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God Told Me ....

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Sometimes people use the term "God told me" in conversations.

Sometimes it is in reference to biblical interpretation. For example, "God told me the this verse means xyz." Maybe that is how you understand it, maybe it is not.

Sometimes it is in reference to a personal situation. "God told me that this was the truck to buy." Or "God told me that I need to quit my job".

How do you respond when folks say "God told me" ?? -- Is God really talking to these folks as they say? And if He is, did He also tell them to anounce that He told them?

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How do you respond when folks say "God told me" ?? -- Is God really talking to these folks as they say? And if He is, did He also tell them to anounce that He told them?

With a large grain of salt.

I do believe God talks to His children, though. In fact, I know He does... after all, He told me.

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I can't "prove" God did or didn't tell another person something, so I see no point in commenting on it for the most part.

I suppose I might say something like "nice truck" in the latter situation. In the former, unless its a situation in the forums where a particular issue is being debated, I would tend to ignore the remark.

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God first

Beloved Goey

God loves you my dear friend

I just ask God myself because God talks to me too

But as for proving it "If I saw you at ---- and talk to you and you told me something and we were the only two there I could not prove it either unless you told others and even that proves nothing

So others must go to the person who told us in some cases that is God

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I do believe God talks to us. I'm just not always sure it's Him til later when I see the results IF I listen to what I think is Him talking to me.

As far as others go, my question is why would God wake up someone who is sound asleep to inspire them to pray for someone when there surely must be SOMEONE awake who is capable.

Right now I'm thinking of a family I know where the mom brags that God wakes her or her daughter sometimes to pray for people in certain situations, like a car wreck or a house fire or once her daughter was 8 years old and she said she woke up from a very scary dream where someone was being chased and shot. Her mom had her sit and pray for the person in the dream and called it intercessory prayer. She told me they are both intercessory warriors and that's how God uses them.

I'm not one to give people any guff about their beliefs after the silly things I've found myself believing over the years, but some of this makes me stop and go Hmmmm.

I see God as a loving father. I don't know any parent that would awaken their sleeping precious kids with such activities, but I learn something new most every day...

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Abigail posted:

I can't "prove" God did or didn't tell another person something, so I see no point in commenting on it for the most part.

Exactly.... And the person saying "God told me" knows that it can't really be proven or disproven.

But being the smarta$$ person that I am, I am many times tempted to say "Well thats odd, God told me something quite different." -- Or ask them just exactly how God "told" them. Was it out loud? Did you see Him when He spoke?... Or in the worst case scenario I want to tell them, "God told you no such thing."

But usually, I just hold my peace.

What I suspect in some cases is that the person saying "God told me" is in effect saying - Don't challenge me on this, my mind is made up and I don't really want to know what anyone else thinks about it.

It sure puts an end to a discussion when someone plays the "God told me" trump card. If you see things differently from them- you are arguing with or disobeying God.

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God first

Beloved Goey

God loves you my dear friend

I being one that told you God told me I am not saying do not challenge me but that I do not know how to put it in words myself

I wrote things that I did not understand but I knew God told me to write it

I had to have another believer help me see what God was trying to tell me in my own words at times

There been times when you question me I saw things I wrote that I missed but I still could not all ways prove these things with scripture

I see it as just a walk

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Although you have used the "God told me" saying from time to time, I don't want you to think that this thread is specifically about you. Others here have used it as well. And not only here at GS, but in general. From my observation it is fairly common among certain groups of Christians. I hear it on TV from some preachers.

My question is, why do people feel it necessary to say "God told me?". -- What is the purpose in that?

Is it to show others that they are on talking terms with God - to exalt themselves in a small way? -- Is it to make what they say more authoritive -- more believable? -- Is it an ego thing? -- Is it a cultural thing, a conversational style used within certain groups?

Is it really God directly talking to them? -- Or is it thoughts and ideas coming together inwardly?

Honestly, when someone say "God told me" I am LESS likely to accept what they are saying than if they just said it.

