quote: Mike, what happens if the OLGs do not heed your call?
Well, he is just here to serve, BUUUT...
Actually, that is not his concern. If the OLGs do not heed the call, he will say that it was necessary that the gospel first be preached unto you, but since you have counted yourselves unworthy of eternal life, Lo, (Lo is short for LOL) I turn to the unLOGs.
Sorry, Mike. I tried to meet you on your own ground several times, but you weren't there.
You caughtest me in the midst of much scribe work and scripture posting, as I am putting the last polishing touches, giving the full treatment to my treatise of truth.
Because I can answer this quick, I?ll do it, but then I have to get back to other things for a while.
?What happens to OLGs who don?t heed my call to master PFAL, rather Dr?s call because I got it from him, rather GOD?S call because he got it from Him.?
I think they will miss out of a VERY special extra blessing that no other people, not now and not before, have ever had made available to them. This blessing has not been totally received by any individuals since the first century, and it?s not been AT ALL received by any organizations of people, groups, bodies since the first century.
I see it as a VERY big extra blessing, calling, enabling, and responsibility.
Refraining from it would be unnecessarily shameful for an OLG who DID see the goodness in PFAL at one time. To not come back to it, would be like Judas missing the new birth. Just dumb head trips prevented him from receiving the big blessing.
I never said anything about anyone missing eternal life over this, but it does look like a lot of rewards are intimately tied up in it. I see the Return of Christ intimately tied up in this whole deal too.
There?s got to be a BIG reason for God, after almost 2000 years, to step in and make the perfectly renewed mind available, the mind of Christ, Christ in book and magazine FORM. It?s so that we can FORM Christ within like he hasn?t been known since the first century.
I don't often say much on this site. But Mike, you are a piece of work. Most of us have abandoned what you revere and we have moved on.
I have seen a Christ far different from the one you have and I feel I am on the road to heaven.
Vpw was never a doctor in any sense of the word. He did not minister, he manipulated. He did not study, he stole.
When you quote PFAL you are quoting the works of dozens of others because the man had no original thoughts.
Why did he say in the video of PFAL that Jesus was coming back as Kings of King and Lord of Lords ? as God Almighty! If was God's man, and Jesus isn't God, how could God bless his ministry?
How could we trust someone who said one thing, let it go on tape, but deny it in a book?
Vpw picked Craig to succeed him, how much wisdom did that take?
Vpw never finished a course at all the colleges he said he did.
Vpw never went before a board to defend his thesis. That's how you become a doctor.
You can't defend it either.
But I know I am wasting cyberspace on you.
You are enlightened. You are one of the chosen
But to anyone else who really wants to know the scripture and who Jesus really is, I encourage them to find a good Bible teacher from an established church Evangelical is good, but so are pentacostals and mainline in some cases.
You say you sampled other Christian thought. Well you need more than a sample. Get a full seven-course meal.
You wrote: ?On this thread, Mike has been contending that Wierwille's writings contain a ubiquitously hidden teaching regarding what Mike calls the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit, which is, according to Mike's own definition, a spirit different from the gift of holy spirit.?
It?s ubiquitous and that means we SHOULD have heard it, because it?s everywhere in his writings. It?s hidden because our focus strayed far away past the revelations God was giving to Dr and on to other things in the late 70?s.
Now, THIS I?m a bit shaky on, but it seems that when we see the phrase ?spirit of God? we automatically think holy spirit, the gift that came on Pentecost. But is that true? I think ?Spirit of God? better refers to this soul category item of the new man, Christ formed within. Some of these things I?m still working on.
You then wrote: ?Mike says that our understanding of the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit "depends heavily" on understanding "the Natural/Factual versus Spiritual/True dichotomy".?
MANY things in Dr?s teachings depend on our getting the Nat/Spir deal right, not just Christ formed in us. Pretty soon SOMEONE?s going to get curious about spiritual understanding versus 5-senses understanding, and the dichotomy will come into play there heavily. Many areas of Dr?s writings use specially reserved words to tip off the reader as to which side is being emphasized, the 5-senses of the spiritual. Without rightly dividing this dichotomy according to Dr?s vocabulary NONE of his teachings can be properly understood. This is one of the main reasons much data slipped right past us the first time through PFAL.
