I think I'll start going to Geo for confession now. Speaking of which that comment.....ha ha ha ha.
What are you trying to say, what you did say caught me off guard. (I liked that Raf)
I've made the comment Oak said many times. A person will define themselves and thus reap the rewards or the crap that will follow.
Why do we hound people who will not change their minds....because it's fun! (I can see this one being repeated)
Interesting about people's forms of communication and I think Sudo's voice is delightful.
Wordsmiths have power! New tag line perhaps?
I will say this please. As this was playing hubby walked thru and I hollered to him above the voices that is Geo or that is Sudo and on....it was very kewl!
Everyone at greasespot is a product of the way. There is something in all of us that we are all alike in that way. (I love this Raf!)
I love that it was discussed about not flaming someone over their saying they received positive things. And the definition between it being someone saying it in our face and someone added it because it was part of their journey to wellness in some way.
Sudo being cut off at the punch line....ha ha ha ha
I've just listened to the first 20 minutes and I wish I could stay and hear the rest! This is really good stuff.
I always love to hear sudo and paw speak. I love accents and dialects. I was especially taken with what oak said about people having good minds, just not exercising them. I'll definitely have to think on that some more, as well as paw's comment about critical thinking. And Raf, I always read your posts - you always seem to have something worthwhile to say.
I respect each of the 5 of you - what a treat to hear you all laughing together.
George - A special thank you for not farting as obviously and loudly as you could during this first one-third of the discussion. I, for one, appreciate that.
I understand you totaly. It felt good to hear someone from my period of time.
Im proud of your decision to make the best out of your life. Altho, I found some of the comments about going back in 90 kind of snide, thats ok, because we know the deep things that caused us to stay and working thru those deeps things has given us more freedom.
Paw, what a wonderful idea to have roundtables with both men and women. Hearing the ladies chat (as well as the interviews with ladies) and then the men chat (as well as Raf’s interview of you) was quite enlightening. Again was reminded on the Mars and Venus mind sets, which I really enjoyed. The men focused on an analytical view, while the women approached it from an emotional or feelings point of view.
Interesting to listen to the view of the hurt (for lack of a better word) inflicted by twi. The men brought up that vpw was a con man, a predator. It seemed the hurt some experienced was to their pride and ego in having been “duped” by the con man. Where as some women felt “betrayed” because their trust in confidence in people was corroded.
As what attracted people to twi, the women note the “love”, the friendships and fellowships were the sweetest part of their twi time. Men noted the “grace” to sleep with anyone or the license to do whatever the he11 you want as long as you held to the “correct” beliefs.
In the men’s a comment indicated it is “fun” to pick on those they disagree with, whereas the women noted a need to “play nice, and watch your tone”.
Not saying one side is right, the other wrong, just different perceptions and points of view. The differences are both interesting and enlightening. Was eye-opening and educational to me.
Another interesting note, not to justify, or excuse, just to note. Something to think about, ponder. It is in reference to vpw being a con-man, gaining your confidence by appearing to be a nice person, while his wife noted at his funeral that he was mean, and Dean Don never making any bones about the fact that he and his father did not get along well.
Remember well an office management seminar my husband and I attended where the need to put on the “show time” face when you walk through the office door was discussed. No matter if the kids are being unruly and driving you nuts at home, or were sick and kept you up all night, when you walk into the office, you leave all that behind concentrate on making the office (according to our practice philosophy) a warm and caring place for our team and a comfortable environment for our patients. Then, the reverse is true also, when we get home, we kick off our shoes, and relax, and take the office hat off. Unfortunately, at times that means that we are nicer to people in public than we are in private. Inside the family, we know the good, the bad, and the ugly of each other quite well. It’s been quite funny when we have been out as a family, and run into people we know from work, and they tell our children how fortunate they are to have wonderful parents like us. Your dad is so and so, and your mother so and so. And the kids may look at them like they are crazy and make a comment like, are we talking about the same people? All this is to point out that it’s not so surprising that vpw’s twi (office) face was different from his face at home. Again, not justifing, or excusing, just something I thought about.
