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Apostle or Lord Wierwille


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  What The Hey said:
Lord Wierwille???

Sounds as if yo' be talking again about that thar guy with the cold yellow eyes and the red-hot lightsaber.

You’ve got me thinking there, alcoholics’ eyes may eventually turn yellow and I bet he thought he had a red-hot light saber.

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  ckmkeon said:
the open minded policy you have introduces you to demon upon demon. My closed mind makes it easier to fish out the darkness here and continue on.


As I'm putting this together from various CK posts...he doesn't like to think, doesn't like to use his five senses, avoids his feelings and admits to having a closed mind...

"demon upon demon"...Sometimes I forget that there are still people who think like CK...He's worse than an alcoholic in denial...but nevertheless, much more entertaining.

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As I'm putting this together from various CK posts...he doesn't like to think, doesn't like to use his five senses, avoids his feelings and admits to having a closed mind...

Isn't that called "sensory depravaition?"


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in an attempt to understand CK, I went back and read his posts from earlier this year... he seemed to have started out friendly and open (was it a ruse?) and all of a sudden started attacking people. once he made the excuse that he was having a bad day and asked forgiveness (which was graciously granted), but the apparently nice guy seemed to vaporize pretty quickly. what gives, CK? was it an act, or did you get your feelings hurt and decide to lash out, call names, and embrace your hate forever after?

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the open minded policy you have introduces you to demon upon demon. My closed mind makes it easier to fish out the darkness here and continue on.


ck - you couldn't have made my case any better against the mind-control in TWI - look at what you just said, a closed mind filtering out every devil spirit thought as opposed to a free mind soaking in knowledge and learning and growing and maturing..........

it must be awful to live in that kind of fear, (I remember cuz I did it), a debil spirt under every rock or just around the corner waiting to pounce on you, BOO, as opposed to the glorius walk of liberty that the true God promises us........

Edited by outofdafog
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  ckmkeon said:
Well I see we have alot of new people here, First off we have a Gypsy and then we have a potato on pot. You must not know who I am, this is CK I am not going to sugar coat things. This is how it is, I have posted 335 times, if you looked at one you might have a idea. Since I started coming in early March I never have lost sight of the truth. These lame excuses you have, for trying to save me are feeble at best. There is so much power in God that your words and everyone here bounces off me, like a force field. You really have no idea, these human powers on GS don't even come close to the power of God. Plus the open minded policy you have introduces you to demon upon demon. My closed mind makes it easier to fish out the darkness here and continue on. So smoke some pot and have a dance because this is starting to waste my time.


CK, you may find this hard to believe but I really do understand where you're coming from. Like Outofdafog was saying TWI has a knack for getting followers to imprison their own minds through filters and fears. The demons I used to fear when I was in TWI turned out to be reason, understanding, discernment, self-awareness, perception, etc…What you call the power of God that you think gives you an impenetrable shield to outsider's words is actually the tyrannical mind-control of TWI. And that reminds me of a favorite quote of mine that happens to be my signature right now. I'll bring it up here for a closer look – it's my little Christmas present to you. It didn't cost me anything but may cost you any hope of real freedom if you continue to buy TWI's bs.

"The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside." [from Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom]

Edited by T-Bone
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  ckmkeon said:
Well I see we have alot of new people here, First off we have a Gypsy and then we have a potato on pot. You must not know who I am, this is CK I am not going to sugar coat things. This is how it is, I have posted 335 times, if you looked at one you might have a idea. Since I started coming in early March I never have lost sight of the truth. These lame excuses you have, for trying to save me are feeble at best. There is so much power in God that your words and everyone here bounces off me, like a force field. You really have no idea, these human powers on GS don't even come close to the power of God. Plus the open minded policy you have introduces you to demon upon demon. My closed mind makes it easier to fish out the darkness here and continue on. So smoke some pot and have a dance because this is starting to waste my time.


New? Me? No. I've been here a while, I just don't post much.

Save you? No. Not my job. Just some friendly advice. You do what you want with your life, I really don't care. As long as what you do doesn't have an adverse affect on me and the people under my care, you could sleep with pink hamsters for all I care.

