GT--you emailed me at my Hotmail address many moons ago and I remenber replying...if I didn't, my apologies. I cannot remember ever ignoring a direct post from you but sometimes I am away for weeks at a time. You have 1708 posts as of the time of this posting; I have 387 and we registered a day apart--I don't post as much, in general, to ANYONE
...cept on silly threads like "Thread Killers"--cuz I'm MOSTLY a silly person. For Mike, I make certain rare exceptions.....YMMV
ps "read me right"?? is that a little like Raf NOT knowing your heart?? my point was--you portrayed yourself as unaffected, unlike the rest of us--was I misreading that, or not??? fair question, no bias, no over-emotion...if you post, people WILL respond, GT...facts o' net life, it seems...again, YMMV
[This message was edited by alfakat on July 18, 2003 at 10:02.]
I have not read every one of your posts, and am not aware of a single time that you addressed me that I did not answer you. Not saying it didn't happen, just that I'm not aware of it.
I am also not aware of one single solitary e-mail that I have received from you.
So for you to say that I have not responded to you is more than a little unfair.
It also has nothing to do with this thread.
Mike presents his views, not to p*ss in the wind, but to elicit responses. We respond. I honestly don't understand your objection to the fact that people have strong feelings and enjoy talking about this subject. If I want to engage Mike in this conversation and he's content to continue, why is that a problem?
My main concern in life is NOT Mike, is NOT VPW. You err, greatly, IF you think that my posts on this thread reflect my life's main concerns.
I'll agree with you on this: let's all remember to keep all this discussion in a proper perspective. There's a whole world out there, lots of wonderful things to see and do.
I lived on a farm in ohio. It took years to be able to learn to type, I was loyal and loved those who helped me be who I am today . Every year in August thousands of people would come to the farm and I would listen and practice my typing. I thought I was a special cat at the time , I believed I was special . With a few other stray racoons who could sing , not to metion the possum who claimed to dance we felt content. It was home .
I post on this web site to keep practicing my skill in typing, the other cats of the world do not understand why I am attracted to typing or Gs. It helps me remember the farm back in the day when all cats had the chance to type but few stuck with it and mastered what the farm taught us. I am the only one really , I am searching for other felines who can type . who still care about typing, who can chat with me about those late night strolls in between all those tents spraying our way to heaven .
Like Raf, there's just some things about your stance that I don't understand.
Most of us have openly admitted that we are here to talk about what was wrong with The Way International, including its founder. We have expounded at length about how Victor Paul Wierwille was a plagiarist and a sexual predator, among other things. Many of us hope that by sharing and discussing these things, we can help others avoid the junk that we put up with in The Way. I think it is a given that anyone coming here to laud PFAL to the skies is going to receive strong argument.
Along comes Mike to tell us (and taking Lord knows how long to tell us) that Wierwille's plagiarism was a good thing, and that his sexual deviancy should be overlooked because of the greater good of having given us PFAL, and that life would be as wonderful as it was when we were teenagers if we would only believe that Wierwille was God's messenger for this age.
Mike "outed" one poster here who had had some e-mail contact with him in the past. She vehemently disagrees with how he characterized that relationship. Mike's statements about women leave much to be desired, including a statement made to Rafael in private that had Raf just about blowing a gasket. Mike has told Exy, in so many words, that she should just get over it so she could go on with the great blessings that VPW bestowed upon us. He insulted most all of the rest of us in various ways. His logic in presenting his case for PFAL is often out to lunch as well.
You are surprised that we are not more polite?
When I am not on GS, I think very little about what I say here. I have a life. But when I am here, knowing what I know about Wierwille, The Way, and Power for Abundant Living, I would hate to see posts such as Mike's remain on the Internet without comment. If his detractors are occasionally insulting, well, Mike knew it was like that here before he ever made a post, and his own remarks have been far from courteous.
If Wierwille could walk into your living room today, would you be sweet to him?
