Screw YOUR *intentions* for this thread Mike..... this forum doesn`t exist for you to Cannonize vp and his works....
It is so pathetic what you and other wierwille worshippers are attempting to do....In another hundred years if you guys have your way....vp will be just another Joseph Smith....your decendants will be trying to convince folks of the veracity of your *prophet* for this day and age... you guys will even have your own *extension* to the bible like the mormons do...
He will be just another mythical hope is, that enough of us keep the light shining on his true fleshly nature, his gross manipulation and destruction of believers...and in so doing, debunk ANY illusions as to his being a Godly man or that his message is spiritually healthy in any way
Expect Mike to be fair and even handed hmmmm. You have a point word wolf...silly me lol
p.s.(Thank you for your diligence in keeping abreast of the hypocracy on this thread, and keeping an ongoing honest account on the content of what mike has posted, verses what he SAYS he has he has has to be an enormous effort)
`s funny that gspot was at the very bottom of his list of web sights for converts hee hee says a lot for the posters here ayup!
Please have patience, since time is at a premium for me right now.
Pirate1974, thanks, that was nice. I?m awed by the list. It?s been a privilege to have talked with so many.
My intentions are not to foist any of the evils of Dr?s flesh on anyone. I?m sure you all, like me, have plenty of evil to deal with already. I too was hurt in the ministry meltdowns, and I too have some things to say about it all. I exercise my right to say them, even here.
I differ from most of you posters in a number of ways. A few ways we DON?T differ on is our distaste for blind authoritarianism of many sorts, and for sexual abuses of many sorts.
Our great differences lie in how we view symptoms verses causes in analyzing what went wrong. I?m looking at deeper subtle causes, while many insist of the more sensational symptoms.
Another great difference is how we view the villain(s) involved in what went wrong. Many of you say there was only one (or two) big villains, and they?re gone, so now it?s just a mop-up operation that?s left to do. Those who subscribe to this theory must view my posting as a grand interference to this clean up.
Your understandable outrage must be all the more frustrating in that most of you OLGs who left in the late 80?s have had essentially no opposition for 15 or some years in the presentation and application of your one-villain theory. Here on your own turf comes this one guy with a seemingly endless supply of surprise moves that you?ve never had to deal with.
All I can say is control your emotions, and consider how high the stakes are if you?re wrong. If I were you I?d sit tight and at least wait for my data to be relatively depleted.
I am NOT trying deliberately to antagonize anyone, but just the opposite is my intention. I?m convinced that the data and the many villain theory I?m presenting will help heal the hurts. Those of you who complain about me opening up old wounds need to learn how to not open up my threads if it?s pain reduction that you?re really interested in.
Would it help anyone if I were to split this thread up into a Part II and let this first Part slowly slip beneath the surface like Leonardo DiCapria did after the Titanic sunk?
My intention is to make data available, not to antagonize, and I just thought that if we had a fresh start that might help a little.
Mike, I was in twi from 1974-1995 so I'm not ignorant of the way things were done and to whom it was done. I'm a survivor of twi and pfal. Many in here left way after I did and probably went thru worse things than me. Your posts amuse me when I have nothing better do. Do you hurt me? NO but if yu did I got a bottle of aspirin that works quite well for pain between the ears, by the way when did you get in and out, I'm surprised that you're not still in, they need zealous people like you.
"All I can say is control your emotions, and consider how high the stakes are if you?re wrong. If I were you I?d sit tight and at least wait for my data to be relatively depleted."
Mike, tell me how high are the stakes? Is my soul at risk of damnation? Is my cushy little life at risk of normal highs and lows? Please tell me...Because I am prepared to live this life just as it plays out. Life is great and sometimes it is painful. God never said otherwise. Would my life be better if I lived in the PFAL dream state of denying reality for the expectation that God is going to fix everything?
As to controlling my emotions...should I then not be absolutely estatic about my life. Should I not rejoice with my friends for their successes and weep in their sadness? Or just control my emotions around you and your thoughts?
