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Apostle or Lord Wierwille


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When we are looking at another thread we see that people are deciding that Dr.Wierwille is or is not a apostle, but my opinion is that if we look at the definition of lord and of apostle in the dictionary we shall find out which is tue.


3. powerful man: a man who has considerable power, authority, or influence over others, e.g. a business tycoon

4. master: a master, ruler, or head of a household, or a woman's husband regarded as her master (archaic)

Now if we look at the 4th definition of Lord it shows us Master, when Dr.Wierwille was around he would have been the master of the teachings. Now let us look at the 3rd where it says the man has a influence over others.

Now I know and you should to that he had a pretty large following. So if he is not a apostle, which the meaning is


1.promoter of idea or cause: somebody who tries to persuade others to share an idea or cause

an apostle of free trade

2. prominent Christian missionary: a prominent Christian missionary, especially one who is responsible for first converting a people

So Dr.Wierwille's title should be Lord Dr.Wierwille an apostle. These two different definitions show that both of them apply to him.


Edited by Shellon Fockler-North
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A better fitting title.


* corrupt: corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality; "debauch the young people with wine and women"; "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"; "Do school counselors subvert young children?"; "corrupt the morals"

* twist: practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words"

* a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior

* change the inherent purpose or function of something; "Don't abuse the system"; "The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers"


* One who receives sexual gratification from kinky sex acts


Fits like a hand in a glove and with a scientific precision.

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Perhaps Queen Elizabeth could "knight" him also. Maybe we could get the US Government to put his face on a stamp too! His face could be on the $3.00 bill. The schools could teach about him being "Our Father in the Word" instead of teaching that crap about George Washington being the "Father of our Country". God the possibilities are endless............. :rolleyes:

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Ooh, here's another dictionary definition:

idolatry (noun):

When we are looking at another thread we see that people are deciding that Dr.Wierwille is or is not a apostle, but my opinion is that if we look at the definition of lord and of apostle in the dictionary we shall find out which is tue.


3. powerful man: a man who has considerable power, authority, or influence over others, e.g. a business tycoon

4. master: a master, ruler, or head of a household, or a woman's husband regarded as her master (archaic)

Now if we look at the 4th definition of Lord it shows us Master, when Dr.Wierwille was around he would have been the master of the teachings. Now let us look at the 3rd where it says the man has a influence over others.

Now I know and you should to that he had a pretty large following. So if he is not a apostle, which the meaning is


1.promoter of idea or cause: somebody who tries to persuade others to share an idea or cause

an apostle of free trade

2. prominent Christian missionary: a prominent Christian missionary, especially one who is responsible for first converting a people

So Dr.Wierwille's title should be Lord Dr.Wierwille an apostle. These two different definitions show that both of them apply to him.


Fascinating, what you can learn in a dictionary.

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I think Dr's teachings led us (especially in the 90's and beyond) to let twit leader.... take the place of who our Lord really SHOULD be. Every decision and behavior was supposed to be sanctioned by them --effectively making them our lord and leading us into idolatry.

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God first

Beloved CK

God loves you my dear friend

So by your definition John Lynn, Dale Sides, Chris Greer, and others are Lords and Apostles too

Why could they not get alone with VPW then

I just to not understand so many Lord's but my bible told me to have only one Lord and savior

But we in the Way had many Lords

CK what he was does not matter he no longer here please move and let us see what a good teacher you are

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Edited by year2027
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  ckmkeon said:
Well the definition supports both of the statements, but go ahead make your point known. While you website does enough of that the BS of that is "stupid". The only thing you opinion is good for is the trash can because you are bias toward your website. That is my opinion. So stick it where the sun don't shine,

The opinion is not putting him (Dr.wierwille) like the Lord Jesus Christ but as Lord Cornwallis the analogy is simple what I am saying is he was a master in what he taught. That is what I am saying.


Yeah, my website is stupid, ck. I agree. You're right. How could I not have seen it sooner?

If you'd like to stick your opinion where the sun doesn't shine, who am I to argue with you?

So, when the Bible says that TO US there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, you have a problem with that, don't you, because you want Wierwille as your Lord, too, right?

No man can serve two masters, ck. You clearly love the one, and thus demonstrate that you hate the other.

Edited by Raf
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  ckmkeon said:
When we are looking at another thread we see that people are deciding that Dr.Wierwille is or is not a apostle, but my opinion is that if we look at the definition of lord and of apostle in the dictionary we shall find out which is tue.


3. powerful man: a man who has considerable power, authority, or influence over others, e.g. a business tycoon

4. master: a master, ruler, or head of a household, or a woman's husband regarded as her master (archaic)

Now if we look at the 4th definition of Lord it shows us Master, when Dr.Wierwille was around he would have been the master of the teachings. Now let us look at the 3rd where it says the man has a influence over others.

Now I know and you should to that he had a pretty large following. So if he is not a apostle, which the meaning is


1.promoter of idea or cause: somebody who tries to persuade others to share an idea or cause

an apostle of free trade

2. prominent Christian missionary: a prominent Christian missionary, especially one who is responsible for first converting a people

So Dr.Wierwille's title should be Lord Dr.Wierwille an apostle. These two different definitions show that both of them apply to him.


How silly.

The definition above for "Lord" could be applied to nearly anyone who was in a position of authority. Employers, coaches, cops, drug lords, etc. Problem here is that "Lord" is an archaic term and it pretty much limited to British aristocracy. It is not a title we use today with the exceptions of refering to God or Christ, or in regards to drug "lords". Catholics may use it, but I am not sure there.

In regards to apostle (#1). Mr. Wierewille was not a "prominent Christian missionary". He was not prominent in Christian circles nor with the general populace. His "prominence" was relegated to his own small following. Therefore only #2 could possibly apply.

"Apostle" (#2) from above could apply to anyone with an idea or cause that is being promoted. - like the latest illegal designer drug, or a new fangled weight loss program.

So what does this do for Mr. Wiereille?

In regards "lord" that puts him in the same category as any drug lord or mafia boss. In regards to apostle, in the same category, as any snake oil salesman.

CK, why not just call him God?

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Apostle or Lord Wierwille

:blink: ROFL hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

GASP oh my GOD! Raspberry Mocha Coffee on the screen funny.






oh and.......ck, it shows your original post was edited by me. It wasn't, my apologies, I hit the wrong button.


LOLOL ohhhhhh my

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Well the "man" is watching me here, that would be greasytech, They have me on the watch list. Soon I will be on the mark and avoid. Does this sound familiar, How do you know *Greasytech) that I didn't have the consent of the maker of the quote. So I will be watched closer just like the Gestapo.


Edited by ckmkeon
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