Yeah, maybe they would like more youth in their employment ranks, but I do not think many people are breaking down the doors to apply there. :unsure:
Also, IMHO, I really think that just sooo many of the staff do not leave HQ, EVEN THOUGH THEY WANT TO, because they've become "institutionalized." Remember the movie "Shawshank Redemption" when Red (Morgan Freeman) explained why the one old convict went crazy when they were trying to release him? He had spent the vast majority of his life in prison, and while inside was an important man. Imagine some of those old farts who run departments and such leaving there to become nobody?
So, no matter how unhappy they are, and how much they b*tch and moan, they stay there because they are institutionalized. Kind of reminds me of "Alex" the lion on Madagascar. While he was in the zoo, he was safe, fed....yet still captive. He hated being released into "the wild" (aka the real world) and having to hunt (aka - get a real job, cook your own meals, make your own way, etc.) - it terrified Alex. They'll deny it, but I've talked personally to many who privately admitted it to me. Bondage - afraid God won't meet their needs outside of twi. Just like a zoo animal.
...Of course many of the old farts still there could simply put in for their retirement and live comfortably on their twi pension...whats that you say? There is no twi pension?
Hmmm...that does present a problem, doesn't it?
I guess the bod could just kick them to the curb and replace them with the youthful glassyeyed ones...
...but how would that make them look? I mean, 30 years of service and then "hit the road jack"?
You would think they'd at least have a "Fountain of living waters pocket watch" coming.
Yeah, maybe they would like more youth in their employment ranks, but I do not think many people are breaking down the doors to apply there. :unsure:
Also, IMHO, I really think that just sooo many of the staff do not leave HQ, EVEN THOUGH THEY WANT TO, because they've become "institutionalized."
Sounds about right......and probably one of the reasons why, for years, twi wanted to promote a five-year stint on staff assignments. Problem was.....the department coordinators found their little power corner of the world and did not want to leave! Maybe they were taking notes from Emogene's setup (ie the bookstore empire) and saw how she cornered here access to power. "Power".........what a joke. :)
Now, it seems, twi is inundated with an aging problem. So many staffers are the old goats of days gone by......... far removed from the over-run of youth in the early 70s.
Whether its an institutionalized problem, or a cushy-powertrip problem........the place reeks of crusty, stale religion and that just ain't gonna fly with today's youth.
Just my opinion.
...Of course many of the old farts still there could simply put in for their retirement and live comfortably on their twi pension...whats that you say? There is no twi pension?
Hmmm...that does present a problem, doesn't it?
Guess the old farts are gonna have to keep working at hq into their eighties.
(Shivers)........What a sight to behold.
Becoming more like an assisted living setup......year after year.
We had the 'privilege' to be in THE FELLOWSHIP that ol Loy secretary was 'sent' to, after being replaced.
Bless her heart... this woman was dysfunctional to say the least. Not sure of her duration at HQ, but she hadn't been active in 'the world' for quite a 'few years' to say the least.
It was her understanding, that when she mentioned 'a need' to someone in the fellowship, that it should 'BE TAKEN CARE OF WITHIN 24 HOURS'.
My husband was yelled at for NOT GETTING BACK WITH HER RIGHT AWAY, AND TAKING CARE OF SOMETHING in her apartment...It didn't matter that he worked 10 hours a day, in the heat, at his regular job, He SHOULD HAVE MADE HER JOB the priority... since of course she was IN THE HOUSEHOLD!
She was mean and bitter...NO CLUE as how to deal with REAL PEOPLE in the REAL WORLD... the hardness she exhibited was classic WAY mentality...
My husband wanted to scream right back at her. He had NO DESIRE to do something for someone that DEMANDED ACTION... as if he were some slave~
It was explained to us how we were to have MORE COMPASSION for her, since she didn't know how to act.
HQ sounds like one of those "active senior citizens assisted living" communities.
I can see why they wouldn't want to leave after not being in "the world."
I remember that's why I liked being in residence when I was in the Corps training.
I THANK GOD now that I never went to HQ, though I requested it.
I can't imagine being there for 30 years.
It just seems that with fewer and fewer people in TWI, there would be less reason for people to be at HQ other than just to be there. Kind of like a kibbutz.
Kibbutz- a group home, community, cooperative, collective farm.
