To set up an appointment or for more information call 555-666-8666. Please email me if you live outside the Chicago area. My services are located about 40 miles north of downtown Chicago in Mundelein.
Sessions cost $120 and last about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.
I only perform Hypnotherapy in person and do not perform hypnosis over the phone.
If you are not able to travel to this area, I advise contacting the American Hypnotherapy Association or the Hypnotist's Guild for a certified hypnotherapy practitioner in your area.
I only perform Hypnotherapy in person and do not perform hypnosis over the phone.
If you are not able to travel to this area, I advise contacting the American Hypnotherapy Association or the Hypnotist's Guild for a certified hypnotherapy practitioner in your area.
I can hear it now - the following spoken in a thick Transylvanian accent: "Look into my eyes - deeper - deeper - you are getting stupider than stupid."
An apolgy!!?? from who?? I don't know Ms. Rivenbarch , but many of the rest i do! There is not one you can dare turn you back on. Every time you tried to trust one of them, you found out just how bad , bad could get. One senior minister told me to my face , " I never have and never will pass up a free ...............
.................. with any woman including , .............................. (my fiance), if it's even kind'a offered, and you are'nt gonna do anything about it" ; her an others if he could get them. One who was a cleaned , redeemed, leader, with just the best references, and on,on, yea , also great at group sex with witnesses, party sex with unbelievers, trade strip and oral for bar tab , and the other leaders covered up , because they were next in line, and she recruited so well. And always made shuch good money, worked so hard, and just staunched to way in all, and her, with the 38dd , and the rest, the black hair, and the great face, and if
she had just finished with one guy 15 min ago, she could/would lie staight faced to you , that she was the
best littl girl in town , and turn it all on you as overbearing, and the dreaded jealous of GOD'S man working with her. Others knew every bit of this and their $44,000,000.00 in the checking account was too important to tell the truth that they thought that "believers" were safe from hiv, so why not go with that guy who had been around it??? , ya just in unbelief!!
It goes too deep, and too sick, and with so many they will just say whatever it takes to get away with whatever, for even one more day.
I apologize for that dude's, ckmkeon's, dumb signature. You can only laugh. Always a "Mike" to be found in these circles.
Anyway, Skyrider, when I heard some of the lies that were circulated about you and your wife and how you were so evil and all, we knew it was false. You were 'salt of the earth' type people. Everyone knew it. Of course they needed to discredit you. You guys knew too much.
I knew when they started marking and avoiding the likes of you guys, there was little hope for the rest of us. I was right. I thought to myself, if they can't make it, nobody can.
But there is always a bright side. Had that not happened to you guys, tens of thousands of people would never been able to read your insightful posts through the years and make up their minds to leave in your path if they were still in. Plus, the BOD has most certainly enjoyed your comments. You both were involved in TWI on most levels some of us never experienced. You have a lot to say. Thanks!
Long ago for my own healing I asked God to forgive them All-to not hold what was done to me and mine against them.
An apology now would be accepted in the sense that I have already forgiven them.
It would not mean, however, that I have any desire, to associate with any of the parties, ever.
Any apology, coming from either the individuals or the organization would, to my way of thinking, be an acknowledgement on their parts that they were in error, a needful thing for their own spiritual progression and would be viewed by myself in this light.
Anyway, Skyrider, when I heard some of the lies that were circulated about you and your wife and how you were so evil and all, we knew it was false. You were 'salt of the earth' type people. Everyone knew it. Of course they needed to discredit you. You guys knew too much.
I knew when they started marking and avoiding the likes of you guys, there was little hope for the rest of us. I was right. I thought to myself, if they can't make it, nobody can.
But there is always a bright side. Had that not happened to you guys, tens of thousands of people would never been able to read your insightful posts through the years and make up their minds to leave in your path if they were still in. Plus, the BOD has most certainly enjoyed your comments. You both were involved in TWI on most levels some of us never experienced. You have a lot to say. Thanks!
Love to your family.
Thanks, John.....I appreciate the kind words.
Nearly six years have passed since martindale's ousting.......and still, twi slithers in silence. No bold moves, no formal apologies, no coming clean. Nothing.
Rosalie could have made some forward moves in cleaning up the mess. Rosalie could have taken heed to your letter, John..........but NO, just a syrupy gesture to "come visit twi." Sheeeesh. And, she has the charisma of a box of hair.
Not a day goes by........that I'm SO THANKFUL to have left twi's squelching policies and bought my house during those 30-year low interest rates. Stayed waaaaaayyyyy too long in twi.......but when I made the move to leave, the blessings started flowing once again.
Not a day goes by........that I'm SO THANKFUL to have left twi's squelching policies and bought my house during those 30-year low interest rates. Stayed waaaaaayyyyy too long in twi.......but when I made the move to leave, the blessings started flowing once again.
Here that innies??? God is BETTER than twi! We are actually getting blessed without living within the household. We don't have to put on our twig face, and we don't have to go to those stupid classes anymore. Life is good! Naw, it's GREAT!!!!
