Oh give me a break! John Browxxxn is an axxhole in my humble opinion!! I was banned from his lame site over a year ago for saying nothng but supportive things and telling the truth I called him about it and was given the same old cold shoulder he has given good Christian born again people who are NOT active in TWI for years. His basic response was "get over it'. He always struck me as a loser so I was not surprised by his inadequate attempt to be cool as believer superhero to the Internet rescue as "YoPhotoman". Ha! I think he ought to be called "YoLoserman". The whole concept of the site reeks of old, stale legalism. He is so yesterday's TWI.
Cutting edge! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
John R.
Tampa, FL
PS - Incidentally, I have been banned from almost every other TWI based "My Space" site too. Who says there is no policy of mark and avoid? It still is practiced very loud and clear in TWI, young and OLD. Pathetic. Some local churches are more kind hearted and waaaaay more exciting.
Oh give me a break! John Browxxxn is an axxhole in my humble opinion!! I was banned from his lame site over a year ago for saying nothng but supportive things and telling the truth I called him about it and was given the same old cold shoulder he has given good Christian born again people who are NOT active in TWI for years. His basic response was "get over it'. He always struck me as a loser so I was not surprised by his inadequate attempt to be cool as believer superhero to the Internet rescue as "YoPhotoman". Ha! I think he ought to be called "YoLoserman". The whole concept of the site reeks of old, stale legalism. He is so yesterday's TWI.
Cutting edge! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
John R.
Tampa, FL
Yes you were banned, I know.
I received all the aggravating emails between the Reg Coord and John B. in light of your "appearance" on Family Tables. You were talked about at length if I recall, mostly about how the devil works in situations like you "leaving the household" and the contamination you were spreading.
Actually, when you started posting there, all hell broke loose and all website fun, haulted. So don't put all the blame on John for his treatment of you. He was just doing what he was told, and listening to all the lies about you and anyone that has left. ( I know you aren't all those terrible things that I read....... ..) We, hubby and I, were disgusted actually by the treatment he received. He was really defending your right to post....but got shot down. There are 2 sides to every story you know.
Anyway, we all have Greasespot to post on, and, God does not leave people in the dust if they want answers. They will find a way out! You did. I did. That site is harmless.
As I've suspected for a long time....there are a lot of really good folks in the rank and file at twi. Their intentions are noble and they mean well...afterall, most of us were in the same place at one time.
...and I certainly understand their point of view...once they've swallowed the basic premise of twi, they have no choice but to have the perspective that they have. Everything spins off the concept that twi teaches the "truth"...and once a person enters the "spiritual realm", they close their minds to opposing views because afterall, it's a "faith" thing donchaknow.
Something about "we wrestle not against flesh and blood...blah blah blah"
That's why I believe that we here at the GreaseSpot cannot change anyone's mind...THEY have to come to certain conclusions themselves (look at the fruit, hint, hint)...and once they start to smell something "funny", we are here with open arms to help them in their recovery.
I recall when I was in twi, there was always an underlying theme that the "world" will try to talk you out of the "word"...WE have become the epitomization of that demonized effort to talk them out of the "word"...Twi uses us as an example of the attack against them from the devil!...the more we point out how twi is an abusive cult, the more they say "see! I told you so"...
There's a catch 22 involved here...However, the flaw in twi's attack against people's minds is that they cannot reasonably nor biblically claim that a corporate organization is equal to the spiritual body of Christ. They are successful, to a certain extent, in circling the wagons around their "household of God" concept...but nevertheless...a seperation exists between a man made organization and God.
During my many years in twi, I always understood this. I always understood that the potential for twi straying from the truth existed (little did I know at the time just how far they had strayed)...As long as a person understands this and pledges their allegience to God rather than a man made organization...they can be helped.
Bliss - nothing against you and your loved ones. Really. It is these die hard old timers like JB & Rev. Moneyhands who are to be blamed. You said"
"I received all the aggravating emails between the Reg Coord and John B. in light of your "appearance" on Family Tables. You were talked about at length if I recall, mostly about how the devil works in situations like you "leaving the household" and the contamination you were spreading."
Ha, ha, ha! I did not leave the household, they kicked me out for speaking up about Rev. Craig M. and writing a letter to Rosie. Ha, ha, ha! What do you expect Rev. Moneyhands and his wife to say!! After all I have sort of inside information on them and they know it. They need to squelch all information about themsealves from the past and to discredit people like me who may choose to tell the truth and reveal a few things which were out and out lies, one of which involved a friend of ours who died after he told us she was faking her illness. She was kicked out because of it. She was discredited to a great degree to us by Moneyhands, our then Reg. Coor here in FL. I will not mention her name on here out of respect for her great life (which he implied to us was in shambles and it was not.)