You wrote: ?If our acceptance of the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit is so crucial, and if our acceptance depends so heavily on our understanding of the "Natural/Spiritual dichotomy", then I would expect Wierwille's statement about the supercession of the worlds to make real sense and to be explainable.?
I expect it to make sense too, but we have to get ALL the statements he has made on the table first. This is like cracking a code or foreign language; we can?t just assume Dr?s vocabulary is the same as ours or Webster?s. We don?t focus on ONE passage and ignore the others.
In your rush to disprove me and Dr you overlooked this crucial detail, Steve. I?m still working my notes to get the most useful passages ready for posting. I?m still learning all this too, so give me time to absorb and ponder the large volume of material. Pretty soon I?ll start posting more data on this subject.
I feel sad in the sense that I see you really don?t WANT to have your question answered. If it gets answered then you have to trudge off and find something else to argue proves PFAL is wrong. The real heart of researching the way I am doing it is to believe there is SOMEWHERE an clean clear answer, and it?s just our job to find it. Your modus operundi here is to NOT find it.
I don?t view this thread as focused on whether or not PFAL is correct or from God; I view this thread as PRESUPPOSING that PFAL is of God and accurate. I postulate PFAL?s correctness and work from there.
This thread is to show us how to better read Dr?s writings with better understanding of what he meant. It?s in this area that I want to focu my posting energies and my discussion energies. You want to tear down PFAL and engage me on that ground, and I refuse.
Steve, I come to this thread to post some information I think will help people. I have a positive message ?Master PFAl and see good results.? You come here with your message of ?Don?t listen to PFAL? and your message is a negative one of ?DON?T do this.?
May I suggest something? I?d like to see you start a positive thread where you have a message or a system of thought where you want to help people by seeing them employ your methods. Give them some ?Try this? or ?Do it this way? or other positive suggestions. That?s what I want to do here.
There?s more for me to whittle away on your most recent post, and I will. Give me some more time.
Yeah Mike I have no doubt that you really DO wish that Steve n the rest of us`d find something more *positive* to do, and leave you to post your false doctrines and try to lure folks back into your particular brand of idolotry.
Sorry bud, your *presuposition* in this thread is dead wrong, dangerous, and will not go unchallenged.
We know who and what vp was, and we adamantly refuse to give respect to him OR honor the ubiqious maunderings of a motf.
What you are doing in trying to legitimize the slime ball, spits directly in the face of every poster here who was traumatized by vpw and the implimentation of his teachings.
You make what you are doing look like *Godly* entreaty....in reality, blatantly ignoring the damage wrought by this wisc, and trying to restore him to a place of respectability is very ugly.
We refuse to follow your false prophet Mike, and further more, will never let people forget who and what vp really was.
[This message was edited by rascal on June 10, 2003 at 23:04.]
why is it when I metion the name of Jesus Christ and who He is to the church today .
You completely ignore my posts?
yet when it sems to you I may be considering what you say you go paragraphs about how you feel about it.
Now is that being a teacher that is even the least bit kind? and intreating?
ignore the facts blah on with the advertisments.
the show is getting old.
Mike God has set before you a whole life a big world full of Joy you LIMIT God (remember the blue book !) in your life.
I think your very very unloving when you wont communicate with people on a level of understanding and give and take on issues that are clearly written about in the bible.
You discount the bible and put the pfal before it, do you think some of the special rewards your on a mission to get may be ERASED a little bit for that?
it doesnt say Holy pfal. pfal will die as soon as we end up dying for the most part , the bible has stood up for centuries .
Do you think vpw was apostle fine so freaking what? really mike even if it is true what you believe that does not make him any different than any other believer, in anyones eyes but mostly Gods. God doesnt respect gifts of the spirit , He loves the tiny newborn as much as the greatest Gift that ever lived Jesus Christ , He asked Jesus To DIE ! It was His obedience to God that saved mankind from eternal death!
Now you think vpw obeyed so freaking what if He did Now God will give those who follow him or His books special rewards???