In the material or what TWI called "the senses world" I can not even remember the untold blessings that have come our way since we were kicked out in 2000. Why has my business tripled since then? Why do my children seem to be thriving? Why have our evil,debt laden real estate holdings doubled or more. How did we find ourselves mortgage free at 50 in a big home?
Spiritually I am still trying to figure things out and unlearn bad things I believed from my 26 years of involvement. But I am having the time of my life being uncertain that I have all the answers. I find freedom in NOT knowing exactly doctrinally every "jot and tittle" and every accurate word. It has made me a better man. I find I am more kind and tolerant of my fellow man. I believe in God and I believe He helps us when we get honest and do our best and truly help others along the way.
You guys in TWI ought to have the guts to dare to swim on your own without the stale spiritual life jacket you are used to having all these years. You might find some Cool Waters and Fresh Air.
I have direct knowledge that He that spared not His own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not also with him FREELY give us ALL things??
I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of VPW, I am of Teek, I am of the Way Fecal Farm ...
CK - ever read the bible???
I have forgiven all. God can and does restore to me 100 fold anything others by deceit took from me.
Corporate apology? Naw - wouldn't happen, and wouldn't do any good for anyone.
Heartfelt acts of contrition - yeah, they go a long way. Some posters here will likely not believe this, but a couple of years after LCM slandered me in a corpse night and M&A'd me I was at one of my kids' graduation from NK school. Right before the ceremony got started while everyone was getting situated, I was standing in the aisle behind a section of chairs set up on the floor of the gym. Don W. came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in front of God and everyone and with tears in his eyes congratulated me on my daughter's graduation. Believe me, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Even my fellow ex-wayfers, some with some pretty hardened attitudes about twi, recognized Don's "love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation". I had long before forgiven all of them, but Don allowed me to forgive and forget.
Do I want a hug from LCM? Heck, no! He never showed any humanity to me or my family in the 20 years I knew him. But a heartfelt apology would be accepted, although I would probably still not forget. <_<
...for those of you who don't know, when Reverend Tutts invokes the spirit and ministrey of Teek... well, let's just say there's some heavy revvy going down there...
let them who have ears use these q-tips of righteousness given unto them this day by revelation..
Right before the ceremony got started while everyone was getting situated, I was standing in the aisle behind a section of chairs set up on the floor of the gym. Don W. came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in front of God and everyone and with tears in his eyes congratulated me on my daughter's graduation.
goodseed, thanks much for your kind words about Don. He was a good man.
The first years of when I left I waited for an apology. In fact I felt I needed it. It had cut to the core of my heart.
I did have someone write me an e-mail and apologized and I didn't even realize she had done anything but she had thought about it for years and it bothered her. It did make me feel good.
Now years later it doesn't really matter. So much has been in the past now and I have moved on.
If they apologized now it would make me happy for a day or two but it won't guide me to having a great life I already have a great life.
No, I wouldn't go back to twi in a million years!!!!! I would rather pick life than death!!!
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The sign say's OPEN... no one around though....
A sign in the window reads:
Charlie Korn Psychic Services
To set up an appointment or for more information call 555-666-8666. Please email me if you live outside the Chicago area. My services are located about 40 miles north of downtown Chicago in Mundelein.
Sessions cost $120 and last about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.
I only perform Hypnotherapy in person and do not perform hypnosis over the phone.
If you are not able to travel to this area, I advise contacting the American Hypnotherapy Association or the Hypnotist's Guild for a certified hypnotherapy practitioner in your area.
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I can hear it now - the following spoken in a thick Transylvanian accent: "Look into my eyes - deeper - deeper - you are getting stupider than stupid."
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An apolgy!!?? from who?? I don't know Ms. Rivenbarch , but many of the rest i do! There is not one you can dare turn you back on. Every time you tried to trust one of them, you found out just how bad , bad could get. One senior minister told me to my face , " I never have and never will pass up a free ...............
.................. with any woman including , .............................. (my fiance), if it's even kind'a offered, and you are'nt gonna do anything about it" ; her an others if he could get them. One who was a cleaned , redeemed, leader, with just the best references, and on,on, yea , also great at group sex with witnesses, party sex with unbelievers, trade strip and oral for bar tab , and the other leaders covered up , because they were next in line, and she recruited so well. And always made shuch good money, worked so hard, and just staunched to way in all, and her, with the 38dd , and the rest, the black hair, and the great face, and if
she had just finished with one guy 15 min ago, she could/would lie staight faced to you , that she was the
best littl girl in town , and turn it all on you as overbearing, and the dreaded jealous of GOD'S man working with her. Others knew every bit of this and their $44,000,000.00 in the checking account was too important to tell the truth that they thought that "believers" were safe from hiv, so why not go with that guy who had been around it??? , ya just in unbelief!!
It goes too deep, and too sick, and with so many they will just say whatever it takes to get away with whatever, for even one more day.
Thanks for your time,
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I apologize for that dude's, ckmkeon's, dumb signature. You can only laugh.
Always a "Mike" to be found in these circles.
