The little boooger is ornery. You can fix the problem for like $300 at WalMart ... new computer, though it may be preloaded with spirits. Of course the spirits may just jump from the dead computer to the new one. HA
Best program you can get for this kind of stuff...Adware Away. Will have you fixed up in less than 5 minutes. It's not free, but it's cheap at 29.95. You can get it HERE.
I've been using AVG for a couple years at least and it is free. If you pay you get some convenient features, but the free version is full protection I believe. It updates daily at a set time.
Edited by rhino
Her computer has a decent Antivirus program running in the background. In fact it automatically detects this as a virus but it apparently can not or will not delete it. It only gives informational alerts. So it is deleted manually, no problem. Her Temp files were deleted, her System Restore has been turned off as recommended.
All is well for a while until the darn thing comes back a bit later and keeps bringing more friends. I suspect the STARTUP section of MSCONFIG. Nobody ever seems to clean that area up. It is vital.
Spybot S&D ran and found all kinds of things but removed them all.
Therefore I think its time to fight these things in Safe Mode with the computer unplugged. Even then I have seen difficulty. I like the Hijack This tools. A variety of these programs are good. But it is important to find why and how it returns.
Critical also is to make sure ALL unneeded things are unchecked from MSCONFIG / Startup. That dumb thing ought to be more accessible and editable to the average user. Open the RUN box and type in MSCONFIG. Malware uses startup items to cause themselves to keep returning.
Mail me your hard drive. I will fix it all up for you and mail it back. It's not that hard to remove and reinstall really.
Thanks for the update igotout ... and the other useful info. I have removed a few viruses and have some imprisoned in a vault, awaiting final judgement LOL. Glad you and others are here to offer some real help. I've been thru some of those 10 hour ... reformat, reinstall, sessions. Not really that much fun. Thanks for the MSCONFIG idea, I finally got rid of an annoying "please register..." popup.
Good luck excie ... resist the devil and he will flee ... eventually. :)
Oh, that's easy. As usual, almost all computer help is available in detail on the university of Google. It is up to each person to simply search, think, experiment and learn.
Unfortunately most people's eyes glaze over when it comes to this stuff. Can't blame em. It is all in whether or not you like this stuff or not. Only reason I do is because it is sort of my hobby and I have always liked tinkering and solving puzzles. I will bore you no more.
Anyway look here and definitely save this site in your favorites. It is awesome.
just type in the name of the item in your startup you are concerned about and this list will tell you what it is. Do not guess and if you are not sure leave it checked. On the other hand be agressive. There is so much crap in there on most people's computers it is pathetic. No wonder performance suffers. Best to uninstall the item first from Control Panels Add Remove Programs. MSCONFIG is to be worked o AFTER you have cleaned up things the easy way.
If things return in MSCONFIG after you uncheck them you need to find out why. For example QTTASK is an agresssive littel booger made by APPLE for their Quick Time Viewer. Uninstall Quick time completely. Insead use a nifty little program called Quick Time Alternative.
There are dozens of other things to get into to make a computer have PEAK performance and to prevent it from getting any spyware or viruses, even better than they come from the manufacturer, especially bumb Dells and hokey HP's . Have ur eyes glazed over yet.
Try the adware-away that I suggested before you go pulling out your drive and all that. Really, it will more than likely fix you up but if it doesn't, they will create custom removal tools for registered customers.
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Hi excathedra,
The only thing I could find when googled is this-
It may want you to buy it before you can remove it. But it may show you where that dude is.
You can also try and post the question.
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" We're all gone now"
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mwah mwah mwah mwah
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It keeps returning. It is a stubborn one. You might have to
Unplug from the Internet
Scan for spyware and remove it
Scan for viruses and note the ones it finds and cannot clean.
Try to go to those places and remove them manually.
Do all this while unplugged from the Internet.
After all this and while still disconnected, you need to boot into SAFE MODE in windows. Mr. Google can tell you how.
Once you are in safe mode you must scan for spyware again removing any you find.
Scan for viruses again and hopefully your software will remove or clean any you find.
Boot up in normal mode and then plug back into the Internet.
If that virus returns the problem goes deeper and you will have to find a specific solution.
At that point call your priest.
