Two WOW roomies during my interim corps year in Philly in 1978-79, ST and JW, went out together one evening and had quite a spiritual experience as they described to me, in which it would be obvious that some of the things regarding spirits described in this book were true. I say obvious because these two guys would be the last ones to make anything up in this regard.
I never saw either one of them after that WOW year (I went through my deprogramming about 4 months after the ROA) , although I later heard that JW was headed to the 11th corps. Maybe I should try friend finder and be more specific (A long long time ago I put out a blurb for Philly WOWs from that year, as there were 28 of us, but I didnt mention any specific names.)
James Randi has posted many times how a moderately skilled magician could duplicate the types of events that routinely take place at seances and the like . (
Of course then we get into the "real" spiritual stuff and the "faked" type of debate.
I just ask,
Which is more plausible?
An unseen, imperceptable cadre of "spirits" are playing highjinks with the uninformed dupes, OR
Someone is using some basic, well understood, thoroughly within-the-realm-of-the-laws-of-physics, illusions to deceive?
If it's so easy for physics to be overridden by the "power" of Satan and his minions, why is it so difficult to demonstrate? Well, of course he doesn't want to be found out, now does he? groan....
Interestingly TWI took that book off their shelves and it was no longer recommended reading material. I thought I had heard it was because they found out the author was BSing the whole thing. Anybody else remember this?
BTW, I NEVER encountered anything described in that book either. Neither have I known anyone to do so either. I think it was hype. I thing it interested vpw because he was so in to the spiritual realm. Remember the recommendation to not got o seances because vpw did it so we didn't have to? Does that sound like he was trying to be a saviour to us?
Interestingly TWI took that book off their shelves and it was no longer recommended reading material. I thought I had heard it was because they found out the author was BSing the whole thing. Anybody else remember this?
Such turned out to be the case with "The Satan Seller" by Mike Warnke.
It's most likely the same thing with Gasson's book.
A lot of these books were cranked out in the 70s to ride on "The Exorcist" wave,
similar to the present, endless outcrop of "Knights Templar" books riding on Dan Brown's success.
Interestingly TWI took that book off their shelves and it was no longer recommended reading material. I thought I had heard it was because they found out the author was BSing the whole thing. Anybody else remember this?
More likely,
it was because the book went OUT OF PRINT.
It was still for sale in the bookstore in the 80s,
but around 1990 it became impossible to find.
Someone lent me a hand and gave me a copy
they got when buying a cache of out-of-print books.
BTW, I NEVER encountered anything described in that book either. Neither have I known anyone to do so either. I think it was hype. I thing it interested vpw because he was so in to the spiritual realm. Remember the recommendation to not got o seances because vpw did it so we didn't have to? Does that sound like he was trying to be a saviour to us?
I never encountered the specific things mentioned in the book.
without attempting to outline a precise nuts-and-bolts approach,
the author gave enough information for a careful reader to do so based on the book-
and THAT information was consistent with what I DID experience.
That is,
the difference between "miraculous" effects versus "spiritualist" effects,
and so on,
both in execution and in long-term side-effects.
vpw lacked understanding of all that,
but he was correct when he mentioned the importance of free will.
They were not "tricks'' from people. (not that there aren't people who trick others, just not what I saw).
Since I do believe in demons and/or spirits of the devil, then to me, that is what they are.
I was very intrigued by the magic arts growing up. It was all in my searching for God.
Witches, ESP, UFO's, Exorcisms, ghosts, draculas.........those were right up my alley sorta speak in research and questioning. All the while, going to church, sleeping with my rosary beads, and making the sign of the cross passing any church or ball game I played in....
One time a few friends and I "levitated" someone. We all were in a circle and we put two fingers only under their body. Then we repeat, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" about a million times..
One night, it worked! I can't say we weren't all a little freaked out....... :blink:
I think the ones looking for it, find it. (or they find you )
Since I confessed Jesus as Lord, I don't need or experience anything "evil" in that way.
I definately don't want it in my life, so I don't invite it in. I really feel I escaped pretty unscathed in light of my affilations. God sure rescued me.
BTW: the book that the author recanted was "Babylon Mystery Religion". I still have that one too.
Babylon Mystery Religion---ah! Thanks Bliss. I must have mixed the two books up. I couldn't read that one, and I never bought it. For some reason, I didn't feel compelled to read everything the MOGFOT recommended. Afterall, he had time to read and play golf all day. I didn't (ESPECIALLY when I went on staff and had to work 50 hours a week). :blink:
BTW: the book that the author recanted was "Babylon Mystery Religion". I still have that one too.
