In my opinion, I have the best job in the whole world! I love what I do!! When all my kids are off at school, I sit on a little wooden stool up at the table in the kitchen, with my hands totally covered in a homemade paste, shaping all different size animals and then sanding them and painting them, (papier mache) I love working with my hands.
As far as conversation goes, I talk to myself (lol!), if people drop by that's great, I can still work away at what I'm doing, pick my own hrs, sometimes I'm in my pj's working into the wee hrs in the morning, crank up the music (which I always do)
You can't have the best job in the world, because I do! lol
I am a paralegal for a small medical malpractice defense firm. Two attorneys, me and a receptionist. We all get along great, and though the attorneys are the owners and bosses and get the respect due their position, most days it is like we are all equals, a team working towards the same goal.
I work during school hours so I can take my kids to school and pick them up. My job is challenging and rarely dull.
We talk about a lot of things - work related and family related. Rarely do we get too deep into politics or religion, but it has come up from time to time.
I don't have any regular employees. I generally don't see many people during the day. When I do, it's almost 100% chance it'll be another guy, and one whose wife has also left him.
Amazing how many of us there are around. You middleaged ladies do tend to wander, it seems.
I have to say that I have the best job in the world, though!
I work for a small, privately owned orthotic company. I pretty much set my own hours. I get to wear blue jeans, shorts, whatever I feel like to work. They think I hang the moon and honestly appreciate the work I do. We're like family here.
We run the gamut of conversations like you. This morning we talked abouth the Davinci Code movie and that tangented into talk about religion and how bloody a lot of "Christian" religions are....then to other fiction books based on fact. We actually do have quite a few conversations about religion, mysticism, energy and other beliefs.
Every Tues-Thurs included American Idol talk. If you didn't watch, you were pretty much left out of the conversation in the mornings.
Two of my co-workers are gay, so I've learned quite a bit about the gay community and lifestyle since working here.
Politics is not usually a safe subject and we've learned who you can talk to about what. ;) And share jokes along party lines with the "safe" co-workers.
We share dirty jokes and probably do and say things that would be considered harrassment in larger companies.
There's a group of us who go to happy hour together about once a month. A group of ladies who have "Southern Living at Home", home jewelry, home purse, etc. parties. A group of guys who write and play music together. A group who play softball together.
And, yes, we gossip, complain, whine and gripe together, too.
It is a wonderful company with wonderful people and I couldn't be happier unless it was close enough for me to be able to go home for my lunch hour.
Yep. I work with a 1 year old, and a 4 year old. I'm a stay-at-home mom, most of the time. I also contract as administrative support for my town, a college, and a couple of other clients - but do most of my work at home.
Sounds like a great place to work. I'm going to my Ortho Wed. to talk about my Plan of care for braces and TMJ issues :( . I'm very excited
The group I work with are extremely crazy and can be quite fun at times. Although, I know who I can share with and who I don't.
Our boss gets made fun of all the time. In fact, it could be quite a comedy act when they imitate him. It may sound mean to someone who doesn't know him, but once you understand his character, which he loves to screw people over, and lies to no end, then, the jokes are pretty funny I try to stay out of most of that though
My job is pretty rewarding. I mainly work in Pediatrics and Pediatric Intensive Care. I meet great parents, and not so great parents, good kids, and not so good kids. But , the majority of the time is spent taking care of athsmatics and kids with pneumonia. I also work all areas of the hospital too. It's great to be able to go just about anywhere there and see and hang out with someone I know and like. I only go back to my dept. when it's time to eat or to give report to the next shift. We do get along pretty well, considering the many different lives and life styles.
I'm actually going down to part time next month. 20 hours a week.. YIPPEE I LOVE being at home. I'm actually busier at home than at work lol. It's not even my job description thats the problem. It's the crap that goes on there thats harder to tolorate than it was in my younger days.
:unsure: Dunno... I guess I'm just mellowing out in my old age. Just call me Mello Yello
I work at home. I sell dental and medical plans (as some already know) Since I'm so easily entertained and entertaining I have a ball! Some days I turn my stereo up and sing while doing chores around the house.
I work with whom I wish and when I wish.
No one tells me what time to wake up (unless it's my kids needing a ride to school). I hardly ever use an alarm clock any more. It's very odd to me that I used to rely on it. It's a real pleasure to wake up when I'm rested instead of when someone tells me to.
I have no employees, directly. At corporate there are about 250 employees that provide customer service.
As one guy put it years ago. If you you have 2 employees you have 2 headaches....3 employees you have 3 headaches......3 or more employees you have an adult day care.
