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What's New in New Knoxville???


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Well sure...I can understand that. Those in "God's household" need to be educated that having sex with animals is wrong :nono5: ...otherwise, how would they ever know?

I mean...c'mon you guys...really!

My only question is...

...Is Rosie exempt from this rule also?.... :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

...All the German Shepards in the kingdom belong to the queen?

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Oh yes the ever-syrupy new family class. Adultery being wrong was mentioned about the same time as the bestiality point. I kind of figured they threw in the bestiality part to make us forget they actually said adultery was wrong or at least to downplay it some.

:unsure: So, penguins are safe at twig-no threat of s*x huh?

Oh and another exciting fun fact at new knoxville--their vey disciples should have finished their 6 month stint by now--I think there was a whopping 30 of them that got sent out in the fall. (many of them were required to as prerequisite to going in rez to the corpse) Woo hoo thats prevailing!

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  George Aar said:
"Apparently the new family class the Coulters are teaching spends some time explaining that bestiality is wrong."

Geeze, does this mean that all the single folks who are still PFAL fans will be taking a vow of celibacy?

This IS really groundbreaking stuff, huh?

Why do you think I got married! :dance:

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i would love to know how a sweet new knoxviller is doing. she posted on the prayer forum

nk native i think

i miss her and think about her

if this lovely person has been covered in this thread, i apologize

just tell me to go back and read

and if you're reading..... HUGS HUGS HUGS

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  skyrider said:

Many have come to GS and told us that twi reads their sunday script each week......which has to be pre-approved by the board of directors weeks in advance. The consensus is that these "teachings" are booooring...... :sleep1::sleep1:


the current pattern is that everyone's expected to be on the phone hookup

to hear the Sunday night service, (at a meeting, dressed up,)

aka "tapped to the Root",

where the pre-approved script is read.

The same exact teaching is then received by the same person on the

tape subscription-which they are required to have,


one night a week, someone's supposed to teach on that EXACT

same subject afterwards.

They're breeding them with short attention spans at der way nowadays...

  Belle said:
They are still training at Gunnison, but the last WC class had like a whopping FIVE graduates or something like that. It's in the archives.....sorry....I can't remember right now.

TWI does not provide numbers - not on that and not on the WD program either. They won't even advertise how many classes, much less how many students they have running at any given time.

I checked the threads for that yesterday to confirm my own memory.

In 2004-the last time they announced #s of graduates-there were FIVE TOTAL.

They have switched to announcing them in PERCENTAGES since then.

(For example, "20% of them will remain on staff" means "one person added to staff".)

  outofdafog said:
"Apparently the new family class the Coulters are teaching spends some time explaining that bestiality is wrong."

Is this a major problem that they have to spend time explaining it in a class? :asdf:


considering that vpw showed a bestiality video to some of the CFS classes

and corps,

and described it to the taped CFS and taped Advanced class,

and seemed to enjoy describing it

(I was busy trying not to even THINK about what he was saying),

this qualifies, technically, as "moving away from what vpw taught."

I guess you 90s/00s ex-wayfers missed part of the show...

Edited by WordWolf
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From WordWolf ~~~

I checked the threads for that yesterday to confirm my own memory.

In 2004-the last time they announced #s of graduates-there were FIVE TOTAL.

They have switched to announcing them in PERCENTAGES since then.

(For example, "20% of them will remain on staff" means "one person added to staff"

Gotta luv it. Shucks -- back in '78, 20 wow's were sent here to Duluth alone.

We must've been *prevailing*, and not even known it.

Sure beats the numbers they are putting out now, eh?

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Yeah, that family class I took right before I got out about 6 months ago. It was definitely the most BORING class I've EVER taken. Ever. Easily. The Coulters have the stage presence of... the curtains that cover the stage. The whole time, I thought I was watching animatronic robots in a Disneyland ride gone horribly wrong. I was kind of shocked at how boring it was.

"Dad, where can I touch a girl?"

"Anywhere that's not covered by a soccer uniform."

Yeah, that's a good rule of thumb.

"Dad, can I take OFF her soccer uniform?"

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My goodness...Even after the "great purge" of the 80's and 90's...when their numbers had been reduced to a mere fraction of what it once was...with only a handful of followers left...after all those that had the courage to disagree left or were fired...

...even after they have "circled the wagons" with a small number of faithful follwers...they are STILL in a mess?

At this point, I would imagine that if there was only the bod left, they would still be in a "mess"...

Well...at least they still have all that money.

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I'm sorry, but I HAVE to get this out of my system....

  GrouchoMarxJr said:
My goodness...Even after the "great purge" of the 80's and 90's...when their numbers had been reduced to a mere fraction of what it once was...with only a handful of followers left...after all those that had the courage to disagree left or were fired...