Interesting thing about 'Babylon Mystery Religion.' Ralph Woodrow, the author of that book, has utterly repudiated it in recent years. He recognized that its basis, The Two Babylons was flawed.
I came from a family that was deeply involved in spiritualism and the book “The Challenging Counterfeit” explained many things in a clear, biblical and dispassionate manner. In fact I stuck with the Way in spite of increasing legalism because I felt so thankful for them giving me clear answers to this topic.
I think the main beef that many have with the book is it’s discussion of physical mediumship. You have to realize that most spiritualists are mental mediums. They do not have physical phenomena (levitation, ectoplasm or teleportation) in seances or when they go into a trance. In all the seances I have been I have never seen any physical phenomena, yet I knew the mediums were tapped into a spiritual power.
I currently belong to a conservative mainline denomination and I feel uncomfortable telling people about my past. Not because I am ashamed of my former activities, but because people just do not believe there is real spiritualism.
I've read all books mentioned in this thread. Kept not one of them. My wife tells a tale of, as a child, her family had to destroy a television they got from someone. Ectoplasm frequently came out of it at night and crawled up the ceiling and some moaning sounds I think. She didn't use the word 'ectoplasm' but I recognized the description. I find it easier to understand these spiritual things if one moves outside of the Christian dichotomy.
Anybody ever watch Criss Angel ??? He has a TV show called "Mindfreak".
He does a lot of things that are really out there... even walked up the wll of a building... disappears in the middle of a park out in the open... passes through solids...
E. W. Bullinger was born 1837 so he would not quite be 200 years old. Your story about the ectoplasmic TV was quite interesting. By the way, welcome to the Greasespot Cafe.
I don't know... some of it is clearly slight of hand (he even shows you how on some)... but the rest.... he's really amazing... I put the Tivo in slo-mo and still can't see how he does stuff... out in the middle of parks, in the middle of streets...
if you want to see some of his stuff, there's some clips on you tube... and his show is on Wednesdays on A&E...
In 1979 my High School yearbook shows that my life's ambition was to learn the art of levitation, invisibility, and manifestation of physical objects. Ah youth. I never got to do any of that stuff, but there is still time. I've always been a fan of the yogic-flying and the like. But as a fanatical Christian I had to call it all "devilish." Well, now I call it human potential.
In 1979 my High School yearbook shows that my life's ambition was to learn the art of levitation, invisibility, and manifestation of physical objects. Ah youth. I never got to do any of that stuff, but there is still time. I've always been a fan of the yogic-flying and the like. But as a fanatical Christian I had to call it all "devilish." Well, now I call it human potential.
Call me a fanatical Christian, but, hm, let me see if I can quote something I posted on another thread...& edit it for this thead. No, it will be easier to leave the quote intact, but realize that the post was in answer to a question about whether or not drugs & sex spurred the early move of the Word.
Yes, I got your question. In the area I'm talking about - Long Island, the sex & drugs didn't come in - okay, let me back up here.
I was absolutely a heroin junkie when I got involved with TWI. My street senses were honed to the max, & I was in the middle of what was going on with TWI (in LI). If there were any drugs happening, I would have known. Not saying there weren't any anywhere, but it just wasn't happening - if you know what I mean. What was happening was that people like me, & lighter users, were going straight & turning on to the power of God. Perez on LI told me that anything that could ever happen that had anything genuine about it with Acid or any other drug, God could & would trump. Any drug user could relate to that sell. I could. And God backed it up.
I was like the ultimate questioner when I got involved. Maybe I was a real pain, I don't know. I remember the 1st time I saw Steve Heefner. He taught at a fellowship down someone's basement in LI. After his teaching, we touched base on the stairway there. I asked question after question for about 20 minutes, & all Steve did was answer them, answer them, answer them. He had to know how hungry I was. He filled me up for 20 minutes, & said he had to go, & he would see me in Rye on Sunday. Damn straight he would.
I thought I had done a fairly good job of kickin H after I got involved with fellowship - course people kick the physical habit time & time again, & the experience SUCKS, but they havent' taken care of what they need, so they go back. Yeah, & that's really stupid, & every time is worse than the last.