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God first

Beloved Goey

God loves you my dear friend

yes I heard it many places too and a knew you were not just talking about me but I do that like so many others

For me it is what I believe to be the truth

I believe some do it because they have talk themself in a box that makes no sense

thank you my dear friend

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I remember being called into "Rev" Mosquito's office at Rome City, along with my husband. It was one of those Oh-no-what-have-we-done moments. After much screaming and profanity, Rev M got real quiet and turned his back to us and looked at the floor. Drawing in the sand, no doubt. Then he turned back around and said (to me) ...

"God told me you are a self-willed bitch". And then he kicked our whole family out of in-residence Family Corps.

Any of you who have experienced being dismissed will realize how hard this situation can be. But the most difficult thing of all, at least for me, was that I believed this man. After all, he was clergy.

It took a long time to shake off the darkness of feeling un-loved by God. What a horrible feeling. After pondering his statement - for years - I eventually came around full circle, and began to appreciate my title of "self-willed bitch". I doubt that Rev M actually heard this from God, but even if it was just the man himself who thought this of me, then I'm glad. To be self-willed in that community of droids - well, that's got to be the ultimate victory.

Plus it got us out of TWI.

And subconciously, that's probably why I chose Xena as my Greasespot name! -X

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Great topic, Goey! Usually when I hear someone say "God told me" my sensors and analytical skills go on high alert. I tend to think the person is:

a) Trying to pull a fast one on me

b) Lazy and/or irresponsible - giving no thought to the issue

c) Trying to win an argument

d) Unsure of their own thinking ability

e) Brilliant at self-deception

f) In some cases all of the above

For people that have "God told me" in their small repertoire of conversation-stoppers I would just like to say don't be surprised or offended when someone asks you to elaborate on the details of your divine revelation.

I'm not saying God doesn't communicate with His people. But for me personally after years of hearing that in TWI territory – I think the phrase has had all the credence wrung out of it…For me – things are off to a good start when I hear "I think…" or "in my opinion…" The only time I ever used the "God told me" phrase is at the beginning of my two church epistles, I & II Thelonious Bone [and even then I tempered it with "I think God told me" and "In my opinion God said to me" :) ].

What's wrong with just revealing your own thoughts - like Paul in II Corinthians 9:5 "So I thought it necessary to urge the brethren that they would go on ahead to you and arrange beforehand your previously promised bountiful gift…" or in I Thessalonians 3:1,2 "Therefore when we could endure it no longer, we thought it best to be left behind at Athens alone; and we sent Timothy, our brother and God's fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you as to your faith." I find it interesting the way Paul put the reason for decisions that were made: "I thought it necessary" or "we thought it best." In my opinion it's the way normal adults usually communicate in professional or personal relationships – it's open and honest. It fosters communication – because if I was curious about something I could ask "Why did you think it was necessary – what were the specific reasons?" … "Why did you think that was the best option? What were the other options?"

Edited by T-Bone
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i find that what a lot of people call the voice of God, is their natural intuitive inward voice.

others even consider the imagery of their dreams to be the voice of God

and then a bunch of other reasons

but not everyone who uses that phrase is talking about some super elite direct message to them from a seperate being either

not everyone who uses that phrase is on some high and mighty head trip

(though it seems a common habit in all these new kinds of fundamentalism that are going on)

but in general...i think that without first taking the time to find out what one actually means by "God" and "voice" and such

(and there are wide varieties of specifics)

we may not know what they are talking about in the first place

and they may not know what we are talking about

human language, as it is being used now, can be way more flexible than we often seem to allow

and as much as we might like to agree upon specific definitions (for our own sanity and collective reasoning)

we must also realize that there are a multitude of kinds of inward dictionaries in use in each of us

perhaps the act and proof of speaking in tongues is about more than what we learned in pfal,

but an actual acquired capacity to inter-communicate about God in a way that is free from the usual limits of conventional languages

unless we can make it a habit to start finding out how to compare dictionaries to some degree or other

