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GreaseSpot Cafe

Tis a sad thing -- but to be expected


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Our Mission

Our mission is to bring believers together for fellowship over the Word of God and other subjects of mutual interest. There have always been events and activities in the Way ministry that provided us way to fellowship with believers from other areas. The Internet affords us another way to share and fellowship.

This web site is about sharing. We are the household of God's Children and followers of The Way International. This site is about sharing the Word of God and the benefits and blessings of this ministry.


Message Board Use

This message board is intended for the use of the current followers of The Way International, The registration questions reflect that involvement. To fill out the registration, click on "Register" link at the top of the screen. If you don't know what a line means (like ICQ), leave it blank. Otherwise, try to fill out the registration form as completely as possible. That would include a current email address, website or blog if you have one, Asinterests and location. You can also edit your profile to add these if you did not fill out the forms completely when you first registered.


This message board is not a debating platform. This is not a place to engage in political, philosophical, or religious debates. There are other places on the Internet for those activities. Users who engage in debates or negative discussions will have their posts edited, moved or deleted. Users who wish to discuss their questions and concerns may contact their local ministry coordinator or email the message board administrator at www.admin at familytables dot net

Ya know -- if I had a *million dollar idea* I'd be willing to talk about it to anyone.

Regardless of whether they thought I was a shyster or not.

Gotta wonder about the fact that here it is said that this web site is about sharing --

but only the *select few* can participate, and no *debating* is allowed.

Who draws that fine line between questions, and debating anyhow?? Eh??

If they believed in themselves so much -- shouldn't they be willing to *take on the world*?

I think so. And it suxx royally -- that one is relegated to a *local ministry coordinator*,

to get a question answered.

(My local coordinators were kiss a$$ folks -- and NOT to be trusted with major decisions).

(Can you say Chris Gr@nlich??)

In their own words ---

The Internet affords us another way to share and fellowship.

As usual -- They don't practice what they preach.

Typical of a twi bunch. :(

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Nice post...informative to say the least...

Yeah...share and fellowship...share and fellowship WHAT?...no debates, no questions, no dissent...In other words, if you walk in lockstep to our way of thinking and avoid questioning anything that we assert as truth...then you are welcome:

Welcome to the sharing and fellowship internet services of the Way International. A place where opinons are only welcome if they reflect ours. A loving household of God's chosen meat puppets...where mindless, glassy eyed cult followers gather together to regurgitate what they have been told to think and say....stick around for the "afterhours coffeehouse", a time when we can all share how "blessed" we are to be totally without a clue and walking blindlessly after the self centered leaders who are using me and controlling me for their own gain...C'mon in everybody!...There's no strangers at the Way, only suckers we haven't abused yet.

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More like.....

Our agenda is to bring way followers together to re-establish bod teachings and policies of the way ministry. Further, we are censoring all subjects and questions that might usurp our interests of isolating, corraling, and exploiting followers and their offspring. That's how we get them convinced and keep them in the way household.

This website is about control. It also serves as a pseudo-sharing of generic summations of one's learning and involvement --- much like way magazine sharings. This webiste will not allow debates, exploration, indepth study issues or dialogue of deeper intestests. We retain the right to instruct you to see your local leadership for such activities.

And finally, it really is our desire to stroke our own egos in provided this website. Since it really serves very little purpose, other than another rehash setting for our glassy-eyed followers.

We are not really interested in your concerns....only in monitoring your way involvement. Thank you for serving the way international with your finances, your labor and your years of strength. And, your kids will be the next generation to carry forth in this manner. What a household!


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man o man...i just wonder...

how in the heck can we engage with them on their terms

in a way that helps them see how imprisoned they are?

"we can't" is not a rational option for me

If they believed in themselves so much -- shouldn't they be willing to *take on the world*?

bingo, dm

if one is supposedly "speaking for God"

i would assume that this one would be able to speak and answer questions about the specifics of their faith in front of anyone

not friendly-only crowds

but someone who is both willing and able to field the toughest questions in the world

from both strangers and enemies and people of other faiths

and wide open in the most public arena they can find

anything else is fake, imo

or somehow not able to "put their money where their mouth is"

Edited by sirguessalot
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God first

Beloved DMiller

God loves you my dear friends

I try to sign up but it was hard to asnswer who was my branch leader and so on So I wrote "what a brach leader"

Here what they sent me back


Hello Roy William Perry III,

Familytables is a private website operated by a few followers of The Way International for other followers.

As with most non-profit organizations, not everyone who starts to participate continues long term. The Family Tables Forums are for people currently participating in the fellowships, events and activities which you do not. I have read your posts on other forums including greasespot cafe. I conclude that you have no intention of ever participating with The Way Int. again.

Access denied.