My opinion of him has eroded based on new information, but I don’t think he was entirely evil and devoid of care and love for the people in twi. To me, he was a good teacher, and taught much truth as well as error. I remain thankful for the truth I learned from him.
Interesting chat guys and even if I don't agree with all that was said I love that we have the freedom to speak it. And that we allow others to speak their minds as well, even if not what we may personally believe.
And I must add here a note to Rosie while she listens. You seem to evade some of the major blame around this board. And understandably so because most folks don't know how much was YOU behind the scenes making sure that VP and Craig got the limelight and all the kudos or blame one for it. You're a piece of work Rosie. But some of us know your evil ways and I don't mean the funky sexy kind Jimi Hendrix sang of either. But guess what Rosie dear.....God knows and that's who counts. I do hope you prepare yourself.
For the record, I never meant it was fun to "pick on" those I disagree with. I meant it was fun to carry on conversations with no sense of any ability to change the other person's mind. I try not to "pick on" anyone, but I will endlessly state that, you know, there was a Final Solution ordered by Hitler and he killed six million Jews. If you view that as "picking on" Holocaust deniers, then I'm guilty as charged, but I don't see it that way.
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fabio, you're such a tease!!!
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Ooohhh, can't wait!!!
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We'll have to. ;)
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Here is a preview.
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Echo, echoo, echooo, echoooo!!!!

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Oh fun, can't wait............ :)
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Paw --
A small favor to ask of you - if you can -
Can you post the approx. time of the episodes will take to listen to?
I'm asking because I can never tell if I'm going to have a full ten minutes to listen to something, or just five!
The men, huh?
So, is this going to be some Full Monty thing?
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The episode should be up soon.
Please excuse the first 3-4 minutes. There is some unexpected disintegration. And again around the 30 minute mark.
Chas this one clocks in at 58:37
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I think I'll start going to Geo for confession now. Speaking of which that comment.....ha ha ha ha.
What are you trying to say, what you did say caught me off guard. (I liked that Raf)
I've made the comment Oak said many times. A person will define themselves and thus reap the rewards or the crap that will follow.
Why do we hound people who will not change their minds....because it's fun! (I can see this one being repeated)
Interesting about people's forms of communication and I think Sudo's voice is delightful.
Wordsmiths have power! New tag line perhaps?
I will say this please. As this was playing hubby walked thru and I hollered to him above the voices that is Geo or that is Sudo and on....it was very kewl!
Everyone at greasespot is a product of the way. There is something in all of us that we are all alike in that way. (I love this Raf!)
I love that it was discussed about not flaming someone over their saying they received positive things. And the definition between it being someone saying it in our face and someone added it because it was part of their journey to wellness in some way.
Sudo being cut off at the punch line....ha ha ha ha
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I've just listened to the first 20 minutes and I wish I could stay and hear the rest! This is really good stuff.
I always love to hear sudo and paw speak. I love accents and dialects. I was especially taken with what oak said about people having good minds, just not exercising them. I'll definitely have to think on that some more, as well as paw's comment about critical thinking. And Raf, I always read your posts - you always seem to have something worthwhile to say.
I respect each of the 5 of you - what a treat to hear you all laughing together.
George - A special thank you for not farting as obviously and loudly as you could during this first one-third of the discussion. I, for one, appreciate that.
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Is anyone having trouble hearing anyone other than Paw? At least at the beginning?
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Yeah, but he said that would happen.
Awesome roundtable, Men! I hope it's not over! Please tell me there's more!!
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Great job.! :)
Sounded fine to me after the first minute or so.
Sudo musta *missed the rev* to NOT tell that joke!

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Here is part two of Episode 5
Episode 5 part 2
At about the 30 mnute mark there is some disintegration of the sound for a minute or two.