I like Mike , he changed the litter box alot on the farm. scooped like no tommorrow he did . he also gave me some grease for the hair balls , he helped alot.
I didnt care much for the dogs , they barked alot they think they have some kind of super power because they slept in the RV section well little did they know how much fun it is to shred and pee among the common folks in tent city .
I heard those dogs had to be shot for biting innocent children. anyways us cats we see everything you know what really happens at these type of places and I have to type to warn you now , your wrong about how the cats learned to type I didnt forget how . but watch out for that snow cone stand the yellow snow cones were a favorite game between the owner and a good Tom I once knew , sadly he was run over by a golf cart but he did what he had to do , and trained others.
Naw mj, I thought that the innocent children were the ones who were eventually taught to kill all of the cats on the farm.... thats probably why you don`t seem to find many here typing these days.
[This message was edited by rascal on July 18, 2003 at 11:08.]
I know I said I was Pam Aanderson, I lied, I thought I would be more important as an actor , but I am only a cat who types. I still live on the farm , the people do not come and camp like they used to. We spray the big house now, the one with all the empty seats and the stage in the cornerof the field. the buses still thrill us just look out for the wheels. The people seem sad and never pet me anymore.
no one cares about the cats who can type, they all forgot that we mastered typing after all the years .
In the real kitty world they do not understand just how important of a skill this is.
kitty kitty kitty... MJandthe412... come here leetle kitty ;)--> I have some nice catnip for you...
I think that we should all remember why we are here today, this day, Fry day on this ubiquitous thread... and that is because we're all going to the snow cone stand to sample the new flavors!
And Raffy: that ad-hominim stuff you talked about way before the thread got derailed into a different "discussion"... it that the stuff they make grits out of?
Now... more importantly (at least to me)... I have sad news to report... my winning percentage dropped a point, today will be the last day of this test and then I will start on Goey's theory of how to master Solitare... (but Goey the voices say that they will need much help AND a refresher...
Has anyone here noticed how this "Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW" thread is more than twice as big as the "Actual Errors In PFAL" thread? What does this tell you?
oh to confuse the idea I got it yes indeed Mike baffles the mind. Mike look a big word for ya !
Mike I talked behind your post on another thread about my relationship to you actualy two threads. one is about why i post to you one is why I do not haha .
it all too complex but I know you will never stop huh MIKE? a mission from God ... or vpw I am baffled . someone? meow . I think I got fleas for Gods sake when will the torment end???
Has anyone here noticed how this "Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW" thread is more than twice as big as the "Actual Errors In PFAL" thread? What does this tell you?
That I didn't post anything for nearly three months.
This thread still needs about 2,000 more posts to equal in length the first "THE" thread on Waydale.
It means nothing.
Anyone notice that Mike was unable to adequately address a single error on that list, and how fundamentally dishonest he was about the nature of doubts on one of those errors?
My ability or inability to handle every twist your antagonistic research committee can come up with regarding PFAL texts says NOTHING about the ability of God to intervene and guide a man to put His Word into written form.
My ?inability? to handle your demands may at times be due to a different priority I have placed on these twists in reading the text.
My ?inability? to handle some items may really be due to your inability to recognize my right dividing.
So I see three possible reasons for my ?inability? two false and one factual. As for the last, I have always admitted to being a student. In my studies I INSIST on taking the course of study laid out by God, not by you or your thread partners.
Instead of dodge here, I simple SWEEP you and your cohorts away from my attention and press on.
Now there were a few posts in a conversation above that I was following and not wanting to interrupt. I may look at them again soon, before pressing on to finish this thread.
