Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism.
I'm fascinated with you...you either truly believe this stuff (which is disturbing) or your ability to carry on this ruse borders on evil genius.
Thanks, I think. I don't know how to take that. Was that a complement or was that a put down in my direction? If it wasn't a put down please accept my apology. I just wanted to clarify.
quote:I used to think Dr's constant references to this natural-spiritual dichotomy was just show business or religious hype .... I thought he was basically saying nothing of substance .... I thought his usage of words like ?spiritual? were often worth ignoring.
In other words, Mike's first impression was that Mr. Weirwille was a preening, mind-numbingly tedious, shockingly-superficial, blowhard wind-bag of sh!t.
Mike, how many times do you need to be told that your first impression was obviously correct?
Now, now folks. Smikeol is just feeling left out and lonely, what with us all talking about the war and other, more significant matters of life outside of the pervue of the 'god breathedness' of PFAL.
Mike! Get a job man. The economy *is* improving, really it is!
quote:Sometimes it?s data hidden by the adversary and his many various methods, including memory fading and emotional assault. Sometimes it?s data purposely hidden by Dr under God?s guidance, and intended to be found at a later date.
The title of this thread should have been: The subliminal messages in PFAL
Some people get a kick out of playing their records backwards. (The Beatles song, Number Nine says, Turn me on dead man, and from: Another One Bites the Dust, it says, Decide to smoke marijuana. More interesting ones are found in Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven.")
"Hidden Messages" isn't anything new. Aleister Crowley was the one who came up with it originally, and it's been reported he was one of the most evil people who ever lived. Crowley journied into strange regions of consciousness: his initiation into magichis world-wide travels and mistresses, his experiments with sex and drugs, and the philosophy of his famous Book of the Law.
I'm begining to believe it was Mr. Crowley's message that got through to Mike rather than the message of PFAL. It's also pretty amazing to note how VPW had many of the same personal habits Mr. Crowley did.
Mike you should do what we were taught as WOW's when no one would believe the word; shake the dust off our feet. We moved on hoping to find someone who would listen to us.
There must be a mall you can witness in, a student union building at your local college, coworkers you can talk to, and if all else fails, door-to-door. Unless you can find a hidden message in what VPW taught WOW's about witnessing , he said to witness twice and then move on.
You can take comfort in knowing it will better for Sodom and Gomorrah at the judgment than for us at the Greasespot Cafe.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
quote: Sometimes it?s data hidden by the adversary and his many various methods, including memory fading and emotional assault. Sometimes it?s data purposely hidden by Dr under God?s guidance, and intended to be found at a later date
But then again, maybe Mr. Weirwille was just lying? That seems to be the simplest and most accurate answer to this imagined connundrum. Mr. Weirwille in his old age, simply forgot where and when and how he had lied previously and due to lapses in memory manufactured new lies that glaringly contradicted the old ones.
quote:This was a very humbling experience. It could have been devastatingly humiliating, had it not been the case that a plethora of good news was also a fundamental part of the data package I stumbled onto in 1998.
Some freindly advice to Mike: I suggest you not embellish this 1998 Revelation with a snowstorm legend, since everybody knows that you live in San Diego.
thanks, wordwolf for clarifying it for me. I've decided to either not read his posts anymore or skim through it lightly. It is more entertaining to read the comments afterwards. I don't think mike gets it when he thinks he is all right and everyone else is all wrong. There is no black and white. Hidden messages in vpw's work? ha Give me a break. There must be electrodes going in his brain. I would be more sympathetic and/empathetic if he would be at least a little bit meek and willing to say that we all are equal and maybe we know stuff from the Word. I had enough mastering of the PFAL for 14 years. And who is to say who has mastered enough and who is to say they are the master? What is it in the Word that talks about pride and falling?
It can look like some are beating up Mike for his valid thoughts on pfal.
My point is this is an EX_WAY SITE , why does mike need to post his love of vpw here????
that is fishy in and of itself..
many sites are devoted to his type of mind set on the positve stuff from twi... Mike prefers to agtagonize the folks who go to an EX_WAY SITE!!!