...and prior to debate...

it seems we are doomed to continue babbling on in Babylon about meaningless words like "God"

aside from that...in my experience...God is already always everywhere, and God as this always already everywhere also never ever ever shuts up anyway

if i hear and see a bottle breaks, God speaks to me

if i hear and see a star explode, God speaks

if there is only silence, God speaks to me

but i dont think it is a big deal

but i also think it is a big deal


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If when they say "God told me..." they are referring to what God told them about a situation which only has impact on their lives --I tend to believe them

If, however, "God told me..." is being used as a methodology to get me to fall into line with whatever they say or they are trying to do it to someone else my response or attitude is "I'm sure if God wants me (or them) to do it he'll let me (or them) know Himself.

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My question is, why do people feel it necessary to say "God told me?". -- What is the purpose in that?

Is it to show others that they are on talking terms with God - to exalt themselves in a small way? -- Is it to make what they say more authoritive -- more believable? -- Is it an ego thing? -- Is it a cultural thing, a conversational style used within certain groups?

Is it really God directly talking to them? -- Or is it thoughts and ideas coming together inwardly?

Honestly, when someone say "God told me" I am LESS likely to accept what they are saying than if they just said it."

I totally agree with you Goey. I've had a lot of people say that to me and it makes me feel uncomfortable every time. But like you, I don't refute it. I just don't engage a lot of conversations with people like that.

Sometimes to me it sounds like bragging. Not giving God the glory of what he has done for them, but letting

others think that God talks to them directly or audibly. I know God can do that, but REALLY... you've got to be walking and really knowing it's Him who's telling you things.

I know God puts things on my heart, like to do special things for others and later I see that and realize it was Him. Maybe not a that moment. But I will tell my husband how God did something really cool through me to bless someone. Giving Him ALL the glory.

I dunno.. maybe it's a pride thing when people do that. :unsure:

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Fun topic and wonderful responses! (My we are an intelligent bunch...God told me so! :biglaugh: )

Something I've thought about for a few years:

If man can make a freaking satellite (floating around in the heavens) that can detect what is wrong with my car (driving around on the earth) and communicate that info via tin and "airwaves", surely God created man intricate enough to communicate non-verbally.

I believe God gave humans intuition...we are born with it. However, many folks are so distracted (me included) that we are not attune to it. What some folks call "God" talking to them may be their innate intuition, which God created there to start with. The only thing God has to with it, is that God created people that way....just like He created them with all their other senses. It is a biological, cellular fact. And one day, I think our hard "western" science will bare that out.

That being said, I do believe God can communicate any darn way He wants to...and therefore He does and can talk to folks. But like many of you, when folks "announce" it as such I usually think, "I guess we will see." I have had times where I have KNOWN God (or intuition) was at work within me. I usually only tell someone I thought it was God after the fact, and usually only in private conversation.

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  sirguessalot said:
i find that what a lot of people call the voice of God, is their natural intuitive inward voice.

others even consider the imagery of their dreams to be the voice of God

and then a bunch of other reasons

but not everyone who uses that phrase is talking about some super elite direct message to them from a seperate being either

not everyone who uses that phrase is on some high and mighty head trip

(though it seems a common habit in all these new kinds of fundamentalism that are going on)

Todd, I agree.

The mind is a powerful and beautiful thing. It can gather & collect information, sort it, catalog it, analyze it, make conclusions and much more. This is done at several levels, and is not necessarily by consicous effort. Sometimes things seem to come together rather suddenly. This might be considered inspiration or even "revleation" by some folks. And from this could come the "God told me" or "God taught me". It may be a matter of prospective, or a matter of ignorance (for lack of a better word) of how the mind is able to work. I see this as one possible scenario in regards to "God told me".

but in general...i think that without first taking the time to find out what one actually means by "God" and "voice" and such