Anyway, at this point, I was pretty convinced that these people had real power (I had been involved in some fairly amazing ESP, & some basic, but real magic - I knew there was spiritual power around), but I was still pretty confused about the difference between the genuine & the counterfeit. I was really uptight about witnessing. I ran into someone at that time who had some good H, & I copped a nice fat hit from him from which I got a "righteous" high (excuse the slang). Next thing I know, I'm witnessing all over town without any fear, having an awesome day. Call it counterfeit if you will, I don't care; it's not my point.
That night, I'm finally at home; it's been a great day, & I'm reading the Word before I go to sleep - still nodding out from the H as I do so. Right then, I'm visited by a spirit, complete with classic banshee laugh/scream, chains rattling, vocal deal from the devil - if you do this, I'll do that - the whole freakin bit. Well, I've never had anything like this happen, I'm freaked out. I rebuke him in the name of Jesus Christ (which is always supposed to work). He laughs at me - LAUGHS at me. Now I'm really freaked out. I ask God to show me a way out. That's when the spirit offered "if you do this, I'll do that ." Well, I'm a junkie - I know that if there was ever a set up, that was it, & I tell the spirit that he is a liar. Blam, he leaves.
Next day is Sunday fellowship in Rye, NY. BE THERE ON TIME (You Rye people have to be able to relate to Steve's efforts to get us there on time.) I'm still messed up from the day before, & I show up late. As I come up to the double doors there, & open them as quietly as I can ( I know how to open doors quietly), I hear Steve finishing up his opening prayer. His next words are "...and I thank you God for rebuking the effects of the drug heroin," and, immediately I feel like as if I never had gotten high. As Steve said that, & as I moved quietly up the isle, Steve Perez, the guy who was moving it oni LI, turned around & looked at me. Perez knew, Heefner knew, the Holy Spirit knew, & I knew. Watching Steve work with God was the way a lot of us learned how to walk. He was just so open about it, & if you had your eyes open, you learned how to do stuff.
So, I'm all healed from the heroin, the teaching is amazing, but I'm still worried about the spirit and the banshee laugh. I'm POSSESSED!!! Yeah, funny, right.
After the fellowship, I make my way to the back where Steve is. Wow, we're alone. I start telling him about the night before, & when I get to the laugh, he cuts me off. He doesn't want to hear it; he's heard it before himself. Its a spirit of witchcraft, & he doesn't want to hear my version of the scream. And he starts to walk away. Holy cow, how can he leave me like this? I start to stutter, & finally I get it out, "Don't you think maybe that I still need deliverance from this spirit?" As soon as I get the courage to say that, I feel totally delivered. I dont say anything to that effect to Steve, but right after I got the deliverance, Steve says to me that he thinks that I just got it - which, of course, I just did. Well, there I am, jumping & leaping & praising God on my way out.
But the point is that you don't fool Holy Spirit. The move of the Word at that point wasn't happening because people were turned on by drugs & sex. Drugs & sex were being moved out by Holy Spirit.
It was after the back to back classes stopped that drugs and sex came into the LI fellowship.
Really - I remember the back to back classes, I remember the drugs coming back in, & I remember the sex coming into the fellowship. And it was after the back to back classes, and as the rift between HQ & Heefner & Perez started to happen.
That was a good question & a damn good answer.
Anyway, point is, as I said, call me fanatical, but I believe that those things you believed were devilish are devilish. I never realized or thought when I was doing those things that there was any witchcraft involved. After the time in the above quote, whenever I would come in contact with the same types of spirits that I was once involved with, & I DID come in contact with them at various times, it wasn't the human potential that I once thought it was that I was coming in contact with, it was devil spirits active in situations and people that I was with. They knew me, & I knew them. And they do submit to the authority of Jesus - I just didn't realize it then.
You know, do what you want Carl, as you will do; that's my take on it.
I've never had (at least insofar as I'm aware) such supernatural encounters as you describe
with beings or entities from the other realm. In fact, I almost envy people who've undergone such experiences. No apparitions ever manifesting themselves to me. Not even so much as a disembodied voice.
The only exception I can recall was when I was 4-5 years old, waking up in the middle of the night, and seeing goldfish swimming about me, or ghostly figures wandering through the hallways of our small home.
But after a time, those apparitions stopped altogether.
No, the more I've gotten into a study of the "supernatural" (if accounting a study of the Bible as such), the less "supernatural" and the more mundane and ordinary life seemed to become.
I mean not to offend you, but one statement causes me to wonder:
Right then, I'm visited by a spirit, complete with classic banshee laugh/scream, chains rattling, vocal deal from the devil - if you do this, I'll do that - the whole freakin bit.
