4. The fourth would be how it all ways seem to rain at the Rock of Ages.
Matthew 5:45 ---
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Hmmmmm. Either the *just* were at the ROA, or the *unjust* were ----------------
But if BOTH were there, it just (biblically) had to rain all the time!! ;) ;) ;)
David, remember that we, under Craig, were "reproved" for the rain when it happened at the Rock. :)
I can spot them all now. It's sad that I didn't jump at them then, but now I'm stronger to recognize and acknowledge those things when they happen now. Hopefully, I recognize them sooner but also don't jump just because something doesn't "seem" right thereby missing out on something. There's defnitely a balance between being cautious and being skittish and I'm not always sure where that balance is sometimes.
I read somewhere that August is the rainiest season in Ohio. So that's when we had the ROA. And then we were responsible for it raining in the rainiest season.
Or how about in the corps when we had to go to a class called christian (I don't remember the second word). D@ve Bed@rd taught the class (15th corps) and all he did was scream for 2 solid hours belittling anyone that he picked to try and do his little skits or problems he had made up for us that day. You eneded up FEARING going to that class.
Of course there was Michae* F#rt. He really did not rip an indvidule apart for the most part. He just liked screaming at the whole group on how effed up everyone was in the group he was talking to.
Two things that really bothered me but I "meekly" ignored. I mean, these things kept me up at night:
Tithing. Old Testament is supposed to be for our learning. We're in a different administration, yet tithing was LAW. There was very little law taken from the Old Testament, we may have ignored the ten commandments but the part about giving TWI our money was LAW.
In Christian Family and Sex VPW refuses to answer the "is adultry wrong" question. That's a no brainer and any minister shouldn't have any trouble answering that question. VPW dances around it.
Those aren't hints, they are flaming problems that I reasoned away to the point that I convinced myself that Satan himself put those doubts in my head.
When ROA got cancelled without any real explanation. It went to "All Roads Lead to the Rock" to What Rock?
When Eve became a Lesbian.
When we had to re-take the "new" advanced class, using up money and vacation time from work.
When my twig coordinator asked for a copy of my tax return. Yes, this happened.
When we had to fill out weekly schedules to "plan the adversary out of our lives" and then report back how well we stuck to our schedules. And when I was faxing them in from work.
When good people were being M&A'd for not selling their homes.
When a highly trained spiritual leader tells you (and believes it) that dust on top of a refrigerator is a direct reflection upon a woman's genital hygiene.
When a spiritual leader comes to town to set things straight and the first thing he does is try to do is boff your girlfriend.
When using a string to line up folding chairs within 1/16 of an inch is considered a spiritual necessity.
When you faithfully give 10-15 percent of your income and then the 3 cent styrofoam coffee cup you get after a meeting has bite marks in it.
4. The fourth would be how it all ways seem to rain at the Rock of Ages.
Was there more yes but I leave them for others to name because we all missed hints that the way was not a place of love and truth.
Thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
This is the same as TWI, they at the end looked to the world for signs of being correct. The rain, snow, sleet or anything else could have fallen but it doesn't mean a damn thing.
P.S. My dad went to one and it was bright sunshine day
P.S. My dad went to one and it was bright sunshine day
ROA's were a weekend long in the beginning, and became a week long later on. A bit longer than "a day", sunshiney or not.
Yeah, what Roy said
Regarding your new signature, you've demonstrated that you know little about what Mr. Wierwille taught, and that you lack the ability to intelligently discuss any of it...so what I think is that your signature is an attempt to p*ss people off.
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Hmmmmm. Either the *just* were at the ROA, or the *unjust* were ----------------
But if BOTH were there, it just (biblically) had to rain all the time!! ;) ;) ;)
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God first
Beloved DMiller
God loves you my dear friend
Yes it had to rain a lot when I was there
True or Fiction
Because of it being so dark and rainly at the Way Ministry the Way believers are praying for a second Sun to be created by their leader
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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We missed all kinds of red flags, didn't we, Roy?
David, remember that we, under Craig, were "reproved" for the rain when it happened at the Rock. :)
I can spot them all now. It's sad that I didn't jump at them then, but now I'm stronger to recognize and acknowledge those things when they happen now. Hopefully, I recognize them sooner but also don't jump just because something doesn't "seem" right thereby missing out on something. There's defnitely a balance between being cautious and being skittish and I'm not always sure where that balance is sometimes.
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God first
Beloved Belle
God loves you my dear friend
Yes we did "missed all kinds of red flags?
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I read somewhere that August is the rainiest season in Ohio. So that's when we had the ROA. And then we were responsible for it raining in the rainiest season.
