I never owned a home until I got married. My husband had the house we live in before we got married. We've done quite a few things to it in the last few years to make it "ours". It's awesome to have pride in ownership and to know that you are building equity in some real estate. We enjoy our house a lot.
You and your family will enjoy your house for many years to come. Best wishes for a new venture in your lives.
This is great! I have a 2.5 car garage and 1.0 Ford Taurus. Like David said, it's a storage locker - a fabulous storage locker. It's big enough that I don't need a shed in my back yard. My freezer and all my lawn equipment, Annie's 4 wheeler, bikes and stuff. It's a fun place.
There's a wonderful workbench and cabinets for tools, compliments of the guy who owned it before me. They even left an old fashioned dial phone that's attached to the wall. Annie was freaked when I showed her how we used to dial phones, back in the old days...
How very cool that you're able to put in a garden and enjoy it this year!
Here's the fun part of this whole house-buying thing. Steve and I have been married for two years, we're living happily ever after, and the sub-division we are moving into is called Camelot!
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I never owned a home until I got married. My husband had the house we live in before we got married. We've done quite a few things to it in the last few years to make it "ours". It's awesome to have pride in ownership and to know that you are building equity in some real estate. We enjoy our house a lot.
You and your family will enjoy your house for many years to come. Best wishes for a new venture in your lives.

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Congrats to the !!!!! family. :)
Nice to hear you can start moving in bit-by-bit early ---
and can get a garden going in the *good* growing season!
(PS --- you said --- )
As ALL homeowners know -- the garage is for your *junk* collection!!
Cars are relegated to the driveway! :P
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Congratulations! This 4th of July will be a big celebration for you and your family!
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This is great! I have a 2.5 car garage and 1.0 Ford Taurus. Like David said, it's a storage locker - a fabulous storage locker. It's big enough that I don't need a shed in my back yard. My freezer and all my lawn equipment, Annie's 4 wheeler, bikes and stuff. It's a fun place.
There's a wonderful workbench and cabinets for tools, compliments of the guy who owned it before me. They even left an old fashioned dial phone that's attached to the wall. Annie was freaked when I showed her how we used to dial phones, back in the old days...
How very cool that you're able to put in a garden and enjoy it this year!
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Maybe this will work!
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There's nothing better than working in YOUR garden in YOUR yard at YOUR house!
My favorite is the redneck garden. 
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I am so happy for you. It is great owning a home. And one that is big enough for all of you, just too cool.
Welcome back, BTW.
You will have to assign chores to EVERYONE to keep that big house clean!!!!!
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Thank you so much for your kind words!
Trying to post pictures in the picture forum...but gotta wait on permission from the powers that be!!!!
Way exciting, though!!! We're moving in a bit at a time!!!!
Nothing like owning your own home.....awwww...the freedom!!!!!
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yeah for you!!!!
its a great thing!!!
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.5 garage depends on the subdivision. Its either for the golf cart or the Harly Davidson.
Congradualtions. You are about to spend your credit cards to the max on decorations and new furnature.
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Ok...the pictures are loaded in the Gallery....however, they are loaded in reverse order...so work your way backwards!!!!
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Here's the fun part of this whole house-buying thing. Steve and I have been married for two years, we're living happily ever after, and the sub-division we are moving into is called Camelot!
How cool is that???
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
my wife and i are in the process of moving in to the house i inhersted from my mom
what a hassel
you never know how much stuff you have until you move
it will be nice when we are done but i n the meantime....
just had new hard wood flores put in 3 rooms and a fireplace going in hopefully next week
have fun moving into your new home
good for you
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"you never know how much stuff you have until you move"
Truer words were never spoken!!
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