But it is not a cult here we do not have to think the same, Yet IT is an EX-WAY SITE IM screaming here and if that is an agenda so be it at least it is stated clearly for everyone to understand why this forum is here...
at cross purpose with your mission mike!!!!
Why do you need to post here???
O you can but WHY????
to show that the other poster are wrong in what they believe and just how???
to hurt some one struggling with losing a family member still in ?
to avoid the reality they must face now after leaving or being thrown out, LIKE YOU!!!
NO Mike we will move on beyond the cult in SPITE OF YOU, I am happy and blessed and do not need your inner teachings you think you missed that might work some day when everyone masters it..
YOU master it first , start a cult succed in hurting many then call me.
NO I will not join he does like a one on one private party to play emotions and feel like he is accomplishing his mission.
He needs attention, I think he is lonely.
it would only add fuel to his mission if he thought for a minute he could stop someone from moving on in life and being happy .
miserable people love to focus on others, keeps the lie going that life is crap but at least you have a reason to keep doing it.
You keep on asking why I post here. I said so in the first two paragraphs of this thread. I'll repeat them here in case you don't read long posts.
"Most of what I've been trying to do here at GSC is report new data, things I?ve found in the record that I?ve perceived to be hidden from sight, or not present in our collective memory, or not part of the common discussions between us older grads of PFAL.
"This is not data newly thunk up by me, but things I?ve found that I perceive to be absent in the overall discussion of what happened to us in The Way."
MJ, I am not here to hurt anyone. I'm trying to help.
MJ, may I ask you why YOU come to a thread you know will couse you great hurt?
MJ, are YOU on a mission to protect others from me? Like the mission so many others are on here?
If you want to see where all of this is coming from, just remember an old adage from our TWIt days.
"Follow the glory."
Just exactly who is Mike glorifying? Who is getting the glory?
If it were truly of God, God would be getting the focus, the attention, the glory. Even Jesus Christ didn't glofify himself, and out of everyone ever born, he most certainly had cause to do so.
So who's getting glorified by revrun Mike? Not God, that's for sure.
docvic(praise be his name) is getting a bit of glory, and Mike is certainly doing a whole lot to glorify himself.
And when the glory goes to anyone besides God, you-know-who is actually getting the glory.
quote:Sometimes it?s data hidden by the adversary and his many various methods, including memory fading and emotional assault. Sometimes it?s data purposely hidden by Dr under God?s guidance, and intended to be found at a later date.
Data purposely hident by Dr under God's influence? Maybe it was the God of Drambui and sexual perversion influence.
So far, Mike hasn't shared anything that would convince me that PFAL is God-breathed. He hasn't convinced me that mastering PFAL would benefit my life. I did the PFAL thing for many years. There is no magic PFAL formula. Believing does not equal receiving--**** happens in life and you deal with it. So if your desire never comes to pass, was it because you didn't BELIEVE GOD BIG ENOUGH? Me thinkest not.
Mike, you must realize that NOTHING vpw hid to be revealed at a later date will benefit my life. I have no desire to know what a drunken pervert has to reveal to me. Of course, I believe your revealings of Vic's heart is all your own PRIVATE INTERPRETATION!!!
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
Shellon, I wondered about that word as well so I looked it up.
Don't understand how it fits with the meaning of the message but...
Ubiquitous....from ubique L (I guess the big L means it has a Latin origin??) Existing or being everywhere, omnipresent...The state of being ubiquitous; existing everywhere at the same time; ominipresence
You wrote: "These secret messages are mainly about the
natural/spiritual realm distinctions."
This is NOT what I'm saying.
First of all, the "secret messages" angle is not my focus. Yes, I've found and reported on things Dr put in the record that were hidden and meant to be found later. But this thread is not so much about that.
Second, the "natural/spiritual realm distinctions" that this thread IS about are THE MANNERS and WAYS Dr used words to communicate this dichotomy. This will be made more clear soon, when I post a list of some of Dr's special vocabulary words that he used to make these distinctions. I already did post such a list, in a very short version, on some long lost past thread.
