I don't like how expensive it was to get the garage door people to come and fix my opener when it was one lousy loose wire, took him less than one minute to fix, yet cost me big for the housecall. I really liked it when he sold me another remote control opener for $20 instead of the $50 he was supposed to.
Even more I didn't like when I couldn't open or close the door unless I did it manually.
The weatherman predicted 5 inches of snow for northern WI night before last and they only got a dusting. My ex didn't like that either.
I think there must be a secret to using rechargeable batteries. I have 3 sets for my camera, yet I always seem to be changing them out.
I also don't like undercooked hash brown potatoes. I hope I don't see any on my plate today.
Price checks in stores at tge register, for people who wait to get their check books out after the item's been finally rung up.
The price of gas.
4 way stop signs where the other driver's right of way gives them the pass-through. You wave them on, they wave you on. You creep forward, they creep foward. More waving. Finally the good natured "you go first" ends up with the other car's driver flipping you off and speeding through the intersection in a huff.
Getting the paper delivered on Sunday, one of life's simplest pleasure. And not having it there when I go out early Sunday morning to get it.
Calling any major business in America today and getting a phone menu of options dithered off that don't include "please hold if you'd like to speak to a representative directly".
Calling any major business in America today and getting a representative who give you another number to call.
Cell phone services that offer simple family plans that aren't simple.
Do I notice a trend here? What, we don't like an endless litany of menu options when we call up a company with simple farking question? (please press "star" to repeat the options)
How about being in line at the convenience store when the gimp in front of you pulls out his stack of weekly "Lotto" tickets for the clerk to check? Yeah, there's some real convenience. (note to all the lotto players out there - GIVE IT UP - You have about as much chance of winning if you play or not, so give it a rest already)
Or being in line at the Subway shop and find out that the dweeb in front of you has nothing else to do that day but decide on the ingredients in his freaking sandwich. "What kind of cheeses do you have again?" "No, that's too much, maybe just about half that much mayonaise". What part of "fast food" do they NOT understand?
And looking in the rearview mirror to see bulged-out, bloodshot eyeballs glaring at me from over the steering wheel of a car which is all but out of sight from following so close. Yeah, that's pleasant.
One bathroom in my house and 5 kids, (when there's a line up, I let the boys go out back and pee in the field)
Buying a cream filled donut and biting into it, and there's like only a teaspoon's worth of filling.
People that don't use their signals when driving
Having to use a magnifying glass to read the tiny print on a medicine bottle to figure out how much to give my kids.
When I leave my garbage bags out over night and the racoons come by for a buffet and I have to clean it up the next morning, I have garbage pails but they are usually filled.
Driving all the way out to a trail to run on, get all the way there and I've forgotten my running shoes.
People who stop at the bottom or top of escalators, the doors of elevators, any door, the middle of the aisle or drive to have conversations with other people.
I have met these menaces everywhere, I once was blocked in a super market parking lot because someone going in passed someone going out that they knew and stopped , blocking the drive, rolled down their windows and had a conversation, then were PO'd when I honked my horn!!!
These offenders become massively indignant when the person trying to use the door or aisle for the purpose it was intended either try to scootch around them or say "excuse me". They glare with fury, sigh, and mutter so as to let the poor people, who are merely trying to go about their business, know that they are insufferably rude to even HINT that so august a personages as themselves should be expected to observe common courtesy and not block the way.
People who save seats for other people who arrive late for events - a variation on this was the old "bible saves a seat" at the ROA and other TWI events - I remember getting almost knocked over by a guy with an armload of bibles who "saved" the whole freakin' first row at ROA - if you want your seat saved, at least get to the event before it starts!
Titles to threads that give no clue to what the thread's about
The words "I'm like" when used to describe a mindset, or an internal dialog; for example: "I'm like, 'why did I take this job?'"
Oh, the change thing really drives me up the wall! Sometimes I can move my hand fast enough when they hand me the bills to get the change in my palm. If not, I sit there at the drive thru until I've put every last penny away.
As far as the conversations holding up traffic, just stop, lean in, and act interested in what they're saying. Chime in with, "Oh, your Aunt Mary has bunions? My Aunt Ethel has acid reflux."
