm had been chosen the same way Matthias was chosen-
by prayer and a vote, and not by vpw's fiat. Over time, I started hearing
contradictory information on that...and top innies, even, said vpw chose lcm.
The supposed reason vpw picked lcm was that he thought the corps would follow
where the former corps director led. It's also been reported that someone asked
vpw, and he said lcm never questioned him, but did whatever vpw required of him.
If that's true, then the POP comment about vpw considering lcm and cg his top men
makes more sense, since they were the 2 men most likely to follow vpw off a cliff.
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If you are talking specifically about why the "About The Way" forum continues to revist topics on a regular basis, then here is a possible answer.
Most of the people here at GSC suffered abuse of some sort or another at the hands of TWI or are still suffering.
You don't find many people who would tell a fifty year old woman that she should "get over" being repeatedly raped by her father for 10 years. It is accepted that this event leaves life long residue in her life. Some of that residue is easier for her to put in perspective than others, but that life event will always influence at some level decisions she makes in certain areas of her life.
For some of us healing comes when we find we are not alone in our sufferings. for some of us healing comes when we find a place where we can vent as much and as often as we want. For some of us healing comes when we are able to comprehend the why behind the abusers actions. For some of us healing comes when we can help others who are in the place now we once were. For some of us healing comes when we find out that rather than being "crazy" we are actually on of many with the same experience and reactions. For many healing is a combination of some or all of the above and others I haven't mentioned or thought of.
All of us, because we are individuals, are more prone to being hurt by certain behaviors than by others. All of us, because we are individuals, react differently to a given situation. This means that some people experience deep scars from an incident where another may be able to brush off the same incident with little difficulty. Some of us tend to "take the bull by the horns" when dealing with life's problems, some of us tend to retreat.
It is highly presumptuous for anyone to decide that another has had "long enough" to "get over it". This does not mean that we as friends are not allowed to point out methods by which help may be found in the "moving on" Process. This does not mean that we as friends cannot say "you need to get a handle on this and move forward, you are in a pit". What it does mean is that we as friends and fellow voyagers in this life have a responsibility to approach the scarred with compassion and empathy as well as "tough love" where needed.
GSC was established first and foremost, as a place where the goings on of TWI both bad and good could be examined and discussed. This site brings answers and healing to many. As long as I feel a need for my participation, as long as I see that there are still people wresting with what happened in their lives, as long as I feel my interaction with my fellow posters may help them heal or understand, I will continue to post here.
If any poster feels that this site or the "About The Way" forum in particular is of no use thay have the right to state such or avoid it all together. What they do not have a right to do, IMO, is denegrate other posters who wish to participate for whatever reasons
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you are all very fascinating to be sure, I'm sure also that humble, well lets say I assume , humble is the least of your endearing attributes. Mean and Hell sound like a very good description , (in your own words). Glad I could touch you as well. as for "renewing your mind", that would gain God's approval.... according to the scriptures. ( obey , hide in your heart , etc.) Not my idea at all, but a good one.
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I understand your point , my ex was a way corp kid, dyed in the wool, wishes the old days were back guy who when my brother died after 3 horrible days in ICU his explanation was that my father did not believe enough for him to be healed.
I can tell you all, that was the beginning of the end for me, and as for those who are still in the way, like I said, they have to walk out of it on their own..... so far not one person that I know of personally, has been deprogrammed successfully by anyone of us. It takes love and prayer and reaching out no matter how long and brutal it may seem. If you talk trash you get trash, its reaping and sowing and God makes no allowance for it even if the way is still around. Please realize that the way didn't start sin, and neither did it start God or the bible or believing.( I can hear the reply s now) DUH
My point from the beginning .(if anyone has bothered to listen), has been this.........God gave his word so we could have instruction in everything...right? what is spoken of here is mostly against Gods the book kids..
One thing I can take from this is how much prayer we all need..
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