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I had a weird dream...

J0nny Ling0

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Okay okay. We all know how weird dreams can be, and how they shift so quickly. But this one had a weird thread to it.. :blink:

Okay. My Dad, and older brother Miles and I (both deceased now-weird) were on the sea crossing the Atlantic in 25 foot sport fishing boat. We got into a terrible storm with thirty foot seas, and we knew we were in deep kimschi. We pounded against the waves for hours it seemed, surfing up and the sliding back down, and the "tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew..." And so, to get out of the storm, we headed up a small river into the mountains of British Colombia (BC) on the west coast. As we headed up the small river, the river turned into a mountain road, and the boat became our old family station wagon, a Dodge Monaco Brougham. We had no real idea where we were other than somewhere deep inside rural British Colombia. Finally, we found a house, and a young teenaged girl was outside chopping wood. My Dad asked her if we could stop to rest because of our ordeal on the sea, and she said that this would be "available", and that it would also be "available" for us to spend the night and get some food, because theirs was a Christian home. Aside from the Way Speak, all looked to be very nice. I chopped up all of the firewood for her, and afterward went inside for a shower.

When I came out of the shower, much to my alarm, I heard a familiar voice ranting and yelling outside in the backyard which was actually now a football field. The voice was yelling; "You gotta wake up man! The devil's gonna inhale your face! Is that a head on your shoulders or is your neck just blowing bubbles?!" And when I looked outside, there was the local town's highschool football team (for the rural home in the country had now become surrounded by a small rural town), being coached by L. Craig Martindale! And he had that afro haircut that he had goin on at PFAL 77! And Craig continued to yell. But now, he started yelling that; "Yeah, you can be born of the spirit of God, but you can also be born of the seed of the serpent! What's it gonna be? And if you are born of the spirit of God, how are you gonna be able to know when the Seed Boys come around? Huh?! HUH!? Answer me!" And all of these high school boys were looking totally baffled, wondering just what the hell this guy was talking about, since this was supposed to be a football practice. And then Martindale says; "You there! Stand up! I said stand up!" And this handsome young kid, to whom Mratindale seemed to be pointing at points to himself and says; "Me?" And Martindale yells; "Yeah you! Whattsa matter with you are you stupid?! Stand up! When I give you a command, you are to obey me! You don't even deserve to breathe the air that I breath you ungrateful whelp! Now stand up!" And so the kid, bewildered, stands up. "Now get up her on the stage (now there was a stage-you know how dreams shift) and sit in that chair and don't move until I tell you to!" He roared.

Just then, my wife appeared on the scene, told me that my Dad and brother were sleeping peacefully, and told me that the town and the small church in this rural BC town had hired Craig as a coach and as a motivational speaker for the Church's utes (youths) who were on the highschool football team. "But man", she said; "Craig is still a total a$$hole! Just listen to him! Same old s h i t!" And I said; "I know, and we gotta do something about it. Look at that poor kid sittin up there in that chair!" Just then, E arl Burt*on came out on stage and pleaded with Craig to stop yelling, and Craig then asked if he was being a little too persuasive, and Earl said that yes as a matter of fact, he was. And then Craig had a look of shame on his face, and the Church people came out on the stage and comforted the boy in the chair, who then got up and rejoined the boys sitting on the grass. And Craig said that he was sorry, but that he "didn't know what had gotten into him". And some clapped, and others didn't but glared and the whole assembly was confused not knowing what they had come together for. But none ran off the field naked nor wounded...

Just then, Nancy B*rt*on came up to me and gave me a great big hug and asked how I was, and then I asked why it was that Craig was here in this tiny BC town ranting and raving, and were she and E*rl responsible for getting him here? To which she responded that they were in fact responsible for him being there because they thought he would be able to help out the young Christian organization in that town through "sports motivational seminars", but that he" went a little overboard on the "Seed Boy thing" don'tcha think?" To which my wife and I responded; "Well hell yeah! And now we gotta let these people know what's going on here! That LCM has gone mad!" And so, I got a hold of the teenaged girl, told her everything and that they in the town should check out the GSCafe on the Net, and then send Craig packing! And she promised that she would, and then all of the sudden, my wife, the girl and I were down on the docks looking to buy some King Crab, and my Brother and Dad were busy driving back to Maryland in the boat. But they decided to drive the road system this time and not the Atlantic Ocean thank God! :blink:

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Wow, Jonny - that's crazier than my "Dreams of the Dashboard Jesus." Of course you realize you'll now have to sit through the standard GSC de-briefing about your dream.

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Geeze Pete, Jonny,

Did you hire a screenwriter for your dreams?

All I ever get is an "I'm late for work", "I'm overdrawn at the bank", or the ocassional "I'm in public without my pants on" type of fare. You know, a minute or so and done.

Sheesh, your brain puts on quite the epic...

Edited by George Aar
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I dunno thats not that far out- I was more or less 'lost at sea in a tiny boat when I too found myself landing in the middle of nowhere and having that screaming banshee in my face...in real life.

I did enjoy the boat ride going directly from the Atlantic to British Columbia--that mustve been some storm!

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Wow, Jonny - that's crazier than my "Dreams of the Dashboard Jesus." Of course you realize you'll now have to sit through the standard GSC de-briefing about your dream.

Now, now T-Bone - what we do here is De-CONSTRUCT the dreams. We take it apart and put it back together differently.

Get ready for a wild ride Jonny!

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((smokin' a foot long doobie)) :spy:

"Ohhh WOW maaa-nn! That was some wild trip, dude! ... Especially with the boat turning into a station wagon part. ... Too bad it didn't turn into a VW micro-love-bus, on its way to Woodstock. ... Now THAT would've been really **groovy**!!"

((takes another hit from the doobie))


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Ya know, it was just so weird to have dreamed that, for it actually followed the same "thread" if you will, even though it shifted all over the place. Too funny that on the ocean, we found a river through the forest that became a road and the boat a car.

But the clarity of it when i woke up seemed so strange. Oh well, I draw no conclusions from it other than the fact that it's obvious how immersed in the Way Ministry I had been at one time. Nice to dream about my Dad and brother though...

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