Just wondering, Mike...because I love my life and God is good always...
For most of those years I noticed that there were small pockets of ?bad guys? floating around doing bad things to people. It seemed that they were stretching out of shape some decent discipline principles, and that they would soon learn a better balance... or so I thought.
The ministry was like marble cake, in that there were lots of genuine patches of great light, mixing in with darkness. By 1985 the darkness was pretty total in leadership, while lots of lower down twigs were doing ok.
I phased out of TWI around ?89, but several times I have gone back to talk to leaders and/or a few friends I still have in. Over the years, these talks were pretty negative and fruitless, but ij recent years they are much more approachable.
I have offered them my help, but they are not used to that kind of approach, so they have backed off mostly. I seek a breakthrough with them regularly.
One thing that complicates things greatly is their need to save face with the new people they have brought into their organization. It?s got to be pretty difficult for innie OLGs to admit to having lost Dr?s last teaching. I see OLGs who are OUT who have a hard time coming face to face with the fact that they blew it on Dr?s final instructions. OLGs who are still in TWI have more to lose, 5-senses wise, in admitting that they too blew it on obeying Dr?s final instructions.
I pray for the breakthrough that they?ll see the spiritual side, that God will back them up royally if they attempt to come back to PFAL.
Wouldn?t THAT upset the applecart, if Rosie were to start implementing all the suggestions I have made here?
I like to dream. I have a dream where Rosie and I discuss some really worthwhile things here on GreaseSpot. Now wouldn?t THAT be entertaining!
Gee Mikey... you've got a pretty tough life... your ideas were rejected by the Way folks... rejected by the GS folks... but don't you give up! I hear they're ready for fresh ideas over there at the RC church... and if you don't want to take it over to them...
I read in one of your other threads that you "spent ten years" researching this drivel before you "gave" it to us... THAT'S WHY we have such a hard time understanding it... I guess we should just believe you??? I don't think that's going to happen... what if you took a time out for another 10 years and then checked back with us here to see if we're ready to receive with meekness thine word???
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
Mike, Things got a lot worse after you left, we were told what to do and when to do it without question. If you did question leadership they always had a semi-reasonable explanation as in LCM was the man of God and God won't spit in your direction if he wasn't obeyed and plenty of people beleived that including me , at least for a while. I started to wise up when they started telling us to sell our homes, cars, etc. Also we were to keep a journal of everything we did in 15 minute intervals 24-7 days a week. We had to attend every class and every meeting and had no time for ourselves. Count yourself lucky that you left when you did, I guess your smarter than I was. I really don't see you getting thru to anyone in twi unless they are on thier way out. I especially don't think you will ever have any kind of a discussion with Rosie. They don't want to hear what anyone outside of twi has to say. As for new people they will lie like a rug just to cover thier butts. Here in California we were usually the last ones to hear about changes and or scandals involving twi. We didn't even know what VPW died from for years cuz they tried to cover that up too. I'm so glad to be rid of them that pfal or anything connected with them is a no no to me. I keep the good things I learned from them and trash the rest and God has blessed us more than abundantly without them sticking thier noses in everything we do. I do hope however that you do get your dream of talking to Rosie, maybe you can convince her that twi isn't the only place to hear Gods word. I found many preachers that know the word as well or better than they do. Some are offshoots and some our just wonderful Christian men of God who love God and all his people not just those in thier churches. Well enough of ratteling on and on. I know I won't convince you against your will that pfal isn't the revealed will and word of God. Good luck in your indevers
Schwaigers has a recent post that Rosie has just relented on TWI?s exclusive truth ownership.
I am totally up-front in my posts here, that they are addressed to Rosie via the WAYGB, just as much as they are addressed to GS posters.
I count Rosie and the top leadership as OLGs, and they are included as intended audience in all my posts.
