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Fundamental things i have found the way had wrong


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The way taught that we were [or they were] to study the bible to find TRUTH, but they taught this in a way that made it seem like GOD was hiding it, testing us. willing to approve us and bless abundantly our lives only when and if we found this elusive truth.

first let me show you what i found in 2 tim 2:15

study=be diligent

to show yourself approved= to show yourself true

[[stupid to think WE could show others we have God's approval OR stupid to think we could show God that we are worthy of His approval, this meaning a stamp of approval just doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it]

this is a different word then the one used in acts 2:22 and this one means TRUE in classical greek it is found of a banker that makes his coins FULL weight does not shave to much off the edges when he makes the coin ie the meaning is TRUE as apposed to counterfiet

unto GOD = unto GOD

a workman = someone who puts forth effort

that needeth not ot be ashamed = what it says

rightly dividing= as in proverbs 3:5,6 though a slightly diferent form of the word. getting a right path, a correct cut, as a mason with rocks makes one cut the right place, a single correct cut

ie the right thing to do, the right way to go....

the word of truth = true words and it means true words, it does not say BIBLE or scripture or writings...TRUE WORDS and rightly dividing does not mean we have to disect them to find their hidden meaning

if you look at the context of the verses before and after, what Paul is saying is true words come from GOD not wives tales, sayings, fables, superstitions true words come from GOD

this is NOT saying we need to disect KJV and the stephanus greek or other texts to get the true words

it is saying TRUE WORDS will give you your correct path, you get that from the words used correctly in this verse and looking at the verses preeding and following this verse, there is nothing about elusive scripture to buy obtain and read and re-read. but there is a lot of go to GOD not to fables and sayings, ie people

my paraphrase would read like this

Be diligent to stay true to GOD, and it will take labor, don’t let that make you think your wrong, getting straight, correct paths from true words [[which come from GOD]]

what this means is there is no verse to set people on a quest for TRUTH that seems elusive, and that need a guru to help you find.

likewise 1peter1:21 is about how scripture comes into being, NOT about reading and making a decision on what YOU think it means, propehcy of scripture is not you reading it and deiciding what it means, prophecy of scripture is just that, GOD telling a prophet what to write down.

the bible is pretty straight forward in KJV form let alone re-reading others [english greek hebrew aramaic..]along side of it and a little study and prayer for the difficult stuff and pooff no guru needed

ehp 4:11.... if read for what it says, these gift ministries are to raise a beliver up to stand on their on two feet independantly, walking w and hearing GOD,

not always needing the GURU!!!!

the way was big on as we all know - power for abundant living

like that is elusive and we need a guru to help us here also--

you know what power for abundant living really is.


ASKING GOD in prayer is just that ASKING, the FAITH that is involved is TRUSTING [that is what faith means] that your ASKING is HEARD, by a GOD that is all knowing all powerful and LOVES you and has your best interests at heart therefore HE will do what is best for you.

steps and things we had to do to get prayers answered, sound like we have jump through hoops, to earn a treat from a master, not a loving father with His kids HE loves so much that HE had is son die for them.

Ro 8:32 He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things.

ASKING is asking, not some word play of manipulation.

next time you ask your wife to fix steak for supper, realize that after you ask you don't sit there and try not to doubt that she will do it, you don't make sure that your needs and wants are equal, and all that other stuff we were taught to do to GOD.

talk about making GOD impersonal and far away, they did that

HE is not a genie or santa clause, nor is HE a computer that you need a formula for.

likewise it is foolish to think we could keep HIM from doing what HE wants, NOR can we make HIM do something that HE does not want.

HE's GOD !!!

HE loves you

HE is closer than your next breath

HE is not playing games with you

HE is light, honest + sincere, HE is RIGHT, as in righteous, right doing all the time.

my signiture on here is something that hit me over the last year or two that the most powerful physical example of what happened spiritually the moment Jesus died, was the veil being torn.

the holy of holies is now accessed by all of us

we can climb up into HIS lap like children, not like all knowing guru's but as children

that is how we do miracles and healings and that is how we got and how we give the spirit by being children that do not fully understand what the father is doing, but trust HIM and ask what we can do to help HIM hear HIM, being in relationship with HIM.

Edited by jr4jc
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God first

Beloved Jr

God loves you my dear friend

thanks yes the Way Ministry did not want us to trust God but they wanted us to be sold out to the Way Ministry

But over time we saw the Way Ministry for what it is

Yes the Way Ministry only wanted us to study as a fleshly man would not as a spiritual man would

1 Cor 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

So we only saw what a natural man would see using natural tools but we can see more by using spiritual tools to understand the milk of the word of God

by having the meat of the word of God with the milk of the word of God we began to understand the value of the milk

and see the milk the way it was when it was meat

And our spiritual body has all its needs for the body is sickly if it has only milk or if it as only meat

The ones feeds one need of the spiritual body and the other feeds others needs of the body

I will stop here build up your trust my dear friends

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I personally think their reliance upon the Textus Recepticus (for the most part) and upon the KJV was abhorrent. It gave enough knowledge to people to make them vulnerable to suggestion but not enough for them to do much of the research themselves.

