It might help if you remember that I too was hurt in the twi verbal tradition and all it's horrors. I don't write about it here, because it's settled, and I don't like bringing it up.
I've found that mixed in with all that crap in the past was a genuine blessing from God, and He snuck it right past the devil by using the most unlikely of messengers.
What you "found" is a mirage...keep drinking sand, Mike....
You know we all ate .... and called it icecream at some point in our lives and then finally started calling it by it's proper name. Then we were free to accept what God wanted for us. Not what we wanted God for....
It's been said several times here, Mike. Seek professional help. Scared you could have been wrong? Scared of what you might find? Jesus said the kingdon of God is within you. That is the brave endeavor. That shows a man what he is made of and his potential. You are a text book case, Mike, just like Vic.... and you have become a continual dropping...
the more you post the more people you run off...cut your loses and move on. If someone wants to hear more...they will find you...but this way only glorifies you..not God. seems there is a common thought posted by your detractors...we have grown tired of you...and tend to respond to comfort those you hurt with unfeeling words...
It?s obviously the case that many of you (NOT all) are watching and waiting, asking me questions and goading me, and all to one purpose: to catch me in something that you can have a fit about. Not everyone is like this, but there?s a gang mentality in enough to set the atmosphere. (If the shoe fits wear it, if not be glad.)
If people?s buttons get pushed on this thread it?s because they come here to this thread to GET them pushed. If they don?t get pushed right away, they ask coy questions of me until there?s something in one of my answers to blow up about. It?s a sensational rush to get all angry at Mike. If not me, then the sought after fit of anger will have to be sought elsewhere. (If the shoe fits...
It?s your religion, those of you who are preoccupied with conjuring up a negative image of VPW very regularly, nearly every on-line hour. In every thread, no matter how far removed from TWI,VPW,TVT,or PFAL, no matter how remote the subject, if you can make a negative association from it to THE big ultimate topic here (negativity on VPW or VPW related), then you get special rewards from the congregation.
I see a religion here; if the shoe fits, wear it, if not be glad.
I see a religion here, and the god is vpw, or the image of him that is currently held in mind. It?s a religion where the ultimate inner quality is hate, and to move this hate to others. Instead of praise, it?s cursing, and the more eloquent the cursing, the greater a call of ?Helleluia? from the choir. It?s a negative praise, worship in reverse. (If the shoe fits...
I choose different. I thank the True God for being able to work with me, a sinner, and He works with other sinners, too. Even VPW. I?ll bet that if we were to poll ALL the grads of PFAL, the vast majority would have more to thank God about than negative memories.
I urge that we seek ways to forget the past unpleasantness, from mild to traumatic, and focus on him... the perfect one... On this thread lets talk about Jesus Christ more, ok?
If we steer the conversation towards the good we were taught, then we can get healed of the hurts. It worked for me, but it took time. Just give it a try here on this thread.
There are plenty of other threads where other topics are totally covered. I'm just trying to steer it into areas that have NOT been covered. Areas where the greatest healing is.
On equal terms right ? He just happens to be a little older right ??? I mean now you are just like Him ... burn you bastard and you will, satan has always believed he was on equal terms with God and Jesus christ and wanted to be Him as well. keep trying mike it is written clearly were your god is going . temporary bastard.
see to me He is a Saviour of Mankind.
The ONLY BELOVED OF GOD> HE IS Sinnless, He always obeyed.
you are not even related dude .
that is the reason twi went to H*ll because people began thinking they were the Christ.
Now, now--cmon, Mike I aint that young OR stupid...
quote: I suggest we turn the thread?s attention to him, because he?s here.
quote: so Mike... JC, Present, or...Absent???? which is it??? PFAL has the answer and it is??????
quote: What's YOUR theology on the presence of Jesus Christ? Do you have his phone number?
alfak: Mike, I asked YOU the question--perhaps you need help understanding...
If JC is absent, per PFAL, how is it you say he's here?? You answer that, I'll tell you what I see in the record in the bible, the container of THE Word of God--fair enough???
and no facetious replys needed, warranted or asked for--I have no metaphysical phone numbers, email addresses, etc. ....
You wrote: ?If JC is absent, per PFAL, how is it you say he's here?? You answer that, I'll tell you what I see in the record in the bible, the container of THE Word of God--fair enough????