When these special vocabulary words are recognized, then it opens up a better understanding of the PFAL teachings. Many things that Dr said and wrote may be clarified as we get more skilled at recognizing these subtle distinctions. Most of us didn't read the PFAL books with this degree of sharpness.
This thread will help those who want to read PFAL again. It will help them get more out of the reading materials. Those who aren't ready to try this are excused with no hard feelings on my part, and you're always welcome back.
The ubiquitiously HIDDEN teaching of VPW is hidden only to those who don't carefully and accurately handle these critical vocabulary words in reading PFAL.
"When these special vocabulary words are recognized, then it opens up a better understanding of the PFAL teachings. Many things that Dr said and wrote may be clarified as we get more skilled at recognizing these subtle distinctions. Most of us didn't read the PFAL books with this degree of sharpness."
So bring your special V.P. Wierwille Mystery Train Decoder Ring, boys and girls, to see what those special vocabulary words mean! :)--> ;)--> :)--> ;)-->
"Those who aren't ready to try this are excused with no hard feelings on my part, and you're always welcome back."
We can go now?? YIPPPPEEEEE!!!! We can go now!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
Seriously Mike, like I said before, you ain't preaching to the choir here. With the questionable exception of seaspray (who I think is your alter-ego), you have made NO conversions here. And I wouldn't say anything about that now, except you are evidently opening up some old wounds here with your spiel that many here would rather remain closed and healed. So why don't you take the not-so-subtle hint, be like Paul when the folks at Athens wouldn't listen to him, and simply walk away like he did.
You answered WHAT you were posting, but you didn?t answer
Why are you posting this on an ex-way site?
Because you want to help? Help who with what? Why?
Would you would walk into vegetarian restaurant and try to explain the merits of eating meat? Why are you trying to explain the merits of eating Vic's words here?
Smikeol does not believe that TWI stood faithful to the word of VPW. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for him to try to promote his views on an EX-Way site, since The Way has already rejected Smikeol's preciousssss.
Basically speaking, this is an open forum. If someone wants to try to talk us back into TWI, present, past, or future, they're entitled to do so. Challenge the logic of his argument, but in my opinion, it's wrong to challenge his decision to bring his argument to an audience he thinks might contain even one receptive Igor.
The conglomeration of dirt, hair, dead skin, mouthwash, toothpaste, hairspray, mucus, cologne, and various other secretions and tissues had formed a unified funk of a substance. As I pulled it out I felt strongly repelled...yet strangely fascinated.
First, is that there is a teaching that repeatedly appears as a part of many many other teachings. This "sub" teaching pops up everywhere in Dr's teachings, hence the term "ubiquitous." I'll soon be posting a list of some page references.
Second, is that this Sub-teaching was so common that we tended to overlook it, pay it no special attention, and hence the term "hidden."
The WHY of my posting is out of love and concern for a family of PFAL grads that I learned to regard as very special in the 70's, and that I NOW see as an even greater calling of God than I thought before.
If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it.
Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about?
"If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it.
Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about?"
To this question I give you a very emphatic NO!
What went wrong was that TWI and Wierwille should have never happened in the first place.
VPW never had an original thought. It was stolen from the work of others. In some cases he copied it word for word. In others he changed a few words in a sentence.
I don't believe there are too many people at GS who are trying to see "If we can see more exactly what went wrong." And far fewer seeking to find out so "we can more exactly fix it."
We know what went wrong and 'it' was a power hungry man with a lust for using woman for his own pleasure.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
mike, there is nothing to be fixed. i love the family too from the 70s, that's one big reason i'm here. don't worry. HOPEfully we'll all be together someday, but we don't have to make it happen right now.
Here are some key words Dr often used with reference to one realm or the other:
Some of these are obvious, some are subtle. There are some that are still a work in progress, so please, let?s not get all bogged down in the details of which ones should be on the list or not. This is still introductory, and the details will come up again, later.