Unlike many here, I happen to like Rosalie, or at least how much I knew her in 1978. I also happen to understand why and how current TWI leadership have their wagons circled to protect their flock. I do NOT think they are the totally corrupt outfit that most here think they are. I?ve been treated politely for the past two years now in all my few phone calls to them. I?ve seen more focused and determined nastiness from some people HERE on GS, than I have received from TWI in years.
I count TWI as a splinter group, and a particularly hard hit one at that. Of all the splinter groups of grads, they are the closest to the collaterals (reviewing but not mastering), and under the most attack by the adversary. They have lots of fears there, and I pray for them and their deliverance. I see God?s got something spectacular up His sleeve.
My offer to start a new thread was ONLY to provide less of an irritant on the "About the Way" forum's Table of Contents. I fully expect the resistance you mention on other threads.
It?s stating the obvious to me that those WILLFULLY disobedient to Dr in general attitude would then be willfully disobedient in a specific set of Dr?s instructions, final of not.
I mention Dr?s final instructions for many reasons. One is to show how much slipped past us, and how poorly we OLGs did in passing on Dr?s teachings to the people. Part of the many villian theory is that WE blew it in many ways.
Mike, I think God has something spectacular up his sleeve too, but I doubt that twi is gonna like it much. You don't treat people the way they did and not have to account for it someday. Either here and now or when Christ retuns they will be held accountable. I don't see tht Rosie relented on anything according to my innie sources. She is a female LCM as far as I can see. By the way don't you live in californai too. Well post on Mike I'm enjoying talking to you more and more. I beleive you are sincere in what you are doing, but also think your wrong about twi and thier classes, esp. pfal. With your intellegence you could study on your own you don't need VPW or anyone else in that group.
Intelligence is not enough; only revelation will do it. That?s what happened in PFAL. It?s a revelation from God. It?s well hidden by the adversary now, but as we look at it closely it gets clearer every day.
I know that some bad things have happened, but I also know God can still work with people in spite of conditions that would certainly scare us off.
God?s big sleeve surprise has offended many here at GS, that He breathed His Word into PFAL bigtime. There?s an odd verse, I John 2:28, that few have come to terms with. There are lots of surprises at the Appearing, and not all are fun. I believe we?re at that Appearing right now, and PFAL being revealed as God?s Word is a bit of a shocker to all. When we come back to PFAL we?ll see.
It seems as though you have devised a scheme where Dr. Wierwille?s teachings and works and very words? have become elevated to the place of scripture. (Such ?man-worship? is not uncommon among men who respect those that helped them.) I may be presumptuous in this conclusion, but it is what I gathered from your many posts. You are grateful and desiring that same anchor for your soul. PFAL is it for you. But I say, the spirit is it for all of us.
Let me explain. In the first place, Dr. Weirwille was just a man? he was not the third Adam. Dr. said that if the scriptures taught something different than he did? then believe the scriptures. In fact, the scriptures do teach many things contrary to PFAL or VPW... not that that makes Dr. a whacko? it PROVES he was a man, which apparently he ALREADY thought when he made that statement in PFAL.
He had issues. Like most men. He had moments of brilliance, like some men? but in the end, he DIED and stayed DEAD? which is not unlike the first Adam? but very different than second Adam. This simply means in the END, he had more in common with the first than the second.
Do you honestly think that a DEAD man, with words written in stone? (regardless of their brilliance or personal value to any of us) is the FUTURE of THE church???? THE way out for all? Before you answer, consider the following:
Jesus? you know the man?. whom God raised from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights (not VPW), said he would send his SPIRIT after he left his disciples (not the printing press, and certainly not a Wollensak reel-to-reel tape of PFAL - for god?s sake), and that THIS spirit would be THE method of teaching us about him for it would not speak of itself? rather about him? (Not VP? we are talking Jesus, here).
This is the administration of the LIFE of the SPIRIT?. not the letter? not the video? not the reel-to-reel recording of DEAD men?