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
GT--you emailed me at my Hotmail address many moons ago and I remenber replying...if I didn't, my apologies. I cannot remember ever ignoring a direct post from you but sometimes I am away for weeks at a time. You have 1708 posts as of the time of this posting; I have 387 and we registered a day apart--I don't post as much, in general, to ANYONE
...cept on silly threads like "Thread Killers"--cuz I'm MOSTLY a silly person. For Mike, I make certain rare exceptions.....YMMV
ps "read me right"?? is that a little like Raf NOT knowing your heart?? my point was--you portrayed yourself as unaffected, unlike the rest of us--was I misreading that, or not??? fair question, no bias, no over-emotion...if you post, people WILL respond, GT...facts o' net life, it seems...again, YMMV
[This message was edited by alfakat on July 18, 2003 at 10:02.]
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I have not read every one of your posts, and am not aware of a single time that you addressed me that I did not answer you. Not saying it didn't happen, just that I'm not aware of it.
I am also not aware of one single solitary e-mail that I have received from you.
So for you to say that I have not responded to you is more than a little unfair.
It also has nothing to do with this thread.
Mike presents his views, not to p*ss in the wind, but to elicit responses. We respond. I honestly don't understand your objection to the fact that people have strong feelings and enjoy talking about this subject. If I want to engage Mike in this conversation and he's content to continue, why is that a problem?
My main concern in life is NOT Mike, is NOT VPW. You err, greatly, IF you think that my posts on this thread reflect my life's main concerns.
I'll agree with you on this: let's all remember to keep all this discussion in a proper perspective. There's a whole world out there, lots of wonderful things to see and do.
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Im really a gifted cat who was taught to type.
I lived on a farm in ohio. It took years to be able to learn to type, I was loyal and loved those who helped me be who I am today . Every year in August thousands of people would come to the farm and I would listen and practice my typing. I thought I was a special cat at the time , I believed I was special . With a few other stray racoons who could sing , not to metion the possum who claimed to dance we felt content. It was home .
I post on this web site to keep practicing my skill in typing, the other cats of the world do not understand why I am attracted to typing or Gs. It helps me remember the farm back in the day when all cats had the chance to type but few stuck with it and mastered what the farm taught us. I am the only one really , I am searching for other felines who can type . who still care about typing, who can chat with me about those late night strolls in between all those tents spraying our way to heaven .
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Dear Ginger,
Like Raf, there's just some things about your stance that I don't understand.
Most of us have openly admitted that we are here to talk about what was wrong with The Way International, including its founder. We have expounded at length about how Victor Paul Wierwille was a plagiarist and a sexual predator, among other things. Many of us hope that by sharing and discussing these things, we can help others avoid the junk that we put up with in The Way. I think it is a given that anyone coming here to laud PFAL to the skies is going to receive strong argument.
Along comes Mike to tell us (and taking Lord knows how long to tell us) that Wierwille's plagiarism was a good thing, and that his sexual deviancy should be overlooked because of the greater good of having given us PFAL, and that life would be as wonderful as it was when we were teenagers if we would only believe that Wierwille was God's messenger for this age.
Mike "outed" one poster here who had had some e-mail contact with him in the past. She vehemently disagrees with how he characterized that relationship. Mike's statements about women leave much to be desired, including a statement made to Rafael in private that had Raf just about blowing a gasket. Mike has told Exy, in so many words, that she should just get over it so she could go on with the great blessings that VPW bestowed upon us. He insulted most all of the rest of us in various ways. His logic in presenting his case for PFAL is often out to lunch as well.
You are surprised that we are not more polite?
When I am not on GS, I think very little about what I say here. I have a life. But when I am here, knowing what I know about Wierwille, The Way, and Power for Abundant Living, I would hate to see posts such as Mike's remain on the Internet without comment. If his detractors are occasionally insulting, well, Mike knew it was like that here before he ever made a post, and his own remarks have been far from courteous.
If Wierwille could walk into your living room today, would you be sweet to him?
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I like Mike , he changed the litter box alot on the farm. scooped like no tommorrow he did . he also gave me some grease for the hair balls , he helped alot.
I didnt care much for the dogs , they barked alot they think they have some kind of super power because they slept in the RV section well little did they know how much fun it is to shred and pee among the common folks in tent city .