I think Mike doesnt not seek an off shoot or another site that supports pfal, because it is a game he is playing.. mind games to hurt those trying to get twi out of their life..
I feel no pity for this man I believe he has an agenda and it is a cruel and stupid one...
it wont work Mike .
people are not going to buy your crap at all, and do not play victim here , this is a ex-way site , the fact you no longer attend twi is because you thought the leaders were wrong and not mastering pfal enough for you.....
so now you call them back to master it and fix the wrongs!!
Mike NO!
Why do you post on an EX_ way site????
Why is it your not accpeted among those who value your ideals???
O and to all the bleeding hearts who say poor mike is being abused I say the same questions?
He is here to hurt those trying to move out of a group that controled and damaged many .
I tell you GS'ers some got hurt more than others , and Mike may be the top of the cake on damage done and is now showing his anger and revenge.
It does not make sense to a sane mind but to one who has a need to lash out and hurt others when they can not cope with messing up their life and looking at the damage done by twi this is what happens...
It is all about you now MIKE, and your own relationship with God, stop trying to take the focus off the LORD JESUS CHRIST and putiing it on pfal. pfal isnt God.
maybe just maybe you do not know who God is...
or what being spiritual means for your life.. that is the struggle for many at gs...
The difference is many are past thinking pfal will save them anymore .
Jesus Christ MIKE is the saviour and all these subliminal teachings will not ever give you a realtionship with HIM.
You think your a hero.. I think your a very sick person who wants to hurt those you feel are responsible for hurting and destroying your life.
Your life was twi... we are nearest people you can get to attack. Instead of listening or trying to think of a new idea without twi... you continue to play games and try to make others think they are not LOVED BY GOD WELL ENOUGH to know some secret teaching, some knowledge, some power without your information....
I do not need you, or your data to know who Jesus Christ is or to have a relationship with God.
You have zero answers, if you truly believe your right then why not sell to those still clinging to the pfal teachings as God breathed???
they do not want to hear your crap either huh MIKE????
you in this to hurt others and to make them pay for your inability to cope with the downfall of twi.
I do not care who says I am being mean to MIKE, why is Mike posting on an ex-way site anyway??
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Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism. I'm fascinated with you
Did you say "get the ball rolling" or get the kaballa rolling...for it sounds like that's your current freak - some sort of hidden, mystical kaballa-esque gnostic esotericism.
I'm fascinated with you...you either truly believe this stuff (which is disturbing) or your ability to carry on this ruse borders on evil genius.
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George Aar
The only hidden teaching of Herr Vierwille's that I'm aware of is the "give me: money, adoration, toys, sex, power, and abject obeisance".
THAT teaching was indeed ubiquitous and has already been well-documented.
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Let's see..
A) secret messages hidden because of the
B) secret messages hidden intentionally by
God/vpw (as Mike sees it, interchangeable)
These secret messages are mainly about the
natural/spiritual realm distinctions.
Mike, this may come as a shock to you, but there
are quite a few specialists in this field.
If I forgot half of what I learned in the field,
I'm confident I would STILL know it better than
you, which makes me less enthused about seeing
you dig out a "hidden" message on it.
That's neither a boast, nor idle. Further,
there are Christians on the GSC who know more
on the subject than I do, and LOTS of Christians
who never heard of the farm or vpw who are
well-versed in the subject.
Actually, while you've been rereading vpw's
books, we HAVE discussed this. You'll have a
pretty lean harvest from this search, Mike.
Compared to some places, twi was pretty
lightweight on this subject. That's because
vpw didn't have any good source-material to
photocopy from.
So, I suppose, looking for details on this
subject, one MUST "pad" it with hidden messages,
backwards records, and other cabalistic methods.
Frankly, even WITH the photocopying vpw did,
I STILL don't think he had more than a moderate
understanding of the subject. (I've been
better, and I've SEEN better than I've BEEN.)
