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  ckmkeon said:
Wordwolf What makes you think I have no experience in monitoring a board of discussion.

Goey Yes tag lines are fine just so there are no cursing language in them

The only rules is no cursing on my board and I welcome opinions.

So I hope that helps,


I wasn't going to go there, but you asked.....

I've read your posts so far.

They reflect a lack of experience in communication online.

(I don't know what you communicate like offline, but few

communicate very differently when switching media.)

They reflect a lack of understanding of basic "netiquette."

That can fly here, where that's true of more than a few people,

and may work in a twi-type environment where communication

with the outside world is verboten.

It wouldn't fly on most boards I attend, where people your age

are expected to communicate better than that-and they do.

You also have expressed a lack of understanding of admin and

moderator duties HERE. That means you don't understand them

ANYWHERE. When I got here, I understood them. That means that

I've disagreed with the mods, but never questioned their suitability

for their tasks, since I understood what they were doing.

All of that-lack of online experience, lack of moderator experience

and pathos-

add to that that it's highly unlikely you'll be appointing moderators

who HAVE such experience, since you'll have to basically hand

over the entire board to them-

and that means you've some life-lessons coming up.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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I seriously doubt he'll have many posts and posters to have to worry about. I would LOVE to see that happen - just because it would be a great experience, not because I'd be delighted if he were to move on.... ;)

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Well, I visited, so far there's 2 posts, one from "Chris" and one from "Roy".

Attendance at the New Church of the Not-Way/GS is down. But it's not Sunday yet.

But - I noticed you're seeding posts on the other Way Intell board with references to your board CK. Good marketing!

Roys' there too. "Jeff" responded to him, attempting to teach something about figures of speech in a verse in Mark. He names two and then says there's a 3rd "and the name of the last one escapes me at the moment..."......not that it's important of course.

Aaaah. :) They mean well, I'm sure. We all do, right?

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God first

Beloved socks

God loves us my dear friend

I no longer post on Way Intell board I been banned

gues when I told them I was once in the Way and share my note to the Way was too loving


with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Too much love can be a dangerous thing, Roy! :love3: And you're a dangerous man. :)

I guess it's a tight-nit family there. Too tight. That would be a good login name for someone - "2-Tite". It's available, and free to use to anyone of a mind to. Be my guest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

God first

Beloved All

God loves you all

This may be a good site but Chris has banned me

I did obey the one rule "The only rules is no cursing on my board and I welcome opinions."

but maybe my views of VPW not being a Apostle and Craig M not being a Apostel got me cast out

But I still care about Chris know as CK but he does not want to hear from me all post were clear off

We can pray that he comes back when he ready to hear the truth the Way Ministry is and was just another church more on the side of cult

Maybe then we can help him but now he lost

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Who really cares if CK does a Way/Non-Way thing on My Space...really. The invitation was put out...those that want to be there and do whatever will be.....those that don't won't. It's not the "first time" an off-shoot thing came from someone leaving the Way...no difference. If you want to check it out, do so; if you don't, then don't. I don't really understand why this is even a topic anymore. An invitation was extended...accept it or reject it. Seems pretty simple to me. Most with a die-hard vengence, one way or another have started a site (for or against)....so CK did. If it doesn't work, I'm sure CK will be back. There are a lot of Way sites on My Space so CK's isn't much different.

"The way to stop a fire is to quit putting gasoline on it."

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God first

Beloved sogwap51

God loves you my dear friend

Its no longer about the site Now its about the person called CK or Chris

whether we care and will pray that he see's the truth about the VPW and move on with his life

now I see no value in visiting his site

Now we can do no more than pray but many will pray

because we been there our hearts have been a mix up from the Way Ministry

The truth about the Way Ministry is here Its just another church more on the side of a cult

May I say PAx would of love to help CK but he was not ready for help and he caused waves

But maybe one day he will be ready

All we can do is pray and hope his eyes are open up some day

but we need to think of him as a person eho needs help but does not want it yet

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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That's the key....................does not want it. Can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink...that's not a Way thing but was used there often. CK will get over it........or figure it out. But really, who cares if they made a site on My Space. You can't make them learn....they will do it on their own. I don't think anything said here will change that because they are "he$$ bent" on a mission. The only thing you can do for people in that position is let the go find out they knock their heads against a wall...but they are the only ones that will learn it. Nothing anyone says will change it, especially because of age. I just don't think it's worth even a discussion, fight, or trying to "save". CK is gonna do what CK wants because CK thinks CK has a "mission." It will either fizzle out...(probably) or CK will re-check self. SO many people did the "off-shoot" and it failed. Let CK go do CK's "thing" cause it will come to naught. Why add fuel to the fire for anyone? It will work......or not. No biggie I would think. Let CK make CK's sight. Doesn't really hurt anyone one way or another. Those that want to "go there" will and those that don't won't.

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God first

Beloved sogwap51

God loves you my dear friend

Yes like I said I can not help him but that does not mean I do not care

Now no one has to care my friend

But I do and I pray give this time and this tread will move to the end but just because you have give up and I can no longer help him does not mean some do not care

About the Way boards no one cares about them but I got to know CK and while my words he will never hear and while there will be more CK's it still hurts my heart when they can not be help

CK was given a lot of grace but he made to many waves here and he said he is gone his choice

maybe one day he will see the light maybe not but it will take me time to forget him

While I did fight against his sign off I still care about him as a person but no one elst has to care

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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CK was given a lot of grace but he made to many waves here and he said he is gone his choice

maybe one day he will see the light maybe not but it will take me time to forget him

Same here Roy.

He has a different opinion than I do -- but he's still a person, eh?

I meet (and work with) folks of different opinions than I hold, daily.

I don't denigrate them for thinking what they do.

I try to meet them on their own level.

Seems to be the right thing to do.

I like your thinking -- If you can't take the high road ---

It might be time to park your vehicle,

and enjoy the scenery. :)

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God first

Beloved dmiller

God loves us my dear friend

Yes lets "enjoy the scenery"

I glad you think like I do when it comes to people like CK because there will be more that will think like he does

thank you my friend

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I tried to check out what TWI "lovers" had to say, but when I attempted the site Myspace.com/thewayintl the message I receive is...

"This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted."

Has the myspace site for TWI supporters already been eliminated? :unsure:

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God first

Beloved edawn, Tom Strange, and dmiller

God loves you my dear friends

The Way ministry sites are



and there is

the Familytables but i do not recalled the link but you have to prove that you are still in the Way there

Yes Tom CK is all alone now

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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