-- Webmaster family tables dot net


Now how do they know "I have intention of ever participating with The Way Int. again"

who knows I keeping the Emails

then I wrote them back

here what I got


Comments inserted

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 12:50, Roy Perry wrote:

God first

Beloved Family Table

God loves you my dear friend

Yes I will never be part of the Way Ministry as a member that gives money to the Way but I no loner have hard feeling for the Way Ministry because of the answers I got about some questions

The Way Ministry is just a church but I tell you if you close it any one not in the Way you lose out on many things other churches can teach you

what are you afraid of Nothing... just not interested in more of your opinions of yours that I have read elsewhere in many other forums. You have mis-interpreted apathy as fear.

<snip the rest>


I am not afraid of them

saved this Email too

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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GOsh last I was in in 2000, the internet could get you possessed. Little devil spurts jump out of the screen and infiltrate your brain via your ears and eyes or something :evilshades:

The Internet affords us another way to share and fellowship.

I am surprised they don't claim that the internet is now safer because they have decided there is some profit in it. They saved the world from Y2K you know.

.....Or they had to make a viable alternative for their followers who want to go on the internet - and this way they can control their surfing.

They are so hyprocritical.

Edited by outofdafog
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Our mission is to bring believers together for fellowship over the Word of God and other subjects of mutual interest. There have always been events and activities in the Way ministry that provided us way to fellowship with believers from other areas. The Internet affords us another way to share and fellowship.

This web site is about sharing. We are the household of God's Children and followers of The Way International. This site is about sharing the Word of God and the benefits and blessings of this ministry.

This sounds like INCEST of sorts... once you're in the family, you'll get some special LOVE... you CAN only make each other feel good... and you don't talk about what goes on with anyone OUTSIDE the family...

THE ONE BODY?!?!?! Jesus Christ is the HEAD.... what a bunch of idiots~ they'd be the pen*s, one hand & the a**h*le... and that's the only parts they give their attention to, morning, noon & night... What a filthy, selfish, immature CULT. It's not the BIBLE that had all those sexual connotation in it... IT'S TWI! :realmad:

So, we have this one body... all kinds of people are part of it... REMEMBER, just one body... not a world type body of born again people... and then the special HOUSEHOLD BODY...

TWI's logic isn't logical, and the more exposure they get, the more foolish they look.

TWI is like PORN... not reality, acting out as though they're above & beyond fantastic, something you DON"T want your kids to see, it's a waste of good money, IT ATTRACTS PERVERTS, young people get involved and are hooked, can’t seem to get out of it, and yet, it can still spark the curiosity of many...LIKE A PEEP SHOW

Just disgusting~

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  SafariVista said:
This sounds like INCEST of sorts... once you're in the family, you'll get some special LOVE... you CAN only make each other feel good... and you don't talk about what goes on with anyone OUTSIDE the family...

THE ONE BODY?!?!?! Jesus Christ is the HEAD.... what a bunch of idiots~ they'd be the pen*s, one hand & the a**h*le... and that's the only parts they give their attention to, morning, noon & night... What a filthy, selfish, immature CULT. It's not the BIBLE that had all those sexual connotation in it... IT'S TWI! :realmad:

So, we have this one body... all kinds of people are part of it... REMEMBER, just one body... not a world type body of born again people... and then the special HOUSEHOLD BODY...

TWI's logic isn't logical, and the more exposure they get, the more foolish they look.

TWI is like PORN... not reality, acting out as though they're above & beyond fantastic, something you DON"T want your kids to see, it's a waste of good money, IT ATTRACTS PERVERTS, young people get involved and are hooked, can’t seem to get out of it, and yet, it can still spark the curiosity of many...LIKE A PEEP SHOW

Just disgusting~

Good analogy...spiritual incest. They spiritually abuse the young ones in their "fellowship" by filling their heads with wrong doctrine, encourage wrong behavior, and do it all behind closed doors for the sake of privacy. Twi leadership takes away the innocence and the fruit from the naive and the end result is that those being abused are stripped of their individuality, a healthy mind and their true potential. The stagnant waters of this closed corporation leaves no room for growth and experience outside of their own older "family members"...quite sick when you look at it that way.

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We are the household of God's Children and followers of The Way International

Why don't they just change their name to "The Household of God's Children" instread of followers of the Way?

Since this is the order of things, it would be more accurate- the few, the proud, the elite, God's special children- The Household-


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OK FIRST OF ALL.....................................THIS WAS NOT AND IS NOT A WAY SPONSORED SITE!!!!!!

I personally know and was involved in the start up of this thing and you all are assuming a little too much! :biglaugh:

It was really to go "against" current Way teachings and ''philosophy" that this came about. The heart was for the young people from the ministry to have a place to share and talk, since they were "always on the internet anyway!"

Unfortunately, because of ALL THE FLACK John got for starting this thing, now it has become a bit rigid, and with many rules to follow.

Believe me, this was not an easy endeavor for him to get this site running for many reasons.

We all here know the Way is flawed, but if you were "still IN" this website is cutting edge, going against the grain sorta speak.

The heart to which this is running is out of "dislike" and "frustration" and actually with the "lack" in the ministry. And he has a great heart, just in the wrong direction even after lots of abuse he's gotten.

He was trying to take the bull by the horns and give the younger folks a place to go. Once the ministry got involved (at least locally), it was a nightmare.