Prior to the drugs, prior to twi -did you watch a lot of gothic/horror flicks throughout the 60s and the 70s?
Perhaps that spirit did also. I think even the "Twilight Zone" may have had at least half a dozen episodes featuring the devil striking a bargain of one form or another in exchange for the soul of a person being enticed.
To what degree did such "classic" cultural references, mingled with all the powerful drugs kids were feeding upon at the time, in that particular climate of experimentation - play upon the impressionable minds of kids? To what extent did these all work together to shape our very perspectives - our interpretations -our experiences - on what was regarded "evil"?
What went through a Wayfer's mind at the mention of "witchcraft"? I bet - to some at least -the images from those old black & white Hammer films (like "Horror Hotel") played a more significant role in our imaginations - our impressions - our opinions of "witchcraft" - as much if not more than the Bible itself.
Perhaps a many impressions and experiences with witchcraft were not unlike those which drove the early witch-burnings in New England centuries ago. The fermentation of wheat back then may have played no small effect toward creating mass paranoia, similar to LSD.
How widespread would the idea of casting our demons in the 70s had gone without the release (and influence) of the movie "The Exorcist"? (Wierwille seems to have needed that movie as if to underscore his beliefs, as when he showed it at "Advanced Classes"). Or colorful the invoked repressed memories of "alien abductees" without certain scenes from 1953's "Invaders from Mars"? Or even the notion of "possession" by alien entities laying the groundwork from "Invaders from Mars", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and any number of sci-fis from that era. Perhaps TV and film have been under-estimated as a powerful "drug" which has instilled a many deep impressions upon our fragile, youthful little minds - which has overlapped into our religious/spiritual notions as well.
I don't know whether or not you met the devil; but if you run into him again, send him my way, would you?
Either I will shudder with awe and wonder, at such a blatant manifestion as to convince me that indeed, there really is a spiritual realm, or - I will strike a bargain with him and make a few films of my own.
To what degree did such "classic" cultural references, mingled with all the powerful drugs kids were feeding upon at the time, in that particular climate of experimentation - play upon the impressionable minds of kids? To what extent did these all work together to shape our very perspectives - our interpretations -our experiences - on what was regarded "evil"?
What went through a Wayfer's mind at the mention of "witchcraft"?
Witchcraft isn't as exciting or glamorous (in either a positive or negative sense) as the media makes it out to be.
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I've never seen any of the phenomena that he mentions in his book, nor have I ever spoken to anyone who claims that they have.
I think the point of having us read the book was to impress upon us how powerful "the adversary" was.
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George Aar
More like a "Counterfeit Challenge" maybe?
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Lifted Up
Two WOW roomies during my interim corps year in Philly in 1978-79, ST and JW, went out together one evening and had quite a spiritual experience as they described to me, in which it would be obvious that some of the things regarding spirits described in this book were true. I say obvious because these two guys would be the last ones to make anything up in this regard.
I never saw either one of them after that WOW year (I went through my deprogramming about 4 months after the ROA) , although I later heard that JW was headed to the 11th corps. Maybe I should try friend finder and be more specific (A long long time ago I put out a blurb for Philly WOWs from that year, as there were 28 of us, but I didnt mention any specific names.)
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George Aar
James Randi has posted many times how a moderately skilled magician could duplicate the types of events that routinely take place at seances and the like . (
Of course then we get into the "real" spiritual stuff and the "faked" type of debate.
I just ask,
Which is more plausible?
An unseen, imperceptable cadre of "spirits" are playing highjinks with the uninformed dupes, OR
Someone is using some basic, well understood, thoroughly within-the-realm-of-the-laws-of-physics, illusions to deceive?
If it's so easy for physics to be overridden by the "power" of Satan and his minions, why is it so difficult to demonstrate? Well, of course he doesn't want to be found out, now does he? groan....
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Ah, Occam's razor strikes again.

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Interestingly TWI took that book off their shelves and it was no longer recommended reading material. I thought I had heard it was because they found out the author was BSing the whole thing. Anybody else remember this?
BTW, I NEVER encountered anything described in that book either. Neither have I known anyone to do so either. I think it was hype. I thing it interested vpw because he was so in to the spiritual realm. Remember the recommendation to not got o seances because vpw did it so we didn't have to? Does that sound like he was trying to be a saviour to us?
