There are PLENTY MORE... those songs just kept ROLLING OUT!
I did speak personally with the Choir Director... Ted? Short guy…... anyway, it was his job to think up these songs, or okay any lyrics presented to him... I don't know if he agreed with this, but I do know staff DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD!
Even the singing ladies... my WOW brother's wife is one, we visited in their trailer on grounds (shared by two families!)... she IS NOT ALLOWED TO WAVE OR ACKNOWLEDGE IN ANYWAY anyone personally while on stage. She would get FIRED!
TWI so wanted to be recognized as being PROFESSIONALS... Somewhere along the way, they LOST the HEART... This 'self-promoting' music showed this ever so CLEARLY!
Of course, in fairness, I should point out that I have little regard for most rock and roll, certainly rap (eee gawd), and of course Country Western is what they play in Hell 24/7, I'm quite sure...
It was my impression that the crotch grabbing, gyrating, F**king Rap was Hell's first choice... Country Whining songs maybe second...
Country Love songs would be forbidden there, I'm sure of it... and Toby Keith's "Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue" still gives me the chills
George, every time I hear James McMurtry's "Childish Things" I think of you (in a good way). He's more in the Americana catagory than country & western, but to clear the palate of all the horrible 90's twit lyrics, I'm going to type the lyrics to his song:
Childish Things
Aunt Clara kept her Bible right next to the phone in case she needed a quote while she talked to someone
In my memory she smiles while the blessing is said and visions of freeze tag dance in my head
She says I'll grow up big if I eat all my roast
I'll still believe in heaven but I won't believe in ghosts anymore
I'll put away childish things
Every other weekend at the age of thirteen with my fishing pole and my Field and Stream
Ridin' back home on the Trailways bus I looked out the window 'Til I saw too much
And I called my parents by their own first names
I played in the alley but I didn't play the game anymore
I put away childish things
chorus: The wolves howl all night long
They won't stop and they won't go home
Beneath my window they run
Probably it'll be alright
If I keep it all locked up tight and wait 'til daylight comes
Now my boy goes like a house on fire he'll never burn out and he'll never retire
And I remember when I used to think like that when I was young and the world was flat
But I'm forty some years old now and man I don't care all I want now just a comfortable chair
And to sell all my stock and live on the coast
I don't believe in heaven but i still believe in ghosts
Actually there won't be any music in hell, or art, or craft --all these things provide relief in some way from lifes trials there will be no relief there
As for the 90's songs--dear oh dear --that is really bad--they don't appear to have any rhythm at all and then there is the horrible contortions of the words themselves
If you go to TWI's web site and click on some of the STS clips they have, you'll see some of the highly pasturized music they're playing now a days in The Victor Paul Wierwille Vomitorium!
Oh, no argument from me, Geo. I have 2 types of music that are not my cuppa: country western (especially the old stuff) and opera (too much Wagner in college). Though I love bluegrass, and I'm more of a Bach/Vivaldi fan than Handel.
...she IS NOT ALLOWED TO WAVE OR ACKNOWLEDGE IN ANYWAY anyone personally while on stage. She would get FIRED!
One of the piano or organ guys was a pretty low key guy...never got the spotlight...kind of faded into the background...he played in some of the "bands"...but mainly did the background music while we were waiting for things to start...Nik Maxson maybe.
Anyway, at one Word in Business, a bunch of us decided that he needed to be appreciated, so every time he came out we stood, clapped, hooted and hollered, shouting his name like he was Mick Jagger or went on all weekend...he eventually started acknowledging it...and didn't get fired!
Perhaps to all of that attention, it was okayed for him to do 'something'... what did he do? Smile & nod? Wave?
The singing lady I'm referring to was the 'head girl' (for awhile anyway)... The LAW hadn't been in effect forever... started, I believe in the 90's... mid to late. The LAW about it all was MOST important during events that were video taped (that's when she'd see us in the audience~ our 'faithful' trip there once a month... we WERE in the 250 mile radius)
... anyway... THOSE HAD to be professional quality productions
which word in business was that?... thinking back... It seems I took part in some of that noise :)
Okay... how can they say they didn't have a NO DEBT policy, if they had a NO DEBT sing-along-the-way song??????? OMG!!! That one musta come down after I left.... geez.
As far as Way Productions, SafariVista is right... "stiff as a board professional" was the rule of the day from the late 80s on!! Of course, this started at HQ and it took time to eventually spread out to the campus locations and then to the field.
I performed repeatedly with a group at Emporia in the 80s, and it was a blast. I mean, they expected you to be professional and do your best, but some of the most moving moments I've ever experienced happened on the Kenyon stage.