Mike, you might wish to retain the option of
reassessing your position. Vickles, whoever
he or she is, just walked in and seems to have
made a full appraisal of you. Those of us who
have been around have a more detailed
conclusion. (I say this without rancor.)
CLFOBS Ministries. Join NOW!
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Thanks, I think. I don't know how to take that. Was that a complement or was that a put down in my direction? If it wasn't a put down please accept my apology. I just wanted to clarify.
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Stayed Too Long
At least this is a break from the war posts.
On second thought, I better go back to the war posts.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
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Boy, talk about only being able to sing one note . . .
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How do you "see" things in the word or in VPW's teachings that no one else sees?
You just might be
a) out of fellowship.
b) drunk or high.
c) sinning like a trooper, but have not confessed it and repented.
d) seduced, deceived, and/or beguiled by satan.
e) all of the above.
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It means omnipresently. Got me curious.
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Larry P2
In other words, Mike's first impression was that Mr. Weirwille was a preening, mind-numbingly tedious, shockingly-superficial, blowhard wind-bag of sh!t.
Mike, how many times do you need to be told that your first impression was obviously correct?
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I think we probably need to resurrect the Troll threads.
Paw must be on vacation.
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Now, now folks. Smikeol is just feeling left out and lonely, what with us all talking about the war and other, more significant matters of life outside of the pervue of the 'god breathedness' of PFAL.
Mike! Get a job man. The economy *is* improving, really it is!
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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What The Hay
The title of this thread should have been: The subliminal messages in PFAL
Some people get a kick out of playing their records backwards. (The Beatles song, Number Nine says, Turn me on dead man, and from: Another One Bites the Dust, it says, Decide to smoke marijuana. More interesting ones are found in Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven.")
"Hidden Messages" isn't anything new. Aleister Crowley was the one who came up with it originally, and it's been reported he was one of the most evil people who ever lived. Crowley journied into strange regions of consciousness: his initiation into magichis world-wide travels and mistresses, his experiments with sex and drugs, and the philosophy of his famous Book of the Law.
I'm begining to believe it was Mr. Crowley's message that got through to Mike rather than the message of PFAL. It's also pretty amazing to note how VPW had many of the same personal habits Mr. Crowley did.
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I'm deleting my post...I knew not to look and I did anyway. No need for me to slam Mike for being Mike...But please...you guys go ahead...
[This message was edited by karmicdebt on March 30, 2003 at 20:48.]
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Stayed Too Long
Mike you should do what we were taught as WOW's when no one would believe the word; shake the dust off our feet. We moved on hoping to find someone who would listen to us.
There must be a mall you can witness in, a student union building at your local college, coworkers you can talk to, and if all else fails, door-to-door. Unless you can find a hidden message in what VPW taught WOW's about witnessing , he said to witness twice and then move on.
You can take comfort in knowing it will better for Sodom and Gomorrah at the judgment than for us at the Greasespot Cafe.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
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Vickles, let me rephrase my point with an
analogy I think we can all relate to.
You walked into the room while the tv show was
1/2-way over, and had caught up on the plot
within 30 seconds. This means, partly, you're
sharp, but largely, that the tv show wasn't that
hard to understand.
(My point being that new arrivals who haven't had
time to dislike Mike yet find him transparent-
he might want to consider that everybody else
might be right, after all...)
I think part of me comes to these threads the
same way some people spectate a car crash.
CLFOBS Ministries. Join NOW!
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WW, i don't dislike mike
but mike, i have to say, i don't read much of what you write, i think it's crazy
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Larry P2
But then again, maybe Mr. Weirwille was just lying? That seems to be the simplest and most accurate answer to this imagined connundrum. Mr. Weirwille in his old age, simply forgot where and when and how he had lied previously and due to lapses in memory manufactured new lies that glaringly contradicted the old ones.
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Larry P2
Some freindly advice to Mike: I suggest you not embellish this 1998 Revelation with a snowstorm legend, since everybody knows that you live in San Diego.