God clearly says he is not a respector of any person , see that is what wrong in the way international , people saw the power of God and began worshipping men . I remember my first big branch meeting the minister came out draped in the long black robe and my husband was tired and as everyone was standing and clapping their hands Im draggin him up pulling on his arm saying get up. he said "what the hell for that idiot who likes to wear a dress?? "
hahaha a fond memeories of a nasty marriage anyway. Today if I was tired I may say the very same thing given the situation.
I may see the power of God manifested to me or within me I say no big deal it wasnt the man or the woman involved it was His majesty once again working in the very body He created for His beloved Son.
Jesus Christ gets nothing from you Mike nothing yet you go on about this little weirdo man named vpw , so what He didnt change the world Mike, he just made you a lttle nutty and hurt scores of Gods children.
Even if he did do something why would that make what he said special in any way?
The bible is the truth , not a mans idea, the holy spirit works within Each person Jesus said He will teach us All things we need to know.
Mike posts, "I come to this thread to post some information I think will help people. I have a positive message ?Master PFAl and see good results.?
Mike is going to "help" us whether we like it or not. He is going to continue to feed us the same old .... and tell us it is icecream. All we can do is sit back and watch...The sooner we stop fighting him the sooner it will be over. Just like the dentist. Let him have his moment of glory and he will go away...In other words BOYCOTT THE THREAD!!!
quote:I don?t view this thread as focused on whether or not PFAL is correct or from God; I view this thread as PRESUPPOSING that PFAL is of God and accurate. I postulate PFAL?s correctness and work from there.
We know that Mike, and therein lies a very big problem. No one here, except for possibly Seaspray accepts this very first premise of yours. Everyone else here instead PRESUPPOSES that PFAL is only the work of a man - that it is flawed and in places quite inaccurate.
Unless you can overcome this first hurdle, then you are spinning your wheels with the rest of the "data" that you have to offer since it depends upon your first presuposition - which has been weighed and rejected.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
People need data, details, before believing is possible. Some data slipped by us, some has been forgotten, and much has been been buried under hyped up negatives. As data is made available people have more of a choice in what they can believe. I'm not so concerned about how people are thinking right now, as when they have more details upon which to base their decisions.
The details you offer are irrelevant unless PFAL is presumed to be the Word of God. This presumtion has been rejected by all but one.
Folks have had more than enough information to determine that PFAL is flawed and that all of your so-called "data" that rests on the presumed flawlesness of PFAL is also flawed.
You have not provided details or "data" enough to convince anyone that PFAL is God-breathed. How do you suppose that you will convince anyone one of anything else?
Oh, I know. Duh! Silly me! - You are just holding forth the Word of God - God will give the increase, right? - Yea right.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
How can anyone think that they have graduated from a 5-senses understanding of a written promise of God to a spiritual understanding, if they can't explain the difference between a 5-senses understanding and a spiritual understanding?
I answer lots of your posts, when I can. Can't you see I'm swamped with other posters to respond to here besides you? Come on, give me a break.
By the way, I'm responding here to your post of June 10, 2003 20:25, where you mentioned the name of Jesus Christ. I just thought if we could eliminate this one little snag in our communications, then future ones may go smoother.
I guess you haven't figured out the garbage that your sending to us. Are you that smart that you can't understand any of it? Graduated from what? Our five senses? What is our five senses Mike? Ok lets see what they are. There is seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and touching. Ok then, you can see the written word, you can't smell it (well I guess I could if I wanted to), a let me see you can taste it I guess if you want to lick it, you can hear it if its spoken to you. How simple is that? Ok then you are saying that I need to graduate from my 5 senses to a written promise. And then I have to go to a spirtual understanding and then I have to explain the difference between a 5 senses understanding and a spiritual understanding? You are just blowing a lot of air to make people 'think' you know what your talking about.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
All your comments on the bad reception here of my invitation to come back to PFAL are based on the POSTERS here. And it?s not just the posters, it?s the ACTIVE ?mike thread? posters only. That?s a small subset.
Almost every time I hit the ?general? button on the top of the thread, and then go to the bottom of that ?general? page, it shows that there are about an equal number of guests and registered posters signed onto the board. Plus, Pawtucket has posted that there are over a hundred registered posters. How many are actively posting and how many are simply reading? Then there is the ?number of replies? counter versus the ?number of views? counter. Look at the difference.
