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What I really Don't Like!


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Button Pushers...

Being lost for ideas to help motivate my children...

Getting mad about stupid stuff

Being overcharged for medical supplies in the Emergency Room

When the Bank makes a mistake, but charges for their time to find it

Stupid accidents from silly distractions

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Well Belle maybe after you are done parting with the girls I'll fly an hour down the interstate and buy you a drink. That is if you think the towns big enough for the both of us at the same time!.:blink: :biglaugh: Wouldn't wanna leave Cools town a mess you know.

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People who think their kid(s) can do no wrong.

Unsolicited advice from strangers (my only exception is from elderly people, and that's just out of respect.)

Drivers who cut me off and then go slower than I was going before they got in my way.

SUV drivers who think that because they have a big car they can drive well in the snow or rain (usually the ones I see on the sides of the road.)

When smokers are inconsiderate about their smoke around me and/or my kids.

People who talk on the cell phone while they drive - HANG UP AND DRIVE OR PULL OVER AND TALK!

Pickey eaters - any age. Can't relate. Sorry.

Dentists with hairy hands.

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SUV drivers who think that because they have a big car they can drive well in the snow or rain (usually the ones I see on the sides of the road.)

Here in Texas - its the guys in "pick-'em up trucks" that think that just because they've got a big truck that will haul everything around on dry land, they can halu a$$ on ice. ICE mind you! We don't get snow here really, even if it does snow the roads are icy.

Worst: A SUV driver, on the phone, in sleet! HANG UP AND DRIVE!!!

Then second to that - pineapple on pizza. :biglaugh:

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my electric bill

filling my gas tank

having too much to do after work & little energy

dogs that bark all the time

nagging guilt because I don't go to church

arrogant people

people who act like martyrs

my shrinking summer vacation due to presentation commitments

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A police car behind me on the road, even when I'm COMPLETELY legal.

ROFLMAO!! David, my ex was a cop and I was ALWAYS nervous when he was in the car with me.... worse if he was behind me, even if he was in his own car and nowhere near his uniform. :blink:

I also razzed him all the time about why they feel the need to tailgate everyone they get behind. <_<

Jade, you make a great point. I think we need to start a new thread since this one may not get much more attention. :)

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