i might like to see what it's like, just out of curiousity, but never to "go back." been there, stopped doing that.
are they going to publicly apologize? give me retroactive pay? cut me in on the tapes they sold with my music on them? refund the abundant sharing they coerced out of me? i'd welcome a chance to get that!
No, absolutely no interest in going back..............no matter how much they say they might have changed. I've had enough meetings to last me a lifetime........
No, I am happy where I am at. I don't have to clean my house, buy a .... (ooopps) load of toilet paper... bake (or think of what to serve), find someone to watch my childen for the leadership meetings you had to go to on top of the 3-4 times you met. I am amazed my husband and I did this for so long. NO, No, NO!!! I have found the balance. Praise God. I will worship at the church of my choice, and invite those I want to my home. And I will do the above things when I choose, to please My family. Do I have regrets? No. Do I blame anyone? No. These were my choices at the time.. Do I forgive and forget those who may have hurt me, YES!!!!!! I am happy.......
Well... we didgo back after bumping into a very enthusiastic woman. She let us know how WONDERFUL everything was, how the Ministry had changed... Full of love and tenderness~
We went to a few fellowships... and the claws came OUT I'll tell you. It was the most horrible thing I've ever experienced. We were being WATCHED! Under a microscope I believe. This was the necessary treatment for those that had left, you understand ... We were grilled, and others were too. Let's see, that was back in the mid 90's...
Now they've changed again? I don't know... maybe I'll call my friend there... see if I get through, and if this stuff is really true
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sprawled out
i might like to see what it's like, just out of curiousity, but never to "go back." been there, stopped doing that.
are they going to publicly apologize? give me retroactive pay? cut me in on the tapes they sold with my music on them? refund the abundant sharing they coerced out of me? i'd welcome a chance to get that!
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I believe that twi is an abusive spiritually unhealthy place to be.
I do not think that anything that they have to offer would be worth the price one would have to pay to be a member in good standing.
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I'd got to a TWIG meeting to check it out, but leave the LDS Church -NOt hardly :)
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No, absolutely no interest in going back..............no matter how much they say they might have changed. I've had enough meetings to last me a lifetime........
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Haveta say no - The Way no longer offers anything in which I'd be interested.
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Not NO, but
HE11 NO!!!
Not on your life
Nothing doing
No way
No how
No sir
Not a chance
Not even if he11 freezes over!
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Yes - under MY terms though:
They return my Red Cape of Believing.
I'm allowed to wear a Renewed Mind in Manifestation Helmet [sporting my own patented modifications].
I will be allowed to have a book cover on my Bible with the words "VPW is not Jesus Christ"
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Nope -- Never
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No, but, uh...thanks for asking.
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Only if they paid me a gazillion dollars.
Uh, come to think of it.....not even that.
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Not if they offered me the golden idol.
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This dog does not come back to his vomit.
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Would I have to go door-to-door witnessing?
Sit in the mud in an Ohio cornfield?
Fight to stay awake during 20 more PFAL aka WAP classes?
Listen to more fractured Greek teachings?
Believe that Ephesians 6 is really an athletic metaphor?
Give 15% so God might spit in my direction?
Stop reading Greasespot?
Umm, No.
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I would only return if they fired Rosalie and offered the presidency to Raf...
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allan w.
Knowing some of the people (and I use that term loosely) that have been put into leadership positions at HQ ?? HEEEEELLLL NO
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Now that's just funny.
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I've moved so far from their doctrine that even if they were "nice", there'd be nothing there for me
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Tom Strange
now maybe if they did that!
...but probably not... I'm not too good at remembering to put cover sheets on my TPS reports...
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No, I am happy where I am at. I don't have to clean my house, buy a .... (ooopps) load of toilet paper... bake (or think of what to serve), find someone to watch my childen for the leadership meetings you had to go to on top of the 3-4 times you met. I am amazed my husband and I did this for so long. NO, No, NO!!! I have found the balance. Praise God. I will worship at the church of my choice, and invite those I want to my home. And I will do the above things when I choose, to please My family. Do I have regrets? No. Do I blame anyone? No. These were my choices at the time.. Do I forgive and forget those who may have hurt me, YES!!!!!!
I am happy....... 

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Well... we did go back after bumping into a very enthusiastic woman. She let us know how WONDERFUL everything was, how the Ministry had changed... Full of love and tenderness~
We went to a few fellowships... and the claws came OUT I'll tell you. It was the most horrible thing I've ever experienced. We were being WATCHED! Under a microscope I believe. This was the necessary treatment for those that had left, you understand
... We were grilled, and others were too. Let's see, that was back in the mid 90's...
Now they've changed again? I don't know... maybe I'll call my friend there... see if I get through, and if this stuff is really true
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um, i'm in agreement with allan w. i can't believe it myself, but there ya go. Life is stranger than fiction
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God first
Beloved shortfuse
God loves you my dear friend
would I go to head quaters No I see no need to travel that far
But if ask to go to trig and they did not know I was once in I go
I look forward to hearing SIT or prophecy and if they call for any one to give SIT or prophecy
I jump up fast to give it
If they ask me how I learn to do it I tell them I was once in your cult but I out grow it but I still love and care for you all
Than I ask them if I am still welcome there
because I believe they do not do a background check when wittness before they ask you to come over for trig
And they do not ask I would not tell them but if they did I tell them but not until they ask me
It might be fun
Maybe I would not get kick out the second time
O I can not fool myself they call head quaters to see what to do about me no matter how loving I am to them
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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After an abscence of (about ) 8 years, I did go back and briefly checked out twig again.
It was ok at first, but ended up worse than before.
I think I lasted about 3, maybe 4 weeks -- then gave it up as useless.
Twig wasn't *teaching and fellowship* anymore, nor was Bible the focus.
Twig consisted of folks confessing their *sins* to each other ---
Marital spats --- (I'm the MAN OF THE HOUSE - LISTEN TO ME!) ---
The *leader* confronting various folks there, about things they had done.
I brought my bible each time -- and it gathered more dust there, than at home. :(
So -- if they've changed -- good for them. :) (I hope they do - for the follower's sake).
But as for me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Once bitten, twice shy."
3rd time is NOT an option.
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