(and there are wide varieties of specifics)

we may not know what they are talking about in the first place

and they may not know what we are talking about

In some cases this may be true. However, in others it seems pretty clear what they are talking about. For example, "God told me" coming from someone who professes to be a Christian, and also speaks of the gifts/ manifestations, prophecy, holy spirit, etc, -- would imply divine revelation to me. On the other hand, "God told" me coming from a Roscrucian might take on a slightly different meaning.
human language, as it is being used now, can be way more flexible than we often seem to allow

and as much as we might like to agree upon specific definitions (for our own sanity and collective reasoning)

we must also realize that there are a multitude of kinds of inward dictionaries in use in each of us

Language can indeed be flexible, but allowing that flexibility should not disable us from being able to effectively communicate with each other. Take "God told" for example. In general, I think this kind of language basically comes from or is borrowed from a Christian subculture where it is very common. It is learned. Kinda like what we call "Wayspeak". Regardless of whether or not God is actually told anyone anything, within that subulture "God told me" is acceptable if not expected. Yet when used outside of that subculture the term is foreign, unintelligible and seemingly esoteric to those hearing it.

I would think then that the person using the esoteric term outside of its culture would understand that and would attempt to communicate in terms that could be more easily understood. Or at least attempt to explain a bit. However, it is possible that this may be the only way that person knows how to (or is willing to) communicate outside of their subculture.

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I think the main problem is that there is a search for some doctrine that can had as a reference rather then the God in Christ that works in every individual.

And it is taken as an arrogant or some what of a standard to apply for the rest of our lives instead of, yes God told me this but there is still more He has to say on the matter and the thinking and mind set will change as the ear tunes into what God is really saying.

Because no one is at the same place in their lives. Their is no likemindedness like we were taught in the way but a like mind of believing that God does work in every person and speaks to them and when it is voiced in the manner of "God told me" it seems to put one on the defensive that the other person has realized and God has shown to him.

So instead of taking it as some sort of standard to live by, the "God told me' can be incorparated into our thinking without so much as a twitch. With the understanding that this is where this person who made the statement is. And to appreciate the input as this is how God can teach an individual.

And we can all learn from each other as we voice what God has shown us without walls of defense but with an intertwining ribbon of faith that it is truly God who does enlighten the eyes and to see that not one soul can have it all or corner the market on "God told me".

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Goey, I took the liberty of reply to you even though to Roy. I knew you wouldn't mind.

  Goey said:

Although you have used the "God told me" saying from time to time, I don't want you to think that this thread is specifically about you. Others here have used it as well. And not only here at GS, but in general. From my observation it is fairly common among certain groups of Christians. I hear it on TV from some preachers.

My question is, why do people feel it necessary to say "God told me?". -- What is the purpose in that?

Is it to show others that they are on talking terms with God - to exalt themselves in a small way? -- Is it to make what they say more authoritive -- more believable? -- Is it an ego thing? -- Is it a cultural thing, a conversational style used within certain groups? **mentioned prior but I’d say all of the above with further comments.

You could break that first sentence into two because you didn't give a clear ending to separate it from exalt. My relationship does not exalt and give me more than another could have. However, my attitude about things of importance could be from a different perspective from one who wanders the blue yonder rarely roping in his thinking processes simply because he doesn't follow a form of self imposed boundaries if you will. It doesn't exalt me above him but it could hinder the sharing we were able to do at the start.

I'll answer one that will take care of two questions. Yes within certain groups you will hear praise stories (or similar descriptive) for things God has done in their lives and a personal relationship is one thing considered precious in the Protestant religions I was brought up in.

And to answer the last we have to revisit the others but to the question is it an ego thing...of course. In circumstances that we all lived ate and breathed we know what it looks like to have had it done with a humongous ego in place. Although it took quiet gentle ones who could charm you into not noticing they were there that had their own share of ego but it manifested itself differently.

So to revisit the others then yes that person would do it to exalt himself. And yes to make it more authoritive because that lends to a necessary element of the superiority in mind. The only way someone of that ego would succeed would be by living the cultural thing to the end they use God and all that is good for no good, in varying degrees of intention.