LOL! We make all kinds of orthotics - yes, things you wouldn't want in your mouth.
Knee braces, leg braces, back braces, etc. We also make helmets for the babies that have craniosyntosis and plaigocephaly. It's a really neat place.
Below is a picture of body molds that were carved specifically for custom fit spinals. It's wild, there's every body shape and size imaginable hanging from the ceiling on what's like an extra-large tie rack. It's designed similar to the racks Disney uses to store and rotate through their costumes. The really huge bodies are too heavy to hang, so they sit on the floor. When I'm having an especially bad "fat day", I go sit by one of those. :)
I have the best of two worlds!!! Part time at the airport... so converstaions are usually about commings and goings..................I drive that little cart that helps people (with special needs!) get frome gate to gate.
Everyone has a tale if I ask the right questions.
Lots of people in transition.......... going to celebrate births... deaths... new lifes......leaving family...going home to family.......comming from/going to military...
Its almost like gong to church! Actually I fall in love with humanity.......and because of that ...God.........
For some reason this really comes into play at the airport!! I really get to see the human experience!!!
my favorite question... Where is your favorite place to travel to ...........
Oh ... and then I am a massage therapist...........not much conversation... but lots of communication anyway!!
My work for the last 8 weeks has been as an intern in an agency that is a clearing house between the client and their need(s). Not employment, necessarily cuz I had to pay for it, but practical application anyway. Three weeks left til my required hours are done.
I took it for two reasons. Well, three.
1. I had to do an internship this quarter.
2. The places used most to meet the need of the client are churches, so I knew it would be an opportunity to deal with some bias's therein.
3. I talk to the clients only on the phone, so I get to practice what I've been studying, but don't have to do the eyeball to eyeball yet.
And don't have to deal with the abuser directly yet; just his/her victim where I can do that most good without the abuser getting in my way.
There is just me, the Intake Coordinator and the Director. Both very sweet ladies, very kind and welcoming to me.
The director is very quiet and serious, all business and all busy. We see her fly by our offices alot, usually giving instructions to us or more often "follow me to my office will you?". Typical director of a very busy agency, she's in and out all day, on the phone alot. Because she's so busy, we get to make most of the decisions about what to help the client with and what we have to deny. She's the one that kicked my a$$ when I gave rent money to a lady that I would have seen abuses the system had I only read her file.
The intake coordinator is funny! She's my direct supervisor and we have a blast most days. She's a preachers wife so the stories we get to share back and forth are often funny, sometimes sad and always enlightening. My office is right next to hers so we yell alot back and forth. She tells me she loves me almost every day, says she's waiting for me to say something besides "thank you" in response.
We all cry together when a mama calls with no diapers or formula for her baby, a dad calls with a story about his son being in the hospital and they need meds or after care. We shed a tear often and then we dig in and find diapers and formula for the baby and call around and find starter meds for the boy, or anything else we can get from donations.
What these two women have taught me is that I can do it, I can also speak to ministers, preachers, pastors, whomever has a 'religious' title without an attitude and I can even talk to my clients about God without feeling like I'm witnessing and needing to bleach my mouth.
I just can't say I love you to my co-worker/supervisor yet.
I love my job too. I work part time as a Medical Office Reviewer for a major insurance company. They pay well and I don't work too much. I inspect doctors' offices to see that meet the criteria for credentialing with our company. I speak mostly with office managers and we're all on the same side, so it's pleasant work.
I talk with someone from work only occasionally. They're in North Carolina and Illinois. Mostly we email work details back and forth. I also fax in my reports. There's not any real personal stuff - we don't have enough contact for that. But I do sometimes visit with friends while I'm driving from one place to another.
It's a great way to get to know the area. Last week I had a couple sites that were 2-1/2 hours from my home. I love getting paid well to cruise in my own car, listening to my favorite music! I also set my own hours. I pretty much work 3 days a week now and it's enough for what we need.
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Sunnyfla, interesting topic!!
In my opinion, I have the best job in the whole world! I love what I do!! When all my kids are off at school, I sit on a little wooden stool up at the table in the kitchen, with my hands totally covered in a homemade paste, shaping all different size animals and then sanding them and painting them, (papier mache) I love working with my hands.
As far as conversation goes, I talk to myself (lol!), if people drop by that's great, I can still work away at what I'm doing, pick my own hrs, sometimes I'm in my pj's working into the wee hrs in the morning, crank up the music (which I always do)
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You've got the life Cowgirl!!!!!

