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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. Bramble, I believe there are Dark Monkey Spirits called Animal spirits...but now I'm confused...animal spirits, but aren't monkey's animals?? I will be SIM for Mittens to keep his Mitts off your lovely family of very large AmazingSeaMonkeys!!! I feel the love I be the love I live the love No dark monkeys here!!!!!!!!!! '...May the Monkey be unbroken...' let's all sing ... come on .. join in... sway with me!!!!
  2. Brother Jonny, So glad I have you to straighten me out on my path to more AmazingSeaMonkeys!!! Darth Vader??? :o--> May the force of the AmazingSeaMonkeys be with me. --> I will feel the love, I will be the love, I will live the love. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
  3. Brother Lingo, Your message sounds creepy Paper clip, A(underscore)counterfeit(underscore)OldLeaderMonkey.jpg(I know this stands for J-peg but have no idea what that is -->)(3 Kilobites, Pending Moderation ~ confused again -->)
  4. Brother Lingo, Any packs with the words MALPACK written on them? Those are the packs filled with goodness. Feel the love, Be the love, Live the love. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! All that goodness makes me feels just like when I eat a great big chocolat bar! My favourites... Coffee Crisp :D--> :D--> :D--> Crunchies :D--> :D--> Kit Kat :D-->
  5. Brother Strange, You Spiritual perception and awareness never ceases to Amaze me! OOOPs, I made a mistake...it was Brother Steve not Brother Strange who decoded Brother Raf's name. No offense Brother Strange. I am sure your in-depth perception and awareness is just as in tune. :D--> Do you OLM's use decoder rings ???
  6. Dam those DM SCUM's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE AMAZINGSEAMONKEYS with their MALPACKs will prevail!!!! Feeling an AmazingSeaMonkey group hug coming on ... (((((((((((Everyone Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzeeeeeeeeeee))))))))
  7. Socks, So much information ... this little brain is finding it difficult to digest all of it. --> OK, aaahhhuuummm... let me see. The first thing that stood out was the 1) Snappy Tom Martini Mix Could this have something to do with our Amazingmonkeybrother BrotherTomStrange? I can't believe it would or could. I'm feeling the love, being the love and living the love and everything inside me is saying "NO"!!!! 2) What is the government hiding? Now that's a tough one. I'm no good at conspiracy theories, tho' I was involved in an outfit where the leader was always going on about this conspiracy or other. Socks, did the word 'malpack' show up in any of those documents you were privy too? I'm keeping my spy glasses on and of course, I'm feeling the love, being the love and seeing the love. Those AmazingSeaMonkeys are with me as I type! Dam, the wrist bands are missing! What shall we do? Now, I thought that real MOW's wore RED wristbands and not BLUE? Perhaps this would be a way of distinguishing the genuine MOW's from the counterfeit ones? It could be all in the colour!!! I'm SIM for this whole thing to be revealed unto us!!!!
  8. Dot, How's come you wrote Tom Strange twice? Is there a Tom Strange I and a Tom Strange II? Is this possible? --> Derailing again ... je m'excuse. :(-->
  9. We were Scammed... You came back!!! :D--> Nice to have you again. I was just thinking of you today and wonderin' where you went? Glad you decided to pop in! Sorry to derail.
  10. Bramble, You gotta love those makeovers! You must be an incredible AMAZINGMONKEYKEEPER... they feel the love you give Bramble and are prospering right before your eyes! Wrist bands.. oh my god.. Mr.Strange.. where do the thoughts come from? Brother Lingo, Thank you for including me in your ranks of OLM. I'm honoured! :D-->
  11. Amazing!!!!!!SisterBramble Welcome to the home of AmazingSeaMonkeyLove!!! So nice to have you with us... Feel the love, Be the love, Live the love. Was wonderful sharing SeaMonkey stories with you last night in chat. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sarah ... another one who hails from Canadia...(That was for BrotherStrange). :P--> How was the sleepover??? Cucumbers and all. :D--> ((((SeaMonkeyhugsforyouSisterBramble))))
  12. Socks, Please forgive me BrotherSocks :(--> I did not see this in your post last I read it. So glad you are enjoying the AmazingMonkeyTunes(AMT) 'May The Monkey Be Unbroken' ... that's my theme song for this thread! I feel the love I live the love I be the love
  13. OK, Here's my take on the PB thing. I love PB and dates. You take a whole date(unpitted is best) and dip it in the PB jar. Yum yum yum. And, by the way, I love PB that is freshly ground rather than the 'Jiffy' type. :P-->
  14. Brotherlingo, Is the line 'Napalm' in the morning? Glad you are enjoying your sheetrockin' days. You should write a song Brotherlingo...a hymn perhaps about your sheetrockin' time? It could be filled with references to Monkeys and living, feeling and being the love. A certain calm has just come over me thinking of it. :)-->
  15. Amazing Brotherlingo Dancing and drinking with Canadian woman!! :D--> Well it doesn't get much better than that does it! ;)--> Sounds like it was quite a night! And all smothered in the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!! Sheeshhh ... the dark monkey never had a chance with you did he Brotherlingo? You are a shining example of what this whole 'Living the love, feeling the love and knowing the love' is all about!' I'm so proud of you up there in Alaska with your sheetrock! Rock On!
