he was pretty smart, if ya got the message, ya got the $$$$$$$$ bucks, smackers, let's face it; RELIGION SELLS!! BIG BUCKS!!! being a CEO for ABDICK is to chancey, if ya can't move THEIR products your OUT!!! somethings in religion can be hard to prove, right or wrong...evidence is scanty, or been destroy already by the Roman Catholic Church... good business to get into, but ya gotta be smart and devious...or just devious....Ha! Ha!
While I'd love to say he's an imbecile, I can't....I fell for the shenanigans he set in motion. If he's an imbecile, what would that make me? (don't answer that! )
Actually, the cornfield preacher was pretty smart. I've heard a lot of criticism towards him, but stupid isn't one of them. Most successful con men are smart...He understood human nature to the extent that he convinced a lot of folks that he was an "apostle" and then shook them down for their money and talked a lot of girls into the back of the motorcoach...an imbecile wouldn't be able to pull that off.
He got over on a lot of very bright people...Of course, at this point, if you are still falling for his con, (after spending some time at the Grease Spot Cafe), then YOU may be an imbecile.
He fooled an awfull lot of people. I`d think you would have to be pretty cunning to pull that off without getting caught....unless you buy into the theory that he was just a puppet for Satan
yes, yes, he had to be savvy. and WE were the foolish ones.
if i could've come up with a better play on "apostle," i would have. but "imbecile" sounded right, and it was derogatory. so i went for it. maybe i should've stuck with another word that, like apostle, also has an "a" and an "s" (two of 'em!) and an "o," "l" and "e." but i thought that'd be too much of a stretch.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
or both?
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I wouldn't say he was an imbecile. Whatever else he was, he was a skilled orator and a master manipulator.
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sprawled out
it was just a play on words: apostle/imbecile. (they don't look alike, but they sound alike!)
sorry--just making light of the apostle discussion. (haha! apostle! light! get it?)
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(I may be slow -- but if explained coyrectally -- I'll get it eventually!)
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While I'd love to say he's an imbecile, I can't....I fell for the shenanigans he set in motion.
If he's an imbecile, what would that make me? (don't answer that!
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I dont know if he is an imbecile
but I can say he brought new fright to his generation
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Actually, the cornfield preacher was pretty smart. I've heard a lot of criticism towards him, but stupid isn't one of them. Most successful con men are smart...He understood human nature to the extent that he convinced a lot of folks that he was an "apostle" and then shook them down for their money and talked a lot of girls into the back of the motorcoach...an imbecile wouldn't be able to pull that off.
He got over on a lot of very bright people...Of course, at this point, if you are still falling for his con, (after spending some time at the Grease Spot Cafe), then YOU may be an imbecile.
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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He fooled an awfull lot of people. I`d think you would have to be pretty cunning to pull that off without getting caught....unless you buy into the theory that he was just a puppet for Satan
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How about a HORN~NAY trickster? <_<
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Almost as smart as these guys:
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sprawled out
yes, yes, he had to be savvy. and WE were the foolish ones.
if i could've come up with a better play on "apostle," i would have. but "imbecile" sounded right, and it was derogatory. so i went for it. maybe i should've stuck with another word that, like apostle, also has an "a" and an "s" (two of 'em!) and an "o," "l" and "e." but i thought that'd be too much of a stretch.
hey! so maybe i'm the imbecile!
(very topical reply, jim. nicely done!)
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...uhhhhh, no!
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sprawled out
(don't you love it when a thread comes full circle?)
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