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Result from Washington's Smoking Ban


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I don't know what you think about the smoking bans put in place recently, but I think this example takes it a bit too far!

A group of elderly and disabled cigarette lovers say Washington's smoking ban has become extremely hazardous to their health.

Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne found them dodging traffic in wheelchairs and walkers. Folks are starting to get used to seeing "no-smoking" signs at bars, restaurants and public buildings. But, what happens when a nursing home bans smoking without making any accommodations for residents?

Crossing the street in front of the Bremerton Health and Rehabilitation Center is not for the faint of heart, but that's exactly where we found the faint of heart traveling.

No matter their disability, if residents like Donald Pike want to smoke, the center told them they have to leave the property.


We videotaped disabled residents limping, shuffling, even creeping their wheelchairs into the road with no staff around to help. One man nearly fell. Another disabled smoker couldn't do anything but watch.

“It's scary and especially if it rains, if we have a little snow, somebody could slip and fall and hurt themselves just to have a cigarette,” said one resident who was in a wheelchair.


“I didn't believe it at first. I thought they were joking, but it was true. You're asking people who are already at risk for a fall, whose mobility is impaired, to go through the obstacle of walking hundreds of feet on unleveled terrain, over a curb, then across a real business street?”


Resident David Olguin says that’s too far and too treacherous a journey for most.

“They go pretty slow on that hill. The cars go pretty fast. One of them is going to get run over,” Olguin said.

Administrators here were camera shy, but told us disabled residents didn't have to cross the street; it was just a suggestion. They admit, however, they want residents to quit smoking and won't permit the bad habit on nursing home property any longer.

Our videotape proves that owners of the nursing home don't have any trouble asking residents, already in frail health, to stand in the rain and cold weather to light up.

(remainder snipped)

Source: KIRO TV

They will work to improve your health even if it kills you!!!

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Haven't kept up with the smoking bans since I don't smoke, but this does seem too far!

There has always been a negative feel about nursing homes in my mind. Having worked in one many years ago, the general atmosphere was that of 'hurry up and get the work done'. Very little compassion for the old folks. A very sad situation for all of them there. Seems to be the same negative attitude prevailing.

When a place bans smoking, is this indoors and out now? Where would someone smoke?

I can see indoors or in places where one couldn't get away from the smoke if they didn't want to breath it in... :confused:

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