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Almost had me convinced

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Those threads on muslims being so dang sadistic, a religion of peace? Almost had me thinking how far we Christians had come. But TODAY!! This news story about a contender for Pope in the last election. Click HERE! Maybe its because he's Nigerian and Lawd knows how backwards those people are but I suspect its because he's wanting his share of the turf.

"Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and to forget," Arinze said in the documentary made by Rome film maker Mario Biasetti for Rome Reports, a Catholic film agency specializing in religious affairs.

"Sometimes it is our duty to do something practical. So it is not I who will tell all Christians what to do but some know legal means which can be taken in order to get the other person to respect the rights of others," Arinze said.

"This is one of the fundamental human rights: that we should be respected, our religious beliefs respected, and our founder Jesus Christ respected," he said, without elaborating on what legal means he had in mind....

Take legal action if someone makes a movie castigating your beliefs? Oh, I have to admit that's better than the Muslims wanting to kill folks over slandering Da' Prophet (peace be upon his momma) but the mindset folks.... is the EXACT same!! Don't make fun of us or we will GET you!!

What? You doubt me? I had almost forgotten because I'm such a nice guy. I was in the local grocery store a few years ago getting supplies for the Super Bowl party Carol and I were having at our house that afternoon but guess what?? I couldn't buy beer because IT WAS BEFORE NOON!!! The good Christians in this area have the laws passed such that not only can fundamentalist Christians like themselves not buy beer on Sundays before noon... but no heathens who don't sanctify the Sabbath day can't but it either... ON PAIN OF CRIMINAL PENALTIES!!!

How could I have been suckered in? Some of you guys trying to make me think that the Muslims were somehow different from the Christians?? NOW don't you see guys?? The goals are the

same, folks.... put others under Sharia law!! Oh, excuse me... Sharia law if you're muslim.... CHRISTIAN laws (and which Christians determines if beer is a sin? Hopefully the Catholics who love their beer and hate their condoms) in Christian lands.

Now... lets fight to the DEATH to prove whose side the "One True God©" supports!! Hot dang!!! How LONG for people to realize how destructive religions can be!! Lord help us!!

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I would have thought the 'wise' choice of action would have been to stock up routinely on shopping day, for ALL foods and drinks. So when minor events happen like the Super Bowl or what-not you already have sufficient supplies laid by.


Christians fight Christians, Muslims fight Christians, Muslims fight Muslims, Jews fight Christians, Jews fight Muslims, Christians fight Jews, Muslims fight Jews. ....

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Re:"nevermind the wisdom that is in front of of your face"

And what praytell, CM, is the wisdom I am mising? That I ought to know better than try to buy beer on sundays where fundy Christians are in a voting majority? I didn't mention it but you fundies have also ruled that all liquor stores are to be closed ALL DAY on Sundays. Force of law. No exceptions. And you think I'm missing (in your words) "wisdom that is in front of of your face"???

You wanta' know what I think, CM? Oh, you probably don't as you relgionists usually are pretty close minded but here goes... I think you will not be satisfied until you have put the whole world under your theocratic Xian thumb. Crush the Muslims and their heresies. Nuke 'em if need be but by Gawd have godly Christianity as the law of the world! The whole wide world! Fight the Muslims and THEIR efforts to make eating pork illegal. Its against the Old Testament after all. Fight the Jews. Heck, fight the non-fundy Christians and their efforts to allow everyone their freedoms. Fight 'em ALL CM!! You can justify it in the end!!

"nevermind the wisdom that is in front of of your face"

Dang straight CM!!! Screw 'em right????

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Sudo, i cant tell if you are really troubled by this stuff

or if you simply enjoy complaining about it

but i do hope you figure out someday

that you cant logically reduce all religion down to that which troubles you

yeah...the world is going mad in the name of religion

and may even destroy it

but that isnt the whole story

science and industry have a lot to do with this, as well

religion is NOT some monolithic thing that acts as one

it is about as exotic as a jungle of critters

as is its history

and there are some highly rational, reasonable logical folks who are religious

who i am quite sure are more troubled by what is going on in the name of religion than you are

and are actually actively working night and day to help the world situation

i dont think generalized alarmist reactions to things done in the name of a religion are a rational response...and really only make things worse

curious...do you have an idea how you can better help society in this religious crisis?


Edited by sirguessalot
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Re:"..and there are some highly rational, reasonable logical folks who are religious who i am quite sure are more troubled by what is going on in the name of religion than you are

and are actually actively working night and day to help the world situation."

Highly reasonable folks?? Like the man who was a leading contender for Pope? Click HERE! And you wonder why I am troubled?? Maybe its because folks like you *AREN'T* troubled!! Maybe folks in Baghad aren't troubled over suicide bombers trying to fight the Christian infidels, less than religious Muslim Shiites, less than religious Muslim Suniis or whoever either. Ho-hum. Why get worked up over these things, huh, Sirguess??

Re:"i dont think generalized alarmist reactions to things done in the name of a religion are a rational response...and really only make things worse."

Not a rational response? Tell me then, Sir.. we have Iran supposedly trying to get nukes to obliterate the Jewish state IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. Not a rational response? Am I just being alarmist?? Now think about it Sirguess.. who exactly is hiding their head and not facing up to realities??

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Not a rational response? Tell me then, Sir.. we have Iran supposedly trying to get nukes to obliterate the Jewish state IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. Not a rational response? Am I just being alarmist?? Now think about it Sirguess.. who exactly is hiding their head and not facing up to realities??

Hmmmm. I don't follow the political scene too closely, but my perspective on Iran and Isreal, is that Iran tells us (read U.S.), that they are going to attack our *darling*, if we push for nuclear controls over there.

Meebe I've read it wrong, but it seems more *political*, than *religious* ---

Although I don't rule out the *religious* aspect either.