(Please keep in mind that all of this is IMHO and YMMV...)

There are many, many places where the KJV just had it simply wrong.

For example,

1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [[but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also].

The editors of the KJV has the second phrase in italics...implying that it is not in the original text. And it's not in the Textus Recepticus.

However, the vast majority of critical manuscripts have that phrase. (Footnotes in your Englishman's Greek NT should show you this)

Another example,

1 John 5:7-8 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

There is NO manuscript that records these verses in this way.

They SHOULD read, "For there are three that bear record, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

Acts 8:37 appears in NONE of the manuscripts.

There are many, many other examples. Most of these examples have been rectified in modern translations, such as the RSV, the NASB, etc.

As you say, jr4jc, using this archaic (and in large part inaccurate) translation put people so that they were dependent upon the MOGs with their "literals according to usage" and less dependent upon reliance on the Holy Spirit for the illumination necessary to understand the Scriptures. Even though there are far more accurate translations and translations in more modern usage readily available they didn't.

So that way, they could point out "Acts 8:37 is in none of the manuscripts." Then the followers could go "oooh, aaah" and give great honor to the MOG who revealed this before unrevealed truth. Why not just use the RSV and not worry about it?

Good topic, jr4jc!

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correction i put 1peter 1:20 and of course meant 2 peter 1:20 and look at what these versions say

Robertsons word pictures says ‘No prophecy of Scripture comes out of private disclosure,’

Young’s literal 2 Peter 1:20 this first knowing, that no prophecy of the Writing doth come of private exposition, 21 for not by will of man did ever prophecy come, but by the Holy Spirit borne on holy men of God spake.

we had to ignore vs 21 to believe what the way taught, because it re states, what vs 20 is saying,

no-where in 2 peter or in 2 timothy do we see reading scripture to make sure it is understood correctly --yet that is what the way taught.

2 timothy paul is telling timothy the man who co wrote half of paul's letters, and traveled with him extensively at the end of his ministry---he is encouraging him on walking with GOD now that he will go on without paul and yet have to deal with people, he is nto telling timothy how to read and understand what he co wrote, that would be stupid. nor is he telling him to go to scripture to find hidden or missing meanings.

that is how the way took it, and if that is not how paul wrote it to timothy then that is reading into it, and if we can do that then we can make the bible say anything we want. [=as we have seen that is possible]

the solution is walking w god as a child w a father, letting HIM be in charge, and reading the bible for it says no more no less.

2 peter is talking about the authority of scripture, where it came from, it's authority is that it came from GOD. the bible is not like our government where one part of it makes a law, another says what it means and a third enforces it the way they think it should be enforced.

GOD is the author HE knows what HE meant in every given passage, and it is not usually hard to find out what HE meant if we stop reading into stuff and just read what is there, in context these 2 verses were taken out of context to say what the way taught. and having HIM at your side while you read/studyt, not wanting to make the bible say something so you can get away with something, but to really want to know what GOD meant, and what GOD wants. it's not hard especially when you hear HIS voice. but it is your walk and you KNOW when you hear GOD and when you don't and when you THINK you heard HIM, being honest with yourself and with GOD you will proceed nicely, decieve yourself and that is just what you have done, cause you ain;'t fooling GOD.

with the bible reference books available today and the many opinions [versions] of the bible, we are not at a loss at alternatives to difficult passages, but without GOD at your side you'll find what YOU think it says. let GOD be GOD and the bible speak for itself. don't be afraid to study the bible but don't think there are hidden keys to all of sudden having an abundant life, finally defeatingthe devil crap, GOD loves you, talk to HIM, HE is the key, not some formula and don't glorify the devil he can't do what you in heart won't let him, and remember job, the devil only can do what GOD allows

so much of the bible is straight forward, i know VPW used to say taht, but his actions showed that there was so much hidden stuff that was important for him and them to find out so they could tell us. the most important stuff is straight forward, GOD loves you, talk to HIM, HE wants to be a part of your life

HE will help us in different ways at different times.

i saw in readers digest 'good sailors don't come from calm seas'

i think to many belivers think that GOD's will is to make them into a spoiled brat.

we would not want to do that to our children so why would we think GOD is about to do that to us.

and as most of us know a lot of vp's work was bullingers' just to name one.

Pr 6:32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

Ex 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

2peter 2:10 ¶ This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;

11 yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord.

12 But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts they too will perish.

13 They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, revelling in their pleasures while they feast with you.

14 With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood!

15 They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness.

16 But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—a beast without speech—who spoke with a man’s voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.

17 These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.

18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.

20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.

21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.

22 Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."

Ac 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.

Ac 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.

1Co 5:1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife.

1Co 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

1Co 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

**********************1Co 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband*****************************

fornication can only mean what we thought it meant before we met the way!!!!!!!!!

adultery is fonrication where one or both of the people involved are married to someone else

none of this spiritual crap---it is sex with someone you ain't married to!!!