  16. Hello my AmazingMonkeyBrethren I ran into an OLM in the chat room this evening and he directed me to a thread here on GS where he had posted a picture of a plastic Jesus Statuette (one of those ones that you can put on your dash board). OH MY GAAAWWWWWWWDDDD!!!!! Paul Newman ... I just figured it out.. he too is an OLM! How do I know you ask? 'Cause I remember him singing and playing a banjo in the movie...Cool Hand Luke. He sat on his bunk and sang... "I don't care if it rains or freezes s'long as I got my plastic Jesus, sittin' here on the dash board of my car Candies dandy but liquor's quicker, ..." That's all I remember. But I know he must be one. He must! Do the AmazingSeaMonkeys have plastic Jesus'? enquiring minds want and need to know .. in the parallel sense of the words of course. :P-->
  17. Did someone say 'Lovely Canadian Girls'? ;)-->
  18. It's Still The Word, I'm giggling here :D--> I can just hear it ... a soft stepford voice comes over the intercom system ... with that soft 'ding' at the beginning to get your attention with soul zapping WAYMUZAK playing in the background. Then a woman's voice announces oh so softly, "Attention all followers, it's time for your medication. Please meet at the front foyer of the Outreach Services Center for your daily dosage. God Bless You and thank you for working at The Way ... there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like ..." then it fades into the sounds of birds chirpin', bees buzzin' and lonely loon calls in the distance.
  19. I found the coolest website. I googled...Monkey songs and pop...up came all these AmazingSeaMonkey song titles. Those Little Monkeys have been around us all this time and we didn't even know it...I'm Feeling the love, Being the Love, Living the Love. and now... Hearing the love (woooooo-ooooooo) JesusFreaky...we might just have that PAAAAAARRRRTYYYY after all!!! I Fell Into a Burnin' Ring of Monkeys Up Against the Wall Redneck Monkey Stand By Your Monkey Cold Cold Monkey Foggy Monkey Breakdown Boots of Monkey Leather Monk the Knife Will the Monkey be Unbroken A Town without Monkeys Your Cheatin Monkey He Ain't Heavy He's My Monkey I've Got a Monkey on My Mind Musta Notta Gotta Lotta Monkey Last Night Honky Tonk Monkeys Monkey Sonata Rainy Days and Monkeys Always Get Me Down Sympathy for the Monkey My Monkey Thinks She's French Monkey Tonk Massquerade It's only Monkey to me LONDON HOMESICK MONKEY'S Blue Monkey Son of a Son of a Monkey A Monkey Looks at Forty Only Monkeys Bleed Love Struck Monkey Couldn't Stand The Monkey I Still Haven't Found The Monkey That I'm Looking For Where The Monkeys Have No Name It Wasn't God that Made Honkey Tonk Monkeys One Monkey Under a Groove you want ah monkey, i give you a donkey LONDON HOMESICK MONKEY Tie Your Monkey Down More Than a Monkey MONKEY DO Everybody Got Monkey Last Night Monkey Drugs My Monkey Thinks She's French (by Barbara Mandrill) Monkey Changes Everything The Big Rock Candy Monkey Just Another Manic Monkey HOW DO YOU SPELL LOVE? FOR THE LOVE OF MONKEY Ghost Monkeys in the Sky Monkey Honey Lipstick on your Monkey Brown Eyed Handsome Monkey 30 Monkeys over Tokyo Monkey Don't Monkeys Lifted Me Deck the Halls With Balls of Monkeys It's My Monkey and I'll Cry if I Want To Stormy Monkey Monkey can't buy me love THE BALAD OF J MONQUE'D Lord of the Monkey Down on the Monkey Monkey for Nothing The Monkey Side of the Street Dead Mans Monkey INA GODA DA MONKEY Somewhere Over The Monkey PLAY THAT MONKEY MUSIC,WHITE BOY I Fought The Monkey (And The Monkey Won) Monkey Wonderland I'm So Bored With The Monkey After The Monkey Has Gone Clash City Monkeys I'll Never Turn My Monkey Loose On You Mississippi Monkey Man Who's That Monkey? Monkey On The Range .... On The Monkey I Want To Monkey With You Dancing With My Monkey All Along The Monkey Cage MONKEY'S IN WHITE SATIN(a virtual monkey classic!) L. A. MONKEY Roll With It Monkey Get Up Offa That Monkey (A Don't Mess With My Monkey Fifty Ways to Leave Your Monkey Stand by your Monkey Shock The....ah, never mind! red, red monkeys Monkey Don't DIXIE MONKEY Songs In The Monkey Of Life Gimme monkey M-O-N-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Club Song It takes a big monkey to cry...so why do I feel so low? Monkey in the sky with diamonds.... Don't Mess With My Monkey I'm not your monkey... MONKEY THIS DAME TU MONKEY Let Your Monkey Come With Me! Born to Monkey MONKEY TONK BLUES MONKEY MAY I ? How Do You Spell Love? (M-O-N-K-E-Y) You Comb Her Monkey Onward Christian Monkey OH, all this music they have given us ...
  20. Dear BrotherStrange, You are correct ... I suppose I just got carried away with the thought of Grizz's possible hairy palms. --> I will Feel the love, Be the love, Live the love. Steve!, That was just a lie perpetrated by the monkey with the very large Forehead. He has been seen wearing tights occasionally but recently has been lying low in the Amazing Sea Monkey waters. Brother Lingo, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Grizz, I have a question? When you saw the message "Je joue avec des singes de garçons" appear in your dream, did you see the face of the Dark Monkey as well? You can scroll up and see the picture that was posted of the Dark Monkey by brother Lingo on page 11 of this thread (I'm sure there is a numerical significance of this number 11 and the Dark Monkey). If you did.. well brother Grizz I am pleading .. don't give in! So many needs, so little time -->
  22. Grizzy, You will know if the Dark Monkey has been after you...this is how you will figure it out. Check your palms. If they're hairy... you're in trouble. I'll SIM for you. This is a sad day for all OLMs around the world. :(-->
  23. I always felt that if the good leaders were treating people with goodness it was because they were NOT doing what they were told to do by the higher ups. Sooner or later they'd be sniffed out and given the TWI leadershi+ ultimatum... shape up or ship out.
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