Is it really God directly talking to them? -- Or is it thoughts and ideas coming together inwardly?

Bowtie nailed it for me. It's when you know you didn't do it and you see the consequences.

Honestly, when someone say "God told me" I am LESS likely to accept what they are saying than if they just said it.

With the examples we had, that seems the logical reaction to me.

Zena, that was very heart touching. Godspeed all things tender and good your way.

  Sushi said:
When a person talks to God, it's prayer.

If God talks back, it's................

Schizophrenia. :biglaugh:

I know where you hang out dude! :)

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...and it's not just the Christians who can cop this attitude, by the way, I've seen it in more than a few pagans in the last few years; they get some kind of vision or intuition, and voila!, there's the truth that everybody is supposed to accept.

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wow interesting discussion.

let me start with when someone says "god told me...." they have my attention, because more crack pots use that term then true walking with God people. but both use it thus the problem.

my .02

when i got out of the way, my wife who never was in the way, loves that term ' getting out of the way'

anyway when i got out or about that time, i had a heart to heart with GOD, because i was sick of everybody i knew in the way, in several different locals of the country had a phrase in their vocabulary that drove me nuts "i think Gods telling me..."

so GOD and I talked --if GOD the maker of the universe cannot talk to me clearer than a person standing next to me, then there is a problem. since then i have concluded what most of you already know--- GOD can talk to you---through a donkey [or any other animal] if HE wants to, HE can talk to you audibly, HE can talk to you through revelation---words inside your head nobdy else hears, and HE can tug on your heart 'bound in the spirit'--which can be for or against something, and that is not to limit HIM to just these but these we KNOW!!!

and you can KNOW that it's HIM and what HE wants, if ever in doubt ask HIM, HE's GOD for cryingout loud and can repeat Himself, and HE loves you so why wouldn't HE, i think they way taught you had to get revelation the first time...what bunk, how to make GOD seem more distant, instead of a closer than your next breath loving father that cares for you so much HE had his son die for you.

GOD wants you to obey HIM, not guess what HE means

if you don't know what HE wants then obedience isn;'t even an option

and obedience only has a bad rap when you don't realize HE LOVES YOU

once you get that then you realize HE is tellingyou what is best for you those you love and those around you that you can touch with your life and walk your with HIM.

one of the best things a christian can do in any situation is be honest, peter do you love me comes to mind.... i KNOW when GOD talks to me, i know when i am not sure if it was GOD or if i am not sure on what he said ie wants, and the best one which always seemed less trust worthy is GOD pulling on my heart.

NOW when HE tugs and no words are used it's most often clearer than if words were used.

be honest with HIM, is what i am getting at and you will go further

as for prayer being talking to him, and hearing from him....

that is what HIS sheep do,

sorry to sound sturn, but it is flippant and ugly to call hearing from GOD schitzophrenia

i met and dated a wonderful christian woman before meeting and marrying my wife, she NEVER said she heard from GOD, my wife did, that is why we are married, it's important, during our courtship, GOD told me a dollar amount one time, and that was all, she soon there after came to me and told me that GOD told her we needed to pay a christian friend that offered to make our wedding cake for free, but she said, GOD didn;t tell her how much, that sold me, when GOD gave both of us part of the info that went together to make sense, you can;t fake that stuff....

be leary of other people telling what GOD told them, yea we are supposed to TRY the spirits, as in trial, figure out their source, man. god or that other guy.

be extra careful of saying to anybody GOD TOLD ME..... because one time saying that when it is NOT GOD and your reputation is shot, at least with that person or people involved, and as the OT says a person that says they hear from GOD publicly [ie prophet is the term given] is 100% of the time correct, or they are not speaking for GOD,

if you say GOD TOLD ME.....then HE better have, or don't say it. know it 100% OR GO AND ASK him to clearify or repeat or restate what he said or what he wants.

how can JESUS be lord of your life if you don't talk to and hear from HIM.

that would be like having a job and never b eing told anything from your boss ?!!?!????

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