ONLY married people are to enjoy the parts of each others body that are covered by bathing suits

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sorry that got so long---

fyi---which is better;

to love your neighbor and get some of scripture wrong or

getting scripture right but using and abusing your neighbor???

getting scripture right is NOT as important as having your heart right and loving people

the biggest thing that keeps mature christians from evangelizing is they get to a point that they KNOW they don't have all the answers and think that is important when evangelizing

a new christian KNOWS that what they found is great they know they don't fully understand it and still want to share it.

it's easy to get focused on the knowledge end of this stuff, but what converts people is GOD.

when they see your heart as an example of selfless love, they see GOD

when they see you walk talk and hear from GOD and do the right thing at the right time- they see GOD

when they see miracles and healings they see GOD, but you have to walk with GOD to show them GOD.

you don't need to know every verse int he bible correctly to do this, just be a child with our Father.

as for our personal lives, my biggest problems i caused, and with GOD's help can and am fixing.

to often we want to spend our money then pray for GOD to pay our bills

we want to eat poison then pray that GOD keep us healthy

and so on....we need to own our lives.


hope my ramblings help, i have a heart especially for those like myself were sidetracked by the way, but i have to say i wouldn;t be who i am and have the walk w god that i have if i had not met the way.

i am very sorry for those that were exploited and victimzed, my heart goes out to you, and for the record if i had known i would now probably be in jail for what i would of done in your defense.

i try to be a good christian and i know 'vengence is mine saith the lord'

but i also see making a whip and using it as appropriate sometimes too, though our laws would have locked me up, i would have done it.

i can't say enough about how SICK i think those people were/are GOD will take care of them in this world and in the next.

don't you wonder where LCM is and what he thinks about his past and present and future!?!????

one last thing 'vengence is mine i will repay' i've seen in some of these passages means HE will take care of the bad guy involved, but also HE will take care of the victim--that is part of HIM repaying.

my prayer is that hearts be healed, comfort from GOD would be sought and obtained, and sometimes this comes through people.

GOD is a good GOD and why bad things happen to good people i don;t think we will fully understand till we're in heaven.

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Relating to the first post. II Timothy 2:15 was one of the first verses that I really wanted to understand after I left the way. So I want to share a couple of things that I worked. This is my understanding, and while I believe it to be accurate I know there is always the likelyhood that I can be wrong.

To be approved = to show yourselve worthy of the value that has been placed upon you. Context is to a some one who is operating as minister, So it may be said in context to mean "to show yourselve worthy of the calling that has been placed upon you. This is after salavtion and has nothing to do with eternal life. Basicly, do what you have been called to do.

Word of Truth - no problem here, but the word is Logos, which as I understand it refers to the heart behind the written or spoken word. i.e. It is not whether you know that Jesus was crucified, but whether you know why Jesus was crucified. We got so caught up in the "accuracy" that we lost the heart of the word.

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I have found The Way International to be fundamentalists.

As in, right-wing, wacko, drink the kool-aid, conspiracy paranoid fundamentalists.

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Keith says: We got so caught up in the "accuracy" that we lost the heart of the word.

Isn't that exactly the point? And isn't (wasn't) this the Ministry that right from PFAL taught us to look at the heart behind things (recall an example about a surgeon cutting off a leg to save a life).

But then they "guarded the heart" so well that we all completely lost sight of it...

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  markomalley said:
As you say, jr4jc, using this archaic (and in large part inaccurate) translation put people so that they were dependent upon the MOGs with their "literals according to usage" and less dependent upon reliance on the Holy Spirit for the illumination necessary to understand the Scriptures. Even though there are far more accurate translations and translations in more modern usage readily available they didn't.

So that way, they could point out "Acts 8:37 is in none of the manuscripts." Then the followers could go "oooh, aaah" and give great honor to the MOG who revealed this before unrevealed truth. Why not just use the RSV and not worry about it?

I think my favorite Romanist raises an interesting point, though I don’t know how consciously manipulative TWI leaders were in simultaneously using, correcting and instilling doubt about the KJV. Unconsciously or consciously, TWI’s MOGs nonetheless installed TWI to an effective degree as THE authoritative textual critic, translator and interpreter standing between Wayfers’ minds and Scripture.

TWI's MOGs would have had very little textually to talk about, if TWI had merely used the RV, ASV, RSV, or NASB.


Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

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  • 3 weeks later...

do you see their GOAL was to make US dependant on THEM

we needed the man of GOd


those that are able to read the GREEK!!!!

to tell us what it means

we don't need to read it for ourselves they will for us,


if we read it for ourlselves THEY will tell us where we are wrong!!!!

[[[[it was a no win situation]]]]

they had so much wrong, bless their hearts!!!

GOd ends up not in charge

2Co 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

how did the serpent beguile eve???

he found out what eve felt about God by how she answered his questions.

the number one question for us and eve and everybody is/was


how you answer that can take you away from the one true God that loves you but yet doesn't pften ask your opinion when HE does things, and often what HE does doesn't make sense. but HE is still GOD and HE still loves you!!

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