This is off topic but you guys have proven my theory to be true from my site on myspace. My opinions are attacked by 3 or 4 to 10 people at some times just because you don't like it. Though I am glad you have done it because I was trying to prove you come after different thinkers. When you did you fell right in to the theory becoming a fact. The facts are you hate the people who still believe in the truth. So thank you,
I still believe that Dr.Wierwille was sent by God to teach us the word.
The 'new light' Edison brought continues to be thought of as evil in some Amish communities... although, some of these folks are now using a telephone... for some reason, it's okay to have it out by the barn, buy not in the house ?
As far as Weirwille being an Apostle... After personally meeting him, I'd say he was more of a stalker, not being sent out by anything more than his carnal desires... maybe before 1981 he was something else... but I didn't see evidence of it.
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I still believe that Dr.Wierwille was sent by God to teach us the word.
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God first
Beloved ckmkeon
God loves you my dear friend
You talk about truth but VPW can not help us understand what is truth he is gone
So we must move on past this man and begin to teach truth in our own words
Even if you believe VPW took you to a point of the truth you need to teach us to the next point
What VPW taught was past but we live in the here and now
Teach greater truth than VPW taught we heard his words make the words your words
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Roy, you truly are a greasespot gem.
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[i'm sure we didn't, and as a gesture of niceness I'll translate it into simple
English for you. If you care, you will learn something. (If not, then not.)]
[Wrong TWICE in ONE sentence. That's pretty economical.Error 1:
Your "opinion" was not attacked.
There was no "I THINK that..." You posted
"This is simple dr wierwille was an apostle."
That was the ENTIRE content of your post.
That was a statement of fact.
So, your statement of fact was challenged.
What made it worse was that there was an intelligent discussion,
where positions were supported, in play at the time-
"This is my opinion, and here's why I hold it"-
and you just dumped a statement as if you have
divine fiat to end discussions with a flat statement.
Surely even a LITTLE attention would have shown there
was a discussion and people supported their positions.
Error 2:
Your statement of fact wasn't "attacked" because it's disliked.
Your statement of fact was challenged because you failed to
support it in any way whatsoever.
Furthermore, the opposite position had been ALREADY presented
Thus, your post said, in effect-
"I don't care what logic and evidence say,
I claim the opposite position is the truth."
If you spent some time among normal people on the internet,
you'd see that just making bald assertions usually invites
everyone to point out that you failed to supply any justification
for your claim. That's HARDLY unique to here, and there's
plenty of boards where they would have been a LOT harsher
on you for pulling that. ]
[You failed to demonstrate that this was THINKING.
You presented an opinion as FACT and provided NO reason
for anyone to think that it had ANY chance of being true.
That made your statement as strong as if you'd claimed
the earth was flat and didn't explain your reasoning.
There's a difference between THINKING and REASONING,
Your own idol, vpw, claimed that most people have been
tricked, and only THINK that they think.
If anything, you've demonstrated that you fall into the
category he was referring to.
Mind you, if you could have actually SUPPORTED your
position, that would have been a different story.]
[As anyone can clearly see, your "theory" (which was a SUPPOSITION,not a "THEORY" at all) was NOT proven.
Form a hypothesis, and prepare and execute a double-blind,
and THEN maybe you'll have a real "theory".]
[Another double play!
Two errors in one sentence!
You've proven NEITHER that you were "hated"
nor that what you believe is the truth!
The facts actually are that you have no idea how to reason and debate.
that CAN be changed.
We might even help.
(This here post can be considered "help", in that it's breaking down
the flaws in your process, and you can apply this to later posts and
make more logical posts.)]
[You STILL haven't offered any support for your position,
but at least you're phrasing yourself correctly there.
This is your belief.]
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God first
Beloved Shellon Fockler-North
God loves you my dear friend
thank you Your made my day thanks
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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How about Ron Pompeil?...was he an apostle?
I mean, who else taught us that you could cover up a bald spot with spray paint?
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What The Hey
Dontcha know - GLH actually does a better job than some toupee's!
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Roy, you always have the most logical insight
thank you for being you!
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This just struck my funny bone!
As far as Weirwille being an Apostle... After personally meeting him, I'd say he was more of a stalker, not being sent out by anything more than his carnal desires... maybe before 1981 he was something else... but I didn't see evidence of it.
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This would make all those 'Elders' I've met Apostles then
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I agree, ck, it is simple.
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ya know dr weirwille was the only person i ever heard of to define
apostle as one who brings new light to his generation and added
it may be old light but it is new to the generation to which he brings
everybody else seems to say an apostle is someone who is sent by
God to do something
but anyway whenever dr w. did a teaching and the subject came up
he always called himself the teacher and he was always saying how
he didn't want to put himself up on the same level as Paul or Peter
in the bible (at least publicly anyway)
but notice how his unquestioned definition kind of forced us followers
to see him as an actual apostle
pretty slick huh?
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God first
Beloved coolchef
God loves you my dear friend
thank you for the loving words
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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J0nny Ling0
George! That was funny!
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