Then I performed in various groupings on the HQ auditorium stage and you had to worry about being PERFECT the whole time. Craig himself would watch rehearsals and critique (yell, spit, debase) everyone on stage. There was far more concern about getting everything RIGHT, than putting any heart and soul into the performance. -- ask any musician, you can get all the notes right and still put on a horrible performance because there is no fire, no emotion --- People that I knew in previous years, who were really great folks, later became stiff and plastic, on stage and off... clearly afraid to express anything unique or genuinely artistic for fear of being "confronted".
By that time, lcm was demanding that way prod write songs based on his key doctrines and teachings. Anything else that was written was pretty much dismissed as being "egotistical" and "off". I know of some great spiritually moving music that was produced on the field, and the performers were completely trashed by the leadership because they did it on their own, without official twi sanction.
Ted (choir director) was an okay guy, just no backbone... he got sucked into the whole corporate-twi mentality... I once asked him for a favor (music-wise) one friend to another, and received a terse letter in reply instructing me to make the request through the proper twi channels.
Nick Maxson (the organ guy) appears to be a nice guy on the surface but has been a twi sellout as long as I've known him (1983)... trading genuine concern for people for pushing the corporate line. Kudos to his organ-playing... that's quite a skill... but to me he is a candy shell filled with twi crap.
Jeffrey (the piano guy) was one of the nicest men I've ever met, in or out of twi. (I hope he hasn't changed!!) Just very kind and genuine: he and his wife and kids... good people!! It kills me that folks like him are still sucked in by twi.
The Singing Ladies, Mike Martin, etc. -- mostly these folks are examples of people who had great heart and talent, who have been squashed and molded into little performing twi-bots. Boring music, boring performances, rude on and off stage because they are "busy, important people" don't you know...
For anyone who hasn't seen way prod in awhile, doesn't have some of the performances streamed on their site?
ah, yes, highway, i remember being repeatedly "corrected" for getting into it too much while performing. a**holes. you would get made fun of for getting wrapped up in the "craft." morons. silly me, i thought we were SUPPOSED TO give 110%!
thank god i never got the hang of the "professional" way--what fun would that have been?
back on the original topic--i also remember some GREAT music, even into the 80s. it just wasn't coming out of HQ. hmmm....
just watched a few minutes of some of the "music" on their site--OH MY GOD! it's just like all that saccarine CRAP you see on christian TV! maybe worse. i'd rather be yelled at by craiggy any day than have to sit through that. OUCH!
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Yep... it's TRUE GOEY!!!!
There are PLENTY MORE... those songs just kept ROLLING OUT!
I did speak personally with the Choir Director... Ted? Short guy…... anyway, it was his job to think up these songs, or okay any lyrics presented to him... I don't know if he agreed with this, but I do know staff DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD!
Even the singing ladies... my WOW brother's wife is one, we visited in their trailer on grounds (shared by two families!)... she IS NOT ALLOWED TO WAVE OR ACKNOWLEDGE IN ANYWAY anyone personally while on stage. She would get FIRED!
TWI so wanted to be recognized as being PROFESSIONALS... Somewhere along the way, they LOST the HEART... This 'self-promoting' music showed this ever so CLEARLY!
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It was my impression that the crotch grabbing, gyrating, F**king Rap was Hell's first choice... Country Whining songs maybe second...
Country Love songs would be forbidden there, I'm sure of it... and Toby Keith's "Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue" still gives me the chills
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George, every time I hear James McMurtry's "Childish Things" I think of you (in a good way). He's more in the Americana catagory than country & western, but to clear the palate of all the horrible 90's twit lyrics, I'm going to type the lyrics to his song:
Childish Things
Aunt Clara kept her Bible right next to the phone in case she needed a quote while she talked to someone
In my memory she smiles while the blessing is said and visions of freeze tag dance in my head
She says I'll grow up big if I eat all my roast
I'll still believe in heaven but I won't believe in ghosts anymore
I'll put away childish things
Every other weekend at the age of thirteen with my fishing pole and my Field and Stream
Ridin' back home on the Trailways bus I looked out the window 'Til I saw too much
And I called my parents by their own first names
I played in the alley but I didn't play the game anymore
I put away childish things
chorus: The wolves howl all night long
They won't stop and they won't go home
Beneath my window they run
Probably it'll be alright
If I keep it all locked up tight and wait 'til daylight comes
Now my boy goes like a house on fire he'll never burn out and he'll never retire
And I remember when I used to think like that when I was young and the world was flat
But I'm forty some years old now and man I don't care all I want now just a comfortable chair
And to sell all my stock and live on the coast
I don't believe in heaven but i still believe in ghosts
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Them be fighten words there George!