Well, no matter how many people are 'in' throughout the US & such... there would STILL be work to do on those big buildings, grounds, accounting, dusting, toilet polishing, vacuuming, window cleaning, tree trimming, weed pulling, dredging, bills to pay, a few phones to answer, food to buy, prepare, cook & serve, laundry, Internet policing, and then some productions to do for the weekly word fest... now somebody's got to do all that work at a great price
how frikkin sad and weird. did she think she was at that orphanage in Bristol England or wherever
Apparently, 'things were done' at HQ for the most part, within 24 hours... for her, anyway. There was a slight reality adjustment for her, which seemed uncomfortable and painful.
People 'on the field' had jobs and families to care for. Things weren't done as a 'group'... we had our personal lives to take care of. No 'meals' to walk over & join... we shopped, prepared, served & cleaned up after all by ourselves. Besides all the other things for our familes, homes, cars, jobs...
I'm sure after time she adjusted, but it shows how unprepared that commune type of life renders people.
I know someone who is still there...although I haven't had contact with her in years. She is there because....she was raised there and that's all she knows.....her parents were a big part of the "beginning years." She was sent out on the field "once" and couldn't hack it and was brought back after 2 months. Kids that are raised "there" I think are in a different relm of insecurity. This person was. The only "life" she knew was there...and that's all she knows now even though she is probably 50. She has no where to go, knows nothing about life except what they taught. I feel sorry for her.
Hey Skyrider. How are you? Love to the family. Hey, is it possible for one to physically die of boredom?
Some young people and teens I know would possibly do so if they went there on staff.
Maybe they need to move TWI to here in Florida where lots of seniors reside. At least they could stroll along the beach and watch the sunset and take naps.....and
I'm falling asleep just thinking about it........ I gotta go to's 8pm
i do believe it's possible to die of boredom. just go to corps night on romans where it takes you a year to get through the first verse or was that first word..... i've blocked it to save myself
Oh, God, I remember that. I, too, have repressed that memory. But my foot still hurts from all the sitting. Where were IPODS and text messaging when we really needed them?
She was mean and bitter...NO CLUE as how to deal with REAL PEOPLE in the REAL WORLD... the hardness she exhibited was classic WAY mentality...
My husband wanted to scream right back at her. He had NO DESIRE to do something for someone that DEMANDED ACTION... as if he were some slave~
It was explained to us how we were to have MORE COMPASSION for her, since she didn't know how to act.
Yeah....classic WAY mentality by staffers who've grown accustomed to demented doctrines.
It seems to take SEVERAL YEARS for these staffers to de-waybrain.......and get a clue about reality. But there really is an adjustment period where "mean and bitter" surface quite regularly.
Hey, is it possible for one to physically die of boredom?
Some young people and teens I know would possibly do so if they went there on staff.
Good to see you.
Those hq staffers seem to be in a trance-like state of existence. The buzz words of sanctified, prevailing, dr. wierwille, household, stand on the word, are triggers to their detriment. I seriously doubt that some of them will ever recover from this weirwillian world.
And, doncha know......some like Dorothy Owens and Rhoda are the proto-types of "serving well." With that in mind, I think that many will follow the staff mentality into their 80s.
And, doncha know......some like Dorothy Owens and Rhoda are the proto-types of "serving well." With that in mind, I think that many will follow the staff mentality into their 80s.
The greatest earthly reward they can hope for from TWI is to be praised for their Faithful Stand, Lifetime of Servitude... er ... Subserviance... no ... Service ...(thats it!)" at their funeral or "retirement"
What memories you dredge up Excath and Igotout. Yes, a whole year on Romans 1:1 (it seemed like) - talk about boredom. Could you imagine how different it would have been had we had text messaging? It would have been a riot, random giggles breaking out here and there. I imagine they would have been banned.
Hey, I usually caught up on my sleep on Corps night! 'Course, my seat was next to a wonderful man who decided it was his duty to jab me with his elbows.
He later married my best friend. When I visted with them and their two wonderful children, we laughed about those days, and he had the good grace to apologize for interrupting my beauty sleep.
OMG - you actually had "Her" (jenuflect when you say the name of P** S**ND**S)! She always acted as if she was the 4th Trustee!!!! She was mean and bitter to the people who were helping to pack her up. B*ll Gr**ne had to remind her that, in his words, "she was fired" and not just being reassigned.
Everyone near her had to walk on egg shells, for the most part. There were "the rules" for everyone, and then the rules for PS. All staff members not on shift work, (but even Safety officers who worked until midnight the night before), were REQUIRED to be at lunch. EVERYONE meant EVERYONE, except...
you know who. Guess you all didn't know the rules in your area, eh?
Personally, I got along...from a distance. Polar bears and alligators don't bite if you keep your distance.
Yes, you're right Patriot, we were living in the chosen place, in THE very chosen Household Fellowship.