There may be many people not posting here who are opening their books again and enjoying the results. It could be one person coming back to PFAL per week. It could get exponential as people tell friends. Do the math.
Or mike it could be that all of us responding keeps on coming back and it shows that it was another person coming on and reading it. Could that be it? Wow and you thought that there were that many people coming on here? lmao at that one....hehe
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
You win the CIGAR! You are the FIRST to even touch my many times mentioned "spiritual understanding" challenge. My hat is off to you.
Now it's late and I'm tired, so I won't try to answer you much yet. But HONEST I'm not blowing smoke. If I was only bluffing, Steve would sniff it out for sure, drop his Blue Book bone, and race after my spiritual understanding ?bluff.? No, I?m itching to get into it.
Now that you?ve broken the ice maybe we can get some others to contribute.
The phrase ?spiritual understanding? came up a lot in the ministry and I NEVER knew what it meant as opposed to 5-senses understanding. It?s fairly new to me what I DO know about it. I?ve been setting the stage for discussion of it. Actually it?s pretty cool. It too is connected with the Christ?s Return and Appearing in that we shall know even as we are known.
[This message was edited by Mike on June 11, 2003 at 4:20.]
I'm sure the counters count one person many times as they check in from day to day to day. Those numbers REFLECT readership, but they don't count numbers of distinct people. Those posted numbers are far greater than the actual number of readers.
There are many old threads way down the page that still get hits in the "view" category, even though no one posts on them.
The actual numbers that appear on the counters is a complex software issue, and no way reflect actual numbers of people.
They do indicate comparitive numbers of people, though.
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
Well, he is just here to serve, BUUUT...
Actually, that is not his concern. If the OLGs do not heed the call, he will say that it was necessary that the gospel first be preached unto you, but since you have counted yourselves unworthy of eternal life, Lo, (Lo is short for LOL) I turn to the unLOGs.
Sorry, Mike. I tried to meet you on your own ground several times, but you weren't there.
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me thinkest he likes to read his own writings. Its kind of like listening to your own voice.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Too funny
Thus saith the Lord: "Lighten up. The world does not hinge upon your words and faith...just you."
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From whenst comest thou?
I haven seen you in a score of fortnights.
You caughtest me in the midst of much scribe work and scripture posting, as I am putting the last polishing touches, giving the full treatment to my treatise of truth.
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Because I can answer this quick, I?ll do it, but then I have to get back to other things for a while.
?What happens to OLGs who don?t heed my call to master PFAL, rather Dr?s call because I got it from him, rather GOD?S call because he got it from Him.?
I think they will miss out of a VERY special extra blessing that no other people, not now and not before, have ever had made available to them. This blessing has not been totally received by any individuals since the first century, and it?s not been AT ALL received by any organizations of people, groups, bodies since the first century.
I see it as a VERY big extra blessing, calling, enabling, and responsibility.
Refraining from it would be unnecessarily shameful for an OLG who DID see the goodness in PFAL at one time. To not come back to it, would be like Judas missing the new birth. Just dumb head trips prevented him from receiving the big blessing.
I never said anything about anyone missing eternal life over this, but it does look like a lot of rewards are intimately tied up in it. I see the Return of Christ intimately tied up in this whole deal too.
There?s got to be a BIG reason for God, after almost 2000 years, to step in and make the perfectly renewed mind available, the mind of Christ, Christ in book and magazine FORM. It?s so that we can FORM Christ within like he hasn?t been known since the first century.
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I don't often say much on this site. But Mike, you are a piece of work. Most of us have abandoned what you revere and we have moved on.
I have seen a Christ far different from the one you have and I feel I am on the road to heaven.
Vpw was never a doctor in any sense of the word. He did not minister, he manipulated. He did not study, he stole.
When you quote PFAL you are quoting the works of dozens of others because the man had no original thoughts.
Why did he say in the video of PFAL that Jesus was coming back as Kings of King and Lord of Lords ? as God Almighty! If was God's man, and Jesus isn't God, how could God bless his ministry?
How could we trust someone who said one thing, let it go on tape, but deny it in a book?
Vpw picked Craig to succeed him, how much wisdom did that take?
Vpw never finished a course at all the colleges he said he did.
Vpw never went before a board to defend his thesis. That's how you become a doctor.