As far as the conversations holding up traffic, just stop, lean in, and act interested in what they're saying. Chime in with, "Oh, your Aunt Mary has bunions? My Aunt Ethel has acid reflux."
People with "Christian" bumperstickers who drive like the devil.
Co-workers who not only use speaker phones in the cube farm, but have them up so friggin' loud the other side of the office can hear them.
Co-workers who come to work sick, won't take any medicine or go see a doctor, but feel free to spread their germs all over the place.
Not getting to work in time to get one of the "good" parking spots and having to park in BFE.
People who speed through neighborhoods - especially those where kids play in the street. (At least they're where parents can see them and they aren't glued to the TV or some video game)
Pet owners who don't pick up after their dog. Makes us all look bad.
Not having dental floss in my purse when I REALLY need it.
SafariVista, I'm with you on the underappreciated and underpaid teachers, law enforcement and firemen.
That the guy who keeps flirting with me won't ask me out when it's pretty darn obvious that I would say "yes".
Recommended Posts
I don't like coffee that's over 15 minutes old.
I don't like how expensive it was to get the garage door people to come and fix my opener when it was one lousy loose wire, took him less than one minute to fix, yet cost me big for the housecall. I really liked it when he sold me another remote control opener for $20 instead of the $50 he was supposed to.
Even more I didn't like when I couldn't open or close the door unless I did it manually.
The weatherman predicted 5 inches of snow for northern WI night before last and they only got a dusting. My ex didn't like that either.
I think there must be a secret to using rechargeable batteries. I have 3 sets for my camera, yet I always seem to be changing them out.
I also don't like undercooked hash brown potatoes. I hope I don't see any on my plate today.
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I hate people in front of me that drive too slow.
I hate people behind me who drive too fast.
I hate products that promise one thing and deliver something completely different. (Anybody tried a Swiffer Carpet Flick?)
I hate TV promos that make a show or movie sound so good-but falls flat on delivery.
I hate those seals on CD's and DVD's that are designed to frustrate you to no end.
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I really DON'T LIKE:
Mean People
the fat that keeps settling on my butt
Non-communicating husband
Stinky garbage can in the Summer
Customer Service that have too many prompts before reaching a real person
Kids playing screened games all day
Think that covers everything
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I hate whiners
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...washing dishes by hand! My disherwasher died. Ugh!
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My prayers for your dishwasher!
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Price checks in stores at tge register, for people who wait to get their check books out after the item's been finally rung up.
The price of gas.
4 way stop signs where the other driver's right of way gives them the pass-through. You wave them on, they wave you on. You creep forward, they creep foward. More waving. Finally the good natured "you go first" ends up with the other car's driver flipping you off and speeding through the intersection in a huff.
Getting the paper delivered on Sunday, one of life's simplest pleasure. And not having it there when I go out early Sunday morning to get it.
Calling any major business in America today and getting a phone menu of options dithered off that don't include "please hold if you'd like to speak to a representative directly".
Calling any major business in America today and getting a representative who give you another number to call.
Cell phone services that offer simple family plans that aren't simple.
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George Aar
Do I notice a trend here? What, we don't like an endless litany of menu options when we call up a company with simple farking question? (please press "star" to repeat the options)
How about being in line at the convenience store when the gimp in front of you pulls out his stack of weekly "Lotto" tickets for the clerk to check? Yeah, there's some real convenience. (note to all the lotto players out there - GIVE IT UP - You have about as much chance of winning if you play or not, so give it a rest already)
Or being in line at the Subway shop and find out that the dweeb in front of you has nothing else to do that day but decide on the ingredients in his freaking sandwich. "What kind of cheeses do you have again?" "No, that's too much, maybe just about half that much mayonaise". What part of "fast food" do they NOT understand?
And looking in the rearview mirror to see bulged-out, bloodshot eyeballs glaring at me from over the steering wheel of a car which is all but out of sight from following so close. Yeah, that's pleasant.
I have plenty more, but I'll spare you...
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People that tell me what they think I want to hear
Anyone! that messes with my children
Being on hold
People that stare
Waiting in line in the speedy check out whatever that line is where the person in front has a full cart.
