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Is TWI breeding Immaturity?


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Do you remember the following twi song, or was this before your time?

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

And to take Him at His Word;

Just to rest upon His promise,

And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”


Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!

How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er

Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!

O for grace to trust Him more!

O how sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to trust His cleansing blood;

And in simple faith to plunge me

’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!


Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just from sin and self to cease;

Just from Jesus simply taking

Life and rest, and joy and peace.


I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,

Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;

And I know that Thou art with me,

Wilt be with me to the end.

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"Abi, was this the recent Luther film/motion picture of 3 or so years ago? "

I don't think it was particularly recent no. It was an old black and white film, if I recall correctly. Well, it must be older because I left TWI nearly 6 years ago.

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Hello OM :)

Yes, I know that song... Being in from 81-02... AND I had even heard it sung... "TIS SO SWEET TO TRUST CHRIST JESUS " :(

(Just let me understand, is this what you were referring to? That the word 'Jesus' was used in songs? Most songs I heard were being changed to be 'correct', this particular song was AVOIDED by many BC & HFC, along w/ other songs they THOUGHT didn’t FIT w/ the PRESENT TRUTH/DOCTRINE anymore)

I have the music, played it many times, accompanied on piano during fellowships & branch meetings...

It was during the late 90's that NEW songs were written by corps guys @ HQ, to FIT the theme's and teachings each year.

Most of 'these' songs were specific to 'those in the household'... Trust & Obey was sung often by the Chorus Choir, and it helped to keep people in a simple mind set, 'in that household'

My favorite 'old hymn' is 'Give of your best to the Master' by Mrs. Charles Barnard (wonderful, dramatic melody)

Give of your best to the Master

Give of the strength of your youth

Throw your soul's fresh, glowing ardor

Into the battle for truth

Jesus has set the example

Dauntless was He, young and brave

Give Him your loyal devotion

Give Him the best that you have

Give of your best to the master * (refrain)

Give of the strength of your youth

Clad in salvation's full armor

Join in the battle for truth

Give of your best to the Master

Give Him first place in your heart

Give Him first place in your service

Consecrate every part

Give, and to you shall be given

God His beloved Son gave

Gratefully seeking to serve Him

Give Him the best that you have


Give of your best to the Master

Naught else is worthy His love

He gave Himself for your ransom

Gave up His glory above

Laid down His life without murmur

You from sin's ruin to save

Give Him your heart's adoration

Give Him the best that you have

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Just let me understand, is this what you were referring to?

Yes. There was a time way back "in the good old days of twi :) " when they left the words of that hymn alone.

That was my favorite song from PFAL camp in 1973.

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Yeah, OM... I know

It's such a pretty song too.

Jerry Ray has some beautiful piano arrangements for 70 Hymns... 'World's Greatest Hymns for Piano & Voice'

A book I spent hours & hours playing from after our exit in 2002


It felt good to finally STEP OUT of TWI's mind set...

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Relationship building did not exist in TWI. All relationships were based on a condition. Believer vs. unbeliever. Relationship with a new person before PFnAL. Your relationship with a grad of PFnAL. Relationship with an advanced class grad, with a corpse person, with clergy. All different, all based on a condition, all dysfunctional and not truly honest.

True relationships can occur with anybody and are built, take time, require compromise and honesty. It took me a while to establish some truly healthy relationships. I am sooooo glad I am out.

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Relationship building did not exist in TWI. All relationships were based on a condition.

Enlightening, MountainTop! There were so many conditions to meet. People were treated with the RESPECT they ACHIVED from classes/programs.

Referring to someone 'outside' the fold as being good... was almost saying something bad... PEOPLE WERE NOT GOOD UNTIL THEY GOT COMMITED WITH TWI! And, you could never be sure until you heard them speak in tongues... so began the madness~

Sounds like a scripted play... were we all playing 'house'... or, um... 'life'?

The longer I stayed and the more classes I took, the shoddier the whole image materialized... alienation from anything normal was expected.

I'm so glad to be OUT too. :dance:

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  • 1 month later...


TWI is all but purposely behavior controling anyone into a mess , that if you're there long, you've done so many rotten things you can't even begin to explain it to "normal" people, and they twist your head into a trait that you really can't live any other way. I have thought for years they designed it, but the trith be known the spiritual corruption probably designed it, and they just fornd out that it worked. TWI takes and addicted person and makes them worse, not only do they no solve the addiction but they capitalize on every addiction and opening, to get into a control situation.

One congressperson's aide was talking to me about them, and was agast , calling them a manipulating

corruption using Pavalov's experiments in behavior control, and the Stockholm Syndrom to the max, along with just good ole religion.

I would have to say injured past coping if you let them. I was there the night Martindale bragged about the rose girl killing herself, after she refused her lifetime commitment. See what God did to her for walking out on the man of God!!! He just did'nt tell anyone that for several months they carried out a war against her and her family for her backing out. Ruined her father's business , dis charged him as a country leader, hounded her day and night , " die by the hand of the adversary then , ( and dare you disobey us).

After all that and every one turn away from her like Craig said , then she killed her self . Think about the fact that she had been working with the Way Dr. about problems like addictions etc. , and they too slammen her, and they did'nt know what they were doing?????

There is also their attorney Mr. Swift, calling the city I live in , and trying to good ole boy the police to help them get me for all the abominable things like offending the Man of God, and refusing to keep my silence about the ministry , then proceeded to chastise the police for denying his devine authority, and pushed them till they called and warned me, and almost arrested him.

They are evil, and essentially know what they are doing. Remember that crap of "clay for the hand of man of God , and girl for his bed , you refuse one of them and find out what they are.



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