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Valiant for the Truth (Michael Martin)
Bliss, do you have the woods for that one?
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Actually there won't be any music in hell, or art, or craft --all these things provide relief in some way from lifes trials there will be no relief there
As for the 90's songs--dear oh dear --that is really bad--they don't appear to have any rhythm at all and then there is the horrible contortions of the words themselves
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Here are a few excerpts:
He made himself obedient
His life he freely gave
God raised him up to his own rite hand
And there he was to stay
We confess the lord with our mouths
And believe that he was raised
We now are whole and speek the word
So others can be saved
We do the works of Jesus Christ
As bowld ambassadors
God’s written verd is our gide
For keeping him our lowrd
He is our lowrd
Our mighty lowrd
Through him we are super-conquerors
We show the greatness of God’s power
As we believe his word
Completely, completely, complete in Christ
We have this treasure within
Now we destroy the devil’s works
As we walk boldly in him
Seated in the heavenlies
Above the world we live
We have his lowrdship and like a follower
We love and serve and give
God has authored his wonderful verd
Giving us answers to life
The way to walk is clearly marked to keep us living right
Nothing can bless the soul of the man more than carrying out the truth
Faithfully we live the word and keep our minds renewed
This is the way we have chosen
This is the road we will take
We will live by believing
For there is no other way
Walk in the path that’s straight and plain
Living for him day by day
This is the hour
Now is the time
This is the way
Every time our thinking is right
We go from strength to strength
There is no gray
Just black or white
His promises are what we claim
Growing in gawd with discipline
Continues to make us whole
Moving ahead with prevailing power
Is a joy to any soul
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I have them... but they're hidden in a box
If nobody else can find them... just for you, I'll open that box
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Most of the songs posted in the end of this thread are Way Productions songs. They aren't actually songs which were sang at fellowship.
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If you go to TWI's web site and click on some of the STS clips they have, you'll see some of the highly pasturized music they're playing now a days in The Victor Paul Wierwille Vomitorium!
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yes, I have the words to that song.......................funny, that used to be one of my favorites.
Maybe tomorrow if you'all can stand it???
..........we stake our lives upon the truth of God's pure word
expending ourselves fully to reach out and make it heard
........ahhh heck, I'll get it out later..................
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Fur dich LikeAnEagle~
We are Valient for da Truth
Glorifying Gawd in all ve do
We're not of the number that refuse to know Gawd
Ve are valiant for da Truth
Some make their dwellings in the midst of desheets
Vearying demselvs to commit antiquity
They bend their tongues like bows to shoot forth their lies
There is no fear of Gawd before their eyes
Their mouths are full of cursing, full of bitterness
Hearts filled mit envy and with all unrighteousness
They change da Truth of Gawd into a lie
But ve are not like them, ve proudly hold truth high
Ve are Valiant for da Truth
Glorifying Gawd in all ve do
Ve're not of the number who refuse to know Gawd
Ve are valiant for da Truth
Ve stake our lives upon the Truth of Gawd's pure Vord
Expending ourselves fully to reach unt and make it heard
Ve keep our hearts prepared to seek da Lord
Living the Present Truth in vun Accord
Our hearts are full of Lub and full of Tenderness
Minds filled with thoughts pornfessing only gawdliness
Speaking da Truth in Lub ve grow dairby
Ve are Valiant for da Truth
Magnifying Gawd in all ve do
Ve are of the number who rejoice to know Gawd
Ve are valiant for da Truth
Ve are Valiant for da Truth
Sounding out the Vord in all ve do
Ve are of the number who rejoice to know Gawd
Ve are valiant for da Truth
Ve are valiant, ve are valient for the Truth
Called out disciples and ve're Prevailing mit der Vord
Ve are valient, ve are valient for da Truth
(Ja, Ich verstehe, mein Lieber, Das it schade!
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there was a lot of crappy music but i remember one that i liked
the fireside song
anyone else remember it?
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OMG, Safarivista!!!!!
I was laughing so hard as I read your version..
THanks for digging it up and taking the time to tweak it for our viewing pleasure :)
I use to dance around the house to this one.. DER YIKES
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Gee, and I thought Way productions going country in the 80's was bad !
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George, no one else is sticking up for you but I will
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Oh, no argument from me, Geo. I have 2 types of music that are not my cuppa: country western (especially the old stuff) and opera (too much Wagner in college). Though I love bluegrass, and I'm more of a Bach/Vivaldi fan than Handel.