Extra super clean homes
Commercials that suddenly are louder than I have the volume set at
Infomercials that promise a beautiful body in 30 days while they use people that were never normal to begin with
Stores that suddenly move all the products
People who pass on the right, especially in school zones
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One bathroom in my house and 5 kids, (when there's a line up, I let the boys go out back and pee in the field)
Buying a cream filled donut and biting into it, and there's like only a teaspoon's worth of filling.
People that don't use their signals when driving
Having to use a magnifying glass to read the tiny print on a medicine bottle to figure out how much to give my kids.
When I leave my garbage bags out over night and the racoons come by for a buffet and I have to clean it up the next morning, I have garbage pails but they are usually filled.
Driving all the way out to a trail to run on, get all the way there and I've forgotten my running shoes.
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At the drive-through when they put the coins on top of the bills and you have to do manuel gymnastics to keep them from falling to the ground.
When the cashier and the bagger ask you umpteen times if you need help carrying one bag of groceries out to the car.
All the people outside the grocery store begging for money for something or other.
The alarm going off in the morning (4:30 in my case).
Red lights for no reason, no one at the intersection but me and I have to sit there. Mostly that bugs me if I'm in a hurry.
Hillary Clinton.
When the ATM asks me if I want English or Spanish.
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Well...if it makes you feel ANY better jard, my dishwasher died last week as well...and there are NINE people to wash for.
Cowfirl, I understand.....I have only one bathroom in my house as well....with 7 kiddoes <_<
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people who think they know EVRYTHING........ ( you know who you are )
fake foot bitches
poopy diapers
stinky bathrooms
dirty houses
not having enuf money
people who for some un-godly reason do NOT know how to shower
the way you feel the next morn after you drank to much
cooked peas
spiders ( i don think god created these, i think it was the devil )
i LOVE kailin jade
playing in the rain
people who are real
ice cream sundays
hugs and kisses from my daughter
mommy day cuz you get nice presents
taco salad
being loved
my house to stay clean
when i get into my vehicles and they smell yummy
having a job where i make my own hours and i am my own boss
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People who stop at the bottom or top of escalators, the doors of elevators, any door, the middle of the aisle or drive to have conversations with other people.
I have met these menaces everywhere, I once was blocked in a super market parking lot because someone going in passed someone going out that they knew and stopped , blocking the drive, rolled down their windows and had a conversation, then were PO'd when I honked my horn!!!
These offenders become massively indignant when the person trying to use the door or aisle for the purpose it was intended either try to scootch around them or say "excuse me". They glare with fury, sigh, and mutter so as to let the poor people, who are merely trying to go about their business, know that they are insufferably rude to even HINT that so august a personages as themselves should be expected to observe common courtesy and not block the way.
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I really Don't Like War
People that risk their lives and don't get paid what their worth
An industry that we could live without, making more than those that risk their lives~
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Oh, the change thing really drives me up the wall! Sometimes I can move my hand fast enough when they hand me the bills to get the change in my palm. If not, I sit there at the drive thru until I've put every last penny away.
As far as the conversations holding up traffic, just stop, lean in, and act interested in what they're saying. Chime in with, "Oh, your Aunt Mary has bunions? My Aunt Ethel has acid reflux."
They'll move on.
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dmiller, I'm like SO down with that. :) Like that's all SO like that, and all.
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Thanks for the suggestion :)
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The incredible sense of anticipation and dread that comes when going through a Fast Food Drive-Through and ordering.
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People with "Christian" bumperstickers who drive like the devil.
Co-workers who not only use speaker phones in the cube farm, but have them up so friggin' loud the other side of the office can hear them.
Co-workers who come to work sick, won't take any medicine or go see a doctor, but feel free to spread their germs all over the place.
Not getting to work in time to get one of the "good" parking spots and having to park in BFE.
People who speed through neighborhoods - especially those where kids play in the street. (At least they're where parents can see them and they aren't glued to the TV or some video game)
Pet owners who don't pick up after their dog. Makes us all look bad.
Not having dental floss in my purse when I REALLY need it.
SafariVista, I'm with you on the underappreciated and underpaid teachers, law enforcement and firemen.
That the guy who keeps flirting with me won't ask me out when it's pretty darn obvious that I would say "yes".
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Oh Belle how was I to know you'd say YES.........
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George Aar
I thought we were "on" for sushi in Seattle?
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