PFAL had a shelf life? like manna? and now it stinketh. It served its purpose. It should prove to us, that there is NO man of God for this time or any other time than Jesus Christ.
I respectfully ask that you consider these words as from my heart. From my spirit. I thank God for TWI in many ways... I would have been dead without it. But, it is now like old chicken in the fridge after 3 weeks... it needs to go. All of it.
Learn. Change. Create. Live. Leave the dead men alone.... they deserve it.
Lol...the REASON hq is so polite to you is probably because you both are on the same side.... (heres a clue...DELUDED and abiding in darkness!)
Let me be perfectly clear Mike, God doesn`t offend us here at gspot with whats up his sleeve, his pantleg, or anyplace else is YOU who offend us with trying to legitimize your wisc and his false doctrine.
one verse up from 28 is verse 27 which says we have no need for any man to teach us .
Would you say now EXCEPT VPW????
So your saying the annoiting is to teach us so dismiss the bible... ok and pfal MIKE lets be consistent if nothing eles.
So the holy spirit is telling you it is the time of the appearing now???
where? is Jesus Christ hmm????
oh yes in YOU He was formed and now it is all about your appearing as HIM. I got it.
it cant be all that clever or I wouldnt have understood it and now doesnt it call us little children? not to be ashamed?
many are ashamed of vpw and of themselves how is it that is the appearing MIKE?
I do not believe it.
so He appears to us through the annointing ,no new news flash there . But to dismiss the bible for what you may hear from your source is just playing a magic man where is your base line of truth MIKE?
its not the bible so the holy spirit tells me your wrong and who are you to prove it right or wrong? you can not it is a very shaky bargin there I hope I do not end up with an annoited freaking scicopathic killer of some sort revealing the truth to me.
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
Mike your life outide posting wouldn't be studying pfal would it? Which take more time posting or kissing pfal's dead foot?
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Screw YOUR *intentions* for this thread Mike..... this forum doesn`t exist for you to Cannonize vp and his works....
It is so pathetic what you and other wierwille worshippers are attempting to do....In another hundred years if you guys have your way....vp will be just another Joseph Smith....your decendants will be trying to convince folks of the veracity of your *prophet* for this day and age... you guys will even have your own *extension* to the bible like the mormons do...
He will be just another mythical hope is, that enough of us keep the light shining on his true fleshly nature, his gross manipulation and destruction of believers...and in so doing, debunk ANY illusions as to his being a Godly man or that his message is spiritually healthy in any way
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You remind me Winnie the Pooh, without the Winnie.
Stop Indexing and start responding.
The Joseph Smith post was perfect. Mike violates Scripture by putting PFAL on par with Scripture because we are not to add to it. Nor take away.
Which is what vpw did.g
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Tom Strange
Mike... why don't you start your own website?
That way, if folks want to worship wierwille they can visit you there... as for me...
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
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You guys thought Mike would be fair and
even-handed in his index? It's the next
attempt in his tries to control the discussion. Honest and open discussion is NOT working in his favour, and appearances of intellectualism
result in REAL intellectuals dropping in and pointing out flaws in his logic.
So, distract from the current topics (I'm
patient, but I WILL repeat myself if he tries to
wholly ignore my points, and I WILL post more),
and redefine everything to your advantage.
Anyone else care to make a REAL index of the
thread? (Not just the insults-a FAIR index of
all points.)
The reason Mike won't post on ex-twi sites is
that he's worn out his welcomes there. The
reason Mike won't leave here is that he hasn't
been kicked out, and he thinks a lot of people
will line up with him here. He won't go to
non-twi sites because they'll crush his "the
Bible is messed up" doctrine like a cardboard
box, and they'll just laugh if he says the Bible
was replaced like an obsolete computer. He needs
to completely control the discussion to have any
hope of looking reasonable. He won't make his
own mesageboard because, although he could then
fully control the contents 100%, he would be
unable to get people to show up. Without anyone
visiting his site and reading his message, his
sense of self would take a nasty hit. Thing is,
if he did, him and seaspray would at least have
a harmonious discussion.