Oh yes, the demons. Well, seeing as I'm not a Christian anymore, well, your pantheon, not mine.

And no, I don't smoke pot. Job requires random drug tests. Stupid, but what can you do....

The one and only (Thank the Gods) Attack Gypsy

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According to Wierwille, the word apostle meant to "bring new light" to a generation. It meant nothing like that. It meant "to send out (from one point out to another)". Anyone sent to a town to witness and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ was an apostle. The first twelve were the twelve, then eleven, then twelve again apostles. They were sent to the twelve tribes of Israel first, then to the Gentiles. At least that was the plan. WOWs are good examples of apostles today, or at least WOWs in the old days of TWI. There are many ministries in the church of Christ and one of them is "apostles". Anyone can be one. It is not restricted to just the original twelve, nor was its meaning to bring new light to a new generation, though that is what the original apostles were doing, as well as current missionaries today.

Only Jesus or His Father, God can be called Lord.

Wierwille in my opinion twisted scripture too much, so I cannot consider him Lord or apostle, though in technical terms, since he himself went out from his farm throughout the country spreading the gospel (according to him), I suppose he can be called an "apostle". He was an apostle of error sometimes, though, IMHO. He was quite good when he first started, though, not trying to be controversial but just spread God's Word. There was a time he was very good at what he professed to be.

God Bless him for those times he did actually, bring people to the Lord. I can't take that away from him.


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What you have is not commitment or even something as gentle as a closed mind. You have a seared conscience, one that does not know love, God or Christ. On top of that, you have written by far some of the dumbest posts on this message board. Since you will not listen to reason or reproof, the best any honest Christian can do with you is shake your grimy, muddy crap off their shoes and walk away from you.

May the power of God in Christ someday break through to your closed, dank and demonic heart.

The only thing you have in common with Christ is the letter C in your name.

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I kind of feel bad for CK. I know where he was at...sort of. The list of four, though, with God at the bottom and not mentioning Jesus kind is of...misplaced I guess. I am hoping he did not write that list in order of importance. I suppose he didn't.

I don't know. But bless you anyway, CK.


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Well Dr.Wierwille used mind control, is that a fact. Well it must of been short term because it didn't last long with you(You meaning all idiots here). So what kind of mind control did he use "hocus pocus your under", or "gotcha now", or your making it up. Sorry that last one was not a example it was what you are doing. So what did it take for your mind control to cease did you parents get visited by the people who do erasing. Did you get pulled into a van and get brain washed. Sometime you must of asked yourself does CK know what really happened. The answer is yes, as a matter of fact most of you were brain washed to hate VPW. For example here you are. The simple truth here is that VPW did his best and your horror stories were implanted at a much later date.


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Not pulled into a van, no but some of our sisters were drugged and pulled into vpw`s motor coach and raped by him....

I am sorry that the reality of our abuse and the horror of what we were subjected to in twi, are at such odds with your fantasy of what you would like to believe vpw and twi were all about.

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the only framework in which ck's hypothetical take on "truth" could be valid is one in which alien abductions are not only commonplace, but targeted at TWIts. it must be some grand experiement in human psychology and mind control... watch out, they're figuring out how to control us... only ck is immune...

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"You were brainwashed to hate VPW."


Actually,CK, nothing could be further from the truth of what happened.

Many of us spent years of our lives convinced that he was some great man.

And hating him was not even on the menu. We held him in the highest regard because we didn't yet know what had really taken place in TWI. Please don't take this as a criticism, but I don't think you really understand what mind control is or how brainwashing works. It might behoove you to do a little research on these subjects. You might also investigate

" post traumatic stress disorder" while you are at it.

BTW---The invitation still stands to tell us all a bit about your past involvement with TWI.

( That is, if you ever WERE actually involved.)

Edited by waysider
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cookoo woops i meant ck

i am not a 'good' christan but i can still pray for losers like you

but i don't think i will

why don't you pray to cornfield vic and see if he can help you

and yes at one time i did respect,admire.and love him

silly me

silly you

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