I'll be as clear as I can be. Im my personal opinion and from things I observed, the Revs. Moneyhands hurt people through the years by marking and avoiding them and outright confronting and yelling at them and were very cruel to some who needed God's love instead. This includes some of his best friends. To date I have seem absolutely no remorse. Yet I am the bad guy!! Get real you wimps! Grow a pair!
Some people are miserable, have miserable lives, and choose to make others miserable along their journey. Mean bastards is what I like to call them.
I think that people in The Way want to control their website so they don't have to hear "negatives". The reality is that they live in this world. There are negatives, and that is life. TWI always tries to control their surroundings. When you live in this world, that is not always "available". Duh!!
Interestingly before I left twi, I had a boyfriend who was an arse to say the least. His attitude in public is that the public SHOULD accommoate HIM in public. When we would go to a restaurant, he would expect no crying babies. If there were any, he would spend the whole time biyatching about how people should stay home with their babies. I would have rather heard a fussing baby than him biyatching the whole time. What an idiot!! Hey BM!! If you are reading this, you are still an idiot!!
One time, some drunk people were at Claimjumper. They had a young boy they were causing to make noise. Mr. Idiot Boyfriend was looking at them and rolling his eyes. When the drunk people left, one guy came up to Mr. Idiot Boyfriend and said "Do you have a problem?" Mr. Idiot Boyfriend didn't even have the balls to say they were disturbing him. He acted dumb like he didn't know what the guy was talking about. I told the drunk guy to please not start a scene. He left.
Mr. Idiot Boyfriend thought I was a biyatch for tearing him a new arse for putting me in that kind of situation. I broke up with him after that.
TWI cannot expect to have a website and not get information that disagrees with them unless they monitor who they let in. I guess if they want to monitor who they let in, that's their perrogative. But if they let ex wayfers in, they should expect to handle our thoughts and comments without kicking us out. But then again, when has twi been consistent or fair?
Yes the Way is doing like that mother in the PFAL class that because of fear walk he child to school and runing to be there everywere the child went trying to safe guard the child from the Way
We know what happen that which she fear came upon her
While the Way believers still live in the real world and if the Way tries to kept them from asking question they will find a way
Because the world is out there and yes we are only a small part of the world the Way Ministry is even a smaller part
I would like to know how EX-Way people number against In Way people
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Hey there bliss. :)
To be sure -- I know they are not a twi sponsored site.
I never meant to portray that -- sorry if I did.
I also realize that they are Not twi staff, and that ALL on the site are volunteers.
My main point is (was) that they have a *million dollar idea*.
They are convinced of it's validity - totally.
They should be willing/ and able to answer all questions about it.
They (seemingly) want to share that with all ---
But not on their web-site. :(
(Hey -- I didn't know you helped set it up!)
Sure -- disucussions about the *blessings* of the ministry seem to be the main focus.
I'm guessing they want the site to be *quiet seas*, so those great cargos can come in. ;)
But IRON sharpens IRON, and if they keep digging their blades into the sand,
those blades get dull pretty quickly.
I'm all for letting them have their *own little world* -- it is their site after all.
But at first it seemed to allow a bit of question and answer, and now all is squelched.
(woops -- you addressed that in your post already).
The part (to me) that *Tis A Sad Thing* in the title of the post is ---
they started out with good intentions -- but then got railroaded by the org that they serve.
(Not the God they serve, but the ORG).
No -- I don't agree with them, and I was polite on their site.
Because I am who I am -- everything I ever posted there was deleted.
But that was back when the *rules and regs* were rolling downhill,
like the proverbial snow-ball!
I was actually getting some of the other posters there to ask me why I thought as I did,
and *POOOOFFFF* -- the threads disappeared.
And no -- I'm not bitter about it, though it does sadden me a bit.
Those folks won't come here for answers, (can't say as I blame them!!),
But they should be able to get answers on their own site --
without BIG DADDY ORG dictating what they can and cannot say/ listen to.
I think Sprawled Out was the one who said it best ---
"Theological discussions and debates are MEANT FOR FAMILY TABLES!!"