But, they think the ministry is cool, so let them have there own little world. :spy:

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According to the Forums ...

This website is not sponsored, or endorsed by The Way International. That means that neither the organization nor its staff or employees support this web site via funds, or labor to produce its content, artwork and activities. Is not endorsed because there is no review or edit process by any staff member or employees of the Way International. That includes staff who serve on the field as well as staff at the headquarters in Ohio. You will not see Way International staff names on the site.

All persons who work on this site, are volunteers, who hold no position with The Way International. We are volunteers and participants in the teachings, fellowships, events and activities of The Way International which makes the familytables staff and users uniquely qualified to share the benefits and blessings of this ministry from a follower's point of view.

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  bliss said:
Once the ministry got involved (at least locally), it was a nightmare.

And that, unfortunately, is the pattern of the Way International. When people are doing things of their own accord to bless and fellowship with other like-minded people, natural growth may or may not occur of its own accord.

When TWI gets involved and starts making the rules, natural growth and excitement come to a screeching halt.

Ah, well. When people finally get tired of being pushed around, they'll do something about it.

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As with all of TWI, when people start to think for themselfs and start to compare notes, the leadership jumps in to put the clamps on the mix to keep "non-belivers" or "the troublemakers" of the world, namely ex-belivers that got kicked out or left (like us on greasespotcafe), from bringing out the truth of TWI's dealings.

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Well, ya know, at least they are honest. They flat out tell you (several times) they are

"Followers of The Way International." That just about says it all, doesn't it?

Following the organization itself is the emphasis, NOT followers of God, NOT followers of Jesus.

They [blindly] follow an organization, and even when "trying" to challenge it, end up bending over for it.

Same old same old :sleep1:

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  Catcup said:
Well, ya know, at least they are honest. They flat out tell you (several times) they are

"Followers of The Way International." That just about says it all, doesn't it?

Good point catcup ... just read what is written LOL Not affiliated with or associated with ... followers of ...

Was that how it was stated even in the old days?

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And that website is as "cutting edge" as a dull butter knife.

Any innie should know that any effort to address problems from within the organization is quickly neutered.

As Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it." For that very reason, efforts by Wayfers to reform the organization by cowtowing to its own rules will only lead them in circles inside a cage.

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  bliss said:
But, they think the ministry is cool, so let them have there own little world.

i understand where you're coming from, bliss, but for ME, the ministry is anything BUT cool. vp used to say "religion is the cruelest thing i know," and that's exactly how i feel about twi. if i thought i knew the magic words that would wake them up, i would shout them from the proverbial rooftops. i hate the idea of "letting them have their own little world," when that world is so destructive, so stunting, such a deceitful prison of the heart, mind and soul.

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I hear ya, it aint cool to me either............NOW!

It took a slow unfolding, and lots of time to unplug the wax out of my ears, and lots of qtips! Your shouting falls on deaf ears, until they are ready to hear.

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"Followers of the Way International"...

Seems like a lifetime ago when I made that claim myself...(I left 18 years ago)...

During the time that I have been gone from twi, including the time that I have spent at Waydale and now the GreaseSpot cafe...I have learned many many things.

We are all different...different personalities, backgrounds, goals and aspirations, belief systems, interests, capabilities, a wide variety of "cultural and social influences"...and that makes life interesting and rich.

Twi goes to great lengths to homogenize people...part of the indoctrination process includes, first "emptying" a person of anything contrary to the group dynamics and then "filling" them up with their "unique" doctrinal and practical blend of self serving theology...the end result is what many of us call "waybrain".

As a result, life itself becomes "dumbed down"...everything is black and white...independant thinking is no longer needed. You simply refer to the twi "handbook" or ask a twi leader...individuality becomes squelched and the sweet colors of life are replaced with a gray hue. You need not bother with entertaining new concepts or in challenging yourself with the variety of choices that life offers...nope, it all cut and dried.

So...For those of us who have escaped the mental prisons that twi oversees...we speak to those who are still involved with twi...we speak with many different voices and with many different ways of expressing ourselves...but the consistant message is the same:


This website is an amazing opprotunity for people to get the "other side" of the story...when I left twi, there was no GreaseSpot cafe or anything else like it. I had to figure out a lot of stuff on my own.

For those still in twi...instead of going to a website that regurgitates twi doctrine and behavior...spend some time here...challenge yourself...if twi teaches the truth, then it should hold up...right? If you have been deceived (as so many here claim), then wouldn't you want the information so that you can make an informed decision? Being free from a cult is liberating...try it...you'll like it! :spy:

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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
"Followers of the Way International"...


For those still in twi...instead of going to a website that regurgitates twi doctrine and behavior...spend some time here...challenge yourself...if twi teaches the truth, then it should hold up...right? If you have been deceived (as so many here claim), then wouldn't you want the information so that you can make an informed decision? Being free from a cult is liberating...try it...you'll like it! :spy:

:eusa_clap: Good, clear writing Groucho.

This post of yours had me, although I had to 'Heil' with my left hand while reading, since Bart's Butt was so distracting :biglaugh:

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