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You can't have the best job in the world, because I do! lol
I am a paralegal for a small medical malpractice defense firm. Two attorneys, me and a receptionist. We all get along great, and though the attorneys are the owners and bosses and get the respect due their position, most days it is like we are all equals, a team working towards the same goal.
I work during school hours so I can take my kids to school and pick them up. My job is challenging and rarely dull.
We talk about a lot of things - work related and family related. Rarely do we get too deep into politics or religion, but it has come up from time to time.
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George Aar
Well, I work for a real jerk.
Yeah, I'm self-employed.
I don't have any regular employees. I generally don't see many people during the day. When I do, it's almost 100% chance it'll be another guy, and one whose wife has also left him.
Amazing how many of us there are around. You middleaged ladies do tend to wander, it seems.
So anyway, topics of conversation generally are:
1. the current job we've done in the past
3. goofy things that have happened on the job
4. jerks we have to put up with on the job
5.the breast size of the waitress
6. what idiots our ex's are
7. the qualities of the waitress's butt
And... that's about it.
Yeah, it's sheer excitement...
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Excellent Topic, Sunny!
I have to say that I have the best job in the world, though!
I work for a small, privately owned orthotic company. I pretty much set my own hours. I get to wear blue jeans, shorts, whatever I feel like to work. They think I hang the moon and honestly appreciate the work I do. We're like family here.
We run the gamut of conversations like you. This morning we talked abouth the Davinci Code movie and that tangented into talk about religion and how bloody a lot of "Christian" religions are....then to other fiction books based on fact. We actually do have quite a few conversations about religion, mysticism, energy and other beliefs.
Every Tues-Thurs included American Idol talk. If you didn't watch, you were pretty much left out of the conversation in the mornings.
Two of my co-workers are gay, so I've learned quite a bit about the gay community and lifestyle since working here.
Politics is not usually a safe subject and we've learned who you can talk to about what. ;) And share jokes along party lines with the "safe" co-workers.
We share dirty jokes and probably do and say things that would be considered harrassment in larger companies.
There's a group of us who go to happy hour together about once a month. A group of ladies who have "Southern Living at Home", home jewelry, home purse, etc. parties. A group of guys who write and play music together. A group who play softball together.
And, yes, we gossip, complain, whine and gripe together, too.
It is a wonderful company with wonderful people and I couldn't be happier unless it was close enough for me to be able to go home for my lunch hour.
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I work in cell phone sales with a bunch of 20 year olds. Their topics of conversation are:
1. Getting drunk
2. Getting high
3. Getting laid
4. What they got pierced/tattooed
5. Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, American Idol
6. How tired they always are
Lord help me.
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We talk about:
What's in their pants
TV Shows
What's up their noses
What's in their pants
Which computer is faster
What's in their pants
When am I going to give them both baths
What's going on tomorrow
What's in their pants
Yep. I work with a 1 year old, and a 4 year old. I'm a stay-at-home mom, most of the time. I also contract as administrative support for my town, a college, and a couple of other clients - but do most of my work at home.
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Hi Belle
Sounds like a great place to work. I'm going to my Ortho Wed. to talk about my Plan of care for braces and TMJ issues :( . I'm very excited
The group I work with are extremely crazy and can be quite fun at times. Although, I know who I can share with and who I don't.
Our boss gets made fun of all the time. In fact, it could be quite a comedy act when they imitate him. It may sound mean to someone who doesn't know him, but once you understand his character, which he loves to screw people over, and lies to no end, then, the jokes are pretty funny
I try to stay out of most of that though 
My job is pretty rewarding. I mainly work in Pediatrics and Pediatric Intensive Care. I meet great parents, and not so great parents, good kids, and not so good kids. But , the majority of the time is spent taking care of athsmatics and kids with pneumonia. I also work all areas of the hospital too. It's great to be able to go just about anywhere there and see and hang out with someone I know and like. I only go back to my dept. when it's time to eat or to give report to the next shift. We do get along pretty well, considering the many different lives and life styles.
I'm actually going down to part time next month. 20 hours a week.. YIPPEE
I LOVE being at home. I'm actually busier at home than at work lol. It's not even my job description thats the problem. It's the crap that goes on there thats harder to tolorate than it was in my younger days.
:unsure: Dunno... I guess I'm just mellowing out in my old age. Just call me Mello Yello
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Belle.. you did mean orthodontic right? :unsure:
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I think orthodics are shoe inserts for arch support and other foot ailments...
I wouldn't put them in your mouth. :)
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NEVER MIND!!!! :blink:
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I work at home. I sell dental and medical plans (as some already know) Since I'm so easily entertained and entertaining I have a ball! Some days I turn my stereo up and sing while doing chores around the house.