PFAL talks about him being absent physically.
I mentioned that he is present, spiritually.
See how important it is to keep the two realms in mind and clearly?
quote:I see a religion here, and the god is vpw, or the image of him that is currently held in mind. It?s a religion where the ultimate inner quality is hate, and to move this hate to others. Instead of praise, it?s cursing, and the more eloquent the cursing, the greater a call of ?Helleluia? from the choir. It?s a negative praise, worship in reverse. (If the shoe fits...
I choose different. I thank the True God for being able to work with me, a sinner, and He works with other sinners, too. Even VPW. I?ll bet that if we were to poll ALL the grads of PFAL, the vast majority would have more to thank God about than negative memories.
I urge that we seek ways to forget the past unpleasantness, from mild to traumatic, and focus on him... the perfect one... On this thread lets talk about Jesus Christ more, ok?
Mike, you see what you choose to see with your rose-colored telescope. One of your mistakes is presuming that this thread an/or the participants attitudes and beliefs concerning VPW represent the sum total of their spiritual life. You presume that hatred for VPW is at the forefront of peoples thoughts. Not so. It is your denying, belittling and glossing over of the well documented facts and negatives about VPW, PFAL amd TWI that brings them to the forefront. The spiritual lives and "religion" of many of the folks here extends far beyond GS cafe and your threads. You mistake "hate" for speaking the truth about your idols.
I know of very few here that deny that any good came from their time in TWI. Yet they are not so foolish and deluded as to ignore the bad that happened as well. To understand and truly make sense of TWI/VPW/PFAL one must honestly and critically look at all sides. Seeking to forget or ignore the unplesantness, errors and evil can only lead to an unbalanced and false notion of what is real. If we forget the negatives - the error, evil, and the abuse it will likely return upon us. Remebering the negatives does not mean that we focus on them. That is a false and absurd presumption. The lessons we learned from the negative are just as important as the lessons from the positives. They teach us what not to do, what won't work, and in many cases, what not to believe. They prevent us from falling into the same traps and errors over an over again. They have also taught us how to sift through much of this delusional and unbalanced hogwash that you are trying to feed us here.
Mike--I would not assume anything about me, if I were you. I knew the answer; I was interested in how you would word your reply.
PFAL spends far more time on Christ in you, an obvious figure of speech than it does on the ministry of the high priest seated at the right hand of God, the Son of God from the heavens, who ever liveth to make intercession for the saints. If there had been more concern about what he has done and is doing presently, there would have been less focus on men, mogs and our "great" powers that we "have". The over-abundant focus on men and the things of man are what allowed men's sin natures to run rampant the way they did. We sang Turn your eyes upon Jesus but in practice we fawned over the MOGS' Christ-in-you. Wrong!! It was and is sin, which in turn produced broken fellowship. Slicing and dicing the bible hacked up THE Word of God contained therein and turned frail, too human men into mini-gods, bent on having their spiritual cake and physically eating it, too...
"that they might consume it upon their lusts..." sound familiar, anyone?? Beuller? anyone??
If we steer the conversation towards the good we were taught, then we can get healed of the hurts. It worked for me, but it took time. Just give it a try here on this thread.
Mike, Give me a break!
You have not healed...You are in denial...You have swallowed more crap and think if you bury it deep enough and can't smell it anymore, well, then it must not be crap! Crap it all is. To heal you have to dig it up, acknowledge it and put it in it's proper place.
We don't want that "good". We are free to see good in other avenues. We are at last to take the good and the bad and that which we can't quite understand and work with it. We don't need you (especially you) to interpret it for us. We are happy with what we have learned and what we still can learn and it ain't from PFALLACY. And we have been healed and will continue to heal....the right way.
We have been released from those chains that bound us and we won't be enslaved to it again.
The worse thing you a person can do is tell someone their feelings don't matter. This is especially true with children. What we feel does matter and is valid. Being able to talk about it in this way...makes memories lose their power. It assists the healing process. This is not new stuff Mike it's just the The Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching VPW didn't want you to hear.
That's the point, Mike. Nobody wants it...At least here...out in the open. The votes are in. Work with the ones you have. The few that have expressed interest, but not on a message board What you are doing does more to destroy than to's a better use of your time.