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Expect Mike to be fair and even handed hmmmm. You have a point word wolf...silly me lol
p.s.(Thank you for your diligence in keeping abreast of the hypocracy on this thread, and keeping an ongoing honest account on the content of what mike has posted, verses what he SAYS he has he has has to be an enormous effort)
`s funny that gspot was at the very bottom of his list of web sights for converts hee hee says a lot for the posters here ayup!
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Here's an index for you.
Since this thread started on March 30th, all these posters have responded to it.
George Aar
Stayed Too Long
What The Hay
Wayfer Not!
Jesse Joe
Rafael 1969
Paul M.Stanley
Mark Clarke
wow 76-78
A la prochaine
Mr. Hammeroni
Lifted Up
Steve Lortz
Ginger Tea
E.W. Bullinger
Trefor Heywood
Jonny Lingo
Mark Sanguinetti
Thomas Heller
Tom Strange
and me
That's an amazing total of 74 different posters, some of whom seem to have registered just to respond to this thread.
Guess how many of them said, "Right on, Mike!" "You da man!" "Keep on postin'" (Hint: You won't need more than one hand to count 'em.)
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75 posters now
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Ok Mike
Whoever you really are.
I took a look at your index and your openin salvo.
I still cannot for the life of me, figure what you want us to believe.
Your rejection of Wierwille's preening was exemplary. But who showed you these lost teachings? Why were they lost? Who lost them?
Did something really bad happen to you in 1998? Did you grab onto PFAL hoping for anwwer and now you feel irrevocably stuck?
It is not too late to come back to the Lord. Zeal for minutiae will not bring peace. Take Jesus at his word and see how much he can transform you.
It is his words, not any man's which has the power of life.
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Winnie the Pooh without the Winnie
that is the best description I have ever heard haha winnie without the pooh , I Love it .
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Please have patience, since time is at a premium for me right now.
Pirate1974, thanks, that was nice. I?m awed by the list. It?s been a privilege to have talked with so many.
My intentions are not to foist any of the evils of Dr?s flesh on anyone. I?m sure you all, like me, have plenty of evil to deal with already. I too was hurt in the ministry meltdowns, and I too have some things to say about it all. I exercise my right to say them, even here.
I differ from most of you posters in a number of ways. A few ways we DON?T differ on is our distaste for blind authoritarianism of many sorts, and for sexual abuses of many sorts.
Our great differences lie in how we view symptoms verses causes in analyzing what went wrong. I?m looking at deeper subtle causes, while many insist of the more sensational symptoms.
Another great difference is how we view the villain(s) involved in what went wrong. Many of you say there was only one (or two) big villains, and they?re gone, so now it?s just a mop-up operation that?s left to do. Those who subscribe to this theory must view my posting as a grand interference to this clean up.
Your understandable outrage must be all the more frustrating in that most of you OLGs who left in the late 80?s have had essentially no opposition for 15 or some years in the presentation and application of your one-villain theory. Here on your own turf comes this one guy with a seemingly endless supply of surprise moves that you?ve never had to deal with.
All I can say is control your emotions, and consider how high the stakes are if you?re wrong. If I were you I?d sit tight and at least wait for my data to be relatively depleted.
I am NOT trying deliberately to antagonize anyone, but just the opposite is my intention. I?m convinced that the data and the many villain theory I?m presenting will help heal the hurts. Those of you who complain about me opening up old wounds need to learn how to not open up my threads if it?s pain reduction that you?re really interested in.
Would it help anyone if I were to split this thread up into a Part II and let this first Part slowly slip beneath the surface like Leonardo DiCapria did after the Titanic sunk?
My intention is to make data available, not to antagonize, and I just thought that if we had a fresh start that might help a little.