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Oh give me a break! John Browxxxn is an axxhole in my humble opinion!! I was banned from his lame site over a year ago for saying nothng but supportive things and telling the truth I called him about it and was given the same old cold shoulder he has given good Christian born again people who are NOT active in TWI for years. His basic response was "get over it'. He always struck me as a loser so I was not surprised by his inadequate attempt to be cool as believer superhero to the Internet rescue as "YoPhotoman". Ha! I think he ought to be called "YoLoserman". The whole concept of the site reeks of old, stale legalism. He is so yesterday's TWI.
Cutting edge! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
John R.
Tampa, FL
PS - Incidentally, I have been banned from almost every other TWI based "My Space" site too. Who says there is no policy of mark and avoid? It still is practiced very loud and clear in TWI, young and OLD. Pathetic. Some local churches are more kind hearted and waaaaay more exciting.
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I'll add a *PS* here, just for the heck of it -- inspired by Igotout's post --
I had nothing in particular to do one Sunday morning, so I went to a Baptist church.
It pleased me that they had service starting at 10:45 AM, and not earlier.
I don't remember what they taught about, nor does it matter. I had a good time.
Also saw 3 or 4 old twi folks in the crowd, and we had a GREAT time,
reminiscing about *old times in twig*, and how this service was (really) pretty good.
That same night -- there was a *get-together*, and one of the twi folks let it be known I picked fiddle.
(Dag-gummed Baptists!! --- They love Bluegrass Gospel music!!)
Pastor comes up to me, and wonders aloud if I was free that night.
Me (sucker for anything) -- says "Sure -- what's happening?"
Short of the long of it is -- I got roped into bringing my fiddle, mandolin, AND banjo
to help play for some function they had that night.
Now -- let's fast forward to (maybe) 6 months later.
Hadn't been to that church since the *function*,
but on a lark, I showed up on another Sunday, at 10:45 AM.
Same pastor -- saw me walk in, left the pulpit and came up to me saying ---
"How ya doing?? I've been thinking about you!"
I was dumfounded -- No one ever cares about me -- but this guy did.
and he remembered me as well -- both as a fiddler, and as a former twi guy.
Because of this -- both he and I got into some bible talks --
and I daresay that both he and I learned from each other.
Now -- he and I were both *steeped* in our own theology --
But both of us were willing to listen to, and glean from the other --
and take what was good, and consider the rest.
If a Baptist preacher/ church can do this -----
Why can't twi????
Which group has the *Luv-of-God*?? Eh????? ;)
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Great story, David.
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Thanks David
It's good to hear about people who are doing good, living good... This Baptist Minister would put TWI bunch to shame!
ps... for any 'innies' reading... The Word is Good... God is Good :)
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Yes you were banned, I know.
I received all the aggravating emails between the Reg Coord and John B. in light of your "appearance" on Family Tables. You were talked about at length if I recall, mostly about how the devil works in situations like you "leaving the household" and the contamination you were spreading.
Actually, when you started posting there, all hell broke loose and all website fun, haulted. So don't put all the blame on John for his treatment of you. He was just doing what he was told, and listening to all the lies about you and anyone that has left. ( I know you aren't all those terrible things that I read.......
..) We, hubby and I, were disgusted actually by the treatment he received. He was really defending your right to post....but got shot down. There are 2 sides to every story you know.
Anyway, we all have Greasespot to post on, and, God does not leave people in the dust if they want answers. They will find a way out! You did. I did. That site is harmless.
I thank God every day that I finally woke up.
Oh and yes, David, great to hear that!!!!!!
I have had the same experience.
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As I've suspected for a long time....there are a lot of really good folks in the rank and file at twi. Their intentions are noble and they mean well...afterall, most of us were in the same place at one time.
...and I certainly understand their point of view...once they've swallowed the basic premise of twi, they have no choice but to have the perspective that they have. Everything spins off the concept that twi teaches the "truth"...and once a person enters the "spiritual realm", they close their minds to opposing views because afterall, it's a "faith" thing donchaknow.
Something about "we wrestle not against flesh and blood...blah blah blah"
That's why I believe that we here at the GreaseSpot cannot change anyone's mind...THEY have to come to certain conclusions themselves (look at the fruit, hint, hint)...and once they start to smell something "funny", we are here with open arms to help them in their recovery.
I recall when I was in twi, there was always an underlying theme that the "world" will try to talk you out of the "word"...WE have become the epitomization of that demonized effort to talk them out of the "word"...Twi uses us as an example of the attack against them from the devil!...the more we point out how twi is an abusive cult, the more they say "see! I told you so"...
There's a catch 22 involved here...However, the flaw in twi's attack against people's minds is that they cannot reasonably nor biblically claim that a corporate organization is equal to the spiritual body of Christ. They are successful, to a certain extent, in circling the wagons around their "household of God" concept...but nevertheless...a seperation exists between a man made organization and God.