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Such turned out to be the case with "The Satan Seller" by Mike Warnke.
It's most likely the same thing with Gasson's book.
A lot of these books were cranked out in the 70s to ride on "The Exorcist" wave,
similar to the present, endless outcrop of "Knights Templar" books riding on Dan Brown's success.
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I read it.
I remember it.
I've been involved in some of the stuff that was in it.
I know others who have also.
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More likely,
it was because the book went OUT OF PRINT.
It was still for sale in the bookstore in the 80s,
but around 1990 it became impossible to find.
Someone lent me a hand and gave me a copy
they got when buying a cache of out-of-print books.
I never encountered the specific things mentioned in the book.
without attempting to outline a precise nuts-and-bolts approach,
the author gave enough information for a careful reader to do so based on the book-
and THAT information was consistent with what I DID experience.
That is,
the difference between "miraculous" effects versus "spiritualist" effects,
and so on,
both in execution and in long-term side-effects.
vpw lacked understanding of all that,
but he was correct when he mentioned the importance of free will.
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My thoughts are: if you know (read) daily the will recognize the counterfeit.
Example if you want to know if a $100 bill is counterfeit, you must study the original to know.
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I still have the book.
I did experience things in the book.
They were not "tricks'' from people. (not that there aren't people who trick others, just not what I saw).
Since I do believe in demons and/or spirits of the devil, then to me, that is what they are.
I was very intrigued by the magic arts growing up. It was all in my searching for God.
Witches, ESP, UFO's, Exorcisms, ghosts, draculas.........those were right up my alley sorta speak in research and questioning. All the while, going to church, sleeping with my rosary beads, and making the sign of the cross passing any church or ball game I played in....
One time a few friends and I "levitated" someone. We all were in a circle and we put two fingers only under their body. Then we repeat, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" about a million times..
One night, it worked! I can't say we weren't all a little freaked out....... :blink:
I think the ones looking for it, find it. (or they find you
Since I confessed Jesus as Lord, I don't need or experience anything "evil" in that way.
I definately don't want it in my life, so I don't invite it in. I really feel I escaped pretty unscathed in light of my affilations. God sure rescued me.
BTW: the book that the author recanted was "Babylon Mystery Religion". I still have that one too.
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Babylon Mystery Religion---ah! Thanks Bliss. I must have mixed the two books up. I couldn't read that one, and I never bought it. For some reason, I didn't feel compelled to read everything the MOGFOT recommended. Afterall, he had time to read and play golf all day. I didn't (ESPECIALLY when I went on staff and had to work 50 hours a week). :blink:
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Interesting thing about 'Babylon Mystery Religion.' Ralph Woodrow, the author of that book, has utterly repudiated it in recent years. He recognized that its basis, The Two Babylons was flawed.
You can see a link to Mr. Woodrow's website here.
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E. W. Bullinger
I came from a family that was deeply involved in spiritualism and the book “The Challenging Counterfeit” explained many things in a clear, biblical and dispassionate manner. In fact I stuck with the Way in spite of increasing legalism because I felt so thankful for them giving me clear answers to this topic.
I think the main beef that many have with the book is it’s discussion of physical mediumship. You have to realize that most spiritualists are mental mediums. They do not have physical phenomena (levitation, ectoplasm or teleportation) in seances or when they go into a trance. In all the seances I have been I have never seen any physical phenomena, yet I knew the mediums were tapped into a spiritual power.
I currently belong to a conservative mainline denomination and I feel uncomfortable telling people about my past. Not because I am ashamed of my former activities, but because people just do not believe there is real spiritualism.
E. W. Bullinger
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Carl Smuda
E.W., you must be, what?, 200 years old by now?
I've read all books mentioned in this thread. Kept not one of them. My wife tells a tale of, as a child, her family had to destroy a television they got from someone. Ectoplasm frequently came out of it at night and crawled up the ceiling and some moaning sounds I think. She didn't use the word 'ectoplasm' but I recognized the description. I find it easier to understand these spiritual things if one moves outside of the Christian dichotomy.
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Tom Strange
Anybody ever watch Criss Angel ??? He has a TV show called "Mindfreak".
He does a lot of things that are really out there... even walked up the wll of a building... disappears in the middle of a park out in the open... passes through solids...
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E. W. Bullinger
Dear Carl:
E. W. Bullinger was born 1837 so he would not quite be 200 years old. Your story about the ectoplasmic TV was quite interesting. By the way, welcome to the Greasespot Cafe.