You can't defend it either.
But I know I am wasting cyberspace on you.
You are enlightened. You are one of the chosen
But to anyone else who really wants to know the scripture and who Jesus really is, I encourage them to find a good Bible teacher from an established church Evangelical is good, but so are pentacostals and mainline in some cases.
You say you sampled other Christian thought. Well you need more than a sample. Get a full seven-course meal.
And explain John 8:58 to me?
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Thanks Mike.
I knew ya wouldn't let me down.
The cutting edge of all blessings?
Unprecedented in all of human history?
And PFAL is the focal point?
And you are the sole messenger today? (don't kid yerself - VPW is dead and you ARE the one typing now.)
Yep, yer as bonkers as the rest of us.
But a bit more sure of your own faith than most of us.
Whatta trip.
See ya
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You wrote: ?On this thread, Mike has been contending that Wierwille's writings contain a ubiquitously hidden teaching regarding what Mike calls the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit, which is, according to Mike's own definition, a spirit different from the gift of holy spirit.?
It?s ubiquitous and that means we SHOULD have heard it, because it?s everywhere in his writings. It?s hidden because our focus strayed far away past the revelations God was giving to Dr and on to other things in the late 70?s.
Now, THIS I?m a bit shaky on, but it seems that when we see the phrase ?spirit of God? we automatically think holy spirit, the gift that came on Pentecost. But is that true? I think ?Spirit of God? better refers to this soul category item of the new man, Christ formed within. Some of these things I?m still working on.
You then wrote: ?Mike says that our understanding of the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit "depends heavily" on understanding "the Natural/Factual versus Spiritual/True dichotomy".?
MANY things in Dr?s teachings depend on our getting the Nat/Spir deal right, not just Christ formed in us. Pretty soon SOMEONE?s going to get curious about spiritual understanding versus 5-senses understanding, and the dichotomy will come into play there heavily. Many areas of Dr?s writings use specially reserved words to tip off the reader as to which side is being emphasized, the 5-senses of the spiritual. Without rightly dividing this dichotomy according to Dr?s vocabulary NONE of his teachings can be properly understood. This is one of the main reasons much data slipped right past us the first time through PFAL.
You wrote: ?If our acceptance of the "advanced Christ formed within" spirit is so crucial, and if our acceptance depends so heavily on our understanding of the "Natural/Spiritual dichotomy", then I would expect Wierwille's statement about the supercession of the worlds to make real sense and to be explainable.?
I expect it to make sense too, but we have to get ALL the statements he has made on the table first. This is like cracking a code or foreign language; we can?t just assume Dr?s vocabulary is the same as ours or Webster?s. We don?t focus on ONE passage and ignore the others.
In your rush to disprove me and Dr you overlooked this crucial detail, Steve. I?m still working my notes to get the most useful passages ready for posting. I?m still learning all this too, so give me time to absorb and ponder the large volume of material. Pretty soon I?ll start posting more data on this subject.
I feel sad in the sense that I see you really don?t WANT to have your question answered. If it gets answered then you have to trudge off and find something else to argue proves PFAL is wrong. The real heart of researching the way I am doing it is to believe there is SOMEWHERE an clean clear answer, and it?s just our job to find it. Your modus operundi here is to NOT find it.
I don?t view this thread as focused on whether or not PFAL is correct or from God; I view this thread as PRESUPPOSING that PFAL is of God and accurate. I postulate PFAL?s correctness and work from there.
This thread is to show us how to better read Dr?s writings with better understanding of what he meant. It?s in this area that I want to focu my posting energies and my discussion energies. You want to tear down PFAL and engage me on that ground, and I refuse.
Steve, I come to this thread to post some information I think will help people. I have a positive message ?Master PFAl and see good results.? You come here with your message of ?Don?t listen to PFAL? and your message is a negative one of ?DON?T do this.?
May I suggest something? I?d like to see you start a positive thread where you have a message or a system of thought where you want to help people by seeing them employ your methods. Give them some ?Try this? or ?Do it this way? or other positive suggestions. That?s what I want to do here.
There?s more for me to whittle away on your most recent post, and I will. Give me some more time.