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Mike, I was in twi from 1974-1995 so I'm not ignorant of the way things were done and to whom it was done. I'm a survivor of twi and pfal. Many in here left way after I did and probably went thru worse things than me. Your posts amuse me when I have nothing better do. Do you hurt me? NO but if yu did I got a bottle of aspirin that works quite well for pain between the ears, by the way when did you get in and out, I'm surprised that you're not still in, they need zealous people like you.
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Mike posts:
"All I can say is control your emotions, and consider how high the stakes are if you?re wrong. If I were you I?d sit tight and at least wait for my data to be relatively depleted."
Mike, tell me how high are the stakes? Is my soul at risk of damnation? Is my cushy little life at risk of normal highs and lows? Please tell me...Because I am prepared to live this life just as it plays out. Life is great and sometimes it is painful. God never said otherwise. Would my life be better if I lived in the PFAL dream state of denying reality for the expectation that God is going to fix everything?
As to controlling my emotions...should I then not be absolutely estatic about my life. Should I not rejoice with my friends for their successes and weep in their sadness? Or just control my emotions around you and your thoughts?
Just wondering, Mike...because I love my life and God is good always...
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I got in around 1971 and out around ?89.
For most of those years I noticed that there were small pockets of ?bad guys? floating around doing bad things to people. It seemed that they were stretching out of shape some decent discipline principles, and that they would soon learn a better balance... or so I thought.
The ministry was like marble cake, in that there were lots of genuine patches of great light, mixing in with darkness. By 1985 the darkness was pretty total in leadership, while lots of lower down twigs were doing ok.
I phased out of TWI around ?89, but several times I have gone back to talk to leaders and/or a few friends I still have in. Over the years, these talks were pretty negative and fruitless, but ij recent years they are much more approachable.
I have offered them my help, but they are not used to that kind of approach, so they have backed off mostly. I seek a breakthrough with them regularly.
One thing that complicates things greatly is their need to save face with the new people they have brought into their organization. It?s got to be pretty difficult for innie OLGs to admit to having lost Dr?s last teaching. I see OLGs who are OUT who have a hard time coming face to face with the fact that they blew it on Dr?s final instructions. OLGs who are still in TWI have more to lose, 5-senses wise, in admitting that they too blew it on obeying Dr?s final instructions.
I pray for the breakthrough that they?ll see the spiritual side, that God will back them up royally if they attempt to come back to PFAL.
Wouldn?t THAT upset the applecart, if Rosie were to start implementing all the suggestions I have made here?
I like to dream. I have a dream where Rosie and I discuss some really worthwhile things here on GreaseSpot. Now wouldn?t THAT be entertaining!
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Tom Strange
Gee Mikey... you've got a pretty tough life... your ideas were rejected by the Way folks... rejected by the GS folks... but don't you give up! I hear they're ready for fresh ideas over there at the RC church... and if you don't want to take it over to them...
I read in one of your other threads that you "spent ten years" researching this drivel before you "gave" it to us... THAT'S WHY we have such a hard time understanding it... I guess we should just believe you??? I don't think that's going to happen... what if you took a time out for another 10 years and then checked back with us here to see if we're ready to receive with meekness thine word???
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
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Mike, Things got a lot worse after you left, we were told what to do and when to do it without question. If you did question leadership they always had a semi-reasonable explanation as in LCM was the man of God and God won't spit in your direction if he wasn't obeyed and plenty of people beleived that including me , at least for a while. I started to wise up when they started telling us to sell our homes, cars, etc. Also we were to keep a journal of everything we did in 15 minute intervals 24-7 days a week. We had to attend every class and every meeting and had no time for ourselves. Count yourself lucky that you left when you did, I guess your smarter than I was. I really don't see you getting thru to anyone in twi unless they are on thier way out. I especially don't think you will ever have any kind of a discussion with Rosie. They don't want to hear what anyone outside of twi has to say. As for new people they will lie like a rug just to cover thier butts. Here in California we were usually the last ones to hear about changes and or scandals involving twi. We didn't even know what VPW died from for years cuz they tried to cover that up too. I'm so glad to be rid of them that pfal or anything connected with them is a no no to me. I keep the good things I learned from them and trash the rest and God has blessed us more than abundantly without them sticking thier noses in everything we do. I do hope however that you do get your dream of talking to Rosie, maybe you can convince her that twi isn't the only place to hear Gods word. I found many preachers that know the word as well or better than they do. Some are offshoots and some our just wonderful Christian men of God who love God and all his people not just those in thier churches. Well enough of ratteling on and on. I know I won't convince you against your will that pfal isn't the revealed will and word of God. Good luck in your indevers
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Mike posted (7/02/03, 1:54pm)
that the rest of us subscribe to the
"one villian theory"
and described himself as follows:
"Here on your own turf comes this one guy with
a seemingly endless supply of surprise moves
that you've never had to deal with."
