That is a very insightful and well written letter. You are certainly honorable and kind and honest. I hope all concerned read it and take it to heart, then act upon it.
Thank you for your courage and integrity to compose and send such a letter to the leadership of the way international. You make very logical and valid arguments (both factually and spiritually). No wonder Rosalie Rivenbark didn't respond to you. She cannot, and keep her throne as it is. She clearly loves her power and position more than she loves God or His people.
Thanks, also, for posting the letter here as further proof to others of the loving and concerned confrontation that has repeatedly been given to TWI's leadership, and has repeatedly been ignored (or worse). (like John Richeson's letter)
It guess it's nice of them that they didn't respond by immediately "mark and avoid"ing you, as they did in the past. But if that is the "big" indication of how much kinder and gentler twi has become these days, I'll pass, thanks.
Now your future can be whatever you want it to be: no longer dictated by the unbiblical rules and regulations of twi. Congratulations! Enjoy the freedom you were meant to have.
2. Coordinators have great latitude in planning and teaching. (Well, maybe; I have not been an HFC for three years. Sure seems to be a locked-in situation, though).
3. As for giving $ to manifest spiritual power, LC/RC said he's never taught $10 of ABS = $10 of revelation.
(From him that is true, but the new foundational class syllabus includes LCM's articles on "The Tithe Doth Still Supply" and "The Spiritual Abundance of Abundant Sharing". So TWI standard doctrine hasn't changed though the LC/RC doesn't seem to agree with it).
4. The last RoA was physically dangerous as gang members and other "threats" were admitted to HQ grounds without any screeening or supervision.
5. TWI is expanding. Its growth is not dynamic because of splinter groups who attract folks who once would have come to TWI.
I have to handle a few of these, since they are so off:
1. My question to the RC/LC - does "he" also stand with that "no debt" doctrine? My guess is no, but must.
2. Latitude - they are soo free to teach to the needs of their people, as long as the teachings are based on Way Rag, or STS teachings. A friend of mine still (sadly) in told me how she was reproved for not bringing her Way Rag on Way Rag night at fellowship. And since everything coming from HQ is so boring, redundant, and trite, so are the HF's
3. Interesting way of putting it: $10 worth of revelation
4. WRONG WRONG WRONG! They did NOT can the ROA because of gangs and other threats. The gangs of
youth sex in the tents was in ROA 94. LCM talks about how they were not at ROA 95 in his Exodus teachings.
95 had the least amount of trouble. They canned the ROA because the Corps were excluded from the meetings due to work....or at least that was LCM's statement. So the RC/LC has it wrong, again.
5. What a pathetic joke!!!! Yeah, our ministry is making a big impact with expansion!!!! The only thing is, they do not join us but somehow get sidetracked to some other ministry. OK, you ALL must admit, the rationalization for this guy to actually come up with this thinking to explain why their outreach efforts and their growth numbers are fruitless......beyond insane rationalization!!!! Tell me a Biblical occurance where Jesus, or the apostles in Acts spoke the Word, operated the power of God, and people were somehow won....but went with someone else's movement? OMG!!! As I wrote in a previous thread, the "Prevailing" they talk about in Acts 19:20 is supposed to (according to their own teachings) reflect the EXPANSION results, not the personal growth. Therefore - by their fruits (or the absence thereof) they are known!
Funny. On the news tonight they were talking about some polygamist cult "prophet" who is on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list. As goofy as he is, they report that he has somewhere between 8,000-15,000 followers along the border counties of Utah and Arizona. Hey, even he has more followers than the expansion results of "God's true household" of twi. Pathetic! And the excuses are insulting to God! At least get honest and admit something is wrong since God isn't adding to their church daily (except 12 year olds for the class).
Excuses and rationalization - definitely not "founding father" style of patriotism!
I just wanted to pipe my 2cents worth in here......and tell you that your letter to rosalie was power-packed and thought provoking. No matter that she sidestepped the depth of your least, you spoke what needed to be spoken.
Thanks for reposting that letter written to Rosie by Mr Pipes...
...Rosie cannot claim that she wasn't told the truth...she simply has decided (for whatever reasons) to continue on the misdirected path that they have chosen.
In my way of thinking, the micromanagement of twi on it's followers directly and obviously contradicts the biblical view of the "workings of the body of Christ", where Christ is actually the Head.
In the advanced class, the twi follower is taught that they can have direct access to God and can "walk by revelation", however in a practical sense, they are subjected to the decisions made by a chain of command that originates from a centralized corporate religious system.