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Yeah Mike I have no doubt that you really DO wish that Steve n the rest of us`d find something more *positive* to do, and leave you to post your false doctrines and try to lure folks back into your particular brand of idolotry.
Sorry bud, your *presuposition* in this thread is dead wrong, dangerous, and will not go unchallenged.
We know who and what vp was, and we adamantly refuse to give respect to him OR honor the ubiqious maunderings of a motf.
What you are doing in trying to legitimize the slime ball, spits directly in the face of every poster here who was traumatized by vpw and the implimentation of his teachings.
You make what you are doing look like *Godly* entreaty....in reality, blatantly ignoring the damage wrought by this wisc, and trying to restore him to a place of respectability is very ugly.
We refuse to follow your false prophet Mike, and further more, will never let people forget who and what vp really was.
[This message was edited by rascal on June 10, 2003 at 23:04.]
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why is it when I metion the name of Jesus Christ and who He is to the church today .
You completely ignore my posts?
yet when it sems to you I may be considering what you say you go paragraphs about how you feel about it.
Now is that being a teacher that is even the least bit kind? and intreating?
ignore the facts blah on with the advertisments.
the show is getting old.
Mike God has set before you a whole life a big world full of Joy you LIMIT God (remember the blue book !) in your life.
I think your very very unloving when you wont communicate with people on a level of understanding and give and take on issues that are clearly written about in the bible.
You discount the bible and put the pfal before it, do you think some of the special rewards your on a mission to get may be ERASED a little bit for that?
it doesnt say Holy pfal. pfal will die as soon as we end up dying for the most part , the bible has stood up for centuries .
Do you think vpw was apostle fine so freaking what? really mike even if it is true what you believe that does not make him any different than any other believer, in anyones eyes but mostly Gods. God doesnt respect gifts of the spirit , He loves the tiny newborn as much as the greatest Gift that ever lived Jesus Christ , He asked Jesus To DIE ! It was His obedience to God that saved mankind from eternal death!
Now you think vpw obeyed so freaking what if He did Now God will give those who follow him or His books special rewards???
God clearly says he is not a respector of any person , see that is what wrong in the way international , people saw the power of God and began worshipping men . I remember my first big branch meeting the minister came out draped in the long black robe and my husband was tired and as everyone was standing and clapping their hands Im draggin him up pulling on his arm saying get up. he said "what the hell for that idiot who likes to wear a dress?? "
hahaha a fond memeories of a nasty marriage anyway. Today if I was tired I may say the very same thing given the situation.
I may see the power of God manifested to me or within me I say no big deal it wasnt the man or the woman involved it was His majesty once again working in the very body He created for His beloved Son.
Jesus Christ gets nothing from you Mike nothing yet you go on about this little weirdo man named vpw , so what He didnt change the world Mike, he just made you a lttle nutty and hurt scores of Gods children.
Even if he did do something why would that make what he said special in any way?
The bible is the truth , not a mans idea, the holy spirit works within Each person Jesus said He will teach us All things we need to know.
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Mike posts, "I come to this thread to post some information I think will help people. I have a positive message ?Master PFAl and see good results.?
Mike is going to "help" us whether we like it or not. He is going to continue to feed us the same old .... and tell us it is icecream. All we can do is sit back and watch...The sooner we stop fighting him the sooner it will be over. Just like the dentist. Let him have his moment of glory and he will go away...In other words BOYCOTT THE THREAD!!!
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You posted:
We know that Mike, and therein lies a very big problem. No one here, except for possibly Seaspray accepts this very first premise of yours. Everyone else here instead PRESUPPOSES that PFAL is only the work of a man - that it is flawed and in places quite inaccurate.
Unless you can overcome this first hurdle, then you are spinning your wheels with the rest of the "data" that you have to offer since it depends upon your first presuposition - which has been weighed and rejected.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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People need data, details, before believing is possible. Some data slipped by us, some has been forgotten, and much has been been buried under hyped up negatives. As data is made available people have more of a choice in what they can believe. I'm not so concerned about how people are thinking right now, as when they have more details upon which to base their decisions.
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We've had enough details already!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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This whole idea that christmas is only a few more hours away is getting quite STALE!
You try to bait people with a hidden agenda only you know of and think we sit here with some kind of anxious anticipation for your new data .