In English, the rest of us oversimplified
things, and then MIKE rushed in to our rescue,
armed with all sorts of clever things we never
even considered.
Just thought I'd let those of you know (if any
of you missed it) how Mike characterizes us.
if you want to start a new thread, that's your
business. Keep in mind that if that one contains
silly, illogical or ungodly doctrine, we'll be
all over it.
Oooh...we all
"blew it on Dr's final instructions".
First of all, an inconclusive case has been
presented that this WAS his final instructions.
Second of all, a number of people here have
concluded that if VPW whispered the contents of
that teaching to them, and immediately
thereafter dropped dead, they would voluntarily
choose to disregard them. They think that VPW
"blew it" on demonstrating himself worthy of
any such trust, so "blowing it" on his
instructions is about as fraught with danger as
"blowing it" on the final instructions of
Mickey Mouse. (7/2/03, 2:42pm)
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Schwaigers has a recent post that Rosie has just relented on TWI?s exclusive truth ownership.
I am totally up-front in my posts here, that they are addressed to Rosie via the WAYGB, just as much as they are addressed to GS posters.
I count Rosie and the top leadership as OLGs, and they are included as intended audience in all my posts.
Unlike many here, I happen to like Rosalie, or at least how much I knew her in 1978. I also happen to understand why and how current TWI leadership have their wagons circled to protect their flock. I do NOT think they are the totally corrupt outfit that most here think they are. I?ve been treated politely for the past two years now in all my few phone calls to them. I?ve seen more focused and determined nastiness from some people HERE on GS, than I have received from TWI in years.
I count TWI as a splinter group, and a particularly hard hit one at that. Of all the splinter groups of grads, they are the closest to the collaterals (reviewing but not mastering), and under the most attack by the adversary. They have lots of fears there, and I pray for them and their deliverance. I see God?s got something spectacular up His sleeve.
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My offer to start a new thread was ONLY to provide less of an irritant on the "About the Way" forum's Table of Contents. I fully expect the resistance you mention on other threads.
It?s stating the obvious to me that those WILLFULLY disobedient to Dr in general attitude would then be willfully disobedient in a specific set of Dr?s instructions, final of not.
I mention Dr?s final instructions for many reasons. One is to show how much slipped past us, and how poorly we OLGs did in passing on Dr?s teachings to the people. Part of the many villian theory is that WE blew it in many ways.
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Mike, I think God has something spectacular up his sleeve too, but I doubt that twi is gonna like it much. You don't treat people the way they did and not have to account for it someday. Either here and now or when Christ retuns they will be held accountable. I don't see tht Rosie relented on anything according to my innie sources. She is a female LCM as far as I can see. By the way don't you live in californai too. Well post on Mike I'm enjoying talking to you more and more. I beleive you are sincere in what you are doing, but also think your wrong about twi and thier classes, esp. pfal. With your intellegence you could study on your own you don't need VPW or anyone else in that group.
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Intelligence is not enough; only revelation will do it. That?s what happened in PFAL. It?s a revelation from God. It?s well hidden by the adversary now, but as we look at it closely it gets clearer every day.