I remember being so excited... visions of a loving, strong, seasoned woman coming to help our ever so young and wise new corps grad leader. Another person to learn and share with
Yet, as the arrival drew near, words were being spoken of the coming blessed one, and my vision began to dim...
The unloading experience was similar to the loading one, from what you just said. We were shocked!
My mini hope was shattered, and I was left bewildered. What in the world?!?!?! How could a person that lived that many years in 'the heat of it all', so close to all that spiritual wonder, be so downright MEAN?
It was clear her adjustment was painful, and I did feel bad for her. She was physically sick too. There were times I wanted to fight back, and ONCE I did... but only once... I got bit HARD... really hard... the Limb Coordinators wife HAD to get involved
But, because of PS, we began to QUESTION TWI, and what was going on there... so, that was good :)
Isn't it amazing that PS could go to a new area and run people's lives, yet she wasn't good enough to be on Staff or the MOGs secretary anymore? Things like that make me go hmmmmmm. What was wrong with the picture I just wasn't seeing? These kind of scenarios were ones that happened time after time after time after time. I know we didn't want to think evil of people, especially those in the household.
These kind of scenarios were ones that happened time after time after time after time. I know we didn't want to think evil of people, especially those in the household.
What I find interesting, is what PS got away with, the COMMONER within the walls of TWI, , would NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED to do or even THINK!
There is NO WAY. I'd seen, IN THIS VERY SAME FELLOWSHIP, a young mother get an a** CHEWING that would have made most anyone cringe. The reason? She picked out a different place to set up the FOOD during a HOUSEHOLD PICNIC at the LOCAL PARK.
This woman even stood up for herself, letting the coordinator know, the other place was really far away from the PLAY EQUIPMENT, and it would be nice for her VERY YOUNG DAUGHERS (and my children) to be able to play, so we could fellowship AND watch them.
This is what happened~ She was reamed IMMEDIATLY, on the spot at the park, a few days later there was a MEETING TO CONFRONT HER, since she was so DISOBEDIENT & all. Being the quick witted woman/mother that she was, she would usually be voicing her OPINION....She was put on PROBATION, HUMILIATED...DISGUSED OPENLY....
It was horrible! INSANE! The coordinator.. that young, new corps grad thought HER ATHORITY WAS BEING THREATENED... AND THE PEOPLE SHE WAS TO TAKE CARE OF MUST OBEY HER!!!
Unfortunately, there were many situations just like this that happened in that fellowship... PS was NO HELP AT ALL!
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Hey Sky,
Yeah, maybe they would like more youth in their employment ranks, but I do not think many people are breaking down the doors to apply there. :unsure:
Also, IMHO, I really think that just sooo many of the staff do not leave HQ, EVEN THOUGH THEY WANT TO, because they've become "institutionalized." Remember the movie "Shawshank Redemption" when Red (Morgan Freeman) explained why the one old convict went crazy when they were trying to release him? He had spent the vast majority of his life in prison, and while inside was an important man. Imagine some of those old farts who run departments and such leaving there to become nobody?
So, no matter how unhappy they are, and how much they b*tch and moan, they stay there because they are institutionalized. Kind of reminds me of "Alex" the lion on Madagascar. While he was in the zoo, he was safe, fed....yet still captive. He hated being released into "the wild" (aka the real world) and having to hunt (aka - get a real job, cook your own meals, make your own way, etc.) - it terrified Alex. They'll deny it, but I've talked personally to many who privately admitted it to me. Bondage - afraid God won't meet their needs outside of twi. Just like a zoo animal.
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...Of course many of the old farts still there could simply put in for their retirement and live comfortably on their twi pension...whats that you say? There is no twi pension?
Hmmm...that does present a problem, doesn't it?
I guess the bod could just kick them to the curb and replace them with the youthful glassyeyed ones...
...but how would that make them look? I mean, 30 years of service and then "hit the road jack"?
You would think they'd at least have a "Fountain of living waters pocket watch" coming.
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Like what they did to Mrs. W.???
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Sounds about right......and probably one of the reasons why, for years, twi wanted to promote a five-year stint on staff assignments. Problem was.....the department coordinators found their little power corner of the world and did not want to leave! Maybe they were taking notes from Emogene's setup (ie the bookstore empire) and saw how she cornered here access to power. "Power".........what a joke. :)
Now, it seems, twi is inundated with an aging problem. So many staffers are the old goats of days gone by......... far removed from the over-run of youth in the early 70s.
Whether its an institutionalized problem, or a cushy-powertrip problem........the place reeks of crusty, stale religion and that just ain't gonna fly with today's youth.