When we first took PFAL we saw as you described. It was the seed of Christ in us that was emphasized in our understanding.
This thread is to alert grads that ALSO in the PFAL teaching is the active, present, relationship with the spiritually present Christ. We can see this in the PFAL class by getting familiar with this OFTEN repeated teaching of "Christ Formed In You" and the minute differences in Dr?s vocabulary words when dealing with the two realms.
In the class he did teach the spiritual presence, the active, present, relationship with the spiritually present Christ, but we didn?t see it there...yet.
There are a few more items I will soon post that will fit into this situation I?ve just described. If you don?t see it all yet, hang in there. There?s more data coming.
quote:If we steer the conversation towards the good we were taught, then we can get healed of the hurts. It worked for me, but it took time. Just give it a try here on this thread.
But when divers were sickened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way of docvic before the GSers, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one PFAL. [not a direct quote; some words were changed to fit this topic]
I think you explained it VERY WELL ;)-->
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
Only in your world Mike....walking on water yet?
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So I will fit in here with your thinking about whatever is lovely and good and never ugly or sinnful .
The big difference between me and you Mike is I know the Lord Jesus Christ and He loves His people and He hears them.
do you think the guy foaming at the mouth had a nice phrase of poetry streaming from his lips?
those pigs were just screaming when the devils hit them...
Or the whore they tried to stone was a bit jaded by street speak?
That martha was a bit of a bitchy one , when she was exhausted from the work .
I bet judas was a mild manner soul with a soft vioce as He demanded something be done for the kingdom right now ! not.
Jesus loves honesty in His people... He died for it .
God never lies ever.
your twist the bible to suit your liking Mike.
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It might help if you remember that I too was hurt in the twi verbal tradition and all it's horrors. I don't write about it here, because it's settled, and I don't like bringing it up.
I've found that mixed in with all that crap in the past was a genuine blessing from God, and He snuck it right past the devil by using the most unlikely of messengers.
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Let's talk some untwisted scripture on Jesus Christ, ok?
I long to get back to that relationship with Jesus Christ that was being discussed a page or so ago?
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I do believe you even know Jesus christ beyond pfal Mike, so I decline any discussion with you.
I take your lead and talk at you not with you .
that is how you talk Mike, at people , you never consider anything but your own agenda in pfal.
your blinded and arrogant and ignorant of bible verses unless they come from vpw lips.
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We have gone full circle and your an idiot , for keeping it going...
God rescues His people in SPITE OF THE *******S INVOLVED...
See that is why the Lord Jesus Christ is so fabulous He knows what people can be trusted none is his estimation . none
take you mind off what you think your doing and look at the majesty of How He thinks .
Im glad I am not the Lord of this people I tell ya , If your were so hurt in the verbal tradition Mike why do you want to keep selling it????
no where eles to go hmmm???
Try prayer for a start.
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What you "found" is a mirage...keep drinking sand, Mike....
You know we all ate .... and called it icecream at some point in our lives and then finally started calling it by it's proper name. Then we were free to accept what God wanted for us. Not what we wanted God for....
It's been said several times here, Mike. Seek professional help. Scared you could have been wrong? Scared of what you might find? Jesus said the kingdon of God is within you. That is the brave endeavor. That shows a man what he is made of and his potential. You are a text book case, Mike, just like Vic.... and you have become a continual dropping...
the more you post the more people you run off...cut your loses and move on. If someone wants to hear more...they will find you...but this way only glorifies you..not God. seems there is a common thought posted by your detractors...we have grown tired of you...and tend to respond to comfort those you hurt with unfeeling words...
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It?s obviously the case that many of you (NOT all) are watching and waiting, asking me questions and goading me, and all to one purpose: to catch me in something that you can have a fit about. Not everyone is like this, but there?s a gang mentality in enough to set the atmosphere. (If the shoe fits wear it, if not be glad.)
If people?s buttons get pushed on this thread it?s because they come here to this thread to GET them pushed. If they don?t get pushed right away, they ask coy questions of me until there?s something in one of my answers to blow up about. It?s a sensational rush to get all angry at Mike. If not me, then the sought after fit of anger will have to be sought elsewhere. (If the shoe fits...