I know that some bad things have happened, but I also know God can still work with people in spite of conditions that would certainly scare us off.
God?s big sleeve surprise has offended many here at GS, that He breathed His Word into PFAL bigtime. There?s an odd verse, I John 2:28, that few have come to terms with. There are lots of surprises at the Appearing, and not all are fun. I believe we?re at that Appearing right now, and PFAL being revealed as God?s Word is a bit of a shocker to all. When we come back to PFAL we?ll see.
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Too Gray Now
Hey Mike.
I am rather new to the GS café, but I have seen and read your posts with genuine interest.
It seems as though you have devised a scheme where Dr. Wierwille?s teachings and works and very words? have become elevated to the place of scripture. (Such ?man-worship? is not uncommon among men who respect those that helped them.) I may be presumptuous in this conclusion, but it is what I gathered from your many posts. You are grateful and desiring that same anchor for your soul. PFAL is it for you. But I say, the spirit is it for all of us.
Let me explain. In the first place, Dr. Weirwille was just a man? he was not the third Adam. Dr. said that if the scriptures taught something different than he did? then believe the scriptures. In fact, the scriptures do teach many things contrary to PFAL or VPW... not that that makes Dr. a whacko? it PROVES he was a man, which apparently he ALREADY thought when he made that statement in PFAL.
He had issues. Like most men. He had moments of brilliance, like some men? but in the end, he DIED and stayed DEAD? which is not unlike the first Adam? but very different than second Adam. This simply means in the END, he had more in common with the first than the second.
Do you honestly think that a DEAD man, with words written in stone? (regardless of their brilliance or personal value to any of us) is the FUTURE of THE church???? THE way out for all? Before you answer, consider the following:
Jesus? you know the man?. whom God raised from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights (not VPW), said he would send his SPIRIT after he left his disciples (not the printing press, and certainly not a Wollensak reel-to-reel tape of PFAL - for god?s sake), and that THIS spirit would be THE method of teaching us about him for it would not speak of itself? rather about him? (Not VP? we are talking Jesus, here).
This is the administration of the LIFE of the SPIRIT?. not the letter? not the video? not the reel-to-reel recording of DEAD men?
PFAL had a shelf life? like manna? and now it stinketh. It served its purpose. It should prove to us, that there is NO man of God for this time or any other time than Jesus Christ.
I respectfully ask that you consider these words as from my heart. From my spirit. I thank God for TWI in many ways... I would have been dead without it. But, it is now like old chicken in the fridge after 3 weeks... it needs to go. All of it.
Learn. Change. Create. Live. Leave the dead men alone.... they deserve it.
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Lol...the REASON hq is so polite to you is probably because you both are on the same side.... (heres a clue...DELUDED and abiding in darkness!)
Let me be perfectly clear Mike, God doesn`t offend us here at gspot with whats up his sleeve, his pantleg, or anyplace else is YOU who offend us with trying to legitimize your wisc and his false doctrine.
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one verse up from 28 is verse 27 which says we have no need for any man to teach us .
Would you say now EXCEPT VPW????
So your saying the annoiting is to teach us so dismiss the bible... ok and pfal MIKE lets be consistent if nothing eles.
So the holy spirit is telling you it is the time of the appearing now???
where? is Jesus Christ hmm????
oh yes in YOU He was formed and now it is all about your appearing as HIM. I got it.
it cant be all that clever or I wouldnt have understood it and now doesnt it call us little children? not to be ashamed?
many are ashamed of vpw and of themselves how is it that is the appearing MIKE?
I do not believe it.
so He appears to us through the annointing ,no new news flash there . But to dismiss the bible for what you may hear from your source is just playing a magic man where is your base line of truth MIKE?
its not the bible so the holy spirit tells me your wrong and who are you to prove it right or wrong? you can not it is a very shaky bargin there I hope I do not end up with an annoited freaking scicopathic killer of some sort revealing the truth to me.
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