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And back to "hints"...
Maybe when our branch leaders punished us for not giving the branch leader a good enough surprise birthday party.
Gee, maybe it was when branch leader's wife said in a meeting, "And I don't want So and So to not show up because of that "damn baby."
Maybe it was when the branch leader and wife encouraged a WOW to have an abortion and go into the Corps instead of marry the father, which she wanted.
Maybe it was when I got reproved for bringing crackers instead of cookies and my branch leader told us crackers or cookies.
Yeah, well, the list goes on.....
Oh and the biggie....Maybe it was when the President of the Way International was dancing around in tights.
That was a clue.
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God first
Beloved outandabout
God loves you my dear friend
I like that hint "maybe it was when the President of the Way International was dancing around in tights."
that got to be number one hint so far
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
how about when "Merry Christmas" went out the door and household holidays came in? what bunk!
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Or how about in the corps when we had to go to a class called christian (I don't remember the second word). D@ve Bed@rd taught the class (15th corps) and all he did was scream for 2 solid hours belittling anyone that he picked to try and do his little skits or problems he had made up for us that day. You eneded up FEARING going to that class.
Of course there was Michae* F#rt. He really did not rip an indvidule apart for the most part. He just liked screaming at the whole group on how effed up everyone was in the group he was talking to.
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It was Christian Communications.
"There I was.........."
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That's it outandabout. Thanks :)
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God first
Beloved coolchef, justloafing, and outandabout
God loves you all my dear friends
Yes "when "Merry Christmas" went out the door and household holidays came in? what bunk! "
I glad I was not Corp and had to set through clases like "Christian Communications"
all that yelling would of gave me bad hearing
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Georgio Jessio
Two things that really bothered me but I "meekly" ignored. I mean, these things kept me up at night:
Tithing. Old Testament is supposed to be for our learning. We're in a different administration, yet tithing was LAW. There was very little law taken from the Old Testament, we may have ignored the ten commandments but the part about giving TWI our money was LAW.
In Christian Family and Sex VPW refuses to answer the "is adultry wrong" question. That's a no brainer and any minister shouldn't have any trouble answering that question. VPW dances around it.
Those aren't hints, they are flaming problems that I reasoned away to the point that I convinced myself that Satan himself put those doubts in my head.
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God first
Beloved Georgio Jessio
God loves you my dear friends
I like that you called them "flaming problems "
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Red flags I missed:
When ROA got cancelled without any real explanation. It went to "All Roads Lead to the Rock" to What Rock?
When Eve became a Lesbian.
When we had to re-take the "new" advanced class, using up money and vacation time from work.
When my twig coordinator asked for a copy of my tax return. Yes, this happened.
When we had to fill out weekly schedules to "plan the adversary out of our lives" and then report back how well we stuck to our schedules. And when I was faxing them in from work.
When good people were being M&A'd for not selling their homes.
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God first
Beloved outintexas
God loves you my dear friend
Yes when they "asked for a copy of your tax return" was a hint something was wrong
I heard of them asking to see believers bank records too
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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How about ......
When a highly trained spiritual leader tells you (and believes it) that dust on top of a refrigerator is a direct reflection upon a woman's genital hygiene.
When a spiritual leader comes to town to set things straight and the first thing he does is try to do is boff your girlfriend.
When using a string to line up folding chairs within 1/16 of an inch is considered a spiritual necessity.
When you faithfully give 10-15 percent of your income and then the 3 cent styrofoam coffee cup you get after a meeting has bite marks in it.
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God first
Beloved Goey
God loves you my dear friend
I like this one "using a string to line up folding chairs within 1/16 of an inch is considered a spiritual necessity"
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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"When you faithfully give 10-15 percent of your income and then the 3 cent styrofoam coffee cup you get after a meeting has bite marks in it".
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God first
Beloved outandabout
God loves you my dear friend
thank you yes I like that too
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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This is the same as TWI, they at the end looked to the world for signs of being correct. The rain, snow, sleet or anything else could have fallen but it doesn't mean a damn thing.
P.S. My dad went to one and it was bright sunshine day
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God first
Beloved ckmkeon
God loves you my dear friend
Lighten up my dear friend
We are just having fun with things that might or might not been hints
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Thank God for Grease Spot Cafe
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Edited by ckmkeonLink to comment
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Yeah, what Roy said
Regarding your new signature, you've demonstrated that you know little about what Mr. Wierwille taught, and that you lack the ability to intelligently discuss any of it...so what I think is that your signature is an attempt to p*ss people off.
Edited by OakspearLink to comment
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