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  Sudo said:

Re:<B><I><font color=red>"..and there are some highly rational, reasonable logical folks who are religious who i am quite sure are more troubled by what is going on in the name of religion than you are

and are actually actively working night and day to help the world situation."</font></I></B>

Highly reasonable folks?? Like the man who was a leading contender for Pope? Click <a href=http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=entertainmentNews&storyID=2006-05-07T141257Z_01_L07736154_RTRUKOC_0_US-VATICAN-DAVINCI.xml&pageNumber=0&imageid=&cap=&sz=13><font color=red>HERE!</font></a> And you wonder why I am <B><I>troubled</I></B>?? Maybe its because folks like you <B>*AREN'T*</B> troubled!! Maybe folks in Baghad aren't troubled over suicide bombers trying to fight the Christian infidels, less than religious Muslim Shiites, less than religious Muslim Suniis or whoever either. Ho-hum. Why get worked up over these things, huh, Sirguess??

Re:<font color=red><I><B>"i dont think generalized alarmist reactions to things done in the name of a religion are a rational response...and really only make things worse."</B></I></font>

Not a rational response? Tell me then, Sir.. we have Iran supposedly trying to get nukes to obliterate the Jewish state IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. Not a rational response? Am I just being <B><I>alarmist</I></B>?? Now think about it Sirguess.. who exactly is hiding their head and not facing up to realities??


Sudo, how do you expect mt to answer if you use nothing but strawmen after strawman to reinforce your argument?

i was referring to those who are being rational

and to those in the religious world who are deeply troubled by what is going on in the name of religion

...and you refer to those who are a big part of the problem

wft, dude?

arent you a real smart scientific dentist kinda guy?

btw...i AM troubled...and i never said i wasnt

and troubled, not only by the crazy extremists in religion

and the possibility of a worse kind of world war than ever before

but by the extremists who ignorantly paint all religion with the same brush

and what that kind of crap does to people when believed

i am troubled by the way guys like you who reduce reduce reduce the problem to thought-stopping sound-bites...while denouncing religious idiots for doing the same

and to be clear...i was addressing your alarmism towards all religion due to the lunatics

if you cant see that...there is no way in hell you even read what i wrote

and i am sorry as hell for even attempting to help

the way you respond...you seem to have some pre-determined ideology

and are not interested in hearing otherwise

and so i hafta say, that i hope no one buys into your crass reductionism

because there are some positive things trying to happen in the world within religious communities

and by courageous folks who actually live in israel and the middle east and other parts of the world

who are not as concerned about whether they get their beers on a sunday morning

repeat after me...not all religion is radical fundamentalism

not all religion is radical fundamentalism

not all religion is radical fundamentalism

Edited by sirguessalot
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Oh, not a whole lot, I guess. So is everything going Ok for you? The economy is doing fine and unemployment is low. I try to keep in mind that things could always be worse. In my case, MUCH worse as things are pretty good. But in a lot of the world, things aren't going very well at all (people are being slaughtered actually in Darfur) and the prime reason is because of religious differences. Nearly always... religious differences. Heck, even within a given religion like Christianity it was Catholic vs Protestant in Europe. And with Muslims Sunni vs Shiite.

So I vacillate. On the one hand religion gives hope and assurances but on the other it makes folks kill others or the very least make people live as one religion dictates. And what riled me up this time?? The fact that a mainstream religion is now joining the fray of the radical religions by demanding legal action and "respect" from secular sources. The Catholic church. Umph umph umph.

And folks here at the Greasespot want to argue with me over it.

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As a writer/scholar with my own opinions concerning the origins of Christianity, I find Arinze's views unsettling as well. What's next - setting a bounty on any writer or scholar's head for writing something "The Church" disagrees? (recall Salmon Rushdie a few years ago).

However - the fact that this man did not become Pope may also suggest that cooler heads in the Roman Catholic Church prevailed.


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I, for one, think there should be a fatwa placed on the head of Dan Brown.


Seriously, there was a story a few days ago put out by the AP that said that the Vatican excommunicated four Chinese Catholic bishops without process. The actual statement is here.

Bottom line: the news media got it wrong...a slight little detail (which is FAR too "inside baseball" to try bothering to explain here) that completely turned the accurate story on its head.

I'd love to read the entire interview. Because the only quote given in the story that says something about "legal action" is here: Sometimes it is our duty to do something practical. So it is not I who will tell all Christians what to do but some know legal means which can be taken in order to get the other person to respect the rights of others,"

Now, with respect to Sudo and the rest of you, I read that saying that he is advocating that Christians take some kind of action that is within the bounds of the law ("legal means" versus "illegal means") to show their displeasure at the film being produced.

Sounds like an Reuters reporter who either got his panties in a jam or simply got it wrong when writing the headline.

However, I'd repeat: I would love to see the whole transcript, so that I know what was actually said and the context in which it was said.

Of course, it's far easier and more fun to bash the Church.

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  allan w. said:
I dunno Sudo...the first world war, second ww, Vietnam, Korean wars, Iraq even, were not caused because of religion ?? Religion is used as a 'scapegoat' sometimes me thinks.

Could be, however Northern Ireland is to be a handy example; as does Kosovo.

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I agree with you that there are reaons other than religious differences for people to slaughter each other. But religion is right up there as a main culprit. Heck, we don't even get that much reported here on some of the lessor known skirmishes. Didja' ever here of the Sikhs and Hindus in India killing each other? This is over and beyond the Hindu vs Muslim killings. Yep.. lots of killing done in the name of religion and as I stated in my first post... I was almost convinced the Muslims were the worst in this regard. Shoot.. they are amateurs compared to the Christians of the Inquisition era. Boiling oil... now THAT'S a way to torture!!

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