Reality check most of us have known and read and studied your "new data' that is to be forthcoming when you think we do not know.
This stuff has been on the net Mike for over two decades! The long lost teaching is no surprise Mike.
We are beyond you in this, way past, which means been there done that and still less impressed than when it all started.
What is up with that later routine of yours it is annoying and what aggravates communications.
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Nice dodge.
The details you offer are irrelevant unless PFAL is presumed to be the Word of God. This presumtion has been rejected by all but one.
Folks have had more than enough information to determine that PFAL is flawed and that all of your so-called "data" that rests on the presumed flawlesness of PFAL is also flawed.
You have not provided details or "data" enough to convince anyone that PFAL is God-breathed. How do you suppose that you will convince anyone one of anything else?
Oh, I know. Duh! Silly me! - You are just holding forth the Word of God - God will give the increase, right? - Yea right.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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How can anyone think that they have graduated from a 5-senses understanding of a written promise of God to a spiritual understanding, if they can't explain the difference between a 5-senses understanding and a spiritual understanding?
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I answer lots of your posts, when I can. Can't you see I'm swamped with other posters to respond to here besides you? Come on, give me a break.
By the way, I'm responding here to your post of June 10, 2003 20:25, where you mentioned the name of Jesus Christ. I just thought if we could eliminate this one little snag in our communications, then future ones may go smoother.
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I guess you haven't figured out the garbage that your sending to us. Are you that smart that you can't understand any of it? Graduated from what? Our five senses? What is our five senses Mike? Ok lets see what they are. There is seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and touching. Ok then, you can see the written word, you can't smell it (well I guess I could if I wanted to), a let me see you can taste it I guess if you want to lick it, you can hear it if its spoken to you. How simple is that? Ok then you are saying that I need to graduate from my 5 senses to a written promise. And then I have to go to a spirtual understanding and then I have to explain the difference between a 5 senses understanding and a spiritual understanding? You are just blowing a lot of air to make people 'think' you know what your talking about.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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All your comments on the bad reception here of my invitation to come back to PFAL are based on the POSTERS here. And it?s not just the posters, it?s the ACTIVE ?mike thread? posters only. That?s a small subset.
Almost every time I hit the ?general? button on the top of the thread, and then go to the bottom of that ?general? page, it shows that there are about an equal number of guests and registered posters signed onto the board. Plus, Pawtucket has posted that there are over a hundred registered posters. How many are actively posting and how many are simply reading? Then there is the ?number of replies? counter versus the ?number of views? counter. Look at the difference.
There may be many people not posting here who are opening their books again and enjoying the results. It could be one person coming back to PFAL per week. It could get exponential as people tell friends. Do the math.
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Or mike it could be that all of us responding keeps on coming back and it shows that it was another person coming on and reading it. Could that be it? Wow and you thought that there were that many people coming on here? lmao at that one....hehe
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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You win the CIGAR! You are the FIRST to even touch my many times mentioned "spiritual understanding" challenge. My hat is off to you.
Now it's late and I'm tired, so I won't try to answer you much yet. But HONEST I'm not blowing smoke. If I was only bluffing, Steve would sniff it out for sure, drop his Blue Book bone, and race after my spiritual understanding ?bluff.? No, I?m itching to get into it.
Now that you?ve broken the ice maybe we can get some others to contribute.
The phrase ?spiritual understanding? came up a lot in the ministry and I NEVER knew what it meant as opposed to 5-senses understanding. It?s fairly new to me what I DO know about it. I?ve been setting the stage for discussion of it. Actually it?s pretty cool. It too is connected with the Christ?s Return and Appearing in that we shall know even as we are known.
[This message was edited by Mike on June 11, 2003 at 4:20.]
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I'm sure the counters count one person many times as they check in from day to day to day. Those numbers REFLECT readership, but they don't count numbers of distinct people. Those posted numbers are far greater than the actual number of readers.
There are many old threads way down the page that still get hits in the "view" category, even though no one posts on them.
The actual numbers that appear on the counters is a complex software issue, and no way reflect actual numbers of people.
They do indicate comparitive numbers of people, though.
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"The cutting edge of all blessings?"
Could it be...
Mike=Rush Limbaugh
One in the same...
Separated at birth...
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