It?s your religion, those of you who are preoccupied with conjuring up a negative image of VPW very regularly, nearly every on-line hour. In every thread, no matter how far removed from TWI,VPW,TVT,or PFAL, no matter how remote the subject, if you can make a negative association from it to THE big ultimate topic here (negativity on VPW or VPW related), then you get special rewards from the congregation.
I see a religion here; if the shoe fits, wear it, if not be glad.
I see a religion here, and the god is vpw, or the image of him that is currently held in mind. It?s a religion where the ultimate inner quality is hate, and to move this hate to others. Instead of praise, it?s cursing, and the more eloquent the cursing, the greater a call of ?Helleluia? from the choir. It?s a negative praise, worship in reverse. (If the shoe fits...
I choose different. I thank the True God for being able to work with me, a sinner, and He works with other sinners, too. Even VPW. I?ll bet that if we were to poll ALL the grads of PFAL, the vast majority would have more to thank God about than negative memories.
I urge that we seek ways to forget the past unpleasantness, from mild to traumatic, and focus on him... the perfect one... On this thread lets talk about Jesus Christ more, ok?
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so you not leaving ? ....
I suggest you learn how to control your urges to suppress the truth about pfal, and twi.
so here is a challenge for ya Mike without anger.
describe who Jesus Christ is to you with out using a quote from vpw, or the pfal class ....
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how dare you. i've eaten enough of that sh!t talk for a lifetime, that guilt, that crap, turning stuff around to make me feel bad
i don't care who you addressed it to
"and if the shoe fits," fruck that too
i'm starting to get mad at you now mike
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He's my big brother, and I don't mean that in an Orwellian sense.
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If we steer the conversation towards the good we were taught, then we can get healed of the hurts. It worked for me, but it took time. Just give it a try here on this thread.
There are plenty of other threads where other topics are totally covered. I'm just trying to steer it into areas that have NOT been covered. Areas where the greatest healing is.
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You s.o.b
Jesus Christ is your big brother !!!!
On equal terms right ? He just happens to be a little older right ??? I mean now you are just like Him ... burn you bastard and you will, satan has always believed he was on equal terms with God and Jesus christ and wanted to be Him as well. keep trying mike it is written clearly were your god is going . temporary bastard.
see to me He is a Saviour of Mankind.
The ONLY BELOVED OF GOD> HE IS Sinnless, He always obeyed.
you are not even related dude .
that is the reason twi went to H*ll because people began thinking they were the Christ.
Want to be Lord much dude??
im done.
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Now, now--cmon, Mike I aint that young OR stupid...
alfak: Mike, I asked YOU the question--perhaps you need help understanding...
If JC is absent, per PFAL, how is it you say he's here?? You answer that, I'll tell you what I see in the record in the bible, the container of THE Word of God--fair enough???
and no facetious replys needed, warranted or asked for--I have no metaphysical phone numbers, email addresses, etc. ....
plain enough for ya??
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You wrote: ?If JC is absent, per PFAL, how is it you say he's here?? You answer that, I'll tell you what I see in the record in the bible, the container of THE Word of God--fair enough????
PFAL talks about him being absent physically.
I mentioned that he is present, spiritually.
See how important it is to keep the two realms in mind and clearly?
Your turn.
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mike the only thing that is clear about you is your ability to twist and warp into your own realm .
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Mike, you see what you choose to see with your rose-colored telescope. One of your mistakes is presuming that this thread an/or the participants attitudes and beliefs concerning VPW represent the sum total of their spiritual life. You presume that hatred for VPW is at the forefront of peoples thoughts. Not so. It is your denying, belittling and glossing over of the well documented facts and negatives about VPW, PFAL amd TWI that brings them to the forefront. The spiritual lives and "religion" of many of the folks here extends far beyond GS cafe and your threads. You mistake "hate" for speaking the truth about your idols.