These words, in the PFAL writings, are reserved for emphasizing the spiritual side:
To some degree, some words are paired off so that one emphasizes the natural and the other the spiritual:
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
Mike has called GS an offshoot which I agree.
But it is not a cult here we do not have to think the same, Yet IT is an EX-WAY SITE IM screaming here and if that is an agenda so be it at least it is stated clearly for everyone to understand why this forum is here...
at cross purpose with your mission mike!!!!
Why do you need to post here???
O you can but WHY????
to show that the other poster are wrong in what they believe and just how???
to hurt some one struggling with losing a family member still in ?
to avoid the reality they must face now after leaving or being thrown out, LIKE YOU!!!
NO Mike we will move on beyond the cult in SPITE OF YOU, I am happy and blessed and do not need your inner teachings you think you missed that might work some day when everyone masters it..
YOU master it first , start a cult succed in hurting many then call me.
NO I will not join he does like a one on one private party to play emotions and feel like he is accomplishing his mission.
He needs attention, I think he is lonely.
it would only add fuel to his mission if he thought for a minute he could stop someone from moving on in life and being happy .
miserable people love to focus on others, keeps the lie going that life is crap but at least you have a reason to keep doing it.
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You keep on asking why I post here. I said so in the first two paragraphs of this thread. I'll repeat them here in case you don't read long posts.
"Most of what I've been trying to do here at GSC is report new data, things I?ve found in the record that I?ve perceived to be hidden from sight, or not present in our collective memory, or not part of the common discussions between us older grads of PFAL.
"This is not data newly thunk up by me, but things I?ve found that I perceive to be absent in the overall discussion of what happened to us in The Way."
MJ, I am not here to hurt anyone. I'm trying to help.
MJ, may I ask you why YOU come to a thread you know will couse you great hurt?
MJ, are YOU on a mission to protect others from me? Like the mission so many others are on here?
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If you want to see where all of this is coming from, just remember an old adage from our TWIt days.
"Follow the glory."
Just exactly who is Mike glorifying? Who is getting the glory?
If it were truly of God, God would be getting the focus, the attention, the glory. Even Jesus Christ didn't glofify himself, and out of everyone ever born, he most certainly had cause to do so.
So who's getting glorified by revrun Mike? Not God, that's for sure.
docvic(praise be his name) is getting a bit of glory, and Mike is certainly doing a whole lot to glorify himself.
And when the glory goes to anyone besides God, you-know-who is actually getting the glory.
Just some points to ponder.
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Quote by Mike:
Data purposely hident by Dr under God's influence? Maybe it was the God of Drambui and sexual perversion influence.
So far, Mike hasn't shared anything that would convince me that PFAL is God-breathed. He hasn't convinced me that mastering PFAL would benefit my life. I did the PFAL thing for many years. There is no magic PFAL formula. Believing does not equal receiving--**** happens in life and you deal with it. So if your desire never comes to pass, was it because you didn't BELIEVE GOD BIG ENOUGH? Me thinkest not.
Mike, you must realize that NOTHING vpw hid to be revealed at a later date will benefit my life. I have no desire to know what a drunken pervert has to reveal to me. Of course, I believe your revealings of Vic's heart is all your own PRIVATE INTERPRETATION!!!
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
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God has blessed us with His Word like it has not been known since the first century. Praise God!
VPW is dead.
How's that?
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"God has blessed us with His Word like it has not been known since the first century."
How do you know that? VPW said it--that settles it--you believe it.
You haven't put PFAL down long enough to see what has been out there since the 1st century...Go to the library...do some real research.
Oi, gevald!
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Shellon, I wondered about that word as well so I looked it up.
Don't understand how it fits with the meaning of the message but...
Ubiquitous....from ubique L (I guess the big L means it has a Latin origin??) Existing or being everywhere, omnipresent...The state of being ubiquitous; existing everywhere at the same time; ominipresence
back to our regularly scheduled posts...
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You wrote: "These secret messages are mainly about the
natural/spiritual realm distinctions."
This is NOT what I'm saying.
