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Birth Control

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In the Jewish religion, sex between married couples is a Mitzvah, particularly on the sabbath. There are even some rituals that go along with it, including a ritual bath for the woman. I find the concept rather romantic. However, sex is viewed as an expression and culmination of something special, and not just a physical act born out of desire.

The use of birth control in Judaism has also been much debated and there are those in the more orthodox practices who oppose it. As with sex, bearing children is also a Mitzvah. However, while the less orthodox groups encourage having children, they also leave decisions regarding birth control and the number of children up to individual families.


I wish I had an anwer to your specific question, but I do not. It is very difficult to argue with or against someone's religous beliefs. However, I am glad you started this topic, as I think it is an interesting one.

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I agree, Goey.

I know a family with three severely mentally handicapped children (all grown now). After they had the first, the doctor said it was a genetic thing and that she shouldn't have more children because they'd have the same problems. She asked her priest if, under the circumstances, she could use birth control. Absolutely not, he commanded.

Obedient RC that she was, she followed the rules. Sure enough, two more severely handicapped children came along and a few more more kids without mental difficulties.

I think if God had intended abstinence between a husband and wife as the only means of birth control, he'd have designed our bodies so they'd only experience sexual desire when the woman was fertile.

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I think that God gave us brains he expects us to use.

To procreate when there are irreversible genetic factors at play or there is clearly no way that children can be supported by their parents with all the needful things for a child life is just wrong.

My faith supports the having of large families as a doctrinal issue but the particulars are left to the individuals involved.

I think it is important to remember that most of the birth control "rules" came out of eras that had far more agrarian societies. More children meant more hands to tend the fields, milk the cows, hunt, fish, fix the house the barn, etc. so large families were self supporting in the areas of food and shelter. The society we have today, especially in the industrialized parts of the world, lacks this advantage. Ten kids when you grow all your own food, do your own repairs, make what you need, sew your own clothes, and the doctor takes chickens in payment is far different than 10 kids that have to live in a house with a mortgage , food from the grocery, clothes form the mall, doctors visits at $150.00 a pop.

BIrth control is a matter between husband, wife and God. The scriptures are clear about taking care of your own, and not with government subsudies except in cases of emergency and then for the shortest time possible.

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  • 3 months later...

I was reviewing this.

I am still not clear on what to say. I know that there is responsibility. And you should not have 11 kids if they will all be hungry. Nor, should you expect ME to pay for them. I decided NOT to have children so I dam n well do not want to pay for theirs.

Do you think theis whole have a bunch of kids was to oncrease the membership to the Catholic church?

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Of course the main reason some churches (not necessarily Roman Catholic) today promote large families is to increase membership, and to enjoy the benefits that a larger membership entail. I also believe this is why some churches teach abortion is a sin, but that's a different thread.

That being said, I don't know if I would feel comfortable telling someone how many children they can or cannot have. Drty Dzn went to grade school with someone who now has 15 children, and plans to have more. From my viewpoint, its dangerous to the health of the mother, and children. But which one of these children would I have said shouldn't have been born? To me, telling someone that they cannot have children would be like saying you must have children.

As far as paying to feed and clothe children, well, yes, I feel it is our responsiblity to see that children are taken care of whether we gave birth to them or not. I benefit from a prosperous and educated nation, so it is in my best interests to see that all children are taken care of. I would much rather my taxes go to schools, than to prisons.

Edited by VeganXTC
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  templelady said:
I think that God gave us brains he expects us to use.

To procreate when there are irreversible genetic factors at play or there is clearly no way that children can be supported by their parents with all the needful things for a child life is just wrong.

That's poor stewardship of the family.

It's no more different than buying farmland and ignoring 1/2 of it and letting it grow weeds.

(And not intentionally as a "nature reserve.) It's poor management.

I think it is important to remember that most of the birth control "rules" came out of eras that had far more agrarian societies. More children meant more hands to tend the fields, milk the cows, hunt, fish, fix the house the barn, etc. so large families were self supporting in the areas of food and shelter. The society we have today, especially in the industrialized parts of the world, lacks this advantage. Ten kids when you grow all your own food, do your own repairs, make what you need, sew your own clothes, and the doctor takes chickens in payment is far different than 10 kids that have to live in a house with a mortgage , food from the grocery, clothes form the mall, doctors visits at $150.00 a pop.


In centuries of old, they had lots of kids, and some of them even survived childhood.

In modern, high-tech societies, it is always a surprise, a shock, and a blow when we hear

of children dying for any reason. It's not expected.

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  • 3 months later...

the issue of birth control is apparently sticky....I think we are better off not examining other people's lives too much, other than an intent to help....to further complicate matters many birth control methods work not entirely by preventing fertilization, but partly by preventing implantation of the already conceived embryo. a medical fact, little brought out. as for me, i had none, didn't want 'em, so its probably just as well that some folks can't/don't control themselves or the planet would perish!

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