When the blinders are lifted and the glassy eyes once again are clear, the differences between a true Christian walk and the "walk" of a twi follower becomes glaring and offensive. Offensive in the sense that they are cheating wonderful Christian people by making THEMSELVES the head of the body and thus counterfeiting the true experience of knowing Christ.
...and WHY are they doing this? Because it makes them indispensible. It provides them with a sanctuary of contrived "blessings". They live "high on the hog"and assure themselves of their own self importance as they lord over others...they highly profit from their efforts. Are they that different from Simon the sorcerer?
Nothing against writing letters to TWI BOT but don't bother wasting the paper. If you believe that you'll gain something then go ahead but those rockheads aren't going to listen to anything anybody has to say.
Rosie is just plain gone, she is out there in lala land. I could get into some more detail but trust me she is just gone gone gone. Anybody who is still following her for whatever reason is loco in the cabasa as well.
In my way of thinking, the micromanagement of twi on it's followers directly and obviously contradicts the biblical view of the "workings of the body of Christ", where Christ is actually the Head.
In the advanced class, the twi follower is taught that they can have direct access to God and can "walk by revelation", however in a practical sense, they are subjected to the decisions made by a chain of command that originates from a centralized corporate religious system.
When the blinders are lifted and the glassy eyes once again are clear, the differences between a true Christian walk and the "walk" of a twi follower becomes glaring and offensive. Offensive in the sense that they are cheating wonderful Christian people by making THEMSELVES the head of the body and thus counterfeiting the true experience of knowing Christ.
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Chief Cornerstone
so after the letter, when no change comes...we will welcome you here as a g-spotter!! :D
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Watered Garden
Hey, let me welcome you here and now!
That is a very insightful and well written letter. You are certainly honorable and kind and honest. I hope all concerned read it and take it to heart, then act upon it.
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Belle --- thanks for pulling this out of the other thread. :)
It's important (and significant) enough, to have it's own *discussion* going on,
and not be buried somewhere on page 3 (or whatever).
Something THIS GOOD deserves to *up front and center*.
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Wow... what a wonderful letter.
Thank you for your courage and integrity to compose and send such a letter to the leadership of the way international. You make very logical and valid arguments (both factually and spiritually). No wonder Rosalie Rivenbark didn't respond to you. She cannot, and keep her throne as it is. She clearly loves her power and position more than she loves God or His people.
Thanks, also, for posting the letter here as further proof to others of the loving and concerned confrontation that has repeatedly been given to TWI's leadership, and has repeatedly been ignored (or worse). (like John Richeson's letter)
It guess it's nice of them that they didn't respond by immediately "mark and avoid"ing you, as they did in the past. But if that is the "big" indication of how much kinder and gentler twi has become these days, I'll pass, thanks.
Now your future can be whatever you want it to be: no longer dictated by the unbiblical rules and regulations of twi. Congratulations! Enjoy the freedom you were meant to have.
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1. The BoD stands by its "no debt" doctrine
2. Coordinators have great latitude in planning and teaching. (Well, maybe; I have not been an HFC for three years. Sure seems to be a locked-in situation, though).
3. As for giving $ to manifest spiritual power, LC/RC said he's never taught $10 of ABS = $10 of revelation.
(From him that is true, but the new foundational class syllabus includes LCM's articles on "The Tithe Doth Still Supply" and "The Spiritual Abundance of Abundant Sharing". So TWI standard doctrine hasn't changed though the LC/RC doesn't seem to agree with it).
4. The last RoA was physically dangerous as gang members and other "threats" were admitted to HQ grounds without any screeening or supervision.
5. TWI is expanding. Its growth is not dynamic because of splinter groups who attract folks who once would have come to TWI.
I have to handle a few of these, since they are so off:
1. My question to the RC/LC - does "he" also stand with that "no debt" doctrine? My guess is no, but must.
2. Latitude - they are soo free to teach to the needs of their people, as long as the teachings are based on Way Rag, or STS teachings. A friend of mine still (sadly) in told me how she was reproved for not bringing her Way Rag on Way Rag night at fellowship.
And since everything coming from HQ is so boring, redundant, and trite, so are the HF's 
3. Interesting way of putting it: $10 worth of revelation
4. WRONG WRONG WRONG! They did NOT can the ROA because of gangs and other threats. The gangs of
youth sex in the tents was in ROA 94. LCM talks about how they were not at ROA 95 in his Exodus teachings.
95 had the least amount of trouble. They canned the ROA because the Corps were excluded from the meetings due to work....or at least that was LCM's statement. So the RC/LC has it wrong, again.