First of all, the "secret messages" angle is not my focus. Yes, I've found and reported on things Dr put in the record that were hidden and meant to be found later. But this thread is not so much about that.
Second, the "natural/spiritual realm distinctions" that this thread IS about are THE MANNERS and WAYS Dr used words to communicate this dichotomy. This will be made more clear soon, when I post a list of some of Dr's special vocabulary words that he used to make these distinctions. I already did post such a list, in a very short version, on some long lost past thread.
When these special vocabulary words are recognized, then it opens up a better understanding of the PFAL teachings. Many things that Dr said and wrote may be clarified as we get more skilled at recognizing these subtle distinctions. Most of us didn't read the PFAL books with this degree of sharpness.
This thread will help those who want to read PFAL again. It will help them get more out of the reading materials. Those who aren't ready to try this are excused with no hard feelings on my part, and you're always welcome back.
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Further clarification:
The ubiquitiously HIDDEN teaching of VPW is hidden only to those who don't carefully and accurately handle these critical vocabulary words in reading PFAL.
Does anyone know where I posted that short list?
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i don't know where you posted the list
but mike i cannot think of anything more boring than carefully handling the vocabulary words of pfal
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[This message was edited by Shellon on May 30, 2003 at 2:49.]
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"When these special vocabulary words are recognized, then it opens up a better understanding of the PFAL teachings. Many things that Dr said and wrote may be clarified as we get more skilled at recognizing these subtle distinctions. Most of us didn't read the PFAL books with this degree of sharpness."
So bring your special V.P. Wierwille Mystery Train Decoder Ring, boys and girls, to see what those special vocabulary words mean!
"Those who aren't ready to try this are excused with no hard feelings on my part, and you're always welcome back."
We can go now?? YIPPPPEEEEE!!!! We can go now!!
Seriously Mike, like I said before, you ain't preaching to the choir here. With the questionable exception of seaspray (who I think is your alter-ego), you have made NO conversions here. And I wouldn't say anything about that now, except you are evidently opening up some old wounds here with your spiel that many here would rather remain closed and healed. So why don't you take the not-so-subtle hint, be like Paul when the folks at Athens wouldn't listen to him, and simply walk away like he did.
Simple and easy as that.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Mike, back to a question-
You answered WHAT you were posting, but you didn?t answer
Why are you posting this on an ex-way site?
Because you want to help? Help who with what? Why?
Would you would walk into vegetarian restaurant and try to explain the merits of eating meat? Why are you trying to explain the merits of eating Vic's words here?
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Larry P2
Oh Garth, don't tell Mikey to leave. He is needed around here. Maybe some of us heathens will eventually be saved through his masochistic forbearance.
Like someone said, it is like a car wreck, you just HAVE to stop and look!
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Smikeol does not believe that TWI stood faithful to the word of VPW. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for him to try to promote his views on an EX-Way site, since The Way has already rejected Smikeol's preciousssss.
Basically speaking, this is an open forum. If someone wants to try to talk us back into TWI, present, past, or future, they're entitled to do so. Challenge the logic of his argument, but in my opinion, it's wrong to challenge his decision to bring his argument to an audience he thinks might contain even one receptive Igor.
Just my opinion.
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Last weekend I cleaned out my bathroom drain.
The conglomeration of dirt, hair, dead skin, mouthwash, toothpaste, hairspray, mucus, cologne, and various other secretions and tissues had formed a unified funk of a substance. As I pulled it out I felt strongly repelled...yet strangely fascinated.
This is how I feel when I read Mike's posts.
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I'll try to come up with less attractive thread names in the future, just to help you resist this strange urge to click on them.
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The meaning of this thread's title is twofold:
First, is that there is a teaching that repeatedly appears as a part of many many other teachings. This "sub" teaching pops up everywhere in Dr's teachings, hence the term "ubiquitous." I'll soon be posting a list of some page references.
Second, is that this Sub-teaching was so common that we tended to overlook it, pay it no special attention, and hence the term "hidden."