During my many years in twi, I always understood this. I always understood that the potential for twi straying from the truth existed (little did I know at the time just how far they had strayed)...As long as a person understands this and pledges their allegience to God rather than a man made organization...they can be helped.
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Bliss - nothing against you and your loved ones. Really. It is these die hard old timers like JB & Rev. Moneyhands who are to be blamed. You said"
"I received all the aggravating emails between the Reg Coord and John B. in light of your "appearance" on Family Tables. You were talked about at length if I recall, mostly about how the devil works in situations like you "leaving the household" and the contamination you were spreading."
Ha, ha, ha! I did not leave the household, they kicked me out for speaking up about Rev. Craig M. and writing a letter to Rosie. Ha, ha, ha! What do you expect Rev. Moneyhands and his wife to say!! After all I have sort of inside information on them and they know it. They need to squelch all information about themsealves from the past and to discredit people like me who may choose to tell the truth and reveal a few things which were out and out lies, one of which involved a friend of ours who died after he told us she was faking her illness. She was kicked out because of it. She was discredited to a great degree to us by Moneyhands, our then Reg. Coor here in FL. I will not mention her name on here out of respect for her great life (which he implied to us was in shambles and it was not.)
I'll be as clear as I can be. Im my personal opinion and from things I observed, the Revs. Moneyhands hurt people through the years by marking and avoiding them and outright confronting and yelling at them and were very cruel to some who needed God's love instead. This includes some of his best friends. To date I have seem absolutely no remorse. Yet I am the bad guy!! Get real you wimps! Grow a pair!
Some people are miserable, have miserable lives, and choose to make others miserable along their journey. Mean bastards is what I like to call them.
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
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I think that people in The Way want to control their website so they don't have to hear "negatives". The reality is that they live in this world. There are negatives, and that is life. TWI always tries to control their surroundings. When you live in this world, that is not always "available". Duh!!
Interestingly before I left twi, I had a boyfriend who was an arse to say the least. His attitude in public is that the public SHOULD accommoate HIM in public. When we would go to a restaurant, he would expect no crying babies. If there were any, he would spend the whole time biyatching about how people should stay home with their babies.
I would have rather heard a fussing baby than him biyatching the whole time. What an idiot!! Hey BM!! If you are reading this, you are still an idiot!!
One time, some drunk people were at Claimjumper. They had a young boy they were causing to make noise. Mr. Idiot Boyfriend was looking at them and rolling his eyes. When the drunk people left, one guy came up to Mr. Idiot Boyfriend and said "Do you have a problem?" Mr. Idiot Boyfriend didn't even have the balls to say they were disturbing him. He acted dumb like he didn't know what the guy was talking about. I told the drunk guy to please not start a scene. He left.
Mr. Idiot Boyfriend thought I was a biyatch for tearing him a new arse for putting me in that kind of situation. I broke up with him after that.
TWI cannot expect to have a website and not get information that disagrees with them unless they monitor who they let in. I guess if they want to monitor who they let in, that's their perrogative. But if they let ex wayfers in, they should expect to handle our thoughts and comments without kicking us out. But then again, when has twi been consistent or fair?
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Sadly -- twi is QUITE consistent, when exercising CONTROL over the FLOCK.
I'm guessing that these folks with the web site are experiencing a *sandstorm* these days.
Sandstorm of fear -- that they could be M&A'd for entertaining *divisive* questions.
Not adhereing to *Party Doctrine* wholeheartedly;
Having twi see them as a *chink* in the armor;
Twi viewing them as a bug that needs to be stepped on;
Eradicated for entertaining *heretical* viewpoints;
Where's the *love* from the *Mother Church* -- eh????
The support that should be there, is ominous in it's lack of prescence.
Fear has taken it's place instead -- and groveling has taken the place of STANDING TALL.
Twi does a *bang-up* job when it comes to consistency --
They haven't changed since Day one --
And fairness??? --- That's another story altogether.
But what else is new??? :(
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God first
Beloved all
God loves you my dear friend
Yes the Way is doing like that mother in the PFAL class that because of fear walk he child to school and runing to be there everywere the child went trying to safe guard the child from the Way
We know what happen that which she fear came upon her
While the Way believers still live in the real world and if the Way tries to kept them from asking question they will find a way
Because the world is out there and yes we are only a small part of the world the Way Ministry is even a smaller part
I would like to know how EX-Way people number against In Way people
I going to stop here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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