Yes, TWI going country in the 80s, arrghh!
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Anyway, at one Word in Business, a bunch of us decided that he needed to be appreciated, so every time he came out we stood, clapped, hooted and hollered, shouting his name like he was Mick Jagger or went on all weekend...he eventually started acknowledging it...and didn't get fired!
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Cool OakSpear :)
I know this man you speak of ;)
Perhaps to all of that attention, it was okayed for him to do 'something'... what did he do? Smile & nod? Wave?
The singing lady I'm referring to was the 'head girl' (for awhile anyway)... The LAW hadn't been in effect forever... started, I believe in the 90's... mid to late. The LAW about it all was MOST important during events that were video taped (that's when she'd see us in the audience~ our 'faithful' trip there once a month... we WERE in the 250 mile radius)
... anyway... THOSE HAD to be professional quality productions
which word in business was that?... thinking back... It seems I took part in some of that noise :)
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Cool-I think I remember part of the Fireside Song.......
Sittin' in a armchair
Reading the Word
I found pleasure there
So I'll stay
Peace in my heart
Never known before
da da da da da
da da da
As we search the scriptures
From day to day
da da da da da
The only way
We know possible
Sittin' by the fireside
Sharing the Word
da da da da da
da da da
As we search the scriptures
From day to day
da da da da da
The only way
We know possible
Sorry-only parts of it are creeping in my head....if you can fill in the blanks or rearrange the words the way they are supposed to be...let me know.
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Okay... how can they say they didn't have a NO DEBT policy, if they had a NO DEBT sing-along-the-way song??????? OMG!!!
That one musta come down after I left.... geez.
As far as Way Productions, SafariVista is right... "stiff as a board professional" was the rule of the day from the late 80s on!! Of course, this started at HQ and it took time to eventually spread out to the campus locations and then to the field.
I performed repeatedly with a group at Emporia in the 80s, and it was a blast. I mean, they expected you to be professional and do your best, but some of the most moving moments I've ever experienced happened on the Kenyon stage.
Then I performed in various groupings on the HQ auditorium stage and you had to worry about being PERFECT the whole time. Craig himself would watch rehearsals and critique (yell, spit, debase) everyone on stage. There was far more concern about getting everything RIGHT, than putting any heart and soul into the performance. -- ask any musician, you can get all the notes right and still put on a horrible performance because there is no fire, no emotion --- People that I knew in previous years, who were really great folks, later became stiff and plastic, on stage and off... clearly afraid to express anything unique or genuinely artistic for fear of being "confronted".
By that time, lcm was demanding that way prod write songs based on his key doctrines and teachings. Anything else that was written was pretty much dismissed as being "egotistical" and "off". I know of some great spiritually moving music that was produced on the field, and the performers were completely trashed by the leadership because they did it on their own, without official twi sanction.
Ted (choir director) was an okay guy, just no backbone... he got sucked into the whole corporate-twi mentality... I once asked him for a favor (music-wise) one friend to another, and received a terse letter in reply instructing me to make the request through the proper twi channels.
Nick Maxson (the organ guy) appears to be a nice guy on the surface but has been a twi sellout as long as I've known him (1983)... trading genuine concern for people for pushing the corporate line. Kudos to his organ-playing... that's quite a skill... but to me he is a candy shell filled with twi crap.
Jeffrey (the piano guy) was one of the nicest men I've ever met, in or out of twi. (I hope he hasn't changed!!) Just very kind and genuine: he and his wife and kids... good people!! It kills me that folks like him are still sucked in by twi.
The Singing Ladies, Mike Martin, etc. -- mostly these folks are examples of people who had great heart and talent, who have been squashed and molded into little performing twi-bots. Boring music, boring performances, rude on and off stage because they are "busy, important people" don't you know...
For anyone who hasn't seen way prod in awhile, doesn't have some of the performances streamed on their site?
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sprawled out
ah, yes, highway, i remember being repeatedly "corrected" for getting into it too much while performing. a**holes. you would get made fun of for getting wrapped up in the "craft." morons. silly me, i thought we were SUPPOSED TO give 110%!
thank god i never got the hang of the "professional" way--what fun would that have been?
back on the original topic--i also remember some GREAT music, even into the 80s. it just wasn't coming out of HQ. hmmm....
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sprawled out
just watched a few minutes of some of the "music" on their site--OH MY GOD! it's just like all that saccarine CRAP you see on christian TV! maybe worse. i'd rather be yelled at by craiggy any day than have to sit through that. OUCH!
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