I know of very few here that deny that any good came from their time in TWI. Yet they are not so foolish and deluded as to ignore the bad that happened as well. To understand and truly make sense of TWI/VPW/PFAL one must honestly and critically look at all sides. Seeking to forget or ignore the unplesantness, errors and evil can only lead to an unbalanced and false notion of what is real. If we forget the negatives - the error, evil, and the abuse it will likely return upon us. Remebering the negatives does not mean that we focus on them. That is a false and absurd presumption. The lessons we learned from the negative are just as important as the lessons from the positives. They teach us what not to do, what won't work, and in many cases, what not to believe. They prevent us from falling into the same traps and errors over an over again. They have also taught us how to sift through much of this delusional and unbalanced hogwash that you are trying to feed us here.
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Mike--I would not assume anything about me, if I were you. I knew the answer; I was interested in how you would word your reply.
PFAL spends far more time on Christ in you, an obvious figure of speech than it does on the ministry of the high priest seated at the right hand of God, the Son of God from the heavens, who ever liveth to make intercession for the saints. If there had been more concern about what he has done and is doing presently, there would have been less focus on men, mogs and our "great" powers that we "have". The over-abundant focus on men and the things of man are what allowed men's sin natures to run rampant the way they did. We sang Turn your eyes upon Jesus but in practice we fawned over the MOGS' Christ-in-you. Wrong!! It was and is sin, which in turn produced broken fellowship. Slicing and dicing the bible hacked up THE Word of God contained therein and turned frail, too human men into mini-gods, bent on having their spiritual cake and physically eating it, too...
"that they might consume it upon their lusts..." sound familiar, anyone?? Beuller? anyone??
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Mike again says:
If we steer the conversation towards the good we were taught, then we can get healed of the hurts. It worked for me, but it took time. Just give it a try here on this thread.
Mike, Give me a break!
You have not healed...You are in denial...You have swallowed more crap and think if you bury it deep enough and can't smell it anymore, well, then it must not be crap! Crap it all is. To heal you have to dig it up, acknowledge it and put it in it's proper place.
We don't want that "good". We are free to see good in other avenues. We are at last to take the good and the bad and that which we can't quite understand and work with it. We don't need you (especially you) to interpret it for us. We are happy with what we have learned and what we still can learn and it ain't from PFALLACY. And we have been healed and will continue to heal....the right way.
We have been released from those chains that bound us and we won't be enslaved to it again.
The worse thing you a person can do is tell someone their feelings don't matter. This is especially true with children. What we feel does matter and is valid. Being able to talk about it in this way...makes memories lose their power. It assists the healing process. This is not new stuff Mike it's just the The Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching VPW didn't want you to hear.
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The feelings of hurt I see people expressing cause me to want to help. It hurts me to see people I care about hurting.
I have found healing in an area you find surprising and negative. I think if you calm down about it you'll see it heals for you too.
If you disagree with me about this I will accept it, but I'll still make it available for others, and for you if you change your mind in the future.
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That's the point, Mike. Nobody wants it...At least here...out in the open. The votes are in. Work with the ones you have. The few that have expressed interest, but not on a message board What you are doing does more to destroy than to's a better use of your time.
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When we first took PFAL we saw as you described. It was the seed of Christ in us that was emphasized in our understanding.
This thread is to alert grads that ALSO in the PFAL teaching is the active, present, relationship with the spiritually present Christ. We can see this in the PFAL class by getting familiar with this OFTEN repeated teaching of "Christ Formed In You" and the minute differences in Dr?s vocabulary words when dealing with the two realms.
In the class he did teach the spiritual presence, the active, present, relationship with the spiritually present Christ, but we didn?t see it there...yet.
There are a few more items I will soon post that will fit into this situation I?ve just described. If you don?t see it all yet, hang in there. There?s more data coming.
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Someone, hold still...
Let me put this here ointment on...
(kick, crash)
It's THE only and only ointment that works for OLG scars...
(spit, punch)
No, I won't leave until...
...someone is healed...
Hold still now...
If you would just let me put this stuff on you...
(crack) would not be so upset...
(thwap thwap)
Truth is, I'm not at all suprised that everyone is throwing things at me.
That's just always what happens when you try save everyone...
(whimper, bonk)
Mike, the routine of your threads crack me up.
Its like watching good ole' cartoons.
Or reading "Of Mice and Men."
You are a trip.
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But when divers were sickened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way of docvic before the GSers, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one PFAL. [not a direct quote; some words were changed to fit this topic]
I think you explained it VERY WELL
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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