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Jesse Joe,
The WHY of my posting is out of love and concern for a family of PFAL grads that I learned to regard as very special in the 70's, and that I NOW see as an even greater calling of God than I thought before.
If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it.
Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about?
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I DiG the memory fading stuff!!!
How much are we suppose to forget???
...hello... is anybody out there...
So ya
Thought ya
Might like to go to the show.
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow.
Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine?
Is this not what you expected to see?
If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes
You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise.
"Lights! Turn on the sound effects! Action!"
"Drop it, drop it on 'em! Drop it on them!!!!!"
Ithinks thart be Pink F...
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 31, 2003 at 19:36.]
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Stayed Too Long
Mike you said:
"If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it.
Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about?"
To this question I give you a very emphatic NO!
What went wrong was that TWI and Wierwille should have never happened in the first place.
VPW never had an original thought. It was stolen from the work of others. In some cases he copied it word for word. In others he changed a few words in a sentence.
I don't believe there are too many people at GS who are trying to see "If we can see more exactly what went wrong." And far fewer seeking to find out so "we can more exactly fix it."
We know what went wrong and 'it' was a power hungry man with a lust for using woman for his own pleasure.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
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hi SWS
mike, there is nothing to be fixed. i love the family too from the 70s, that's one big reason i'm here. don't worry. HOPEfully we'll all be together someday, but we don't have to make it happen right now.
love, ex
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Hi Exy,
It's that HOPE that this is all leading to.
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Here are some key words Dr often used with reference to one realm or the other:
Some of these are obvious, some are subtle. There are some that are still a work in progress, so please, let?s not get all bogged down in the details of which ones should be on the list or not. This is still introductory, and the details will come up again, later.
These words, in the PFAL writings, are reserved for emphasizing the spiritual side:
To some degree, some words are paired off so that one emphasizes the natural and the other the spiritual:
(please pardon the crude tabulation)
......................................Natural .../... Spiritual
......................................Factual .../... True
...........................................fact .../... truth
.....................................analyze .../... ascertain
...................................believing .../... faith
........................................below .../... above
.........................................Bible .../... Word of God
................................body&soul .../... spirit
................................corruptible .../... incorruptible
.................................countless .../... innumerable
.........................earthen vessel .../... treasure
......................................earthly .../... heavenly
...............................everlasting .../... eternal
............................everyday life .../... real, reality
...................................external .../... internal
....................................feelings .../... revelation
.........................................finite .../... infinite
.........................................flesh .../... spirit
.......................................carnal .../... spiritual
...................................anything .../... everything
.....immediate prophecy fulfillment .../... ultimate prophecy fulfillment
........................................static .../... dynamic
..................................5-senses .../... spiritual perception
................................forthtelling .../... foretelling
..............................government .../... gift ministries
................................happiness .../... joy
.........................................hear .../... see
.....................................human .../... divine
...............................immediate .../... ultimate
............................Jesus Christ .../... Christ Jesus
.........................................brag .../... glory
..........................................light .../... dark
........................................literal .../... figurative
.......................................make .../... create
.........................................man .../... Son of God
.........................man's viewpoint .../... God's viewpoint
.......................................mortal .../... immortal
.........................................night .../... day
......................................people .../... man
.......................................phileo .../... agape
....................................physical .../... spiritual
......................................reason .../... logic
.....................................religion .../... Christianity
..........................religious leader .../... doulos servant
......................................rhema .../... logos
....................................sensual .../... spiritual
................................sentences .../... communication
..........................Simon's cross .../... Jesus' cross
..................................sincerely .../... study/work to rightly divide
..............................Son of man .../... Son of God
..........................................soul .../... spirit
.....................................spoken .../... written
.....................................surface .../... deep
....................................tangible .../... unseen
..........................................tape .../... book
...................................teaching .../... instruction
.................................terrestrial .../... celestial
.........................................think .../... know
......................................visible .../... invisible
........................................satan .../... devil
................Gen.1:1 to Rev. 22:21 .../... Genesis to Revelation
.....................................opinion .../... right dividing
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