E. W. Bullinger
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Carl Smuda
I wonder if the star of Mindfreak is using real powers (sidhis) or he's a magician?
Thanks for the welcome. Hope to find some good talks here.
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Tom Strange
I don't know... some of it is clearly slight of hand (he even shows you how on some)... but the rest.... he's really amazing... I put the Tivo in slo-mo and still can't see how he does stuff... out in the middle of parks, in the middle of streets...
if you want to see some of his stuff, there's some clips on you tube... and his show is on Wednesdays on A&E...
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Carl Smuda
In 1979 my High School yearbook shows that my life's ambition was to learn the art of levitation, invisibility, and manifestation of physical objects. Ah youth. I never got to do any of that stuff, but there is still time. I've always been a fan of the yogic-flying and the like. But as a fanatical Christian I had to call it all "devilish." Well, now I call it human potential.
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I've still got both those books as well.
Meebe time to *blow the dust* off of them, and re-read them??
(But this time -- without the *way-colored* glasses -- eh)? :unsure:
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Call me a fanatical Christian, but, hm, let me see if I can quote something I posted on another thread...& edit it for this thead. No, it will be easier to leave the quote intact, but realize that the post was in answer to a question about whether or not drugs & sex spurred the early move of the Word.
Anyway, point is, as I said, call me fanatical, but I believe that those things you believed were devilish are devilish. I never realized or thought when I was doing those things that there was any witchcraft involved. After the time in the above quote, whenever I would come in contact with the same types of spirits that I was once involved with, & I DID come in contact with them at various times, it wasn't the human potential that I once thought it was that I was coming in contact with, it was devil spirits active in situations and people that I was with. They knew me, & I knew them. And they do submit to the authority of Jesus - I just didn't realize it then.
You know, do what you want Carl, as you will do; that's my take on it.
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I always enjoy reading your posts.
I've never had (at least insofar as I'm aware) such supernatural encounters as you describe
with beings or entities from the other realm. In fact, I almost envy people who've undergone such experiences. No apparitions ever manifesting themselves to me. Not even so much as a disembodied voice.
The only exception I can recall was when I was 4-5 years old, waking up in the middle of the night, and seeing goldfish swimming about me, or ghostly figures wandering through the hallways of our small home.
But after a time, those apparitions stopped altogether.
No, the more I've gotten into a study of the "supernatural" (if accounting a study of the Bible as such), the less "supernatural" and the more mundane and ordinary life seemed to become.
I mean not to offend you, but one statement causes me to wonder:
Prior to the drugs, prior to twi -did you watch a lot of gothic/horror flicks throughout the 60s and the 70s?
Perhaps that spirit did also. I think even the "Twilight Zone" may have had at least half a dozen episodes featuring the devil striking a bargain of one form or another in exchange for the soul of a person being enticed.
To what degree did such "classic" cultural references, mingled with all the powerful drugs kids were feeding upon at the time, in that particular climate of experimentation - play upon the impressionable minds of kids? To what extent did these all work together to shape our very perspectives - our interpretations -our experiences - on what was regarded "evil"?
What went through a Wayfer's mind at the mention of "witchcraft"? I bet - to some at least -the images from those old black & white Hammer films (like "Horror Hotel") played a more significant role in our imaginations - our impressions - our opinions of "witchcraft" - as much if not more than the Bible itself.
Perhaps a many impressions and experiences with witchcraft were not unlike those which drove the early witch-burnings in New England centuries ago. The fermentation of wheat back then may have played no small effect toward creating mass paranoia, similar to LSD.
How widespread would the idea of casting our demons in the 70s had gone without the release (and influence) of the movie "The Exorcist"? (Wierwille seems to have needed that movie as if to underscore his beliefs, as when he showed it at "Advanced Classes"). Or colorful the invoked repressed memories of "alien abductees" without certain scenes from 1953's "Invaders from Mars"? Or even the notion of "possession" by alien entities laying the groundwork from "Invaders from Mars", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and any number of sci-fis from that era. Perhaps TV and film have been under-estimated as a powerful "drug" which has instilled a many deep impressions upon our fragile, youthful little minds - which has overlapped into our religious/spiritual notions as well.
I don't know whether or not you met the devil; but if you run into him again, send him my way, would you?
Either I will shudder with awe and wonder, at such a blatant manifestion as to convince me that indeed, there really is a spiritual realm, or - I will strike a bargain with him and make a few films of my own.
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