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we had very similiar times in TWI......
I understand you totaly. It felt good to hear someone from my period of time.
Im proud of your decision to make the best out of your life. Altho, I found some of the comments about going back in 90 kind of snide, thats ok, because we know the deep things that caused us to stay and working thru those deeps things has given us more freedom.
good job guy's
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Paw, what a wonderful idea to have roundtables with both men and women. Hearing the ladies chat (as well as the interviews with ladies) and then the men chat (as well as Raf’s interview of you) was quite enlightening. Again was reminded on the Mars and Venus mind sets, which I really enjoyed. The men focused on an analytical view, while the women approached it from an emotional or feelings point of view.
Interesting to listen to the view of the hurt (for lack of a better word) inflicted by twi. The men brought up that vpw was a con man, a predator. It seemed the hurt some experienced was to their pride and ego in having been “duped” by the con man. Where as some women felt “betrayed” because their trust in confidence in people was corroded.
As what attracted people to twi, the women note the “love”, the friendships and fellowships were the sweetest part of their twi time. Men noted the “grace” to sleep with anyone or the license to do whatever the he11 you want as long as you held to the “correct” beliefs.
In the men’s a comment indicated it is “fun” to pick on those they disagree with, whereas the women noted a need to “play nice, and watch your tone”.
Not saying one side is right, the other wrong, just different perceptions and points of view. The differences are both interesting and enlightening. Was eye-opening and educational to me.
Keep the episodes coming - they are wonderful.
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Another interesting note, not to justify, or excuse, just to note. Something to think about, ponder. It is in reference to vpw being a con-man, gaining your confidence by appearing to be a nice person, while his wife noted at his funeral that he was mean, and Dean Don never making any bones about the fact that he and his father did not get along well.
Remember well an office management seminar my husband and I attended where the need to put on the “show time” face when you walk through the office door was discussed. No matter if the kids are being unruly and driving you nuts at home, or were sick and kept you up all night, when you walk into the office, you leave all that behind concentrate on making the office (according to our practice philosophy) a warm and caring place for our team and a comfortable environment for our patients. Then, the reverse is true also, when we get home, we kick off our shoes, and relax, and take the office hat off. Unfortunately, at times that means that we are nicer to people in public than we are in private. Inside the family, we know the good, the bad, and the ugly of each other quite well. It’s been quite funny when we have been out as a family, and run into people we know from work, and they tell our children how fortunate they are to have wonderful parents like us. Your dad is so and so, and your mother so and so. And the kids may look at them like they are crazy and make a comment like, are we talking about the same people? All this is to point out that it’s not so surprising that vpw’s twi (office) face was different from his face at home. Again, not justifing, or excusing, just something I thought about.
My opinion of him has eroded based on new information, but I don’t think he was entirely evil and devoid of care and love for the people in twi. To me, he was a good teacher, and taught much truth as well as error. I remain thankful for the truth I learned from him.
Just my personal thoughts,
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Interesting chat guys and even if I don't agree with all that was said I love that we have the freedom to speak it. And that we allow others to speak their minds as well, even if not what we may personally believe.
And I must add here a note to Rosie while she listens. You seem to evade some of the major blame around this board. And understandably so because most folks don't know how much was YOU behind the scenes making sure that VP and Craig got the limelight and all the kudos or blame one for it. You're a piece of work Rosie. But some of us know your evil ways and I don't mean the funky sexy kind Jimi Hendrix sang of either. But guess what Rosie dear.....God knows and that's who counts. I do hope you prepare yourself.
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For the record, I never meant it was fun to "pick on" those I disagree with. I meant it was fun to carry on conversations with no sense of any ability to change the other person's mind. I try not to "pick on" anyone, but I will endlessly state that, you know, there was a Final Solution ordered by Hitler and he killed six million Jews. If you view that as "picking on" Holocaust deniers, then I'm guilty as charged, but I don't see it that way.
Just clarifying.
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