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Put some names to the dates and I'll tell you if I'm over them. Martin Luther left us with some wonderful legacies etc..but I don't think about him (positively or negatively) every other day ! I do however enjoy the fruits of his wonderful stand on God's Word. Same with VP.

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But you see Allen, It isn't just about if you are over them--It's about if all the rest of us are over them too. What one chooses to think about and how often is a very personal matter-- It isn;t your right to make the decision for the rest of us. If you are over It--great- but some of the rest of us aren't, we will be over it when we are over it.

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  templelady said:
But you see Allen, It isn't just about if you are over them--It's about if all the rest of us are over them too. What one chooses to think about and how often is a very personal matter-- It isn;t your right to make the decision for the rest of us. If you are over It--great- but some of the rest of us aren't, we will be over it when we are over it.

While I believe the question was who were the leaders who went with those dates, or did you make them up like a quarterback 32, 2000, 162, HIKE HIKE. So who were the leaders in these times you put down.


Edited by ckmkeon
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  Bluzeman said:

That toilet picture is just plain sick and disgusting and you should really consider deleting it.


Sorry about that Rick... editing is no longer an option for me...

I thought it was funny, since what you stated about the picture, were my thoughts on CK's rude persistence. The ‘Ignore’ feature seems to work well for me :wave:

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Posted by Alan:

Hey, come on guys...do you really think CK WORSHIPS VP ??


Yes, I absolutely do.


n 1: the activity of worshipping

2: a feeling of profound love and admiration [syn: adoration]

v 1: love unquestioningly and uncritically [syn: idolize, idolise,

hero-worship, revere]

2: show religious devotion to, as of a deity; "Many Hindus

worship Shiva"

3: attend religious services; "They worship in the traditional

manner" Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

I think V-1 above fits quite nicely with what CK and a few others have demonstrated here at GS - that would possibly include you as well Alan. When critical thinking is cast aside in the reverence and adoration of a man - then it indeed becomes a form of worship.

Like me, I think CK is very thankful for what was the ministry of VP, theres a big differn'ce.

Dr. Wierwille has been asleep for 21 years...GET OVER IT !!

There is little difference. Worship has several aspects. I would suggest that it goes far beyond "thankfulness" and that you and CK "get over" your pathetic adoration of Mr. Wierwille who did more harm than good. God does not give a "ministry" to self-seeking sex perverts or power mongers -- regardless of how much "Word" they happen to know. It is by God's grace that any good came from TWI.

Be thankful for the grace of God - not for a man that trampled upon it.

Edited by Goey
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  SafariVista said:
Sorry about that Rick... editing is no longer an option for me...

I thought it was funny, since what you stated about the picture, were my thoughts on CK's rude persistence. The ‘Ignore’ feature seems to work well for me :wave:

Sorry, I just got a weak stomach. I saw that picture and literally started to gag :(

But I DO get the comparison. :biglaugh:


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While I believe the question was who were the leaders who went with those dates, or did you make them up like a quarterback 32, 2000, 162, HIKE HIKE. So who were the leaders in these times you put down.

The years in question were obtained by subtracting the year of death from 2006 for several religious founders. Their names are unimportant, as my point is about 21 years being enough time to get "over it" . If you are really curious do the math and Google the resulting dates.( sorry to sound like someone else here --but in this case I am not going to permit myself to be led into irrelevant side paths)

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God first

Beloved ckmkeon

God loves you my dear friend

Do you recall

Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

With your quote I am sorry you are putting a stumblingblock in some were way

your quote


Thank God for VPW


but would not it say what you want said if you said


Thank God for want VPW taught


While I do not hate VPW but his name brings up bad memories and when think back I think of the evil that was done to me and I get mad while I try not to sin I do some times

so all I am saying is maybe there a better way to say what you want said without adding salt to so many hurt people on the boards

While the class help me I am more thankful for the believers that love me in the Way Ministry to be my friends

God and Christ have became my friends by believers becoming my friends

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  year2027 said:
God first

Beloved ckmkeon

God loves you my dear friend

Do you recall

Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

With your quote I am sorry you are putting a stumblingblock in some were way

your quote


Thank God for VPW


but would not it say what you want said if you said


Thank God for want VPW taught


While I do not hate VPW but his name brings up bad memories and when think back I think of the evil that was done to me and I get mad while I try not to sin I do some times

so all I am saying is maybe there a better way to say what you want said without adding salt to so many hurt people on the boards

While the class help me I am more thankful for the believers that love me in the Way Ministry to be my friends

God and Christ have became my friends by believers becoming my friends

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Just because you asked do you think I will change my ending statement. "Oh Will you please change you ending for the sake of GOD, Please or pretty please". My answer is no, and why should I because people don't like it. Maybe because you think it is to salty. This is my opinion and I would never say to you will you omit this and change this just because I don't like it.

Ephesians 6:13,14

Wherefore take unto you the whole amour of God that ye maybe able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.

Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth and having the breastplate of righteousness.

Oh by the way your verse is out of context. Let us look at the verse before.

(Romans 14:12) So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to god, then your verse. What that is saying is to not judge men.

So you say God First, do you recall what you have done wrong. That is what you statement says Romans 14:13 let us judge no man.

Do you recall

all I am saying is maybe there a better way to say what you want said without adding salt
Who are you to JUDGE what is better when you just quoted not to JUDGE. This is called being a hypocrite. So thank you and a holy kiss right backatcha


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God first

Beloved ckmkeon

God loves you my dear friend

Yes you can say what you want I just wanted to help you not get attacked so must because I did not believe you wanted to cause waves just make a statement

Now I do believe saying "Thank God for what VPW taught" would go over better but you can end the way you want

I was not judging but I was trying just to give you some friendly advice

Thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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*****Posted by ABIGAIL******

Now since I have been here there has not been one person who has not shot a "fiery dart". "

What constitutes a "fiery dart" will vary from person to person. However, based on a conversation I once had with you, I was left with the impression that you got exactly the reaction you were hoping to get - so why complain?

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