I work with whom I wish and when I wish.
No one tells me what time to wake up (unless it's my kids needing a ride to school). I hardly ever use an alarm clock any more. It's very odd to me that I used to rely on it. It's a real pleasure to wake up when I'm rested instead of when someone tells me to.
I have no employees, directly. At corporate there are about 250 employees that provide customer service.
As one guy put it years ago. If you you have 2 employees you have 2 headaches....3 employees you have 3 headaches......3 or more employees you have an adult day care.
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LOL! We make all kinds of orthotics - yes, things you wouldn't want in your mouth.
Knee braces, leg braces, back braces, etc. We also make helmets for the babies that have craniosyntosis and plaigocephaly. It's a really neat place.
Below is a picture of body molds that were carved specifically for custom fit spinals. It's wild, there's every body shape and size imaginable hanging from the ceiling on what's like an extra-large tie rack. It's designed similar to the racks Disney uses to store and rotate through their costumes. The really huge bodies are too heavy to hang, so they sit on the floor. When I'm having an especially bad "fat day", I go sit by one of those. :)
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i got the best job in the world
retired from the phone co!
i only get paid once a month though!
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I have the best of two worlds!!! Part time at the airport... so converstaions are usually about commings and goings..................I drive that little cart that helps people (with special needs!) get frome gate to gate.
Everyone has a tale if I ask the right questions.
Lots of people in transition.......... going to celebrate births... deaths... new lifes......leaving family...going home to family.......comming from/going to military...
Its almost like gong to church! Actually I fall in love with humanity.......and because of that ...God.........
For some reason this really comes into play at the airport!! I really get to see the human experience!!!
my favorite question... Where is your favorite place to travel to ...........
Oh ... and then I am a massage therapist...........not much conversation... but lots of communication anyway!!
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My work for the last 8 weeks has been as an intern in an agency that is a clearing house between the client and their need(s). Not employment, necessarily cuz I had to pay for it, but practical application anyway. Three weeks left til my required hours are done.
I took it for two reasons. Well, three.
1. I had to do an internship this quarter.
2. The places used most to meet the need of the client are churches, so I knew it would be an opportunity to deal with some bias's therein.
3. I talk to the clients only on the phone, so I get to practice what I've been studying, but don't have to do the eyeball to eyeball yet.
And don't have to deal with the abuser directly yet; just his/her victim where I can do that most good without the abuser getting in my way.
There is just me, the Intake Coordinator and the Director. Both very sweet ladies, very kind and welcoming to me.
The director is very quiet and serious, all business and all busy. We see her fly by our offices alot, usually giving instructions to us or more often "follow me to my office will you?". Typical director of a very busy agency, she's in and out all day, on the phone alot. Because she's so busy, we get to make most of the decisions about what to help the client with and what we have to deny. She's the one that kicked my a$$ when I gave rent money to a lady that I would have seen abuses the system had I only read her file.
The intake coordinator is funny! She's my direct supervisor and we have a blast most days. She's a preachers wife so the stories we get to share back and forth are often funny, sometimes sad and always enlightening. My office is right next to hers so we yell alot back and forth. She tells me she loves me almost every day, says she's waiting for me to say something besides "thank you" in response.
We all cry together when a mama calls with no diapers or formula for her baby, a dad calls with a story about his son being in the hospital and they need meds or after care. We shed a tear often and then we dig in and find diapers and formula for the baby and call around and find starter meds for the boy, or anything else we can get from donations.
What these two women have taught me is that I can do it, I can also speak to ministers, preachers, pastors, whomever has a 'religious' title without an attitude and I can even talk to my clients about God without feeling like I'm witnessing and needing to bleach my mouth.
I just can't say I love you to my co-worker/supervisor yet.
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I love my job too. I work part time as a Medical Office Reviewer for a major insurance company. They pay well and I don't work too much. I inspect doctors' offices to see that meet the criteria for credentialing with our company. I speak mostly with office managers and we're all on the same side, so it's pleasant work.
I talk with someone from work only occasionally. They're in North Carolina and Illinois. Mostly we email work details back and forth. I also fax in my reports. There's not any real personal stuff - we don't have enough contact for that. But I do sometimes visit with friends while I'm driving from one place to another.
It's a great way to get to know the area. Last week I had a couple sites that were 2-1/2 hours from my home. I love getting paid well to cruise in my own car, listening to my favorite music! I also set my own hours. I pretty much work 3 days a week now and it's enough for what we need.
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