Just my opinion.
Guess the old farts are gonna have to keep working at hq into their eighties.
(Shivers)........What a sight to behold.
Becoming more like an assisted living setup......year after year.
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...and when they finally die, they will probably be denounced for not believing to live.
How old is Rosie now anyway?...she looks like shes older than E.W. Bullinger. I wonder if Donna puts a bag over her head?
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We had the 'privilege' to be in THE FELLOWSHIP that ol Loy secretary was 'sent' to, after being replaced.
Bless her heart... this woman was dysfunctional to say the least. Not sure of her duration at HQ, but she hadn't been active in 'the world' for quite a 'few years' to say the least.
It was her understanding, that when she mentioned 'a need' to someone in the fellowship, that it should 'BE TAKEN CARE OF WITHIN 24 HOURS'.
My husband was yelled at for NOT GETTING BACK WITH HER RIGHT AWAY, AND TAKING CARE OF SOMETHING in her apartment...It didn't matter that he worked 10 hours a day, in the heat, at his regular job, He SHOULD HAVE MADE HER JOB the priority... since of course she was IN THE HOUSEHOLD!
She was mean and bitter...NO CLUE as how to deal with REAL PEOPLE in the REAL WORLD... the hardness she exhibited was classic WAY mentality...
My husband wanted to scream right back at her. He had NO DESIRE to do something for someone that DEMANDED ACTION... as if he were some slave~
It was explained to us how we were to have MORE COMPASSION for her, since she didn't know how to act.
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The preceeding posts are ALL very interesting.
I was going to quote from them, but I found I would have just quoted them all....
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HQ sounds like one of those "active senior citizens assisted living" communities.
I can see why they wouldn't want to leave after not being in "the world."
I remember that's why I liked being in residence when I was in the Corps training.
I THANK GOD now that I never went to HQ, though I requested it.
I can't imagine being there for 30 years.
It just seems that with fewer and fewer people in TWI, there would be less reason for people to be at HQ other than just to be there. Kind of like a kibbutz.
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Okay, you got me there OutAndAbout~
Had to look up this word:
Kibbutz- a group home, community, cooperative, collective farm.
Well, no matter how many people are 'in' throughout the US & such... there would STILL be work to do on those big buildings, grounds, accounting, dusting, toilet polishing, vacuuming, window cleaning, tree trimming, weed pulling, dredging, bills to pay, a few phones to answer, food to buy, prepare, cook & serve, laundry, Internet policing, and then some productions to do for the weekly word fest... now somebody's got to do all that work at a great price
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Apparently, 'things were done' at HQ for the most part, within 24 hours... for her, anyway. There was a slight reality adjustment for her, which seemed uncomfortable and painful.
People 'on the field' had jobs and families to care for. Things weren't done as a 'group'... we had our personal lives to take care of. No 'meals' to walk over & join... we shopped, prepared, served & cleaned up after all by ourselves. Besides all the other things for our familes, homes, cars, jobs...
I'm sure after time she adjusted, but it shows how unprepared that commune type of life renders people.
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I know someone who is still there...although I haven't had contact with her in years. She is there because....she was raised there and that's all she knows.....her parents were a big part of the "beginning years." She was sent out on the field "once" and couldn't hack it and was brought back after 2 months. Kids that are raised "there" I think are in a different relm of insecurity. This person was. The only "life" she knew was there...and that's all she knows now even though she is probably 50. She has no where to go, knows nothing about life except what they taught. I feel sorry for her.
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Hey Skyrider. How are you? Love to the family. Hey, is it possible for one to physically die of boredom?

Some young people and teens I know would possibly do so if they went there on staff.
Maybe they need to move TWI to here in Florida where lots of seniors reside. At least they could stroll along the beach and watch the sunset and take naps.....and
I'm falling asleep just thinking about it........ I gotta go to's 8pm
President Roslie in her earlier years.

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i do believe it's possible to die of boredom. just go to corps night on romans where it takes you a year to get through the first verse or was that first word..... i've blocked it to save myself
my that spring chicken is lovely
maybe it's a turkey
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Hi there Excathedra. How's our little gamer?
Oh, God, I remember that. I, too, have repressed that memory. But my foot still hurts from all the sitting. Where were IPODS and text messaging when we really needed them?
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Yeah....classic WAY mentality by staffers who've grown accustomed to demented doctrines.
It seems to take SEVERAL YEARS for these staffers to de-waybrain.......and get a clue about reality. But there really is an adjustment period where "mean and bitter" surface quite regularly.