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Larry P2.....
Your way with words simply CRACKS ME UP!!!!
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You may not see it, but I sure do.
[This message was edited by SlingShot on April 06, 2003 at 22:51.]
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thanks, wordwolf for clarifying it for me. I've decided to either not read his posts anymore or skim through it lightly. It is more entertaining to read the comments afterwards. I don't think mike gets it when he thinks he is all right and everyone else is all wrong. There is no black and white. Hidden messages in vpw's work? ha Give me a break. There must be electrodes going in his brain. I would be more sympathetic and/empathetic if he would be at least a little bit meek and willing to say that we all are equal and maybe we know stuff from the Word. I had enough mastering of the PFAL for 14 years. And who is to say who has mastered enough and who is to say they are the master? What is it in the Word that talks about pride and falling?
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The class was a snore. Content issues
aside it could have easily been edited down
to a presentation of perhaps 7 sessions
maybe even less. But then we would have
been deprived of all the wonderful jokes
and anectodes that we all had to pretend
were funny.
As I recall there was one
session of PFAL (not counting Session 12)
that was shorter than the others which used
to mean that people got out earlier. But
then some leaders got wise to that and
started finding ways to fill up that time
-keeping you there.
Even in 75 the video look very dated to me -
it lacked currency and was not appealing
to me from a visual standpoint at all. I preferred the audio only setup - at least you
could look around and people wouldn't "reprove"
you for not looking at the TV screen.
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It can look like some are beating up Mike for his valid thoughts on pfal.
My point is this is an EX_WAY SITE , why does mike need to post his love of vpw here????
that is fishy in and of itself..
many sites are devoted to his type of mind set on the positve stuff from twi... Mike prefers to agtagonize the folks who go to an EX_WAY SITE!!!
I think Mike doesnt not seek an off shoot or another site that supports pfal, because it is a game he is playing.. mind games to hurt those trying to get twi out of their life..
I feel no pity for this man I believe he has an agenda and it is a cruel and stupid one...
it wont work Mike .
people are not going to buy your crap at all, and do not play victim here , this is a ex-way site , the fact you no longer attend twi is because you thought the leaders were wrong and not mastering pfal enough for you.....
so now you call them back to master it and fix the wrongs!!
Mike NO!
Why do you post on an EX_ way site????
Why is it your not accpeted among those who value your ideals???
O and to all the bleeding hearts who say poor mike is being abused I say the same questions?
He is here to hurt those trying to move out of a group that controled and damaged many .
I tell you GS'ers some got hurt more than others , and Mike may be the top of the cake on damage done and is now showing his anger and revenge.
It does not make sense to a sane mind but to one who has a need to lash out and hurt others when they can not cope with messing up their life and looking at the damage done by twi this is what happens...
It is all about you now MIKE, and your own relationship with God, stop trying to take the focus off the LORD JESUS CHRIST and putiing it on pfal. pfal isnt God.
maybe just maybe you do not know who God is...
or what being spiritual means for your life.. that is the struggle for many at gs...
The difference is many are past thinking pfal will save them anymore .
Jesus Christ MIKE is the saviour and all these subliminal teachings will not ever give you a realtionship with HIM.
You think your a hero.. I think your a very sick person who wants to hurt those you feel are responsible for hurting and destroying your life.
Your life was twi... we are nearest people you can get to attack. Instead of listening or trying to think of a new idea without twi... you continue to play games and try to make others think they are not LOVED BY GOD WELL ENOUGH to know some secret teaching, some knowledge, some power without your information....
I do not need you, or your data to know who Jesus Christ is or to have a relationship with God.
You have zero answers, if you truly believe your right then why not sell to those still clinging to the pfal teachings as God breathed???
they do not want to hear your crap either huh MIKE????
you in this to hurt others and to make them pay for your inability to cope with the downfall of twi.
I do not care who says I am being mean to MIKE, why is Mike posting on an ex-way site anyway??
to promote pfal.. Does that make sense to you??
he wants to play a game.
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