I heard those dogs had to be shot for biting innocent children. anyways us cats we see everything you know what really happens at these type of places and I have to type to warn you now , your wrong about how the cats learned to type I didnt forget how . but watch out for that snow cone stand the yellow snow cones were a favorite game between the owner and a good Tom I once knew , sadly he was run over by a golf cart but he did what he had to do , and trained others.
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Naw mj, I thought that the innocent children were the ones who were eventually taught to kill all of the cats on the farm.... thats probably why you don`t seem to find many here typing these days.
[This message was edited by rascal on July 18, 2003 at 11:08.]
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see it was all a hoax ...
I know I said I was Pam Aanderson, I lied, I thought I would be more important as an actor , but I am only a cat who types. I still live on the farm , the people do not come and camp like they used to. We spray the big house now, the one with all the empty seats and the stage in the cornerof the field. the buses still thrill us just look out for the wheels. The people seem sad and never pet me anymore.
no one cares about the cats who can type, they all forgot that we mastered typing after all the years .
In the real kitty world they do not understand just how important of a skill this is.
so I stay on the farm , no where eles to go .
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Tom Strange
kitty kitty kitty... MJandthe412... come here leetle kitty
;)--> I have some nice catnip for you...
I think that we should all remember why we are here today, this day, Fry day on this ubiquitous thread... and that is because we're all going to the snow cone stand to sample the new flavors!
And Raffy: that ad-hominim stuff you talked about way before the thread got derailed into a different "discussion"... it that the stuff they make grits out of?
Now... more importantly (at least to me)... I have sad news to report... my winning percentage dropped a point, today will be the last day of this test and then I will start on Goey's theory of how to master Solitare... (but Goey the voices say that they will need much help AND a refresher...
So... be happy, it's Fry day!
visualize whirrled peas
... big hitter, the lama...
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make it stop!!
every time I read visulize whirrled peas I see a blender full of thick peas going around and around.
how do you do that?
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What The Hay
Has anyone here noticed how this "Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW" thread is more than twice as big as the "Actual Errors In PFAL" thread? What does this tell you?
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it screams MIKE IS THE MAN!!!
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it tells me that WTH is one sharp cookie when it comes ta numbers....
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also: the line about..when you can't dazzle, baffle--...comes to mind.
...and Mike is ONE SERIOUS baffler...
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baffler ??/ a joker ?/
sounds like a tin balloon or something.
oh to confuse the idea I got it yes indeed Mike baffles the mind. Mike look a big word for ya !
Mike I talked behind your post on another thread about my relationship to you actualy two threads. one is about why i post to you one is why I do not haha .
it all too complex but I know you will never stop huh MIKE? a mission from God ... or vpw I am baffled . someone? meow . I think I got fleas for Gods sake when will the torment end???
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sorry,mj--I was a bit cryptic...the full version: If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull.........
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I succumbed to temptation and peeked in here, and alfakat's post is the only one I've actually understood.
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In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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That I didn't post anything for nearly three months.
This thread still needs about 2,000 more posts to equal in length the first "THE" thread on Waydale.
It means nothing.
Anyone notice that Mike was unable to adequately address a single error on that list, and how fundamentally dishonest he was about the nature of doubts on one of those errors?
What does that tell you?
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My ability or inability to handle every twist your antagonistic research committee can come up with regarding PFAL texts says NOTHING about the ability of God to intervene and guide a man to put His Word into written form.
My ?inability? to handle your demands may at times be due to a different priority I have placed on these twists in reading the text.
My ?inability? to handle some items may really be due to your inability to recognize my right dividing.
So I see three possible reasons for my ?inability? two false and one factual. As for the last, I have always admitted to being a student. In my studies I INSIST on taking the course of study laid out by God, not by you or your thread partners.
Instead of dodge here, I simple SWEEP you and your cohorts away from my attention and press on.
Now there were a few posts in a conversation above that I was following and not wanting to interrupt. I may look at them again soon, before pressing on to finish this thread.
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