Anyway, Skyrider, when I heard some of the lies that were circulated about you and your wife and how you were so evil and all, we knew it was false. You were 'salt of the earth' type people. Everyone knew it. Of course they needed to discredit you. You guys knew too much.
I knew when they started marking and avoiding the likes of you guys, there was little hope for the rest of us. I was right. I thought to myself, if they can't make it, nobody can.
But there is always a bright side. Had that not happened to you guys, tens of thousands of people would never been able to read your insightful posts through the years and make up their minds to leave in your path if they were still in. Plus, the BOD has most certainly enjoyed your comments.
You both were involved in TWI on most levels some of us never experienced. You have a lot to say. Thanks!
Love to your family.
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Long ago for my own healing I asked God to forgive them All-to not hold what was done to me and mine against them.
An apology now would be accepted in the sense that I have already forgiven them.
It would not mean, however, that I have any desire, to associate with any of the parties, ever.
Any apology, coming from either the individuals or the organization would, to my way of thinking, be an acknowledgement on their parts that they were in error, a needful thing for their own spiritual progression and would be viewed by myself in this light.
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Thanks, John.....I appreciate the kind words.
Nearly six years have passed since martindale's ousting.......and still, twi slithers in silence. No bold moves, no formal apologies, no coming clean. Nothing.
Rosalie could have made some forward moves in cleaning up the mess. Rosalie could have taken heed to your letter, John..........but NO, just a syrupy gesture to "come visit twi." Sheeeesh. And, she has the charisma of a box of hair.
Not a day goes by........that I'm SO THANKFUL to have left twi's squelching policies and bought my house during those 30-year low interest rates. Stayed waaaaaayyyyy too long in twi.......but when I made the move to leave, the blessings started flowing once again.
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Here that innies??? God is BETTER than twi! We are actually getting blessed without living within the household. We don't have to put on our twig face, and we don't have to go to those stupid classes anymore. Life is good! Naw, it's GREAT!!!!
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In the material or what TWI called "the senses world" I can not even remember the untold blessings that have come our way since we were kicked out in 2000. Why has my business tripled since then? Why do my children seem to be thriving? Why have our evil,debt laden real estate holdings doubled or more. How did we find ourselves mortgage free at 50 in a big home?
Spiritually I am still trying to figure things out and unlearn bad things I believed from my 26 years of involvement. But I am having the time of my life being uncertain that I have all the answers. I find freedom in NOT knowing exactly doctrinally every "jot and tittle" and every accurate word. It has made me a better man. I find I am more kind and tolerant of my fellow man. I believe in God and I believe He helps us when we get honest and do our best and truly help others along the way.
You guys in TWI ought to have the guts to dare to swim on your own without the stale spiritual life jacket you are used to having all these years. You might find some Cool Waters and Fresh Air.
I only have one word to describe it. AWESOME!
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
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I have direct knowledge that He that spared not His own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not also with him FREELY give us ALL things??
I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of VPW, I am of Teek, I am of the Way Fecal Farm ...
CK - ever read the bible???
I have forgiven all. God can and does restore to me 100 fold anything others by deceit took from me.
If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of VPW.
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Corporate apology? Naw - wouldn't happen, and wouldn't do any good for anyone.
Heartfelt acts of contrition - yeah, they go a long way. Some posters here will likely not believe this, but a couple of years after LCM slandered me in a corpse night and M&A'd me I was at one of my kids' graduation from NK school. Right before the ceremony got started while everyone was getting situated, I was standing in the aisle behind a section of chairs set up on the floor of the gym. Don W. came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in front of God and everyone and with tears in his eyes congratulated me on my daughter's graduation. Believe me, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Even my fellow ex-wayfers, some with some pretty hardened attitudes about twi, recognized Don's "love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation". I had long before forgiven all of them, but Don allowed me to forgive and forget.
Do I want a hug from LCM? Heck, no! He never showed any humanity to me or my family in the 20 years I knew him. But a heartfelt apology would be accepted, although I would probably still not forget. <_<
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Tom Strange
...for those of you who don't know, when Reverend Tutts invokes the spirit and ministrey of Teek... well, let's just say there's some heavy revvy going down there...
let them who have ears use these q-tips of righteousness given unto them this day by revelation..
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If TWI apologized and REALLY meant it, I would accept it. It is the only Christian thing I know to do.
Don't see that coming, though.
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goodseed, thanks much for your kind words about Don. He was a good man.
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I agree, Oldiesman. I loved Don and Wanda dearly. They were like a brother and sister to me.
Does anyone know where Wanda is and how she is doing?
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The first years of when I left I waited for an apology. In fact I felt I needed it. It had cut to the core of my heart.
I did have someone write me an e-mail and apologized and I didn't even realize she had done anything but she had thought about it for years and it bothered her. It did make me feel good.
Now years later it doesn't really matter. So much has been in the past now and I have moved on.
If they apologized now it would make me happy for a day or two but it won't guide me to having a great life I already have a great life.
No, I wouldn't go back to twi in a million years!!!!! I would rather pick life than death!!!
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