...even after they have "circled the wagons" with a small number of faithful followers...they are STILL in a mess?

At this point, I would imagine that if there was only the bod left, they would still be in a "mess"...

Well...at least they still have all that money.

I was going to question whether or not they currently HAVE enough people to

circle the wagons, but it hit me....

How many people does it take to circle ONE WAGON?

Thank you all and have a nice day!


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  skyrider said:

Many have come to GS and told us that twi reads their sunday script each week......which has to be pre-approved by the board of directors weeks in advance. The consensus is that these "teachings" are booooring...... :sleep1::sleep1:

The new foundational class in March has not generated even a fizzle of excitement. Seems that mum is the order of the day. No one seems to want to share anything.....except that its a mix of veepee's stuff and craig's wap class.

Not too much else at this time.

When I read this, I thought this was an old post from 2003 or something. But then I saw the date.

Inside information I gleaned from someone talking to a teacher for SNS twice in recent years, indicates a much different approach. Whereas previous teaching was constrained, the person teaching was encouraged, much more recently, to basically cut-loose with what they were really inspired to teach.

I know the person whom the information came from and the teacher, very well; so I'm taking it as reliable since no other mouths brought it to me.

That's not to say the TWI is on the high road to success, but I'd toss any notion of read scripts out the window...

...unless someone did an administrative change in the past few months.

Edited by M. D. Vaden
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Hi MD Vaden,

Was your "insider" at HQ, or a fellowship coordinator?

Because just last year, 2005, I know first hand that you had to rehearse your teaching in FRONT of the BOD, and it HAS TO BE APPROVED. They are not to stray too far from the "assigned topic". They were also very BORING. I've only been out a year, so I still keep in contact with many still in, most high rankers...

Now, if its in a fellowship setting, then, yes, they could be given carte blanche depending on the coordinator.

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I've listened to the last few sts and they were pretty good. I listen to them while I do things around the house etc. I had to actually stop what I was doing, sat down and cried my head off at the loving word that was God inspired.

I haven't had anything from TWI have that effect on me in many years. It was I needed to hear at the time on something I needed healing from. I realized that I had been condemning myself on something that was out of my genetic control.

These days I don't care where I hear the word from ......... as long as it feeds my spiritual needs I listen. I have many different outside (twi) sources that I study from. I've also fallen in love with a local book Christian book store.

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djs, do you have the teaching where someone taught on forgiveness?

At a recent STS at TWI, a teacher supposedly (and I don't know who) stood at the auditorium podium and taught about forgiveness and said they all should apologize for how some of US who have left the ministry have been treated by THEM. Supposedly this person brought everyone in the auditorium to tears with his teaching. This resulted in an "innie" family member contacting an "outie" family member and relating the whys and wherefores of his unusual warmup after being previously so cold.

Could you tell us if this happened, who it was and when it was? I'd be very interested in hearing it or reading a transcript of it.


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  M. D. Vaden said:
When I read this, I thought this was an old post from 2003 or something. But then I saw the date.

Inside information I gleaned from someone talking to a teacher for SNS twice in recent years, indicates a much different approach. Whereas previous teaching was constrained, the person teaching was encouraged, much more recently, to basically cut-loose with what they were really inspired to teach.

I know the person whom the information came from and the teacher, very well; so I'm taking it as reliable since no other mouths brought it to me.

That's not to say the TWI is on the high road to success, but I'd toss any notion of read scripts out the window...

...unless someone did an administrative change in the past few months.


Rosa-lie doesn't give up her authority that quickly. I know this from my experiences with her at HQ. She had been in charge of the STS for YEARS, president or not. I've seen her reprove many at rehearsals for small things because she is so anal about the STS. This was after she was no longer the coordinator of the auditorium. She didn't want to give that responsibility up.

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Well, WN!, remember how frequently we would say someone was "embellishing", "exaggerating" or downright lying whenever they confronted US on something that TWI was doing or having us do that was ridiculous? We can't really blame them for not being able to see through those TWIt colored glasses, now, can we? ;)

I vividly remember when our HFC's announced that TWI does not, nor have they ever had a policy on debt. :rolleyes: I said that was total b.s. and a few other choice things.... wimps, I believe was part of the vocabulary. ;)

Anyway, my HFC's totally straight faced and deadly serious had the gall to say, "We never gave anyone grief over having a mortgage nor did we ever force anyone to sell their home, Belle." :realmad: I let into the wife when she said that and rattled off FOUR - count 'em FOUR - confrontations and probation and/or M&A couples they had been directly involved with. THEN mentioned Paul Brooks saying that one couple loved their house more than they loved God because they refused to sell it. She was right there standing next to him when he effen said it!!

It must be some sort of psychological phenomenon, but vaden and his friends probably have the same sort of problem when it comes to telling the truth about how TWI really treats people.

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