5. What a pathetic joke!!!! Yeah, our ministry is making a big impact with expansion!!!! The only thing is, they do not join us but somehow get sidetracked to some other ministry. OK, you ALL must admit, the rationalization for this guy to actually come up with this thinking to explain why their outreach efforts and their growth numbers are fruitless......beyond insane rationalization!!!!
Tell me a Biblical occurance where Jesus, or the apostles in Acts spoke the Word, operated the power of God, and people were somehow won....but went with someone else's movement? OMG!!! As I wrote in a previous thread, the "Prevailing" they talk about in Acts 19:20 is supposed to (according to their own teachings) reflect the EXPANSION results, not the personal growth. Therefore - by their fruits (or the absence thereof) they are known!
Funny. On the news tonight they were talking about some polygamist cult "prophet" who is on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list. As goofy as he is, they report that he has somewhere between 8,000-15,000 followers along the border counties of Utah and Arizona. Hey, even he has more followers than the expansion results of "God's true household" of twi. Pathetic! And the excuses are insulting to God! At least get honest and admit something is wrong since God isn't adding to their church daily (except 12 year olds for the class).
Excuses and rationalization - definitely not "founding father" style of patriotism!
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Hmmmmm! Perhaps the *splinter groups* show *a little love*, and don't micro-manage.
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Damn! Talk about your Blue Light K-Mart Specials!!
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Excellent Post and Excellent Points, Patriot!
Thanks to I Love Bagpipes and her husband Mr. Pipes for writing, sending this letter, pushing for a response and subsequently sharing it with us. :)
Just goes to show you that the more things allegedly change; the more they stay the same.
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plus by his stripes we were healed (past tense) i was taught
so who gave this prophecy ?
but anyway i wish you dear pipes all good things
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I Love Bagpipes
Hilarious Ex!!!
BTW....LCM gave the prophecy.
YW dear Belle...however, all Mrs. Pipes did was type the letter onto GSC. (Mr. Pipes hunts and pecks...
so the Mrs. types a little quicker, but not without typos. :))
He wrote and sent and shared without any prompting from the Mrs.....
Just so the record is straight
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good lord rosalie is healing the adversary (well his stripes) and craig is announcing it !!!!!!!!
i really want the pipes to know i'm not picking fun at the letter or their lives
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I Love Bagpipes
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i'm glad thank you
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I got to thinking about the old barber pole stripes. ;)
(The kind of *stripes* that mean they *shave ya* of everything!) :blink:
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Or maybe LCM was thinking about candystripers at the time. :)
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Nice try, Mr. Pipes, I commend you for you effort.
Your letter was succinct, word-backed, and persuasive. Unfortunately, the word of TWI overshadows Word of the Lord.
And TWI has not been a Christian organization for a very long time.
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Mr. Pipes
I just wanted to pipe my 2cents worth in here......and tell you that your letter to rosalie was power-packed and thought provoking. No matter that she sidestepped the depth of your least, you spoke what needed to be spoken.
I commend your efforts.
Take care,
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Bringing this back up in light of a recent comment that things have really changed in TWIt-ville.
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Thanks for reposting that letter written to Rosie by Mr Pipes...
...Rosie cannot claim that she wasn't told the truth...she simply has decided (for whatever reasons) to continue on the misdirected path that they have chosen.
In my way of thinking, the micromanagement of twi on it's followers directly and obviously contradicts the biblical view of the "workings of the body of Christ", where Christ is actually the Head.
In the advanced class, the twi follower is taught that they can have direct access to God and can "walk by revelation", however in a practical sense, they are subjected to the decisions made by a chain of command that originates from a centralized corporate religious system.
When the blinders are lifted and the glassy eyes once again are clear, the differences between a true Christian walk and the "walk" of a twi follower becomes glaring and offensive. Offensive in the sense that they are cheating wonderful Christian people by making THEMSELVES the head of the body and thus counterfeiting the true experience of knowing Christ.
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...and WHY are they doing this? Because it makes them indispensible. It provides them with a sanctuary of contrived "blessings". They live "high on the hog"and assure themselves of their own self importance as they lord over others...they highly profit from their efforts. Are they that different from Simon the sorcerer?
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Nothing against writing letters to TWI BOT but don't bother wasting the paper. If you believe that you'll gain something then go ahead but those rockheads aren't going to listen to anything anybody has to say.
Rosie is just plain gone, she is out there in lala land. I could get into some more detail but trust me she is just gone gone gone. Anybody who is still following her for whatever reason is loco in the cabasa as well.
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I Love Bagpipes
What an apt description Grocho!!!
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WHY do they do what they do...when it makes them look more CULTISH..
You cannot sanctify a group of people to themselves..oh, wait a minute..they did.
1st line sounds like lyrics from a whop do whop
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