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Good to see you.
Those hq staffers seem to be in a trance-like state of existence. The buzz words of sanctified, prevailing, dr. wierwille, household, stand on the word, are triggers to their detriment. I seriously doubt that some of them will ever recover from this weirwillian world.
And, doncha know......some like Dorothy Owens and Rhoda are the proto-types of "serving well." With that in mind, I think that many will follow the staff mentality into their 80s.
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The greatest earthly reward they can hope for from TWI is to be praised for their Faithful Stand, Lifetime of Servitude... er ... Subserviance... no ... Service ...(thats it!)" at their funeral or "retirement"
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What memories you dredge up Excath and Igotout. Yes, a whole year on Romans 1:1 (it seemed like) - talk about boredom. Could you imagine how different it would have been had we had text messaging? It would have been a riot, random giggles breaking out here and there. I imagine they would have been banned.
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Hey, I usually caught up on my sleep on Corps night! 'Course, my seat was next to a wonderful man who decided it was his duty to jab me with his elbows.
He later married my best friend. When I visted with them and their two wonderful children, we laughed about those days, and he had the good grace to apologize for interrupting my beauty sleep.
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Hey Safari,
OMG - you actually had "Her" (jenuflect when you say the name of P** S**ND**S)! She always acted as if she was the 4th Trustee!!!! She was mean and bitter to the people who were helping to pack her up. B*ll Gr**ne had to remind her that, in his words, "she was fired" and not just being reassigned.
Everyone near her had to walk on egg shells, for the most part. There were "the rules" for everyone, and then the rules for PS. All staff members not on shift work, (but even Safety officers who worked until midnight the night before), were REQUIRED to be at lunch. EVERYONE meant EVERYONE, except...
you know who. Guess you all didn't know the rules in your area, eh?
Personally, I got along...from a distance. Polar bears and alligators don't bite if you keep your distance.
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Yes, you're right Patriot, we were living in the chosen place, in THE very chosen Household Fellowship.
I remember being so excited... visions of a loving, strong, seasoned woman coming to help our ever so young and wise new corps grad leader.
Another person to learn and share with 
Yet, as the arrival drew near, words were being spoken of the coming blessed one, and my vision began to dim...
The unloading experience was similar to the loading one, from what you just said. We were shocked!
My mini hope was shattered, and I was left bewildered. What in the world?!?!?! How could a person that lived that many years in 'the heat of it all', so close to all that spiritual wonder, be so downright MEAN?
It was clear her adjustment was painful, and I did feel bad for her. She was physically sick too. There were times I wanted to fight back, and ONCE I did... but only once... I got bit HARD... really hard... the Limb Coordinators wife HAD to get involved
But, because of PS, we began to QUESTION TWI, and what was going on there... so, that was good :)
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Isn't it amazing that PS could go to a new area and run people's lives, yet she wasn't good enough to be on Staff or the MOGs secretary anymore? Things like that make me go hmmmmmm. What was wrong with the picture I just wasn't seeing? These kind of scenarios were ones that happened time after time after time after time. I know we didn't want to think evil of people, especially those in the household.
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quote name='Wayfer Not' date='May 20 2006, 01:43 AM' post='241544']
These kind of scenarios were ones that happened time after time after time after time. I know we didn't want to think evil of people, especially those in the household.
What I find interesting, is what PS got away with, the COMMONER within the walls of TWI, , would NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED to do or even THINK!
There is NO WAY. I'd seen, IN THIS VERY SAME FELLOWSHIP, a young mother get an a** CHEWING that would have made most anyone cringe. The reason? She picked out a different place to set up the FOOD during a HOUSEHOLD PICNIC at the LOCAL PARK.
This woman even stood up for herself, letting the coordinator know, the other place was really far away from the PLAY EQUIPMENT, and it would be nice for her VERY YOUNG DAUGHERS (and my children) to be able to play, so we could fellowship AND watch them.
This is what happened~ She was reamed IMMEDIATLY, on the spot at the park, a few days later there was a MEETING TO CONFRONT HER, since she was so DISOBEDIENT & all. Being the quick witted woman/mother that she was, she would usually be voicing her OPINION....She was put on PROBATION, HUMILIATED...DISGUSED OPENLY....
It was horrible! INSANE! The coordinator.. that young, new corps grad thought HER ATHORITY WAS BEING THREATENED... AND THE PEOPLE SHE WAS TO TAKE CARE OF MUST OBEY HER!!!
Unfortunately, there were many situations just like this that happened in that fellowship... PS was NO HELP AT ALL!
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