It actually looks worse than it is. Once it hits you, you are dealing with an uncomfortable situation for an hour or so. Visibilty can be reduced from a 1/4 mile to zero. If you are outside, you have to deal dust in the eyes, and over anything else exposed. Otherwise, it's like being in a fog bank. The most damage would come from the winds that push it along. Carrying an umbrella is an exercise in fultility.
The worse of it is when rain comes along during or immediately afterwards. This is not like nice, cleansing, refreshing spring rain-oh no. This is like having globs of mud pouring from the sky-or at least it seems that way. Makes all the cars look they just went four wheeling. Lines for car washes after one of those fun days go for blocks.
After one of these sessions, everything in the house feels dusty-whether I can see it or not. Keeps my feather-duster busy. I'm thinking of tying one to the cat's tail and letting her go to town.
You can suspend the runs to the mailbox for the rest of the week... since you'll be getting your exercise dusting!!!! But next week it's back to work LOL
Omigosh!! We don't get them quite that bad here up north. We had lightning last night. We had some rain this morning. The monsoons are coming......the rain is needed, but I HATE the lightning!! It means my husband has to go up in the mountains to fix television towers. It makes me nervous this time of year. :blink:
Here is the Late news Video from last night. Click on the "Wall of Dust" Video link to the right on the web page. You'll get a five second commercial, and then the broadcast. Probably only good for today.
Wow, Topsy, that must have driven the 6/6/06 folks nuts!
I can't get the video to play. I keep getting audio that sounds like an air traffic controller talking with a pilot. The still shots are amazing enough, though.
Those pics were taken near where I live in Phoenix. I live on the 2nd floor and sit next to a big sliding glass door. I have fun watching the dust storms move in. We are about 1/2 mile from the big buildings uptown and once this storm hit, I could no longer see them when I looked out! The winds were 50 mph the local news said.
No accidents were reported (at least that I heard), except for one fellow who somehow wound up in a mini canal-only up to his hubcaps. People are used to these storms and slow down.
Now we're back to our normal blue skys and 105 plus temps. Oh, joy.
Ah yes, the "monsoon" in Phoenix. The joke is that Phoenix gets 5 inches of rain a year, and it's on a Tuesday.... {rimshot goes here}
I've never seen a dust storm come on quite like that, but the day I saw a dust devil sever a tree limb off a mature tree right in front of me (while everything else around it was calm), I figured it was time to go inside!
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Pretty wicked looking when you're on the ground watching it come right at you!
I imagine our guys in Irag see this all the time.
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How in the world do you all survive such things?????
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It actually looks worse than it is. Once it hits you, you are dealing with an uncomfortable situation for an hour or so. Visibilty can be reduced from a 1/4 mile to zero. If you are outside, you have to deal dust in the eyes, and over anything else exposed. Otherwise, it's like being in a fog bank. The most damage would come from the winds that push it along. Carrying an umbrella is an exercise in fultility.
The worse of it is when rain comes along during or immediately afterwards. This is not like nice, cleansing, refreshing spring rain-oh no. This is like having globs of mud pouring from the sky-or at least it seems that way. Makes all the cars look they just went four wheeling. Lines for car washes after one of those fun days go for blocks.
After one of these sessions, everything in the house feels dusty-whether I can see it or not. Keeps my feather-duster busy. I'm thinking of tying one to the cat's tail and letting her go to town.
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You can suspend the runs to the mailbox for the rest of the week... since you'll be getting your exercise dusting!!!! But next week it's back to work LOL
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Omigosh!! We don't get them quite that bad here up north. We had lightning last night. We had some rain this morning. The monsoons are coming......the rain is needed, but I HATE the lightning!! It means my husband has to go up in the mountains to fix television towers.

It makes me nervous this time of year. :blink:
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Here is the Late news Video from last night. Click on the "Wall of Dust" Video link to the right on the web page. You'll get a five second commercial, and then the broadcast. Probably only good for today.
AZCentral Coverage
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Linda Z
Wow, Topsy, that must have driven the 6/6/06 folks nuts!
I can't get the video to play. I keep getting audio that sounds like an air traffic controller talking with a pilot. The still shots are amazing enough, though.
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Try it again: Look to the right of the web screen and click on "Wall of Dust"-second, third choice down.
Or try this one:Dust Attacks!
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Where is all that dust coming from?
We've experienced sand-blasting storms in Nevada, but nothing like these storms.
Looks suffocating!
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Those pics were taken near where I live in Phoenix. I live on the 2nd floor and sit next to a big sliding glass door. I have fun watching the dust storms move in. We are about 1/2 mile from the big buildings uptown and once this storm hit, I could no longer see them when I looked out! The winds were 50 mph the local news said.
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Linda Z
That's what I was clicking, but I kept getting the air traffic controller. Your second link worked, though, thanks.
How many car accidents were caused by this sudden lack of visibility?
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The video from the first link is now defunct.
No accidents were reported (at least that I heard), except for one fellow who somehow wound up in a mini canal-only up to his hubcaps. People are used to these storms and slow down.
Now we're back to our normal blue skys and 105 plus temps. Oh, joy.
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Ah yes, the "monsoon" in Phoenix. The joke is that Phoenix gets 5 inches of rain a year, and it's on a Tuesday.... {rimshot goes here}
I've never seen a dust storm come on quite like that, but the day I saw a dust devil sever a tree limb off a mature tree right in front of me (while everything else around it was calm), I figured it was time to go inside!
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