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that silly beast
okay i'll do what you said as soon as i'm not tired
call a priest ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you're my only priest :wub:
and thank you very much, dancing. i appreciate your trying to help me :)
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okay so i think the ba stard has traveled through the router because i couldn't get on here fast
here are some of my notes from my experience
i think i'm in top floor wierwille library because i'm getting very sleepy after 4 hours of teachings
c:\documents and settings\local service\local settings\temporary internet files\content.IE5\P6NM56d\4994comhost\[2].zip<mc-110-12-0000488.exe
i can't vouch for the above. ask satan to verify
what else
boot from CD disc boot failure insert s ystem disc and press enter
i did an unhide protected operating system files (not recommended) and i think that's when local service showed up
dr. start something or other was on there
and other crap i can't remember their little damon names
zip files
safe mode
normal mode
shoot me
now running the ez trust again. afraid to go up there and see
but i think it came down here through the router anyway
the god of the internet (prince of the power and air) is after me once again
i must be doing something right
i love you
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i went upstairs to meet the 5 star general
there was something infected in c windows remove something or other
and also in c recycler something or other
on my way to amseterDAM to smoke dope
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The little boooger is ornery. You can fix the problem for like $300 at WalMart ... new computer, though it may be preloaded with spirits. Of course the spirits may just jump from the dead computer to the new one. HA
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ruck you rhino
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Of course this may just me a message from general damien
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(((((( love you rhino )))))
can you start a 24 hour prayer service for my computer. i'll post a picture of it and you can print it out, ok?
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Best program you can get for this kind of stuff...Adware Away. Will have you fixed up in less than 5 minutes. It's not free, but it's cheap at 29.95. You can get it HERE.
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Try this anti virus, AVG.
It has a 30 day free trial.
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"ez trust"?????
reformat all computers!!!!!!!!!
or not...
Got Ccleaner?
or follow these steps hmmmmm???
not even 12 i think or 5....maybe
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especially my damie
what a market (racket?) this is. i wonder if some of these companies invent the things they get rid of.... do i sound like a conspiracy type ? ha
I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO MESS WITH THIS CRAPOLA. it's not fun for me. it's of no interest to me. dah dah dah dah dah dah
when life gives me lemons, i make a sour face
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OK, I've been praying real hard for your box of chips. Has it been delivered yet?
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Her computer has a decent Antivirus program running in the background. In fact it automatically detects this as a virus but it apparently can not or will not delete it. It only gives informational alerts. So it is deleted manually, no problem. Her Temp files were deleted, her System Restore has been turned off as recommended.
All is well for a while until the darn thing comes back a bit later and keeps bringing more friends. I suspect the STARTUP section of MSCONFIG. Nobody ever seems to clean that area up. It is vital.
Spybot S&D ran and found all kinds of things but removed them all.
Therefore I think its time to fight these things in Safe Mode with the computer unplugged. Even then I have seen difficulty. I like the Hijack This tools. A variety of these programs are good. But it is important to find why and how it returns.
Critical also is to make sure ALL unneeded things are unchecked from MSCONFIG / Startup. That dumb thing ought to be more accessible and editable to the average user. Open the RUN box and type in MSCONFIG. Malware uses startup items to cause themselves to keep returning.
Mail me your hard drive. I will fix it all up for you and mail it back. It's not that hard to remove and reinstall really.
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Thanks for the update igotout ... and the other useful info. I have removed a few viruses and have some imprisoned in a vault, awaiting final judgement LOL. Glad you and others are here to offer some real help. I've been thru some of those 10 hour ... reformat, reinstall, sessions. Not really that much fun. Thanks for the MSCONFIG idea, I finally got rid of an annoying "please register..." popup.
Good luck excie ... resist the devil and he will flee ... eventually. :)
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Same here. Thank for the tip.
Any "computer for dummies" tips on what items should remain checked? I'm running XP.
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Oh, that's easy. As usual, almost all computer help is available in detail on the university of Google. It is up to each person to simply search, think, experiment and learn.
Unfortunately most people's eyes glaze over when it comes to this stuff. Can't blame em. It is all in whether or not you like this stuff or not. Only reason I do is because it is sort of my hobby and I have always liked tinkering and solving puzzles.
I will bore you no more.
Anyway look here and definitely save this site in your favorites. It is awesome.
Startups Explanations - what they all mean
just type in the name of the item in your startup you are concerned about and this list will tell you what it is. Do not guess and if you are not sure leave it checked. On the other hand be agressive. There is so much crap in there on most people's computers it is pathetic. No wonder performance suffers. Best to uninstall the item first from Control Panels Add Remove Programs. MSCONFIG is to be worked o AFTER you have cleaned up things the easy way.
If things return in MSCONFIG after you uncheck them you need to find out why. For example QTTASK is an agresssive littel booger made by APPLE for their Quick Time Viewer. Uninstall Quick time completely. Insead use a nifty little program called Quick Time Alternative.
Quick Time Alternative
There are dozens of other things to get into to make a computer have PEAK performance and to prevent it from getting any spyware or viruses, even better than they come from the manufacturer, especially bumb Dells and hokey HP's . Have ur eyes glazed over yet.
Ok, goodnight.

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"Have ur eyes glazed over yet?"
Thanks for the help.
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Try the adware-away that I suggested before you go pulling out your drive and all that. Really, it will more than likely fix you up but if it doesn't, they will create custom removal tools for registered customers.
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